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Undermining WP in this forum

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Yup, you are right, that is why those who don't know will not know because those who know will not tell. :wink:

Goh Meng Seng

What makes you think those who know must tell all they know in politics? Are you three years old or just joined politics three years ago?


those who know, know. those who dont know, dont know.

those who know, may say or may not say.

those who dont know, have nothing to say.

KNNB got say like no say. no substance but try to sound deep and profound.

i also can say : if your aunty have balls, she would have been your uncle :oIo:


After reading the posts, conclude that GMS not trustworthy. Heard him at a rally before, not impressive. Besst for him to go work and earn for retirement. Dun waste his remaining precious time in local politics. Sincere advice from a by-stander.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The crisis is far from over yet. The whole incident has planted a bomb ticking within WP.

You sure? My assessment is that the crisis is over. Time bomb ticking within WP? Whoever attempts to plant that bomb has to be a person 'planted' into the WP. You cannot manufacture a bomb without knowledge and instructions. Am sure none in WP is able or willing to do that.

Whenever an opposition party is on the ascendancy, things do happen to bring it down to earth. No prizes for the right answer.


What makes you think those who know must tell all they know in politics? Are you three years old or just joined politics three years ago?

It's saying the bottomer rank of WP (which it calls by its own species of "insect") tripped Yaw, therefore those who did not tell on Yaw is the WP leadership, yet several times he tells people not to blame or attack WP leadership.

There is nothing more incoherent and paradoxic in the world than the <s>words</s> buzzes of the NSP fatvillageinsect. As you are his only proclaimed friend, bring him to a doctor or a vet if it doesn't help. Jixiaolan has not responded to the request.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The crisis is far from over yet. The whole incident has planted a bomb ticking within WP.

You sure? My assessment is that the crisis is over. Time bomb ticking within WP? Whoever attempts to plant that bomb has to be a person 'planted' into the WP. You cannot manufacture a bomb without knowledge and instructions. Am sure none in WP is able or willing to do that.

Whenever an opposition party is on the ascendancy, things do happen to bring it down to earth. No prizes for the right answer.


You sure? My assessment is that the crisis is over. Time bomb ticking within WP? Whoever attempts to plant that bomb has to be a person 'planted' into the WP. You cannot manufacture a bomb without knowledge and instructions. Am sure none in WP is able or willing to do that.

Whenever an opposition party is on the ascendancy, things do happen to bring it down to earth. No prizes for the right answer.

Personaly, I do not think the crisis is over. MSM will continue to talk about this day in day out till the by-election is over to "remind" voters in Hougang of who is better. The attack in forums wont stop either as we have seen constant and very contnued postings to rebut to make WP and those supporting the party look stupid or inept.

It seems as much rsources had been used just to win back Hougang. PAP know how difficult it would be. YSL did won Hougang with a 64% rate and that is a 15% margine that PAP has to overcome. Its a day in day out affair till the byelection itself take place and then we will have a rest.

In the broader picture, its nolonger abt what sort party WP is or the character of the candidates. Its all about politics and who would win what.

The only way to beat the PAP machinery and to "stop" or "end" this crisis is to win Hougang hands down with a bigger margin, render the PAP machinery incomptent and forcing LHL to rethink his politices.


Alfrescian (Inf)
if pap keep slinging m&d till by erection polling date, pap confirm lose. the thing why pap fail to recapture hougang for the last 20+ years was that hougang people still remember the revenge tactics use by the pap everytime pap lost. bus services withdrawed, no upgrade, no facilities, wet market demolished desipte eric low promise to upgrade the market if eric win. of course eric lost and the market was wipe off the map. all these small actions make people tulan only, it become u make 1st day i make 15th. desmond choo came last march promise the world, showing plans of upgrade, promising upgrade will continue even he lose but 10 months on, can only see him kpkb against wp for turning off basketball court lights and no words on the "promised" upgrade. never put money on the table still want to win, where got so good lobang? (sorry got, the rest of singapore stoopid to give mandate while hougang hold out, my bad.:p)


from some1 who up me

Scroobal and Aurvandil are the two worst things to happen to this forum. Totally true. At first Scroobal insults you for saying the right thing, then change his mind to say the same things that you did... without apology. Scum!


Alfrescian (Inf)
The crisis for WP is over with the expulsion of YSL. Now the crisis has only just begun for PAP, who to field in Hougang BE? It happened too fast after GE and Desmond Choo hasn't enough time to establish grassroot foothold there, i.e. sure lose. If not DC, wherefrom to find another suicide volunteer to take on the gamble for at least a respectable scoreline? For Hougang, WP has more than enough sure win candidates to choose from.
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The crisis for WP is over with the expulsion of YSL. Now the crisis has only just begun for PAP, who to field in Hougang BE? It happened too fast after GE and Desmond Choo hasn't enough time to establish grassroot foothold there, i.e. sure lose. For Hougang, WP has more than enough sure win candidates to choose from.

yes WP has now got the upper hand.... Desmond Choo do hav his kopi session at CC and his face all over
but Swee Bee is the best candidate to win Hougang.... I was the 1st who said it

Gerald or Yee both have zero pressence in hougang.... you obviously dunno ground or WP...

good call .... but Png, FC, Toh Hong Boon are all not in hougang as long as Swee Bee has been

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You misunderstand me. I am not commenting on LTK's decision to sack YSL. I am describing the sequence of events. To recap:

1) LTK was an early advocate of sacking YSL.

2) LTK was unable to do so initially because he did not have enough support within WP.

3) As events developed, LTK gained the necessary support to proceed with sacking.

4) At the time of the sacking, YSL still had supporters in the CEC who voted against his sacking.

5) WP needs to seriously examine their top leaders. Based on what the press was able to publish, it obvious that there were people in the top leadership that were talking to the press. Whether these are enemies of YSL or top leadership trying to force the hand of those against the sacking of YSL is something that remains to be determined.

I see. Now I understand you clearly. Kum siah!

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Haha... you miss the point totally. It is the failure to chop YSL in post 2006 that created all this mess now. :wink:

Goh Meng Seng

Awww,,, I misunderstood Auruvandil and you misunderstood me. What a tangled web we weave.

I was making the point that as sitting MP, you don't make the decision lightly to axe him. A sitting opposition MP is like a crown jewel of the opposition movement. You don't just axe an MP unless the situation is so dire that it threatens to incinerate the fabric of the whole party.

LTK clearly axed YSL only when there was clearly no choice left. He did the right thing.

As for your point that he should have axed YSL post 2006, it is clearly motivated by personal vengeance on your part. You have left the party a few months after 2006. How much do you know about YSL's internal performance, apart from gossip you hear from your grapevine?

You were defending YSL is delphi SBF, and you never criticized him openly prior to this scandal. Now you claim that LTK should have chopped YSL long ago. What bollocks. Your words can only bullshit forum newbies who were not tracking you in the old SBF.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Personaly, I do not think the crisis is over. MSM will continue to talk about this day in day out till the by-election is over to "remind" voters in Hougang of who is better. The attack in forums wont stop either as we have seen constant and very contnued postings to rebut to make WP and those supporting the party look stupid or inept.

It seems as much rsources had been used just to win back Hougang. PAP know how difficult it would be. YSL did won Hougang with a 64% rate and that is a 15% margine that PAP has to overcome. Its a day in day out affair till the byelection itself take place and then we will have a rest.

In the broader picture, its nolonger abt what sort party WP is or the character of the candidates. Its all about politics and who would win what.

The only way to beat the PAP machinery and to "stop" or "end" this crisis is to win Hougang hands down with a bigger margin, render the PAP machinery incomptent and forcing LHL to rethink his politices.

When I stated my assessment that I opined the crisis is over, I was referring to the minds of Hougang voters and how they will cast thier votes. WP did the right thing in expelling YSL. They gave him sufficient time to come clean, explain, whatever. He no sound no picture. No one can accuse WP for being rash. Given the facts of case, action taken and mood in Hougang, should be a breeze for WP when BE is called.

I think the crisis has just started for the MIW.


I agree with you in totality.

The crisis is indeed within the PAP.

I have never come across an event where the rug had been pulled from under PAP in this manner. WP giving up its crown jewels to the open market is bold, unprecedented, and unexpected. The ball in now in PAP's court. There is nothing for WP to do but wait. I have no doubt that Hougang will remain in WP's hand as the margin is so wide. I am sure the healthy margin was afactor that was considered.

PAP has never called by elections when its MPs died. The trauma from the by-elections of 1981 called to replace Devan Nair who accepted the Presidency led to JBJ creating history. By-elections is a dirty word for the PAP. The By elections strategy of 1991 though it was not a by election sealed the fate for PAP for good for this matter.

PAP is right that the people will happily vote an opposition figure if the govt of the day is not impacted.

Once again, there is nothing for WP to do except keeping working the ground and keep faith with the people.

When I stated my assessment that I opined the crisis is over, I was referring to the minds of Hougang voters and how they will cast thier votes. WP did the right thing in expelling YSL. They gave him sufficient time to come clean, explain, whatever. He no sound no picture. No one can accuse WP for being rash. Given the facts of case, action taken and mood in Hougang, should be a breeze for WP when BE is called.

I think the crisis has just started for the MIW.
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The matter can only be closed for the WP after Hougang is won.
God knows what other tricks the PAP will pull to even stop WP from looking after the residents until BE is called.

MSM will certainly hound for info on this Yaw- gate. And god knows what YSL might release to the media from wherever
he is and depending on how the stories are spinned. YSL will have to be advised / counselled in some way.

As for the voters, the choice is clear. And rest assured that the PAP " big guns " will be our in full force to screw things
up for the PAP as they invariably have always.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Sigh. People don't really understand that certain behaviours are actually habitual, they don't just pop up over night. Irresponsible people will be irresponsible from the start. Selfish people will be selfish no matter what. Scheming people will always scheme. People who like to F around will also be habitual.

There are people already given their "testimonials" of YSL. It makes you wonder why a lady keeps singing praises of him while his ex-business partners and ex-boss have come to the same conclusion that he is an irresponsible person.

It is just that you may not know him well enough that you don't see nor realize what a person he is. Things happen with reasons and such behaviour from him doesn't just happen overnight.

Goh Meng Seng

Awww,,, I misunderstood Auruvandil and you misunderstood me. What a tangled web we weave.

I was making the point that as sitting MP, you don't make the decision lightly to axe him. A sitting opposition MP is like a crown jewel of the opposition movement. You don't just axe an MP unless the situation is so dire that it threatens to incinerate the fabric of the whole party.

LTK clearly axed YSL only when there was clearly no choice left. He did the right thing.

As for your point that he should have axed YSL post 2006, it is clearly motivated by personal vengeance on your part. You have left the party a few months after 2006. How much do you know about YSL's internal performance, apart from gossip you hear from your grapevine?

You were defending YSL is delphi SBF, and you never criticized him openly prior to this scandal. Now you claim that LTK should have chopped YSL long ago. What bollocks. Your words can only bullshit forum newbies who were not tracking you in the old SBF.


Sigh. People don't really understand that certain behaviours are actually habitual, they don't just pop up over night. Irresponsible people will be irresponsible from the start. Selfish people will be selfish no matter what. Scheming people will always scheme. People who like to F around will also be habitual. Goh Meng Seng

Is the above going to be the preface of your upcoming autobiography describing your own character flaws?:oIo: