• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

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Serious Following @ginfreely's LOGIC of DEMANDING some people to SWEAR that they will "DIE a VIOLENT death" IF she is indeed a TRUE VIRGIN because they...


..."falsely accused" her of being a non-virgin; then to be FAIR, she should LEAD by EXAMPLE by SWEARING FIRST that if all her various accusations against them (e.g. of being "Cantonese" or "clones" or "Jeremy Quek", etc.) are FALSE, then SHE HERSELF will "DIE a VIOLENT death", right?

Both @ginfreely and her enemies/victims have been accusing each other of being various types of people; and even if we ignore the fact that she was the one who started falsely accusing some sammyboy.com members first back on "Sep 17, 2015" (over eight years ago!):
I think it should be very safe to say that even she will agree that she was the one who STARTED DEMANDING some members to SWEAR that they will "DIE a VIOLENT death", right?

She has sworn many times that she's a "virgin", but that's not enough because it's not fair, right?
For example, I've also sworn that I'm not "Jeremy Quek" (but I've only done it a few times, or maybe only twice, because I don't like to spam and I also don't have enough time and energy to spam); so may I also demand her to swear that I am "Jeremy Quek"?
If she's still not willing to swear that I am "Jeremy Quek", just like how she first refused to swear back on "May 2, 2022" (nearly two years ago) after I first swore that I'm not "Jeremy Quek":
then to be FAIR, she should also not demand me to swear that she's a non-virgin, right?

By the way, I have never clearly accused her of being a non-virgin (i.e. having lost 100% of her virginity due to full penetration of her vaginal canal by a man's erect penis), simply because I still don't have enough proof.
Some of her other enemies/victims have clearly accused her of being a non-virgin because of various reasons; and although that's not my style of counterattacking her, I have "liked" (or even "loved") some of their posts or "reacted" to them with "Haha", simply because they were quite amusing! :tongue:

Anyway, I believe that most of the currently active members who have been active since before Sepetmeber 2015 (especially during 2016) should be well aware that @ginfreely started losing her credibility after she started the above thread (about asking @Leongsam to "verify these are clones"), followed by her frequent malicious trolling and, especially, spamming! :rolleyes: :thumbsdown:

And as long as she continues being so stubbornly conceited/vain/arrogant/imperious/overbearing/domineering, i.e. refusing to humble herself to repent (and repentance includes atoning for her various offences, while refraining from committing the same old, and also new, offences), then this very bad habit (among other very bad habits) of hers (to which she is obviously addicted) will only worsen and it will become even harder for her to repent, just like how it is very difficult for cigarette/drug addicts to go:
especially if they still have more than enough money to buy the cigarettes/drugs.

Usually, something very shocking needs to happen in real life, in order to force such addicts to go "cold turkey", such as a long hospitalization or prison sentence! :eek:

In @ginfreely's case, I think it's highly unlikely that she will ever end up in a prison cell (because she seems to be careful enough to refrain from committing any obvious crime in her real life), so the only other alternative that I can think of now is a long hospitalization, because of one of the following:

1. Physical illness
2. Mental/Psychological illness
3. Serious injury caused by an accident
4. Serious injury caused by at least one person physically attacking her

Otherwise, her evil spiritual presence is likely to continue plaguing this forum for at least the next ten years (assuming that this forum continues existing, of course) until she reaches her early/mid sixties (because I strongly suspect she's 53 or 54 years old this year)! :eek: :thumbsdown: :frown:
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..."falsely accused" her of being a non-virgin; then to be FAIR, she should LEAD by EXAMPLE by SWEARING FIRST that if all her various accusations against them (e.g. of being "Cantonese" or "clones" or "Jeremy Quek", etc.) are FALSE, then SHE HERSELF will "DIE a VIOLENT death", right?

Both @ginfreely and her enemies/victims have been accusing each other of being various types of people; and even if we ignore the fact that she was the one who started falsely accusing some sammyboy.com members first back in September 2015 (over eight years ago!):
I think it should be very safe to say that even she will agree that she was the one who STARTED DEMANDING some members to SWEAR that they will "DIE a VIOLENT death", right?

She has sworn many times that she's a "virgin", but that's not enough because it's not fair, right?
For example, I've also sworn that I'm not "Jeremy Quek" (but I've only done it a few times, or maybe only twice, because I don't like to spam and I also don't have enough time and energy to spam); so may I also demand her to swear that I am "Jeremy Quek"?
If she's still not willing to swear that I am "Jeremy Quek", just like how she first refused to swear back on "May 2, 2022" (nearly two years ago) after I first swore that I'm not "Jeremy Quek":
then to be FAIR, she should also not demand me to swear that she's a non-virgin, right?

By the way, I have never clearly accused her of being a non-virgin (i.e. having lost 100% of her virginity due to full penetration of her vaginal canal by a man's erect penis), simply because I still don't have enough proof.
of her other enemies/victims have clearly accused her of being a non-virgin because of various reasons; and although that's not my style of counterattacking her, I have "liked" (or even "loved") some of their posts or "reacted" to them with "Haha", simply because they were quite amusing! :tongue:

Anyway, I believe that most of the currently active members who have been active since before Sepetmeber 2015 (especially during 2016) should be well aware that @ginfreely started losing her credibility after she started the above thread (about asking @Leongsam to "verify these are clones"), followed by her frequent malicious trolling and, especially, spamming! :rolleyes: :thumbsdown:

And as long as she continues being so stubbornly conceited/vain/arrogant/imperious/overbearing/domineering, i.e. refusing to humble herself to repent (and repentance includes atoning for her various offences, while refraining from committing the same old, and also new, offences), then this very bad habit (among other very bad habits) of hers (to which she is obviously addicted) will only worsen and it will become even harder for her to repent, just like how it is very difficult for cigarette/drug addicts to go "cold turkey" (especially if they still have more than enough money to buy the cigarettes/drugs).

Usually, something very shocking needs to happen in real life, in order to force such addicts to go "cold turkey", such as a long hospitalization or prison sentence! :eek:

In @ginfreely's case, I think it's highly unlikely that she will ever end up in a prison cell (because she seems to be careful enough to refrain from committing any obvious crime in her real life), so the only other alternative that I can think of now is a long hospitalization, because of:

1. Physical illness
2. Mental/Psychological illness
3. Serious injury caused by an accident
4. Serious injury caused by at least one person physically attacking her

Otherwise, her evil spiritual presence is likely to plague this forum for at least the next ten years (assuming that this forum continues existing, of course) until she reaches her early/mid sixties (because I strongly suspect she's 53 or 54 years old this year)! :eek: :thumbsdown: :frown:
You despicable Hakka dog repeat same evil shit when I already answered you before why should I swear when I didn't attack Jeremy Quek but the reverse is @ginmother Jeremy Quek and you attacking me.

As usual you are so shameless LIAR self declared hakka dog with double standard that viciously attacked me as mdm wong and dare not swear and yet demanding me to swear when I didn’t even attack @ginmother but obviously the other way round and thanks to good strong man @jw5 I know this Cantonese bitch @ginmother is Jeremy Quek.

And you are a LIAR Hakka dog your clone insulted me whore before ie non virgin. Pui!


You despicable Hakka dog repeat same evil shit when I already answered you before why should I swear when I didn't attack Jeremy Quek but the reverse is @ginmother Jeremy Quek and you attacking me.

As usual you are so shameless LIAR self declared hakka dog with double standard that viciously attacked me as mdm wong and dare not swear and yet demanding me to swear when I didn’t even attack @ginmother but obviously the other way round and thanks to good strong man @jw5 I know this Cantonese bitch @ginmother is Jeremy Quek.

And you are a LIAR Hakka dog your clone insulted me whore before ie non virgin. Pui!
And you @empathizerofeatshitndie are so shameless to call me arrogant conceited etc when you Hakka dog son of whore are the one attacking me since day one and you admitted to use dirty tricks to deceive me as friends and you are so arrogant to think that my English literature cannot be A1 and viciously attacked me as liar based on your Ccb Hakka mouth that dare not swear. Pui!


And you @empathizerofeatshitndie are so shameless to call me arrogant conceited etc when you Hakka dog son of whore are the one attacking me since day one and you admitted to use dirty tricks to deceive me as friends and you are so arrogant to think that my English literature cannot be A1 and viciously attacked me as liar based on your Ccb Hakka mouth that dare not swear. Pui!
@empathizerofeatshitndie when are you shameless ARROGANT hakka bully dog going to answer my questions to you in return for your attacks of me - why you hate your mother? Is she Cantonese Hakka prostitute? Why you so bloody thick skinned hate her and yet stay free in her hdb? Why you not working? Are you selling asshole by your own Malaysian dog logic?


..."falsely accused" her of being a non-virgin; then to be FAIR, she should LEAD by EXAMPLE by SWEARING FIRST that if all her various accusations against them (e.g. of being "Cantonese" or "clones" or "Jeremy Quek", etc.) are FALSE, then SHE HERSELF will "DIE a VIOLENT death", right?

Both @ginfreely and her enemies/victims have been accusing each other of being various types of people; and even if we ignore the fact that she was the one who started falsely accusing some sammyboy.com members first back in September 2015 (over eight years ago!):
I think it should be very safe to say that even she will agree that she was the one who STARTED DEMANDING some members to SWEAR that they will "DIE a VIOLENT death", right?

She has sworn many times that she's a "virgin", but that's not enough because it's not fair, right?
For example, I've also sworn that I'm not "Jeremy Quek" (but I've only done it a few times, or maybe only twice, because I don't like to spam and I also don't have enough time and energy to spam); so may I also demand her to swear that I am "Jeremy Quek"?
If she's still not willing to swear that I am "Jeremy Quek", just like how she first refused to swear back on "May 2, 2022" (nearly two years ago) after I first swore that I'm not "Jeremy Quek":
then to be FAIR, she should also not demand me to swear that she's a non-virgin, right?

By the way, I have never clearly accused her of being a non-virgin (i.e. having lost 100% of her virginity due to full penetration of her vaginal canal by a man's erect penis), simply because I still don't have enough proof.
of her other enemies/victims have clearly accused her of being a non-virgin because of various reasons; and although that's not my style of counterattacking her, I have "liked" (or even "loved") some of their posts or "reacted" to them with "Haha", simply because they were quite amusing! :tongue:

Anyway, I believe that most of the currently active members who have been active since before Sepetmeber 2015 (especially during 2016) should be well aware that @ginfreely started losing her credibility after she started the above thread (about asking @Leongsam to "verify these are clones"), followed by her frequent malicious trolling and, especially, spamming! :rolleyes: :thumbsdown:

And as long as she continues being so stubbornly conceited/vain/arrogant/imperious/overbearing/domineering, i.e. refusing to humble herself to repent (and repentance includes atoning for her various offences, while refraining from committing the same old, and also new, offences), then this very bad habit (among other very bad habits) of hers (to which she is obviously addicted) will only worsen and it will become even harder for her to repent, just like how it is very difficult for cigarette/drug addicts to go "cold turkey" (especially if they still have more than enough money to buy the cigarettes/drugs).

Usually, something very shocking needs to happen in real life, in order to force such addicts to go "cold turkey", such as a long hospitalization or prison sentence! :eek:

In @ginfreely's case, I think it's highly unlikely that she will ever end up in a prison cell (because she seems to be careful enough to refrain from committing any obvious crime in her real life), so the only other alternative that I can think of now is a long hospitalization, because of:

1. Physical illness
2. Mental/Psychological illness
3. Serious injury caused by an accident
4. Serious injury caused by at least one person physically attacking her

Otherwise, her evil spiritual presence is likely to plague this forum for at least the next ten years (assuming that this forum continues existing, of course) until she reaches her early/mid sixties (because I strongly suspect she's 53 or 54 years old this year)! :eek: :thumbsdown: :frown:

You Loser Whore @empathizerofeatshitndie aka @Sinkie aka @glockman aka @Valium aka @CottonmouthAKA @ginmother Jeremy Quek of failure biz SUPERFUTUREKIDS, TINITECH CO and SKINNYFATKIDS WORLDWIDE hide in rat hole fabricate lies and photos of Gansiokbin to smear Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress to win Pui!​

- 50 years old Catholic
- Queenstown Secondary School 1986 to 1989. Dropout from Singapore Polytechnic and also dropout from Institute of Management UK, both pursued and dropout after one year. Jealous loser attacked Gansiokbin a scholar degree holder as he is jealous of degree holder.
- Said in his Tinitech co want to “build human dignity” but did degrading and inhumane treatment of Gansiokbin for years, almost a decade.
- Said in his Superfuturekids co “leveraging on data… .to serve human needs” while he hide in his rat hole stealing Gansiokbin data from name, address, NRIC number, short hair and face features to everything to smear and abuse Gansiokbin, everyday spewing evil filthy lies to insult Gansiokbin and use a short hair porn woman photo to label name and address to pass off as Gansiokbin and smear Gansiokbin as slut whore mistress.
- Do prayer psalm 130 5 6 “more than just a watchman for daybreak” to seek assurance of forgiveness from God to let him go heaven despite doing daily smearing and abuse of Gansiokbin.
- Condemned “thieving muddled as creativity” in LinkedIn AND condemned people that think thieving is brilliant and cool yet ownself everyday and for years so proud of thieving Gansiokbin data and fabricated evil filthy lies and photos of Gansiokbin to smear Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress as if that’s creativity, cool and brilliant.
- Self claimed in LinkedIn that he is “not an asshole and one of the nicest people you will ever meet” while he everyday hide in rat hole to abuse, smear, trample and insult Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress.
- Despicable dog asshole criminal son of Cantonese whore that started threads - and use his clone @ginmother etc - to start threads smearing Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress to dirty Gansiokbin google search result and then after that turned around to accuse Gansiokbin is dirty prostitute and that’s why google search is dirty


You despicable Hakka dog repeat same evil shit when I already answered you before why should I swear when I didn't attack Jeremy Quek but the reverse is @ginmother Jeremy Quek and you attacking me.

As usual you are so shameless LIAR self declared hakka dog with double standard that viciously attacked me as mdm wong and dare not swear and yet demanding me to swear when I didn’t even attack @ginmother but obviously the other way round and thanks to good strong man @jw5 I know this Cantonese bitch @ginmother is Jeremy Quek.

And you are a LIAR Hakka dog your clone insulted me whore before ie non virgin. Pui!
Hey Hakka dog @empathizerofeatshitndie no need to tell lies demanding I lead by example when I am not like you viciously attacked me as mdm wong and dare not swear to chop off your head while I am sitting here doing nothing to you and everyone can see you are the vicious dog that keep attacking me and I have right and reason to suspect you are Jeremy Quek same as @ginmother because of your own Ccb postings of old men and porn photos. Stop attacking me if you do not want me to suspect you. Another self entitled hakka bitch that think you can trample me but I cannot even suspect you are Jeremy Quek. Pui!



You Loser Whore @empathizerofeatshitndie aka @Sinkie aka @glockman aka @Valium aka @CottonmouthAKA @ginmother Jeremy Quek of failure biz SUPERFUTUREKIDS, TINITECH CO and SKINNYFATKIDS WORLDWIDE hide in rat hole fabricate lies and photos of Gansiokbin to smear Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress to win Pui!​

- 50 years old Catholic
- Queenstown Secondary School 1986 to 1989. Dropout from Singapore Polytechnic and also dropout from Institute of Management UK, both pursued and dropout after one year. Jealous loser attacked Gansiokbin a scholar degree holder as he is jealous of degree holder.
- Said in his Tinitech co want to “build human dignity” but did degrading and inhumane treatment of Gansiokbin for years, almost a decade.
- Said in his Superfuturekids co “leveraging on data… .to serve human needs” while he hide in his rat hole stealing Gansiokbin data from name, address, NRIC number, short hair and face features to everything to smear and abuse Gansiokbin, everyday spewing evil filthy lies to insult Gansiokbin and use a short hair porn woman photo to label name and address to pass off as Gansiokbin and smear Gansiokbin as slut whore mistress.
- Do prayer psalm 130 5 6 “more than just a watchman for daybreak” to seek assurance of forgiveness from God to let him go heaven despite doing daily smearing and abuse of Gansiokbin.
- Condemned “thieving muddled as creativity” in LinkedIn AND condemned people that think thieving is brilliant and cool yet ownself everyday and for years so proud of thieving Gansiokbin data and fabricated evil filthy lies and photos of Gansiokbin to smear Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress as if that’s creativity, cool and brilliant.
- Self claimed in LinkedIn that he is “not an asshole and one of the nicest people you will ever meet” while he everyday hide in rat hole to abuse, smear, trample and insult Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress.
- Despicable dog asshole criminal son of Cantonese whore that started threads - and use his clone @ginmother etc - to start threads smearing Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress to dirty Gansiokbin google search result and then after that turned around to accuse Gansiokbin is dirty prostitute and that’s why google search is dirtyView attachment 193272View attachment 193271
From now on every of your Ccb thread @empathizerofeatshitndie attacking Gansiokbin I will post this in return to your Jeremy Quek attacks of me.

Come on you are exact replica of @ginmother except you self declared Hakka dog. And @jw5 also said you are him why you don’t attack @jw5?

Of course obviously @empathizerofeatshitndie is another hakka Cantonese dog scared of good strong man @jw5 but see me old weak vulnerable sick can bully.

Evil arrogant bitch who do you think you are to attack me non stop dare not swear if I am not mdm wong you chop off your head and got the cheek to demand I swear when I didn’t even attack you. I can’t suspect you are Jeremy Quek when you are the dog viciously attacking me? Pui!


Gansiokbin use Jeremy Quek is just a shield to let other people (and herself) think that they are all the same person, so that she can feel more comfortable, better than in reality so many people are against her.
In other words, she is lying to herself, to make herself more comfortable.
As I said before, ganshiokbin is a imh patient that doesn't know how to do simple assessment before telling lies. She thinks that other members/guest of sbf will believe all those against her is the same person Jeremy Quek de woh


Gansiokbin use Jeremy Quek is just a shield to let other people (and herself) think that they are all the same person, so that she can feel more comfortable, better than in reality so many people are against her.
In other words, she is lying to herself, to make herself more comfortable.
As I said before, ganshiokbin is a imh patient that doesn't know how to do simple assessment before telling lies. She thinks that other members/guest of sbf will believe all those against her is the same person Jeremy Quek de woh
Sometimes I wonder if we are responsible for aggravating her mental condition. But who gives a fuck? We enjoy harassing her and make her become crazier! :cool:
many thanks to both of you for gracing another humble thread of mine!

Nearly 24 hours have passed since @ginfreely last attacked me:

so I'm not sure whether I should start my "more humiliating thread" about her:
Dear fellow anti- @ginfreely members, I have at least two more anti- @ginfreely threads that I would like to start, but they are quite/more serious in content; and in my opinion, I consider at least one of them to be even more humiliating for her than the fact that I consider her:
... to have lost at least 6.9% (but less than 69%) of her virginity to her ex-husband! :wink: :tongue:
but I'm not sure if I'll have enough moral support for those threads... :unsure:
I intend to start what I consider to be the more humiliating thread roughly 24 hours from now! :eek:


  • Search results for query empathizerofeatshitndie.png
    Search results for query empathizerofeatshitndie.png
    74.9 KB · Views: 195




Nearly 24 hours have passed since @ginfreely last attacked me:

so I'm not sure whether I should start my "more humiliating thread" about her:


I might be wrong, but maybe she has a medical appointment later this morning or afternoon:
so she's trying to sleep now? :unsure:



many thanks to both of you for gracing another humble thread of mine!

Nearly 24 hours have passed since @ginfreely last attacked me:

so I'm not sure whether I should start my "more humiliating thread" about her:



"so I'm not sure whether I should start my "more humiliating thread" about her"

Please do! Like I have said in another post, it's a brand new year, and we've the whole year ahead to continue to harass and abuse that slutty virgin and make her really crazy. And we find great satisfaction and enjoyment in doing so.


"so I'm not sure whether I should start my "more humiliating thread" about her"

Please do! Like I have said in another post, it's a brand new year, and we've the whole year ahead to continue to harass and abuse that slutty virgin and make her really crazy. And we find great satisfaction and enjoyment in doing so.
Dear @Balls2U, many thanks for your reply and encouragement!
I've already prepared it using Notepad, so I think I'll need about ten minutes to copy, paste and edit it, before finally posting it...