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the city state...


your words resounded like an echo during my lunch yesterday, an elderly man was chiding the kopitiam server, calling him a "废物", and the reason was simply because the server was a little slow :(:(:(

bro, just realised that u were referring to kopitiam server, and not cleaner.
Which also makes me wonder now whether it is the kopi server at the kopitiam or the SBF server? :biggrin:


Can't understand why we can't clean up ourselves after we have eaten at food courts, coffeeshops, or hawker centres. We do that at home, during NS, at friends' and relatives' homes, even at restaurants a little where we don't want to look like a glutton. Not too difficult to pick up the bones and pngliap and put into the used bowls or plates and give the table a wipe.

Recently there was a report about vast shortage of cleaners, when the foreigners returned home for the new year.

My latest harebrain idea will solve this problem. Issue cards for every coffeeshop and hawker centre. Foodcourts like koufou, kopitiam and food junction already have them. Have a disposable rag at each table and collection points for bowls and plates and garbage cans. Instructions for customers to clean up after they eat. The local cleaners will be armed with hand held devices, which the cards can be inserted if the cleaners deem the table to be cleaned and the waste and crockery disposed properly. Points given or rebates/discounts for the next meals. Authority passes to the local cleaners. No need for foreign cleaners.

How fascistic. Don't need to flash your pink IC. You're a Singaporean, alright. :rolleyes:

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Cruxx said:
How fascistic. Don't need to flash your pink IC. You're a Singaporean, alright. :rolleyes:

To some extent I agree with you. Cleaning tables and being clean in our way of eating and clearing up are two different things which should both be promoted to improve our standard of living. The nature of cleanliness due to the variety of food found in a hawker centre can never be compared to a fast food joint. Even in fast food restaurants, cleaners are required. Nobody wants to eat at a table hastily cleaned by the last customer at a hawker centre.
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Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
zhihau said:
my bad, was under the impression that Dr Winsemius's idea placed aside for a while until it was picked up again some time later :smile::smile::smile:
not sure about the rejection of the common market with Malaysia when we got booted out, the wet market at Tampines St 11 was just the only few markets me knew about :eek::eek::eek:

I did a check with GKS' daughter-in-law or rather the book, GKS, the Portrait, written by her and also the Singapore Encyclopeadia. The UNDP report was submitted in 1961, proposing, among other things the setting up of a EDB. This idea was adopted in August the same year with the establishment of EDB. So highly unlikely that his report was rejected at that time. One reason for the rumour could be that he again submitted his assessment 4 years later but this time the proposal was on quite different areas.
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To some extent I agree with you. Cleaning tables and being clean in our way of eating and clearing up are two different things which should both be promoted to improve our standard of living. The nature of cleanliness die to the variety of food found in a hawker centre can never be compared to a fast food joint. Even in fast food restaurants, cleaners are required. Nobody wants to eat at a table hastily cleaned by the last customer at a hawker centre.

You're not agreeing with me then. The fascism I was referring to is the notion that you need some bureaucratic decree to force people to clean up after they eat. Fuck hygiene! Why are you sinkies such unsophisticated thinkers, hell bent on subjugating human beings and reducing the richness of human experience into your silly, narrow obsessions with cleanliness and order? I find the conservatism of Sinkie sheep absolutely repulsive. So Singapore is the cleanest, most secure and technologically advanced prison in the world. Big deal? :oIo:


Fuck Singapore!






Super Moderator
bro, just realised that u were referring to kopitiam server, and not cleaner.
Which also makes me wonder now whether it is the kopi server at the kopitiam or the SBF server? :biggrin:

heheh... the former, bro :smile::smile::smile:


Super Moderator
I did a check with GKS' daughter-in-law or rather the book, GKS, the Portrait, written by her and also the Singapore Encyclopeadia.

great effort there, bro, appreciate that lots :smile::smile::smile:
did the book mention anything on the plans drafted? it seems we're ahead of our plans and set at the crossroads once again :o:o:o


Super Moderator
So Singapore is the cleanest, most secure and technologically advanced prison in the world. Big deal? :oIo:

actually, me believes in "lah sup jiak, lah sup tua". an environment that is too sterile is more inviting for more virulent bugs :eek::eek::eek:


Alfrescian (Inf)
couldn't help it but kept thinking about the conversation me had with Uncle Teo a couple of days ago, several questions kept bugging me, and me would need to call upon the collective wisdom of our learned brothers here in the land of SBF to help me solve these questions :o:o:o [

1. land mass and population size
our land mass is roughly 700 sqm, currently having over 7K folks per sqm. me find that it is way too crowded for me likings. in your opinion, what is a comfortable range for our population density?generally comfort range is inversely proportional to populations density...3k folks psm is better than 4kpsm ..what is comfortable is very individual. but i think 4kpsm is ok. now is too crowded

2. food and water
looking at the number of reservoirs we have, coupled the output from the NEWater plants, how long can it sustain our need for clean and fresh water? are our water treaties with our neighbors still in force? when will the treaties lapse? how to keep food at affordable prices?SG is fortunate to be surrounded by water and is unlikely to die of lack of water. but more people in SG means water will be more expensive as we have to expend more energy to treat water

3. transportation and infrastructure
based on our comfortable range for our population density figures, are our transportation systems designed to withstand such load and capacity? would we need to build taller buildings or have deeper basements? would there be enough public housing?

4. defense and international relationships
why are we spending so much on military hardware when unconventional warfare methods can easily damage our economy more effectively than an all-out conventional warfare scenario? how do we go about establishing ourselves as a sovereign and friendly nation?

5. education and economy
why is the attrition rate in the teaching fraternity high? is CPF really capable of sustaining our Citizens in their retirement age? what will be our pillars of economy in the long run? are we chasing more band wagons in the future?

6. healthcare and quality of living
based on our comfortable range for our population density, is our healthcare system capable of handling the increasing load? even our ever falling birth-rates and the ever falling floor area in public/private housing seems to correlate...

7. immigration and foreign talents
how do we attract real talents and keeping them rooted here instead of having them using Singapore as a stepping stone and/or just a cash-cow?

me think me starting to grow a strand of white hair already :*::*::*:


Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
zhihau said:
great effort there, bro, appreciate that lots :smile::smile::smile:
did the book mention anything on the plans drafted? it seems we're ahead of our plans and set at the crossroads once again :o:o:o

No. It was only a biography of a man and his trysts in life although of his work also.


Super Moderator

heheh... sorry to inform you that me made an error in the post, me bad :o:o:o
so me reckoned that you personally feel that 4k folks in a squared kilometer is considered ok, so that's approximately 2.5~3 million folks around this island. fair enough.
desalination process is quite costly, isn't it? :confused::confused::confused:


Super Moderator
No. It was only a biography of a man and his trysts in life although of his work also.

me would reckon that with time come to pass, our actions (everyone of us) will continue to leave its impact on our society... :o:o:o


Super Moderator
on the topic of the greying populace, me do suspect that the shrinking homes had a part to play... *sighs*


Super Moderator
population density and home size plays an important part in our reproduction rate. discuss. :o:o:o

some old post for reference here & here

a short excerpt
biology 101. you want the population to reproduce? keep the standards of living AFFORDABLE and CONDUCIVE. stress will keep the rate of population renewal low. the reasons why Singaporeans ain't producing, simple, HDB flats ain't affordable, costs of living is too high, stress level too high, who in the right frame of mind would dare bring his/her child into such stressful environment?
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Super Moderator
one burning question remains: does the Government plan to continue to develop her Citizens as serfs/economic digits for their coffers or as Citizens of this Republic? :confused::confused::confused:


one burning question remains: does the Government plan to continue to develop her Citizens as serfs/economic digits for their coffers or as Citizens of this Republic? :confused::confused::confused:

My burning question: why does it matter what the government does? It's incumbent upon all individuals to fight for their own rights. But bloody Sinkies are too brainwashed to care. They seem rather proud of the clean and secure jail that they inhabit. Sinkies are akin to turkeys voting for Christmas. How dumb can Singaporeans get? :rolleyes: