• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Dear @Leongsam, I know I might be wrong, but I strongly suspect that you have finally BANNED your "dearest/beloved" @ginfreely...


... earlier this morning, after you deleted at least two (maybe even three) hundred of her posts yesterday:




The reason for my suspicion is the fact that she had been among the top 5 sammyboy.com members in terms of both posts and "positive reactions" for at least the past year; but since this morning, her moniker has disappeared from the list:

And as everyone can see, her number 4 position on the "Most messages" list is now occupied by my dearest @eatshitndie-sama!



But dear @Leongsam, I have one important question to ask you:

May I ask, for how long have you banned your "dearest/beloved" @ginfreely?
Or to be more precise, on which exact date have you decided to allow her to resume posting?


  • ginfreely last post on 27 March 2022.png
    ginfreely last post on 27 March 2022.png
    89.2 KB · Views: 2,182
  • sammyboy Notable members (as of 27 March 2022).png
    sammyboy Notable members (as of 27 March 2022).png
    112.7 KB · Views: 1,307


Yeah lah.... see u get fucked by blue camels is fun...

Saying this for yourself? Aren't you have also been doing the same? Fuck you.
Everyone does it... tiu ... u the worst copycat and yet have the audacity to bully people who don't agree with your narrative... go fuck more blue camels...


Everyone does it... tiu ... u the worst copycat and yet have the audacity to bully people who don't agree with your narrative... go fuck more blue camels...
Yeah lah.... see u get fucked by blue camels is fun...

Everyone does it (meaning including yourself) and yet you have your fucking thick-skinned cheek to say about Gin. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. You Fucking no-brain bastard contradicting yourself as expected. Reflect yourself in the mirror first before you say about others. YOU FUCKING BASTARD CHAO CHEE BYE CCP LOSER.

Fuck Combined.jpg
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Yeah lah.... see u get fucked by blue camels is fun...

Everyone does it (meaning including yourself) and yet you have your fucking thick-skinned cheek to say about Gin. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. You Fucking no-brain bastard contradicting yourself as expected. Reflect yourself in the mirror first before you say about others. YOU FUCKING BASTARD CHOA CHEE BYE CCP LOSER.

View attachment 139536
Poon pe pe


Keep copy and paste same shit is outrages and pollution bad for user experiences viewers...
That’s what sweetiepie aka cottonmouth aka glockman did all the time same evil filthy shit lies of Gansiokbin a virgin is a slut whore mistress. You selfish hypocrite see things on the surface no wonder suck ccp cock.


Thats just too bad because her hokkien history lesson opened up new angles to what transpired then.
Hey I want to complete my Hokkien lesson. You know what is hokkiens famous for since Qing time? Fighting and killing each other. You can go Google.