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George Yeo Kena Blasted By China Foreign Minister - The Washington Post


then pick up his hand phone, call back up and then stab the bastard to death.

That is how we do it the "Singapore way"

Small country so what?

The communist part is on the path of self destruct, we don't need to do anything, just wait and watch the drama unfold.

Georgie should have shouted "Kwa simi lanjiow, knn "?:o


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Wait you must read yesterday how boy george reacted, "boh leh , why they report like that? boh tai ji leh , 大哥 neber stare at me leh" all the while sweating cold sweat when he replied I can imagine.

Guess he is the only one didn't see the stare because he didn't dare look up.


If the PLAN (People's Liberation Army Navy) is strong, they would have sent their own carrier group and conduct a naval exercise in the yellow sea during the US-Korea naval exercise as a show of force.

Picking on a small state, isn't exactly due conduct of a regional power.

When the US navy held their Pacific Rim exercise in the 80s, the Soviets vectored 4 squadrons of Tu160, 6 Oscar class SSGNs and practise anti carrier groups naval exercise in the Pacific ocean


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singapore lay no claims on South China Sea. It is interesting why the stare is targeted at George Yeo.

There are two possibilities:

1) Singapore is the smallest country in ASEAN.
2) Singapore is US Navy logistics base.

Goh Meng Seng

George Yeo looks blur and good to bully. 好欺负,不欺白不欺。Where got foreign minister in the world so blur, puzzled, clueless, helpless and powerless? Got MM and SM on top of him.


Shut down the factories manufacturing parts for the US Navy in China. Then they cannot conduct exercise liao.


Dear GMS

The issue ultimately boils down to the following. What is ultimately in China's interest and what is the best means to achieve that interest. Economics and Trade is as much sea borne as it is air borne. SLOCs are strategic issues for China in as much as it is an issue for the US Asean, Japan S Korea and yes Australia.

China naval power will grow as its sea trade and its economic weight within the world grows, that we can take as a given. The question is how that power is exercised ? In so much as the American Navy has allowed free trade and SLOCs to flow uninhibited for any nation in Asia including China, we have all benefited from this in the last thirty years. The asians have allowed the americans base access and have bought up and supported US debt.

The Chinese Statement is in itself worrying and questionable. Does it seek to replace the US Navy as a benign supporter of SLOCs and free trade ? True it may not have disputes with all of ASEAN, but vis sa vis a more assertive China and a more Assetive PLN , the Phillipines will be screaming for the US to be back at Subic and Malaysia might even built a pier in Klang for the US Carriers.



Alfrescian (Inf)
China naval power will grow as its sea trade and its economic weight within the world grows, that we can take as a given. The question is how that power is exercised ? In so much as the American Navy has allowed free trade and SLOCs to flow uninhibited for any nation in Asia including China, we have all benefited from this in the last thirty years. The asians have allowed the americans base access and have bought up and supported US debt.

The Chinese Statement is in itself worrying and questionable. Does it seek to replace the US Navy as a benign supporter of SLOCs and free trade ? True it may not have disputes with all of ASEAN, but vis sa vis a more assertive China and a more Assetive PLN , the Phillipines will be screaming for the US to be back at Subic and Malaysia might even built a pier in Klang for the US Carriers.

There's no such thing as Chinese naval power as yet. Even US Marines are more powerful than whole Chinese fleet combined. US Navy have seven fleets, each also more powerful than the whole Chinese fleet combined. Chinese fleet couldn't even cross a few kilometers across Taiwan Straits. Power? Bleah! Not even comparable to the Israeli Navy. Basically, after the decline of Britannia, US own the seven seas.


What's so amazing about Gunpowder? :confused:
It's just a composition of reactive chemicals

u r right.
but if they had never discovered gunpowder then now all wars are still fought with swords n wooden poles?:confused:
then people will still use heavy tools to hack thru the mountain caves?:confused:

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset

The issue is not about free trade and sea passage way but rather, the oil below the sea beds.

On the other hand, China views US presence in North Asian seas such as Yellow Sea in between Korea Peninsular and China as well as South China sea, Navy Base in Both South Korea, Philippines and Japan....etc as a strategic encirclement of China. This is the key consideration of Chinese.

Goh Meng Seng

Dear GMS

The issue ultimately boils down to the following. What is ultimately in China's interest and what is the best means to achieve that interest. Economics and Trade is as much sea borne as it is air borne. SLOCs are strategic issues for China in as much as it is an issue for the US Asean, Japan S Korea and yes Australia.



Alfrescian (Inf)
why say like that, we are all brothers!
Georgie yeo shld read the below poem to the China minister:



Alfrescian (Inf)
why say like that, we are all brothers!
Georgie yeo shld read the below poem to the China minister:


Chinese minister would probably reply, 谁跟你是兄弟?厚颜无耻,乱认亲戚!


Dear GMS

That encirclement you speak of is an encirclement of alliances based on trade, investments and underlined by the military in the form of PACOM. The encirclement exists because the states that have allied with the US in the Asia Pacific have deemed it in their interests, from India to Japan to S Korea to well Australia Singapore and others further down the list like Indonesia etc etc

How does that encirclement threaten China ? Does it threaten its national existence or territorial integrity ? Does it threaten its access to trade, investment or sea lines of communication ? In fact the alliances will serve only to contain China if and when it choses to exert its power and size in the region as typified by statements by the Chinese FM on the South China Sea. Are we looking at a benign China or a Nationalist China ? That is the foreign policy question dominating the horizons for everyone from India to Japan to S Korea, and in the absence of a clear answer a benign US and PACCOM seems pretty OK if only as an insurance policy
