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[I'm curious again! haha] Dear @BMSKE44, back in 2017, @ginfreely (or Madam Gan (颜) Siok Bin (淑敏), if you prefer) said that YOU were her "ex husband"!


Is this true? :unsure:
To be more precise, on "Oct 5, 2017", she said that you were her "friend aka ex husband":
I also agree that BMSKE44 is ginfreely's clone. :wink:
I said before I don't have a clone and obviously that's the truth and that's why I was silenced immediately after I was banned in April and only remember about this id much later in May. Btw this is an un used id that belongs to my friend aka ex husband and i borrowed it from him. Alas even this id was banned without any reason
Just in case you are not aware or have forgotten, nearly half a year before the above post of hers, she was banned by @zhihau in April 2017 (nearly six years ago!), which is why on "May 10, 2017" when she was in the mood to spam again, she decided to use your account:
to post 24 times:
before @zhihau banned your account by the end of that same day (or the next day) because he probably thought that it's @ginfreely's clone. But I believe that there's a good chance that you're really her ex-husband; and looks like you lasted posted on "Jul 17, 2016", nearly a year before @ginfreely used your account to post on "May 10, 2017".

By the way, the reason @ginfreely waited roughly five months to say that you were her "friend aka ex husband" is the fact that in September 2017, our dearest @Leongsam decided to migrate his beloved forum to XenForo, which caused all banned accounts to be automatically unbanned.


  • GSB - my friend aka ex husband.png
    GSB - my friend aka ex husband.png
    41.2 KB · Views: 77


A normal person could have overlooked and committed the stupid act and when they discover a mad whore wife and managed to annul the marriage they would just disappear and cut off contact :cool:
Noone would want to associate themselves with a mad whore in real life.

I would have lure her to Lim Chu Kang, fuck her with a knife, shave her cheebye and leave her there naked.


Stop doing your dirty trick you vile and offensive Cantonese scammer prostitute descendant making a hoo ha out of nothing pretending don’t know I said it before my ex husband is my jb house tenant means we are on cordial terms. Create issue out of no issue I borrow his account to post when my account is banned is your fellow eunuch dog @empathizerofeatshitndie dirty trick to discredit me as usual. Pui!
Hollee cow :eek:
Gansiokbin never wear bra at home and seduced the tenant and became her ex husband
Fucking slut @ginfreely




Hollee cow :eek:
Gansiokbin never wear bra at home and seduced the tenant and became her ex husband
Fucking slut @ginfreely
Tsk tsk tsk look at you Cantonese scammer repeat lies when I just told you he is my house tenant not room tenant. Hey don’t divert what illegals good you bought and get rightly sent to jail for? You should be sent to jail and hanged the way you are doing evil to Gansiokbin. Pui!

Loser Whore Jeremy Quek of failure biz SUPERFUTUREKIDS,, TINITECH CO and SKINNYFATKIDS WORLDWIDE hide in rat hole smearing Gansiokbin whore to winView attachment 179603



How many tenants have gansiokbin seduced?
See everyone? Vile and offensive Cantonese telling lies when I never rent out room but whole house in my life and the only Man I have shared a room in my life is my ex husband. Pui! Enough said.

Hey don’t divert what illegals good you bought and get rightly sent to jail for? You should be sent to jail and hanged the way you are doing evil to Gansiokbin. Pui!


See everyone? Vile and offensive Cantonese telling lies when I never rent out room but whole house in my life and the only Man I have shared a room in my life is my ex husband. Pui! Enough said.

Hey don’t divert what illegals good you bought and get rightly sent to jail for? You should be sent to jail and hanged the way you are doing evil to Gansiokbin. Pui!

Failed to suck cock in sfc and kana fired.
Followed by making overnight leecision to buy jb whore house and eyeing on tenant cock.
Tsk tsk tsk :cool:
Verlee cock scheming act.
Verlee dirty.


View attachment 179604
Failed to suck cock in sfc and kana fired.
Followed by making overnight leecision to buy jb whore house and eyeing on tenant cock.
Tsk tsk tsk :cool:
Verlee cock scheming act.
Verlee dirty.
Hahahaha loser you loser Cantonese son of whore do dirty tricks repeat and repeat evil filthy lies to win. I don’t even know the existence of blowjob can say I fail to suck cock in SFC. Talk to old man colleague is called suck cock to you son of Cantonese bdsm whore.

Hey don’t divert what illegals good you bought and get rightly sent to jail for? You should be sent to jail and hanged the way you are doing evil to Gansiokbin. Pui!

View attachment 179606


Hahahaha loser you loser Cantonese son of whore do dirty tricks repeat and repeat evil filthy lies to win. I don’t even know the existence of blowjob can say I fail to suck cock in SFC. Talk to old man colleague is called suck cock to you son of Cantonese bdsm whore.

Hey don’t divert what illegals good you bought and get rightly sent to jail for? You should be sent to jail and hanged the way you are doing evil to Gansiokbin. Pui!

View attachment 179606
Anyone with a bit of iq can tell from the chain of events that you are a hungry cock sucking scheming slut. :geek:
Renting business ended up in bed and cock sucking :roflmao: :laugh: :laugh:


Anyone with a bit of iq can tell from the chain of events that you are a hungry cock sucking scheming slut. :geek:
Renting business ended up in bed and cock sucking :roflmao: :laugh: :laugh:
Swear lah you vile and offensive Cantonese if Gansiokbin is a virgin never suck cock never have sex you die a violent death. Pui!


That's why I say she's a fucking slut. I can smell this kind of whore 1000 miles away. She's a cheebye seller.
Hey you loser son of Cantonese slut whore why dare not up appear in my “Loser Whore Jeremy Quek of failure biz SUPERFUTUREKIDS,, TINITECH CO and SKINNYFATKIDS WORLDWIDE hide in rat hole smearing Gansiokbin whore to win” thread. Busted you are that Jeremy Quek hahahaha View attachment 179608