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Those still debating whether SAF can be called in if PAP loses power...


Alfrescian (Inf)
relax... cpt brandon is just soothing his own ego and deluding himself. Charging reservists for IPPT offences is their biggest challenge :p

Haha..... Remind me of my nsf dys1, he was appointed as training officer during reservist. We are supposed to secure and clear minefield for BX to cross. Every sections did the unit standard of the drill but he said our method wrong because it not the same as what he did when he was at ocs. Wtf, how can use ocs standard to compare to what unit actually do. How can the whole unit be wrong when the unit get recon 2A during nsf. What was worse was that his so call ocs standard was so stupid and not practical. He just a useless staff officer with no practical field experience. The type of officer that get everyone kill in the first engagement. At least the S4 provide the 3Bs, bullets,boots and bean, to the unit while s1 branch only know how to charge fellow soldiers. Come to think of it, due to incompentent of the s1 branch, i was a private for a long time and only promote to corporal with the rest, skipping lcp rank and never received the lcp allowance.s1 branch my arse.


Haha..... Remind me of my nsf dys1, he was appointed as training officer during reservist. We are supposed to secure and clear minefield for BX to cross. Every sections did the unit standard of the drill but he said our method wrong because it not the same as what he did when he was at ocs. Wtf, how can use ocs standard to compare to what unit actually do. How can the whole unit be wrong when the unit get recon 2A during nsf. What was worse was that his so call ocs standard was so stupid and not practical. He just a useless staff officer with no practical field experience. The type of officer that get everyone kill in the first engagement. At least the S4 provide the 3Bs, bullets,boots and bean, to the unit while s1 branch only know how to charge fellow soldiers. Come to think of it, due to incompentent of the s1 branch, i was a private for a long time and only promote to corporal with the rest, skipping lcp rank and never received the lcp allowance.s1 branch my arse.

I've seen S1s question methods despite them being standard procedures.


s1 branch only know how to charge fellow soldiers. Come to think of it, due to incompentent of the s1 branch, i was a private for a long time and only promote to corporal with the rest, skipping lcp rank and never received the lcp allowance.s1 branch my arse.

Your unit S1 was incompetent. I would never make such a foolish mistake. The effectiveness of the position depends on the person holding it. By saying S1s are not important, its like saying all Education Ministers in the world are useless, or all Police Commissioners are useless, or all Mayors are useless. Obviously that is not a logical generalisation. It depends on the person doing the job.

Clearly, you are a useless corporal and probably not even deserving of that rank. You should have remained a private since you failed to exercise the initiative to question your S1 or DYS1 about this error. You see, it takes two hands to clap. They made a mistake, but it's not like you can't do anything about it.


Charge fellow soldiers?

Excuse me, it is the duty of all officers to uphold military justice. When an offence is committed, the appropriate procedures must follow.

For the record I have only ever charged one soldier in my entire life, and that was because he stole from his platoon mates on not one, not two, but three occasions. His bunk mates were happy to see him charged, and felt relieved that justice was done.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Excuse me, it is the duty of all officers to uphold military justice. When an offence is committed, the appropriate procedures must follow.

I have seen officers abused justice rather uphold justice. And so often the threat of charge is being used to cow junior soldiers. In times of war, many officers will be shot before a bullet is fired at the enemy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Your unit S1 was incompetent. I would never make such a foolish mistake. The effectiveness of the position depends on the person holding it. By saying S1s are not important, its like saying all Education Ministers in the world are useless, or all Police Commissioners are useless, or all Mayors are useless. Obviously that is not a logical generalisation. It depends on the person doing the job.

Clearly, you are a useless corporal and probably not even deserving of that rank. You should have remained a private since you failed to exercise the initiative to question your S1 or DYS1 about this error. You see, it takes two hands to clap. They made a mistake, but it's not like you can't do anything about it.

It is an accepted fact that majority of SAF officers are useless.

Why blame the victim? Are you blind to the constant abuses by the officers?


I have seen officers abused justice rather uphold justice. And so often the threat of charge is being used to cow junior soldiers. In times of war, many officers will be shot before a bullet is fired at the enemy.

S1s create trouble. S3s know trouble and confront it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Clearly, you are a useless corporal and probably not even deserving of that rank. You should have remained a private since you failed to exercise the initiative to question your S1 or DYS1 about this error. You see, it takes two hands to clap. They made a mistake, but it's not like you can't do anything about it.

I was hoping s1 oversight can get me out as a hokkien peng, 2yrs instead of 2.5yrs nsf. Apparently my pc went to s1 to clarify to issue as he dont want to lose more men as platoon had 14 riflemen and a few of us remain as pvt even thou the rest of the battlion already lcp for a long time.

As for me being a lousy corporal, maybe i am lousy but the promotion was to retain everyone for the additional 1/2 yr of nsf. As much as i am lousy, even i know it better to pour suppressive fire on enemy mg position while have one section do a mini hook to outflank the mg. But a regular major order my platoon to assault the mg in a frontal assault over open ground which was deem by the trainer as suicidial. A REGULAR MAJOR just wasted a whole platoon with an order that a pengkia also know to be wrong. The idiot s1 ordered a tank crew to recover weapons and radio equipments after they bale out due vehicle on the verge of overturning. The crew refused and the idiot threaten to charged them. Who in the right mind want to in the vehicle that about to overturn? Sorry my opinion of officer corp remain very low for the rest of my life.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
By saying S1s are not important, its like saying all Education Ministers in the world are useless, or all Police Commissioners are useless, or all Mayors are useless. Obviously that is not a logical generalisation. It depends on the person doing the job.
if you use this analogy i would liken the S1 as the environment minster......the least important among ministers.....and the NEA under it is doing fuck off spreading dengue and playing politics.
S1s could also be liken to useless ministers without portfolio. you can never find 'PM calibre' ministers holding such appointments because they are basically less important appointments that any tom dick and harry can do it.


Precisely, you hit the nail on the head!

You know Singapore and Singaporeans well and you have an accurate feel of the ground.

Singaporeans are pragmatic, outcome-oriented, and self-serving, I don't think anyone can deny that.

As such, when push comes to shove, the response will be one of two:

(1) Refuse to obey the system anymore, say f*ck you to Singapore, and emigrate somewhere else

(2) Suck it up and obey reluctantly in order to cover one's backside

i think i know where you are coming from. You have already lost hope in Singapore and have made plans to bail out. I say hurray for you and your family. Many here do not appreciate your ranting on about how hopeless Singapore is, how the new internet news licensing would not even be noticed because Singaporeans could not care less or notice it. You are putting Singaporeans down at a time when there is a widening awakening against the pap. When a lot of people have had their hopes dashed and are picking up the pieces. When more and more voters are revoting against the pap.

most of us are staying put, we belong here and we want to see the country get better in the years down the road. So for you, just leave and get the fuck out. Don't come here and gloat, bash Singapore and Singaporeans. And trying to act like some smart piece of shit.
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I was hoping s1 oversight can get me out as a hokkien peng, 2yrs instead of 2.5yrs nsf. Apparently my pc went to s1 to clarify to issue as he dont want to lose more men as platoon had 14 riflemen and a few of us remain as pvt even thou the rest of the battlion already lcp for a long time.

As for me being a lousy corporal, maybe i am lousy but the promotion was to retain everyone for the additional 1/2 yr of nsf. As much as i am lousy, even i know it better to pour suppressive fire on enemy mg position while have one section do a mini hook to outflank the mg. But a regular major order my platoon to assault the mg in a frontal assault over open ground which was deem by the trainer as suicidial. A REGULAR MAJOR just wasted a whole platoon with an order that a pengkia also know to be wrong. The idiot s1 ordered a tank crew to recover weapons and radio equipments after they bale out due vehicle on the verge of overturning. The crew refused and the idiot threaten to charged them. Who in the right mind want to in the vehicle that about to overturn? Sorry my opinion of officer corp remain very low for the rest of my life.

Corporals are the core of the army. Officers especially S1s are useless


if you use this analogy i would liken the S1 as the environment minster......the least important among ministers.....and the NEA under it is doing fuck off spreading dengue and playing politics.
S1s could also be liken to useless ministers without portfolio. you can never find 'PM calibre' ministers holding such appointments because they are basically less important appointments that any tom dick and harry can do it.

Wrong, the S1 is the manpower minister, since he is responsible for manpower. The closest thing to an environment minister is the S4 since he looks after the camp compound.

BTW, Yaacob is not the environment minister, he is the minister for communications and information. If you want to bash, at least bash the right person. LOL. I would like to see Yaacob answer to Parliament regarding his mistakes lately but I fear that LTK and Sylvia will not grill him enough. My hope lies in Pritam Singh, who by the way is also a CPT (NS), in addition to that he has seemed to be the most willing to get to the bottom of things and confront if necessary. I hope to see a Pritam Singh vs Yaacob showdown in Parliament, will it happen?


Alfrescian (Inf)
S1 equal manpower minister? Hahaha........ if u G1, maybe can lah, but u just a low level, and even worse, a reservist s1. So my s4 who a taxi driver is equal to a enviroment minister? Hahaha.....

Btw, narong never mention yakult, he know the mda ruling from from yakult so how can yakult be link to enviroment.


S1 equal manpower minister? Hahaha........ if u G1, maybe can lah, but u just a low level, and even worse, a reservist s1. So my s4 who a taxi driver is equal to a enviroment minister? Hahaha.....

Btw, narong never mention yakult, he know the mda ruling from from yakult so how can yakult be link to enviroment.

S3 is the senior minister


Alfrescian (Inf)
I was hoping s1 oversight can get me out as a hokkien peng, 2yrs instead of 2.5yrs nsf. Apparently my pc went to s1 to clarify to issue as he dont want to lose more men as platoon had 14 riflemen and a few of us remain as pvt even thou the rest of the battlion already lcp for a long time.

As for me being a lousy corporal, maybe i am lousy but the promotion was to retain everyone for the additional 1/2 yr of nsf. As much as i am lousy, even i know it better to pour suppressive fire on enemy mg position while have one section do a mini hook to outflank the mg. But a regular major order my platoon to assault the mg in a frontal assault over open ground which was deem by the trainer as suicidial. A REGULAR MAJOR just wasted a whole platoon with an order that a pengkia also know to be wrong. The idiot s1 ordered a tank crew to recover weapons and radio equipments after they bale out due vehicle on the verge of overturning. The crew refused and the idiot threaten to charged them. Who in the right mind want to in the vehicle that about to overturn? Sorry my opinion of officer corp remain very low for the rest of my life.

The major read the wrong doctrine folder while the S1 thinks by doing that he can be the next S4.


As for me being a lousy corporal, maybe i am lousy but the promotion was to retain everyone for the additional 1/2 yr of nsf. As much as i am lousy, even i know it better to pour suppressive fire on enemy mg position while have one section do a mini hook to outflank the mg. But a regular major order my platoon to assault the mg in a frontal assault over open ground which was deem by the trainer as suicidial. A REGULAR MAJOR just wasted a whole platoon with an order that a pengkia also know to be wrong. The idiot s1 ordered a tank crew to recover weapons and radio equipments after they bale out due vehicle on the verge of overturning. The crew refused and the idiot threaten to charged them. Who in the right mind want to in the vehicle that about to overturn? Sorry my opinion of officer corp remain very low for the rest of my life.

This particular Major made a serious mistake. It means that he needs to seriously rethink his approach and perhaps even admit that he has to go for retraining, and volunteer to re-attend certain courses like CTC in order to ensure that he doesn't repeat this mistake. It is OK for him to make errors during exercises. But in real war situation, he will not get a second chance. People will die and it will be his mistake that caused it. He will be haunted for the rest of his life.

However, it does not mean that every Major or every SAF officer, regular or not, is incompetent. There are competent SAF officers around. I do not know if you are old enough to remember Colonel Lo Yong Poo. Colonel Lo was not your typical scholar/bureaucrat. He was a real soldier's soldier who every single one of his subordinates respected, including me. If you do not know who he is or what he did, then please do not comment. Those who know of him, or who served under his command, will agree with me.

So you cannot say that every SAF officer is incompetent, nor can I say that every SAF officer is competent. It depends on the individual. Your arguments are as illogical as saying that because I met one bad taxi driver, that all taxi drivers are bad. Or that because Tin Pei Ling is an incompetent MP, therefore all MPs are incompetent. Would you say that Tin Pei Ling's incompetence means that Lily Neo, Denise Phua etc are also incompetent? Please assess your own logic.

In addition to this, you should also relook your own attitude. You admitted that you were a lousy corporal, and indicated that you did not even want the rank. You merely wanted to ORD as a private or lance corporal to avoid an extra 6 months of NS. Someone here said that corporals are the backbone of the SAF and they are right. Previously, corporals were junior NCOs with responsibilities as section commanders. Now, section commanders are all sergeants, but corporals still have a role to play as senior enlisted soldiers with more experience, skills and knowledge than other enlisted men.

As a corporal, you should be looking to set a good example to your platoon and section mates. You should try to be an exemplary leader, since all SAF servicemen should aspire to be leaders. You need to ask yourself whether your attitude is something that is acceptable for someone holding the rank of corporal. In my time, corporals were expected to conduct themselves in an exemplary fashion.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why shd i relook my attitude of being a corporal when i done nothing to deserve the rank? I didnt attend SiSpec nor was i a section 2IC. It given to everyone and i mean everyone in the battalion as long as completed air level or diploma. If i am in army to promote due to merit of course i will be proud of being a corporal but the fact saf give promotion based on length of service and education level. Tiew, smlj army is this?

As for my attitude toward NS, i dont think anyone can fault me. I never keng and i never defer. I done almost every role that a rifleman do in a section. I been a GPMG gunner whenever the regular guy unavailable and even been a PC runner even thou i dunno shit abt the manpack.

Compentent officers are far and few between. Dont expect anything good to come out of 9 mths course. Nine months are way too short to train a proper officer. When i say competent, i am not saying he welfare or not but how he do on the field. I can accept CB langs as an officer but cannot tahan idiot who gabra in the field, bring the men to holland then blame everything on the men when he kenna fark by CO. Nothing piss me off than having to do everything again because the OC or PC not up th scratch. It us pengkias who had to suffer in the rain at deployment while the OCs, S1234 and CO having outside food brought by their rover drivers shelter in the tentage. KNN, want to do this also dont do it in front of the men.

Dont throw me a name colonel whatisname and give me BS story he a soldier dream leader. I completed my reservist and only my reservist PC earn my respect and i told him it had been a privilage to have serve under him when the battalion stand down. He never give orders that he himself wont do, take point himself and even carry the manpack himself when the runner cannot tahan the exhaustion. Btw, he too kenna screwed by S1 when he was ask to come back by OC to lead the platoon in the field even thou he already deferred. Why he ask to come back it because the other two full lefts are useless and cannot be count on. That why my platoon is always the point platoon even thou platoon had only 9 riflemen. he came back for six days, went thru a farking siong 4 days field excerise and was given only low key ict by the s1. Just one lousy day and considering he come back voluntary, make exception lah. So he LL post to brigade while we MR becuase he owe a high key, so farking unfair. Then also, some of men also volunteer to attend a one month motorbike course which shd be consider high key but in the end also no count. There also quite a few men never receive their 5yr or 10yr award even thou completed reservist cycle, dont even get the watch because s1 branch said their docket missing.

So whether u sibeh good s1 or not, only u know. My experience of both active and reservist s1 are lousy. My opinions are based on my own experience. As for tpl good mp or not, i dont know and i dont care as she not my mp.
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Why shd i relook my attitude of being a corporal when i done nothing to deserve the rank? I didnt attend SiSpec nor was i a section 2IC. It given to everyone and i mean everyone in the battalion as long as completed air level or diploma. If i am in army to promote due to merit of course i will be proud of being a corporal but the fact saf give promotion based on length of service and education level. Tiew, smlj army is this?

As for my attitude toward NS, i dont think anyone can fault me. I never keng and i never defer. I done almost every role that a rifleman do in a section. I been a GPMG gunner whenever the regular guy unavailable and even been a PC runner even thou i dunno shit abt the manpack.

Compentent officers are far and few between. Dont expect anything good to come out of 9 mths course. Nine months are way too short to train a proper officer. When i say competent, i am not saying he welfare or not but how he do on the field. I can accept CB langs as an officer but cannot tahan idiot who gabra in the field, bring the men to holland then blame everything on the men when he kenna fark by CO. Nothing piss me off than having to do everything again because the OC or PC not up th scratch. It us pengkias who had to suffer in the rain at deployment while the OCs, S1234 and CO having outside food brought by their rover drivers shelter in the tentage. KNN, want to do this also dont do it in front of the men.

Dont throw me a name colonel whatisname and give me BS story he a soldier dream leader. I completed my reservist and only my reservist PC earn my respect and i told him it had been a privilage to have serve under him when the battalion stand down. He never give orders that he himself wont do, take point himself and even carry the manpack himself when the runner cannot tahan the exhaustion. Btw, he too kenna screwed by S1 when he was ask to come back by OC to lead the platoon in the field even thou he already deferred. Why he ask to come back it because the other two full lefts are useless and cannot be count on. That why my platoon is always the point platoon even thou platoon had only 9 riflemen. he came back for six days, went thru a farking siong 4 days field excerise and was given only low key ict by the s1. Just one lousy day and considering he come back voluntary, make exception lah. So he LL post to brigade while we MR becuase he owe a high key, so farking unfair. Then also, some of men also volunteer to attend a one month motorbike course which shd be consider high key but in the end also no count. There also quite a few men never receive their 5yr or 10yr award even thou completed reservist cycle, dont even get the watch because s1 branch said their docket missing.

So whether u sibeh good s1 or not, only u know. My experience of both active and reservist s1 are lousy. My opinions are based on my own experience. As for tpl good mp or not, i dont know and i dont care as she not my mp.

I can see why your NS experience was disappointing. I fully sympathise with you. In fact I would consider it a privilege to have men like yourself in my branch or platoon. As a battalion S1 I would also consider it a privilege to have people like your PC under my command.

Your PC was indeed treated unfairly by both his S1 and his CO. Sadly, cases like that are common in SAF. That does not mean that all officers are incompetent. There are certainly other officers like your PC. I would not dare say I am one of them. Only my men can be the judge of that.

However, just because others are lousy does not mean that one cannot aspire to be different. You might have had to serve in a poorly-managed unit, with poor administration and incompetent officers, but you could still have made a choice to be an outstanding and exemplary Corporal (even though you did not ask for that promotion). Everyone has that choice. I too have encountered horrible commanders and horrible soldiers. That does not mean that I have to be like them.

During my NSF days I was a DYS1. One day, a PC (who was a regular Captain) came to look for me and asked me to look into a case. One of his men had actually passed his IPPT before enlisting, which entitled him to a 2-month reduction in his NSF service. However, somehow SAF overlooked it due to an administrative lapse. The PC told me that this guy had to go through PTP and BMT as he was classified as having to serve 2 years 6 months. He asked me if there was any chance that he could have a 2-month reduction applied retrospectively, by having my unit appeal to MINDEF and highlight the administrative lapse.

I told him that I would do everything possible to fight for this serviceman. I also admired his sincerity and determination in standing up for his servicemen. I could tell that he was totally sincere.

When my S1 (my boss) returned to the office, I brought up this case and asked him if anything could be done. He simply replied me in a dismissive tone, saying "Brandon, why you care so much about such issues? Can't you see I am busy?? Don't bother me la."

The next day, I brought up the issue again and he sternly informed me that he did not wish to be bothered by this as he was undergoing alot of stress from an upcoming manpower audit. I was quite pissed off, but as an NSF, I did not think that it was appropriate for me to criticise him, so I backed down.

The following week, the PC came to see me and asked about the situation. I frankly told him what had happened, and he was very disappointed. In fact, I could tell that he was close to tears!! He cared deeply about his serviceman and truly felt that this was an injustice. He appealed to me to confront the S1, and told me that he would accompany me if I was scared. Since they were both Captains, they hung out together at the mess and knew each other better, but he also needed me present as I knew about MINDEF manpower procedures better than him despite being a mere NSF 2LT.

Before that happened, I personally went up to the S1 to highlight the issue again. The S1 started to whine and bitch to the whole office, in front of around 10 clerks, 1 chief clerk, 1 project officer and 2 specs. He went on and on about how busy he was, how the manpower audit was fucked up, and asked me why the hell I care so much since I am only an NSF, about to ORD in less than 8 months time, and moreover I didn't even know that LCP that had this issue. He said that its people like me who create unnecessary work for everyone else to do. The rest of the clerks looked at me with anger and started to mutter amongst themselves that I was creating extra work. They supported the S1 and saw him as providing "welfare" i.e. trying to reduce the overall workload of the branch.

The next day, I called up MINDEF and attempted to deal with this issue on my own, but the person who answered my call (a Major) told me that the "records in the system" show that the LCP did not pass his IPPT prior to enlistment, and that he was rightfully required to serve 2 years 6 months. That was the end of it because the "system" said so. He then went on to explain to me the rules governing PTP and the 2-month reduction (which I already knew), and then explained that the "regulations and protocols are clear". Then he hung up and that was the end of the matter.

I ended up going to see this PC and personally apologising to him. He understood, and told me not to feel too bad about it. He said I had tried my best so there was no need to feel guilty. To this day I remain upset about this, even though it happened nearly 15 years ago.

So as you can see, things are not so easy.

If you were the LCP who had to do the extra 2 months, you would think the entire S1 branch is fucked up.

If you were the S1 branch clerks, you would think that your DYS1 is fucked up.

There are different sides to every issue, so try to see both sides before condemning people. Sometimes, things are just fucked up, but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't do your best. As a corporal I think you could have done your best despite all the shit that went on around you. I'm not criticising you, just trying to offer a balanced view.
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The Myths about activating the SAF once PAP got the boot in GE 2016 ...

Now let's be realistic and pragmatic.

Let's put this moronic quote into action!
I challenge him to put his word into action if he dares or just shaft his own prick into his own foul fucking mouth and STFU!

“'If I have to shoot 200,000 students to save China from another 100 years of disorder, so be it.'"
- Recalling how former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping dealt with the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests”

Talk is cheap! Imagine if 200,000 students were to be shot by LKY, you think the people of China would be quietly cowed like sinkies? No!
There would be a civil unrest and war! Rebellion! History would repeat itself!
There would be a massive bloodbath!
And LKY, his family and cronies heads would be the first to be chopped!

LKY should just rephrase it to:
"If I have to betray 200,000 Singaporeans to the Japanese to save myself from being harmed, so be it"

Now you know why this fucking coward surrenders to the Japs and became their "Translator" instead of fighting along side with the brave men and women who sacrifice their life to defend Singapore against the Japs. LKY is a Coward and a Traitor!

And this is what LKY thinks of elections:

“I ignore polling as a method of government. I think that shows a certain weakness of mind - an inability to chart a course whichever way the wind blows, whichever way the media encourages the people to go, you follow. If you can't force or are unwilling to force your people to follow you, with or without threats, you are not a leader.”

If he ignore polling as a method of government, then why the fuck is he still drawing an MP's salary? This man would say anything for power and money! Talking cock!
Weakness of mind is one that sways to whichever way the wind blows, just like how he swayed to the Japs when the Japs were in power. Its in his DNA.

A leader can only lead when the people themselves are willing to follow.
Forcing people is not leading its slavery! You can see how perverted and deranged
LKY mind is!

LKY has made his stand clear, he would swayed to whichever party that comes into power and betray all his cronies and his family to save himself from being harmed!

Let's stop speculating and be realistic!

Anyone who dare to claim that the PAP would activate the SAF once PAP loses power in 2016 (or at any other time in the future) is being unrealistic.

One must realize that once the SAF is activated it is declaring war against the
people of Singapore! This would be the start of a Civil War right here in Singapore.

Now if you are the Super Rich, Filthy Rich, the moderately Rich and the Millionaires, how would you react? Take all your money and scram off in your private jet or charter a plane to safety first. Why?

Yes why is the law on kidnapping so severe? To protect LKY, his cronies and family and these Wealthy individuals. But when there is Civil unrest and Civil War, what do you think will happen to these laws? It would be anarchy!

International syndicates would be first to be here to "profit" from the anarchy, along with these comes smuggled arms and weapons of mass destruction. Think Mas Selamat!

In this situation no one is safe, no even the MPs, Minions, top evil serpents and their cronies. Now you wonder why Minister Yakak's family is in a foreign land? You think its safe? Think again! Think International syndicates overseas and no personal army or police to protect.

Only in Singapore Civil War, the ones that suffers are the Super Rich, Filthy Rich, the moderately Rich and the Millionaires. And who are these people?
LKY and family, MPs, Minions, top evil serpents and their cronies.

Winning a Civil War in Singapore is only a matter of showing a few videos
of actual beheading of these Elites and their cronies, you win the War faster
if it involves LKY and familees dun talk MPs, Minions or cronies with LKY in such a situation, he will betray them first to save himself.

So think again carefully before spewing garbage and rubbish talk about activating
the SAF.