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CHINA chinks are worse than ANIMALS ...


Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

nah! i never think so much. do you?

It is not a question of 'think so much per se'.......but the psyche behind it counts.

Because if you shy away from extending a helping hand---you are actually afraid of committing yourself.

Personally ,if your car breaks down I would get down from mine to push yours.....without second thoughts;it comes naturally.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

It is not a question of 'think so much per se'.......but the psyche behind it counts.

Because if you shy away from extending a helping hand---you are actually afraid of committing yourself.

Personally ,if your car breaks down I would get down from mine to push yours.....without second thoughts;it comes naturally.

i will do what i need to do to help. without second thoughts.


OMG so many heartless PRC.

i read all the posts with amazement... other parts of the world people are far worse!!

haven't u guys heard about Rwanda genocide:


Pol Pot / khmer rouge:




We aren't complaining about them coz they don't come to s'pore to work ???


Especially true in Guangdong province. Even PRC themselves (from Beijing or Shanghai) would comment that it is a lawless province.

Not only Guangdong!!! Look here...!With the Communist in China, all the idiot corrupted officials think they are big f !!!No wonder the PRC also behave like this since the Officials are also bad egg!!!

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Why are the China Communist corrupted officials so bastards!!!



大陸惡警行為囂張 公然施暴良家婦女!!!Communist China police???or gangsters???



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

No irony here. If you are a Malay but think unlike your race and mix with Chinese friends and not avoid them is it ironic?

It's stupid then cos at the end of the day you're a chinese. If a malay person that's hardworking for eg but says that malays are lazy then that's pretty stupid. At the end of the day he's a malay and it's even stupidier for him to say something bad about his race even if he doesn't engage in the bad thing that his race does.

Yet i doubt you'll ever see a malay talk bad about his race. Perhaps you shouldn't ever ask for help from a chinese person ever. I bet you're the type of person that regards everything bad in the world with chinese and the opposite with the non chinese. The biggest joke is that if you meet any like minded chinese like you he'll never want to befriend you cos you're also a chinese.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

It is not a question of 'think so much per se'.......but the psyche behind it counts.

Because if you shy away from extending a helping hand---you are actually afraid of committing yourself.

Personally ,if your car breaks down I would get down from mine to push yours.....without second thoughts;it comes naturally.

Are you one of those exceptional chinese that is like 1 in a billion?

You see everytime i see a chinese that talks bad about his own race he'll somehow say that he's different from the rest of his kind like he's special. :rolleyes:


Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

It's stupid then cos at the end of the day you're a chinese. If a malay person that's hardworking for eg but says that malays are lazy then that's pretty stupid. At the end of the day he's a malay and it's even stupidier for him to say something bad about his race even if he doesn't engage in the bad thing that his race does.

Yet i doubt you'll ever see a malay talk bad about his race. Perhaps you shouldn't ever ask for help from a chinese person ever. I bet you're the type of person that regards everything bad in the world with chinese and the opposite with the non chinese. The biggest joke is that if you meet any like minded chinese like you he'll never want to befriend you cos you're also a chinese.

I got to correct you on this, Since majority of my mates are malay and my best-friend is malay as well, I have heard them countless of times attacking malays as well and have praising the Chinese populationl. Honestly i think.. More locals see themself as Singaporeans 1st.. In-fact every Singaporean race blasts their own race every once in awhile. I do that as well..Everyone has 1 identity that they protect and in Singapore, Singaporeans protects that Singaporean Identity, Instead of protecting their race, Which most of the time is their 2nd Identity. Truth is..Singaporeans are Proud to be Singaporeans 1st. After all this decades of nation building, The identity is there. Our blasting of Singaporeans is more on Frustration/humor instead of Hatred.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

China... the most fucked up nation on the face of this earth.

The Japs would have done the world a favour if they had succeeded in exterminating the whole country instead of just raping Nanking.

raping only produced more unwanted babies, continuing the cycle of fuckedupness.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

I got to correct you on this, Since majority of my mates are malay and my best-friend is malay as well, I have heard them say countless of times attacking malays as well and have praised the Chinese population as well. Honestly i think.. More locals see themself as Singaporeans 1st.. In-fact every Singaporean race blasts their own race every once in awhile. I do that as well..Everyone has 1 identity that they protect and in Singapore, Singaporeans protects that Singaporean Identity, Instead of protecting their race, Which most of the time is their 2nd Identity. Truth is..Singaporeans are Proud to be Singaporeans 1st. After all this decades of nation building, The identity is there. Our blasting of Singaporeans is more on Frustration/humor instead of Hatred.

IC well then what i read from forums like this for eg it's always saying chinese very selfish and so on etc etc as if there are no selfish malays.

I need to correct the mentality that some chinese have. They see 1 non chinese like a malay do an act of kindness to them = all malays are kind hearted ppl.

Yet it's the total opposite when it involves a chinese person. These same ppl have obviously had many chinese strangers treat them nicely before but they totally forget it but all it takes is ONE yes just ONE chinese person to do something bad to them then they'll then stereotype all chinese as bad. Ironic thing is that they are chinese themselves and somehow the bad stereotype they have put on all chinese doesn't apply to them or their family members. :rolleyes:


Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

IC well then what i read from forums like this for eg it's always saying chinese very selfish and so on etc etc as if there are no selfish malays.

I need to correct the mentality that some chinese have. They see 1 non chinese like a malay do an act of kindness to them = all malays are kind hearted ppl.

Yet it's the total opposite when it involves a chinese person. These same ppl have obviously had many chinese strangers treat them nicely before but they totally forget it but all it takes is ONE yes just ONE chinese person to do something bad to them then they'll then stereotype all chinese as bad. Ironic thing is that they are chinese themselves and somehow the bad stereotype they have put on all chinese doesn't apply to them or their family members. :rolleyes:

You defiantly mean well and see things differently. I have seen my fair share of idiots and Good people from all segment of society/races.. That is why race isnt a big thing for me.. My ars has been saved by chinese and malay friends countless of times.. I think thats the Singaporean in us..We like to stereotype just for the shit and giggles. And honestly speaking no one can honestly say that This race is like this and this.. We just love insulting one another for the fun of it..But most of the time, We dont really mean what we say. Just like me..I like stereotyping just to piss people of, Even stereotyping my own kind for the laughter. But truth is stereotyping is never the Truth cos it judges every individual in that same community as of the same type and that doesn't make sense at all.
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Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

The video begs another question. Why didn't the person who shot the video went forth to help instead?


Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

My few PRC frens lamented when they saw the clip that such things happened regularly in their society. They said that more awful things,worse than this toddler happened in Chinese society which is painful for them to narrate.They too wonder whether there are inherent faults in Chinese society n the people.
I REM a old lady which is my granny friend habitually mumbled abouts events she witness in China in the early 1920s.She told about villages based on clans n fights over land were common.I REM very clearly she mentioned that a rival villager was killed and her whole villagers ate the bloody raw heart of the victim ,including herself. I was initially unbelieving but many years later I read that some practice cannibalism during the mayhem of the cultural Revolution and these people were Han Chinese.

I think such scary things happened in Chinese society regularly that have made ordinary Chinese more aware of the problems in their society.Many said the Chinese ppl were inherently very 乱 n its a dog eat dog world..I either eat you or you eat me..so everyone is fighting against each other for survival.I guess it develop because of the huge population fighting for limited resources. Many Prc n even old people who immigrate to Spore before 1949 narrate that the Chinese can even go to great length to harm each other when there is compeition whether in business,promotions n even cultural(eg rivalry between gongfu schools). Siblings also fought it other over allocations of family wealth n children can kill their parents in regards to money matters. They were adamant when told that other societies also behaves like that. These people insisted that from their own experience inside the society n as immigrants now,they has seen the worst in their own society. They said some educated ppl wanted to change but couldn't because it is inherent n part of the society for thousands of years.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

The video begs another question. Why didn't the person who shot the video went forth to help instead?

It's a security camera you twit. :rolleyes:

In case you haven't seen one before, it looks like this.

It's attached to a wall not a person.


Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

I share your sentiments.

And I wonder at this phenomena !....why is it that way?Why are Chinese by nature the least helpful?

Is it cultural,is it for lack of religion,is it dogma or doctrine that is genetically written?.....I am baffled.We simply cannot blame it entirely on communism because many of us local Chinese behave exactly as bad.

But I beg to differ on crowd watchers.My experience is empirical.I had personally seen in Indonesia and in India huge crowds gathering at accidents who does nothing but watches.So I suppose Chinese doing the same could be not be exclusively Chinese.But what bothers me is this lack of individualism part in the Chinese psyche.Can they only act collectively?.....is that why PAP rules us for more than 50 yrs?.....And the very reason why communism survives in China whereas it's dead worldwide?

This really requires some in depth study.

It is the shit Confucian principle of taking humility to the extreme and putting down the individual. The critical flaw is that it discourages critical thinking and the whole society becomes a mess if there are a few rotten apples within since the entire community will slowly degrade to the lowest common denominator of behaviour.
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

I didn't know. I don't follow Chinese media. Thanks but there's no need to say twit.

You don't have to "follow" any media. The camera angle and the stability of the image make it pretty obvious to almost everyone. That's why you're a twit.


Re: Ah Tiong society. Toddler got run over twice and no one cares

You don't have to "follow" any media. The camera angle and the stability of the image make it pretty obvious to almost everyone. That's why you're a twit.

When I first browsed through it here, I couldn't possibly assume it's a security camera since if it is, how could the footage become public? Supposedly, there was a leak. Anyway, that's just side issue. Call me whatever but I'm still quite shocked that such thing could happen. I don't know what to say. If I go on a tirade against Chinese morals and civility, I'll be bombarded with vulgarities by defenders of the Chinese faith that it's a Chinese matter, nothing to do with other races.