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Did Mary the mother of Jesus die a virgin?


Did Mary the mother of Jesus die a virgin?


That would depend on whom you ask.

Catholics and the Orthodox — about two-thirds of world Christianity — would say yes, that she remained a virgin for her entire life. Most Protestants would say that she had other children after giving birth to Jesus.

The Catholic belief in her perpetual virginity comes from the way they view her as the embodiment of Old Testament typography that suggests purity. For example, there are parallels between the description of the Ark of the Covenant in 2 Samuel and Mary’s visitation to Elizabeth in the Gospel of Luke — so much so that it seems the author of Luke was trying to draw a parallel between the two. The Ark of the Covenant was a vessel that contained the most sacred relics of God; likewise, Mary, the “New Ark of the Covenant,” was a sacred vessel chosen by God to carry his own human incarnation. And just as it would be unthinkable to defile the original Ark by, say, tossing it in your garage and using it to store tools in, so it would be unthinkable in Catholic belief to sully Mary’s purity. It would be like taking a communion chalice and filling it with 7-Up.

Protestants, on the other hand, point to the verses in the Gospels that appear to refer to Jesus’ siblings. The reason these verses don’t settle the matter once and for all is that the use of terms such as “brother” and “sister” in the time the Gospels were written could also be used to refer to extended family members. And there’s also the problem of the crucifixion scene in the Gospel of John, when Jesus leaves his mother in the care of his beloved disciple (presumably John himself). If Jesus had other brothers, culture and tradition would have demanded that he leave Mary in the care of his next oldest brother, rather than a non-family member.

I come down on the Catholic side, but I understand the Protestant view. Protestants argue that Joseph, a young, newly married man, would never have lived a chaste life. I think the Orthodox have a good explanation for that — they see Joseph as an elderly widower, who already had children from his marriage and who was chosen to be Mary’s guardian rather than a spouse in the traditional sense. That handily explains the references to Jesus’ brothers and sisters as well.

But beyond that, the logistics of a family with multiple children where one sibling is literally God would be impossible.

Protestants tend to view Mary as unimportant, a young woman chosen at random to do a job who can be safely cast aside once that job was done. Catholics view her as our spiritual mother who always leads us back to her son. They’re two very different ways of looking at the same person.


Nowhere in the Bible does it state that Mary was a virgin, or that Jesus was conceived by a virgin birth.

The entire doctrine of an Immaculate Conception and Mary's perpetual virginity is a lie concocted by the Catholic church.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
anally - maybe lah...............

vaginally ??...............unless Jesus came out of her like the chestburster in Alien.............. :biggrin:


Did Mary the mother of Jesus die a virgin?


That would depend on whom you ask.

Catholics and the Orthodox — about two-thirds of world Christianity — would say yes, that she remained a virgin for her entire life. Most Protestants would say that she had other children after giving birth to Jesus.

The Catholic belief in her perpetual virginity comes from the way they view her as the embodiment of Old Testament typography that suggests purity. For example, there are parallels between the description of the Ark of the Covenant in 2 Samuel and Mary’s visitation to Elizabeth in the Gospel of Luke — so much so that it seems the author of Luke was trying to draw a parallel between the two. The Ark of the Covenant was a vessel that contained the most sacred relics of God; likewise, Mary, the “New Ark of the Covenant,” was a sacred vessel chosen by God to carry his own human incarnation. And just as it would be unthinkable to defile the original Ark by, say, tossing it in your garage and using it to store tools in, so it would be unthinkable in Catholic belief to sully Mary’s purity. It would be like taking a communion chalice and filling it with 7-Up.

Protestants, on the other hand, point to the verses in the Gospels that appear to refer to Jesus’ siblings. The reason these verses don’t settle the matter once and for all is that the use of terms such as “brother” and “sister” in the time the Gospels were written could also be used to refer to extended family members. And there’s also the problem of the crucifixion scene in the Gospel of John, when Jesus leaves his mother in the care of his beloved disciple (presumably John himself). If Jesus had other brothers, culture and tradition would have demanded that he leave Mary in the care of his next oldest brother, rather than a non-family member.

I come down on the Catholic side, but I understand the Protestant view. Protestants argue that Joseph, a young, newly married man, would never have lived a chaste life. I think the Orthodox have a good explanation for that — they see Joseph as an elderly widower, who already had children from his marriage and who was chosen to be Mary’s guardian rather than a spouse in the traditional sense. That handily explains the references to Jesus’ brothers and sisters as well.

But beyond that, the logistics of a family with multiple children where one sibling is literally God would be impossible.

Protestants tend to view Mary as unimportant, a young woman chosen at random to do a job who can be safely cast aside once that job was done. Catholics view her as our spiritual mother who always leads us back to her son. They’re two very different ways of looking at the same person.
小屁孩 asked this type of sensitive question, I brought up to the priest I know, and we quarrelled.

I asked the priest if Mary died as a virgin, since despite having married Joseph and given birth to a few others she was still being referred to as a virgin.

I asked: "Father, how is that possible?"

The the priest said: "Is it not possible that the marriage was subsequently annulled?"

I said: "Annulment does not mean the husband and wife did not have sex before marriage or after marriage but before annulment."

Priest answered: "Well, the marriage could have been annulled on the basis of non-consummation."

I said: "Father, you are not wrong. But there is nothing written in the Bible or Dead Sea Scrolls that indicates the couple annulled the marriage. It's all your conjecture."

Priest sensed that I was adamant that he prove his claims with solid evidence. He then 恼羞成怒 and began to change his tone.

Priest continued: "I swear she died as a virgin, if not I will die as a virgin."

I said: "Father, you already took the oath of celibacy. What talking you ? You are going to die as a virgin in any case."

As the Priest was a Chinese helicopter priest, he couldn't quite catch what I was saying.

Priest asked: "Can you explain that sentence in Chinese ? I have difficulties with long English sentences."

I said: "Father, it's 死猪不怕开水烫."

Priest answered: "Ok, I swear already. What about you ? You dare to swear or not ? If you don't dare to swear, it means you are lying."

I said: "Father, I merely raised a legitimate suspicion based on circumstantial evidence provided by the Bible. Jesus had brothers, no ?"

Priest answered: "Ah ha, you don't dare to swear right ? You are busted ! I win ! I win !" :biggrin:

Then I walked out of the building, turned around and I saw this:



小屁孩 asked this type of sensitive question, I brought up to the priest I know, and we quarrelled.

I asked the priest if Mary died as a virgin, since despite having married Joseph and given birth to a few others she was still being referred to as a virgin.

I asked: "Father, how is that possible?"

The the priest said: "Is it not possible that the marriage was subsequently annulled?"

I said: "Annulment does not mean the husband and wife did not have sex before marriage or after marriage but before annulment."

Priest answered: "Well, the marriage could have been annulled on the basis of non-consummation."

I said: "Father, you are not wrong. But there is nothing written in the Bible or Dead Sea Scrolls that indicates the couple annulled the marriage. It's all your conjecture."

Priest sensed that I was adamant that he prove his claims with solid evidence. He then 恼羞成怒 and began to change his tone.

Priest continued: "I swear she died as a virgin, if not I will die as a virgin."

I said: "Father, you already took the oath of celibacy. What talking you ? You are going to die as a virgin in any case."

As the Priest was a Chinese helicopter priest, he couldn't quite catch what I was saying.

Priest asked: "Can you explain that sentence in Chinese ? I have difficulties with long English sentences."

I said: "Father, it's 死猪不怕开水烫."

Priest answered: "Ok, I swear already. What about you ? You dare to swear or not ? If you don't dare to swear, it means you are lying."

I said: "Father, I merely raised a legitimate suspicion based on circumstantial evidence provided by the Bible. Jesus had brothers, no ?"

Priest answered: "Ah ha, you don't dare to swear right ? You are busted ! I win ! I win !" :biggrin:

Then I walked out of the building, turned around and I saw this:

u verigood story writer.


Old Fart
If only daft christians would stop and use their brains. For a pregnancy to occur, there has to be a sperm smashing into an egg. Basic biology.

Joseph fathered Jesus, and both he and Mary went on to have other children.


If only daft christians would stop and use their brains. For a pregnancy to occur, there has to be a sperm smashing into an egg. Basic biology.

Joseph fathered Jesus, and both he and Mary went on to have other children.

And what if I tell u the creator who made the DNA Code implanted a holy sperm directly into egg? Don't you get it that for perfect sacrifice to be made on cross it cannot be tainted by sinful human blood(mothers blood does not go into baby)

The human science is always at lower level than theological science

Robert Jastrow:
"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


Old Fart
And what if I tell u the creator who made the DNA Code implanted a holy sperm directly into egg? Don't you get it that for perfect sacrifice to be made on cross it cannot be tainted by sinful human blood(mothers blood does not go into baby)

The human science is always at lower level than theological science

Robert Jastrow:
"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."
oh god, another christian fool!! But what the hell, I have a bit of time today, so let's boogie for a bit :

:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:implanted a holy sperm directly into egg?

I know there is Holy Shit! Because I say it all the time. But Holy sperm?! Holy shit, that jizz must be the most precious substance since it came from outer space! From another dimension. Will you just listen to yourself?

:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:perfect sacrifice to be made on cross it cannot be tainted by sinful human blood(mothers blood does not go into baby)

So this god is so furious, he demands a sacrifice. But since he loves mankind so much, he decided to sent his own son in human form to be the sacrifice. So none of the existing humans would be harmed in the making of the sacrifice. Very human friendly:biggrin:

And by your logic, Mary's blood does not run in Jesus, because her blood is tainted. So her egg does not contain any of her DNA and blood? Wow, that's fancy!

:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:The human science is always at lower level than theological science

What do you mean by human science? Aren't all sciences created by men in our quest to understand the natural world, society, etc? And theological science is not really called that. It's simply called theology. To understand what science is, pls refer to : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science

And yet you say theology is higher level (to which I assume you meant it is better, more credible, more powerful, more beneficial). Has theology made our lives better, advanced societies, advanced medicine, technology, etc?


Old Fart
Then the foetus eat what, drink what, breathe what?
the foetus consumes invisible liquid baby manna sent by god through an invisible intravenous apparatus. It breathes not via the oxygen contained in the mother's blood, but via another invisible intravenous apparatus.

But that christian idiot will say the foetus does not need any of those, since he is god! :biggrin:


oh god, another christian fool!! But what the hell, I have a bit of time today, so let's boogie for a bit :

:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:implanted a holy sperm directly into egg?

I know there is Holy Shit! Because I say it all the time. But Holy sperm?! Holy shit, that jizz must be the most precious substance since it came from outer space! From another dimension. Will you just listen to yourself?

:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:perfect sacrifice to be made on cross it cannot be tainted by sinful human blood(mothers blood does not go into baby)

So this god is so furious, he demands a sacrifice. But since he loves mankind so much, he decided to sent his own son in human form to be the sacrifice. So none of the existing humans would be harmed in the making of the sacrifice. Very human friendly:biggrin:

And by your logic, Mary's blood does not run in Jesus, because her blood is tainted. So her egg does not contain any of her DNA and blood? Wow, that's fancy!

:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:The human science is always at lower level than theological science

What do you mean by human science? Aren't all sciences created by men in our quest to understand the natural world, society, etc? And theological science is not really called that. It's simply called theology. To understand what science is, pls refer to : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science

And yet you say theology is higher level (to which I assume you meant it is better, more credible, more powerful, more beneficial). Has theology made our lives better, advanced societies, advanced medicine, technology, etc?

Ita not another Christian hokay , fucktard! Wake up u fool and brainwashed