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George Yeo Kena Blasted By China Foreign Minister - The Washington Post


Dear GMS

That encirclement you speak of is an encirclement of alliances based on trade, investments and underlined by the military in the form of PACOM. The encirclement exists because the states that have allied with the US in the Asia Pacific have deemed it in their interests, from India to Japan to S Korea to well Australia Singapore and others further down the list like Indonesia etc etc

How does that encirclement threaten China ? Does it threaten its national existence or territorial integrity ? Does it threaten its access to trade, investment or sea lines of communication ? In fact the alliances will serve only to contain China if and when it choses to exert its power and size in the region as typified by statements by the Chinese FM on the South China Sea. Are we looking at a benign China or a Nationalist China ? That is the foreign policy question dominating the horizons for everyone from India to Japan to S Korea, and in the absence of a clear answer a benign US and PACCOM seems pretty OK if only as an insurance policy


Locke, I doubt GMS will give you an intelligent retort. :rolleyes:
He appeared on CNA and Al-Jazeera before. Sounded like some fool

Anyway GMS, which University did you graduate from?


I am curious, who in your opinion are good opposition candidates?
Locke, I doubt GMS will give you an intelligent retort. :rolleyes:
He appeared on CNA and Al-Jazeera before. Sounded like some fool

Anyway GMS, which University did you graduate from?


The issue is Chinese harrassment of ships and oil exploration activities in the South China Sea. Added to that its claims of sovereinity of far away islands and the seabed.

The Alliance and the renewed exercises militarily are to twart any ambition of steam rolling the smaller countries.

If you drop by countries in Africa such as Tanzania and Kenya, you can see their presence and influence. You can see Chinese construction workers together with locals building roads. All done with Chinese aid.

The younger generation can't be bothered with might and the show of force. They are more interested in where innovation occurs, the manner in which you conduct yourself and your ability to hold your own in any dialogue and interactions. There is also an element of style and culture that is added. China and India are nowhwere in this space. They are associated with cheap labour, counterfeit foods, entrepreneurship in exploiting their own countrymen and building weapons of mass destructions and spending a fortune in defence to keep their mandate intact.

The best sign of a country's progress is where the young are and what the country can contribute. Look at Nokia and LG. Instead the best chinese and Indian brains are in Mountain View and in top Universities in the States. Both these countries have never developed anything of quality or substance over the last 100 years. Their accumulation of wealth is a result of cheap labour, cheap goods and substandard quality.

Countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia can only watch and smile while they have no doubt which wagon they should rely on.

For christ sake, they only have to compare themselves to the Koreans who turn out good stuff in many sectors. Have you ever seen anything of value that comes out of China/India that is local. These clowns can even build a decent tv or car but live on the backs of cheap and exploited labour. Sure they have impressive growth in national reserves. To me no different to human traffickers.


The best sign of a country's progress is where the young are and what the country can contribute. Look at Nokia and LG. Instead the best chinese and Indian brains are in Mountain View and in top Universities in the States. Both these countries have never developed anything of quality or substance over the last 100 years. Their accumulation of wealth is a result of cheap labour, cheap goods and substandard quality.

How true.

I think 80% of Beijing Uni grads go to United States for their Doctorates/Masters

I doubt Chinese want to do anything about this outflow of talent until they have a substantial economy to lure them back.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The issue is Chinese harrassment of ships and oil exploration activities in the South China Sea. Added to that its claims of sovereinity of far away islands and the seabed.

PRC : Why are you blocking my way to Taiwan?

USA : What do you call the straits on your way to Taiwan?

PRC : Taiwan Straits.

USA : Exactly, it means it belongs to Taiwan.

PRC : What do you call he sea in South-east Asia?

USA : South China Sea.

PRC : Exactly, it means it belongs to China.


PRC : Why are you blocking my way to Taiwan?

USA : What do you call the straits on your way to Taiwan?

PRC : Taiwan Straits.

USA : Exactly, it means it belongs to Taiwan.

PRC : What do you call he sea in South-east Asia?

USA : South China Sea.

PRC : Exactly, it means it belongs to China.

USA: What do you call the place where Tibetians are now living?

PRC : Tibet.

USA: Exactly, it means it belongs to Tibet!!!

:oIo: :oIo: :oIo:


Alfrescian (Inf)
USA: What do you call the place where Tibetians are now living?

PRC : Tibet.

USA: Exactly, it means it belongs to Tibet!!!

:oIo: :oIo: :oIo:

PRC : Don't mix Taiwan with Tibet. Nuke you then you know.

USA : Hello, we got more nukes.

PRC : You damn bully, don't friend you already.


Dear GMS

The issue ultimately boils down to the following. What is ultimately in China's interest and what is the best means to achieve that interest. Economics and Trade is as much sea borne as it is air borne. SLOCs are strategic issues for China in as much as it is an issue for the US Asean, Japan S Korea and yes Australia.

China naval power will grow as its sea trade and its economic weight within the world grows, that we can take as a given. The question is how that power is exercised ? In so much as the American Navy has allowed free trade and SLOCs to flow uninhibited for any nation in Asia including China, we have all benefited from this in the last thirty years. The asians have allowed the americans base access and have bought up and supported US debt.

The Chinese Statement is in itself worrying and questionable. Does it seek to replace the US Navy as a benign supporter of SLOCs and free trade ? True it may not have disputes with all of ASEAN, but vis sa vis a more assertive China and a more Assetive PLN , the Phillipines will be screaming for the US to be back at Subic and Malaysia might even built a pier in Klang for the US Carriers.


Beloved lockliberal, why is the Chinese statement worrying and questionable? And so what if it aims to replace US presence in Asia? In your warped reasoning you mean Asians should actually buy up more of US debt and be happy doing that just for the emotional BELIEF of more freedom when it is only negligible in reality? What makes you think that Asia by Asians is a such bad idea?

Probably a brainwashed moron like you, should get lost to a foreign Western country and be treated as dirt there. More liberty maybe, but NO dignity. That's just the way you like it obviously.

The rants of stupid liberals are neverending.


As the world becomes globalised China finds that it is not the biggest, nor is it the center of or the only country in the world. So who spearheaded globalisation? Definitely not the Chinese.

Every country would strive for more territory, control, influence etc, any one of these and since America and Europe have done and are continuing to do so then China is no different either.

Faraway islands? Who are you to judge? You probably flunked your English and Geography since junior high and had vowed to be better, it is a visible attempt but, it is still not good enough.

The younger generation may be smarter, but still, they are weaker overall and there is still much for them to learn about things. Where innovation occurs? What a joke. They are like fugitives in lesser foreign countries trying hard to make themselves heard, and that's about it. Oh and what? The manner in which, you conduct yourself and? Ability to hold your own in any dialog and conversations? You mean to say, how to be cunning, deceitful and adept at damage control and face saving? This only shows how people degenerate as the days go by. What is funny is how you actually speak of these ill effects on their part determinedly as virtues.

Well, let's see how they use these false virtues to save themselves from concentration camps, long prison terms, executions and the rfid implants. We should make videos of these young aspiring stars to serve as shining examples to everyone else. No show of force or might is needed - this is only a pure exhibit of logic. Simple.

China goods made locally may not be as impressive as that of First World countries (I think it is dumb of you to even criticise Third World goods), but the country is growing and this will be improved in time. There will be more quality control and standards as China is beginning to find itself in the world.

Remember that throughout history China has always tended to her own, and it is only thanks to the meddling of Western countries and their dirty ideas including globalisation much later that had her destroying her own dynastic lineage (and much of her own culture in turn), taking up Communism to help the majority poor and becoming more assertive and even at times, hostile towards transgressing foreign countries and their biased media (especially that of the West) that does little to help the situation.

You need to educate yourself deeper before coming up with surface-only comments like this.

The issue is (messaged truncated)


According to US government reports, one million American children go to bed hungry, while the Obama regime squanders hundreds of billions of dollars killing women and children in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Today in the American Superpower, one of every six Americans is living on food stamps.
The Great American Superpower, which is wasting trillions of dollars in pursuit of world hegemony, has 22% of its population unemployed and almost 17% of its population dependent on welfare in order to stay alive.

The world has not witnessed such total failure of government since the final days of the Roman Empire. A handful of American oligarchs are becoming mega-billionaires while the rest of the country goes down the drain. Royally flushed.

And the American sheeple remain acquiescent, baa,baa,baa...A black sheep is leading the way.

They are reverting back to the dark days of the USSR when the Soviet could put a SS20 ballistic missile onto the White House dining table but unable to feed their own people.

That was the road taken by the Soviet then and America seem none the wiser from this past mistake of their former arch-enemy.
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Excellent points on the state of US policies as well as the ex-USSR. The Americans have continued to stumble from one foreign policy failure to another.

Interestingly their best policy which they seem to pursue inactively but has given them the most success is pulling in the best and brightest from all parts of the world. It is certainly driven by the private sector.

According to US government reports, one million American children go to bed hungry, while the Obama regime squanders hundreds of billions of dollars killing women and children in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Today in the American Superpower, one of every six Americans is living on food stamps.
The Great American Superpower, which is wasting trillions of dollars in pursuit of world hegemony, has 22% of its population unemployed and almost 17% of its population dependent on welfare in order to stay alive.

The world has not witnessed such total failure of government since the final days of the Roman Empire. A handful of American oligarchs are becoming mega-billionaires while the rest of the country goes down the drain. Royally flushed.

And the American sheeple remain acquiescent, baa,baa,baa...A black sheep is leading the way.

They are reverting back to the dark days of the USSR when the Soviet could put a SS20 ballistic missile onto the White House dining table but unable to feed their own people.

That was the road taken by the Soviet then and America seem none the wiser from this past mistake of their former arch-enemy.


Many years ago, in a closed session discussion, someone raised the possibility that language will be pursued to divide and marginalise the opposition. We did not think much of it then. This chap said that old man will make sure that the grasp of the English Language which could be an excellent tool to bring the plural society together will be limited. We have since seen the quality of the English Language deteriorate right before our eyes.

Samy Vellu of MIC did exactly that for thousands of Malaysian Indians when he fought for tamil mediums schools in rubber estates in the name of "protecting culture". He got his votes and after 2 generations, there are thousands of Malaysian Indians that can't be employed except in estates and plantations.

Stringing a piece of sentence as you put it seems difficult to many Singaporeans. So much so that many countries have required Singaporeans to take language test for migrations which was not previously done. FT Indians have toehold in Singapore high end economy precisely for their English.

Whether we like it or not, politicians will be judged by the command of the language and for some weird reason, substance seems secondary. I am pretty sure that are many people out there who would make good politicians but are stopped by their language issues.

I once came across a lawyer who was trained in NUS whose command of the spoken and written English was quite interesting. He understandably did not litigation and was self employed. He however did very well in conveyancing. And maybe that's what the old man planned.

Notice that Malay parents talk to their in English which they seldom did in public in the past.

Language is quirky as well as dangerous. Like fire, a good servant but a bad master.

Sylvia Lim is pretty good

At least she can piece a sentence together with no issues!


According to US government reports, one million American children go to bed hungry, while the Obama regime squanders hundreds of billions of dollars killing women and children in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Today in the American Superpower, one of every six Americans is living on food stamps.
The Great American Superpower, which is wasting trillions of dollars in pursuit of world hegemony, has 22% of its population unemployed and almost 17% of its population dependent on welfare in order to stay alive.

And they continue to do this because the rest of the world is footing the bill for America :wink:

Also, can you be sure 10,000 Sinkies don't go to bed hungry?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Stringing a piece of sentence as you put it seems difficult to many Singaporeans. So much so that many countries have required Singaporeans to take language test for migrations which was not previously done. FT Indians have toehold in Singapore high end economy precisely for their English.

Yeah right, instead of stringing a sentence together, they tie knots around it and strangle it.


The challenge to the Chinese is the same challenge that faces India, the 3rd world and even the established developed countries. Most of them do not want to return home and rather pursue their career and have their family grow up in the States.

I did not know the extent of this problem until I saw the report of the politburo kids that came out of a thinktank. These kids would easily get jobs and position of power back home but chose to stay behind with the full blessings of their parents.

How true.

I think 80% of Beijing Uni grads go to United States for their Doctorates/Masters

I doubt Chinese want to do anything about this outflow of talent until they have a substantial economy to lure them back.


There's no such thing as Chinese naval power as yet. Even US Marines are more powerful than whole Chinese fleet combined. US Navy have seven fleets, each also more powerful than the whole Chinese fleet combined. Chinese fleet couldn't even cross a few kilometers across Taiwan Straits. Power? Bleah! Not even comparable to the Israeli Navy. Basically, after the decline of Britannia, US own the seven seas.

For the past 10 years, the US has been held to a stalemate in Iraq/Afghanistan. They have not had the resources to confront North Korea or Iran over their nuclear programs which notably are a much greater threat to US interests than China. It seems highly unlikely that the US can seriously commit to confronting China over the South China Sea.

The correct foreign policy play is take a much more neutral position on this matter. It is bad enough Singapore serves as a logistics base for the US fleet that will be used against China in the event of hostilities. It is silly to provoke the Chinese even more by signing up for this coalition to contain China. The stare directed to Minister Yeo is a clear signal of what China will do in the event of hostilities. Once Japan/South Korea has been neutralised, Singapore will be the next target since Singapore will be the main staging area for US forces.

As mentioned previously, the unfortunate reality is that Singapore's foreign policy is decided by the old lion who thinks he is a geopolitical genius. He therefore does not listen to anyone who counsels that it is foolish to get Singapore so involved in US adventures. The lesson of being abandoned by the British when Singapore was no longer "strategic" is obviously lost on him even though he lived through World War 2 and even reportedly worked as a Japanese interpreter. Maybe he has an arrangement for he and his family to be spirited away in US choppers aka Marcos while the rest of us go report for NS call up and pay for the mistakes of his geopolical chessplay.

The US actions have raised the stakes and will provide additional impetus for China to seek an arrangement with Russia. A China-Russia axis to challenge US hegemony seems increasingly likely as the interests of these two powers seem increasingly aligned to re-write the current world order dominated by the US.
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Dear Received.

Nothing wrong with replacing the US. As stated its how you go about doing it. The US has a network of alliances built over a decade based on trust PACCOM trade and investment. Asserting that they have rights over the whole of the South China Sea, telling some ASEAN nations that they have no business with China's disputes over other ASEAN nations in the South China Sea. smells of picking of individual countries one by one.

China might or might not be a positive influence but blustering and bullying is not the way to win friends over who are already in an entrenched alliance built over years
