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the city state...


Super Moderator
given him white hair

all is well and really appreciate the support, bro
a good yank and that strand of white hair is well taken care of :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
me believe in the collective wisdom of the bros of SBF, it is that predictive power of the collective wisdom that gives us the cutting edge :smile::smile::smile:

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
zhihau said:
all is well and really appreciate the support, bro
a good yank and that strand of white hair is well taken care of :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I hope Singapore's eventual solution won't be like that - solving a problem in a temporary way. Yanking the silver strand is only the start of developing a bald patch, my friend.


Alfrescian (Inf)
We will achieve Swiss standard of living if we import 1.4 million PRCs to drive our economy - about 25 to 35 years old would be ideal

You have a problem with simple maths is it? At least 2 million! Then Singapore legalise dog meat!

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
zhihau said:
isn't that the way we used to know? am glad we have YunNam hair care or Beijing 101 now :p:p:p

You also need a good hairdresser who can apply an even colour.


Super Moderator
You also need a good hairdresser who can apply an even colour.

going to the root of the problem can help us solve the problem a lot, conventional wisdom says :smile::smile::smile:
as what bro JW5 mentioned earlier, me supposed the issues me brought up mainly consists of internal issues on a micro view, there's still the macro view to be taken into consideration as well :o:o:o


Super Moderator
Agreed . Best was when it was a fishing village . and all the coconut trees

am glad you've shared what you value, never was my intention to snub anyone's view, but me kept this in view till now.

how do we come together and develop as a nation with a common goal with common values and/or keeping things that we truly value?


going to the root of the problem can help us solve the problem a lot, conventional wisdom says :smile::smile::smile:
as what bro JW5 mentioned earlier, me supposed the issues me brought up mainly consists of internal issues on a micro view, there's still the macro view to be taken into consideration as well :o:o:o

Actually the issues are quite macro in nature too.
Take the examples of food and water.
Food is almost uncontrollable in SG's context, we simply don't have the space to grow our own.
Even if it is argued that we could in the past, we have long passed that stage.
Not sure if we can get long term deals with neighbouring countries on food, perhaps someone who knows can advise.

As for water, it's probably controllable and imo, the miws have done ok on this.
Desalination plants, water treatment plants, reservoirs, newater, long term piped water agreements.
I guess if they can drink newater, so can we.

What is bothersome is some of those short term things they are doing to get benefits that are not long term or not really beneficial for ordinary folk.
Squeezing the population into a really limited space just to maximise infrastructure usage and increase st gdp for one.
All these low level foreigners coming here to set up small shops, work in menial jobs or do a google search when there is an it issue.
Is this really beneficial both ST or LT?


Super Moderator
What is bothersome is some of those short term things they are doing to get benefits that are not long term or not really beneficial for ordinary folk.

me thinks there's an urgent need to redefine the parameters of success and map out the direction in which Singapore is heading :o:o:o


me thinks there's an urgent need to redefine the parameters of success and map out the direction in which Singapore is heading :o:o:o

It's too late bro. Now, even when Tharman said that we should change our way of thinking, such that even someone who works as a waiter should be respected
for his professionalism, the vast majority of sinkies will laugh at him.
Our value systems and parameters of success as a person has been brainwashed into our population since long ago.
It's not about doing what u love, or being the best u can be or how helpful u are to others outside friends and family.
It's about how much money u can make and how quickly, that's why there are so many commission based people around, rather than people creating products,
services or even ideas of real value.

Btw, I think number 4 international relations and defence, the miws are doing ok too. Not so for numbers 5 to 7.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
zhihau said:
going to the root of the problem can help us solve the problem a lot, conventional wisdom says :smile::smile::smile:
as what bro JW5 mentioned earlier, me supposed the issues me brought up mainly consists of internal issues on a micro view, there's still the macro view to be taken into consideration as well :o:o:o

Yes. Adopt a macro view. Back to the second Dr Winsemius. Have we identify him yet? If the Government cannot or will not do anything, i heard of a group that works at the community level, developing self-help and mutual-help plans to address foreseeable calamities. Forgotten the name of this organization though. Any bros heard of it?


Super Moderator
It's too late bro. Now, even when Tharman said that we should change our way of thinking, such that even someone who works as a waiter should be respected for his professionalism, the vast majority of sinkies will laugh at him. Our value systems and parameters of success as a person has been brainwashed into our population since long ago.

your words resounded like an echo during my lunch yesterday, an elderly man was chiding the kopitiam server, calling him a "废物", and the reason was simply because the server was a little slow :(:(:(


Singapore was a pleasant place when the population was 1.25 million.

Ha..that when my mother said...she don"t see me around unless it is dinner time.. I would be with kampong frds catching spiders and guppes from the drain.

We have 10 sibblings. and 3 did make it to be able to get their i/c...


your words resounded like an echo during my lunch yesterday, an elderly man was chiding the kopitiam server, calling him a "废物", and the reason was simply because the server was a little slow :(:(:(

Can't understand why we can't clean up ourselves after we have eaten at food courts, coffeeshops, or hawker centres. We do that at home, during NS, at friends' and relatives' homes, even at restaurants a little where we don't want to look like a glutton. Not too difficult to pick up the bones and pngliap and put into the used bowls or plates and give the table a wipe.

Recently there was a report about vast shortage of cleaners, when the foreigners returned home for the new year.

My latest harebrain idea will solve this problem. Issue cards for every coffeeshop and hawker centre. Foodcourts like koufou, kopitiam and food junction already have them. Have a disposable rag at each table and collection points for bowls and plates and garbage cans. Instructions for customers to clean up after they eat. The local cleaners will be armed with hand held devices, which the cards can be inserted if the cleaners deem the table to be cleaned and the waste and crockery disposed properly. Points given or rebates/discounts for the next meals. Authority passes to the local cleaners. No need for foreign cleaners.


The 2 main issues in our society today are imo, the following:
-- Value and Values, or more aptly, the lack of them.

Commonplace now to have sycophants, obedient followers, people who only follow instructions without thinking, those who just maintain the status quo, those who have become experts at stating the obvious and making motherhood statements, simply just making sure that the boat is not rocked and all the deck chairs are properly arranged.
The impetus to create value in terms of innovative and useful products, services or ideas is not there. Even when they try to give adviCe or sound wise, they end up sounding like idiots, let alone providing value to people. It's more about being obedient to the ones in power, and making sure that they are not offended. Keep the status quo and they can keep their positions and all that goes with it.

These days, it's about how quickly they can make loads of money, what house and car they can afford, which schools their children go to, where they go for their holidays, achievement of material things, status, money power, even sexual conquests.
Values like being honest and ethical, speaking up and acting for those suffering injustice, helping others in need who are not their friends or family, being kind and generous - all not so important these days.

Could it be that a lack of value and values is acceptable to those in positions of authority and power, simply because they themselves are lacking?


Super Moderator
Could it be that a lack of value and values is acceptable to those in positions of authority and power, simply because they themselves are lacking?

:eek::eek::eek: there wasn't any ten-year series on Moral and Values Education!!! :eek::eek::eek:
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