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Stop killing our hawker culture


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hehehe. How about cooking the popular hawker dishes yourself? I have spent a lot of time and money trying out various popular dishes. Some successful and some failure. For each failure, I force myself to eat those 'failures' so next time, will cook better. Some successful ones is Char Kway Teow (OK, this one I cheat cos' I used pork fat :p), fishball noodle soup and claypot rice. Have a long list of dishes I wanted to try out. Soon Kueh is a priority now cos' suddenly I have this crazy urge to eat Soon Kueh. I like the sticky one which can be found near Yangtze Cinema (front shop facing the road).


Alfrescian (Inf)
first world country have first world country food price.

sinkies want 3rd world country food price, but first world country salary.

This is impossible.

For that, everyone in singapore have to slash their salary.


I would like to invite everyone here to air their views about this latest PAP move to allow for corporatising of hawker centres,.....

apart from driving the last of the precious and cherished hawkers into retirement or into selling all kinds of "high priced foods instead of looking after those who do their "cottage" industry types of foods with their "commercial" rents... Now they wanna let their kakis in sheng siong and NTUC take over hawker centres....

Please leave the damm hawkers alone dammit!!!

INSTEAD of inviting a bunch of people who know jackshit about hawker centres like Elim Chew (wtf does selling clothes to kids gotta do with hawker centres???) they should have just gotten the likes of Dr Leslie Tay (from I eat.ishoot.i post) or the like.....

or they can't handle the truth????

what the bloody pap should do is to leave whatever close at heart to the people alone. yep! leave the hawker centres alone. DO NOT UPGRADE. upgrade is just an excuse to raise stall rentals which in turn raise the food prices which in turn ends up the common folks gotta bear.

who benefit from such redundant exercise? no one. only the gov! but the more disastrous outcome is the actual spirit or essence or unique feature of a particular retro hawker centre is permanenlty killed. the end result: lesser patrons due to higher food prices due to higher rental. if u look closely at the upgraded hawker, it actually isn't any much better b4 it was upgraded.

those million $ minitoots DO NOT eat at hawker centres. they do not know what simple enjoyments we folks treasure. the only thing in their mind is MONEY & MORE MONEY. it's best they leave what's not broken untouched, unadulterated and undone.

if a hawker centre really needs upgrading, people would know when and how to complain. then maybe a petition should be the set to gather whether the majority wants it to be upgraded.

that's look fairer and practical. personally, i love a haphazard hawker centre. it has this particular feel that we are living in singapore and enjoying the same honest to goodness and inexpensive traditional hawker foods.

so paps, if u r reading this:



Million dollar ministers eat healthy food that taste awful and bland because they want to live longer to enjoy their money.

If they want to kill peasants to allow more FTs in, very easy. Just subsidise the hawkers to lower their prices, add more oil, salt, MSG and flavoring so that more peasants like you guys proclaim that it is the best and cheapest CKT, CTK, HKM etc ever and how "the good old days are back" and eat more of it and get cancer and die earlier and faster.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
nahbeh hawker food gone liao lah. the oldies don't want to work anymore. just give up! the young ones too lazy to learn.hates hard work. take short cuts. the food standard goes down the longkang. siaoliao lah! better eat at home!

i went to tockhkee duck rice in peoples' park...during died from salt poisoning! the meat hard like hell. i think overnight duck. the roasted meat hard like stone. damned bloody expensive! the teochew bakso not so bad. the soup still good. but $4! the famous yongtaufoo only opens at 2 pm. nahbeh lunch time also no open!


Old Singaporean peasant hawkers are rude and retarded riff raffs :oIo:
The sooner they die off the better for the advancement of our society. Who wouldn't want our hawkers to be replaced by younger, more energetic and talented Foreign Talents!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Old Singaporean peasant hawkers are rude and retarded riff raffs :oIo:
The sooner they die off the better for the advancement of our society. Who wouldn't want our hawkers to be replaced by younger, more energetic and talented Foreign Talents!

the sad thing most of these young foreigners can't be bothered. they come here to earn money and work for others.no incentives to do their best. you go to raspara at mbs...you see the foreigners there dishing out your favourite dishes at minimum $6.50!!!...you can puke okay!


Soon Kueh is a priority now cos' suddenly I have this crazy urge to eat Soon Kueh. I like the sticky one which can be found near Yangtze Cinema (front shop facing the road).

You should try the one at the basement of the Dunman food centre or the one at the upper level food court located at the Simpang bedok shopping centre
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i went to tockhkee duck rice in peoples' park...during died from salt poisoning! the meat hard like hell. i think overnight duck. the roasted meat hard like stone. damned bloody expensive! the teochew bakso not so bad. the soup still good. but $4! the famous yongtaufoo only opens at 2 pm. nahbeh lunch time also no open!

I personally like the roasted meats especially the roast duck from the corner coffee shop located across the road from the back of Ilumna (facing the public carpark)... quite shiok...


We should completely annihilate our country's hawker culture, a relic of our Third World past, before the Coming of Lee Kuan Yew! Instead we should introduced more fine dining restaurants in Singapore which are more befitting to our country's First World status. I am glad that most hawkers are old peasants who do not have much time left to jeopardise the image of our country.


We should completely annihilate our country's hawker culture, a relic of our Third World past, before the Coming of Lee Kuan Yew! Instead we should introduced more fine dining restaurants in Singapore which are more befitting to our country's First World status. I am glad that most hawkers are old peasants who do not have much time left to jeopardise the image of our country.

Dear Ball Licking Homo Dog:

If you know the meaning of "Hawker" - the culture is already gone (or annihilaed - if you prefer) from Singapore. What remains are the fare they used to peddle, sold nowadays at Food Courts. And anyone who believes that Sg has attained "First World" country status is a sorry-minded naive dumb brown nosing faggot.



Remember The National Library


Hawker trade is slowly but surely taken over by FTs too. Nothing is safe in Singapore.

What do you mean ? Poison in the Laksa soup ? The bosses who bought or rented these stalls are not going to care about your taste buds. It's the money generating from these factory-like food outlets that are more important. Low pay, high profit margin is all they care about. They will nag at PAP if they aren't given enough FTs to churn out lousy but edible food to feed the crowd.

Remember how our National Library was torn down. This is the symbol of our national heritage destroyed for the sake of 'prosperity' or convenience. It's for the prosperity of the few : PAP and FTs. It's also for the convenience for the few. The historical stuff being removed is to make Sinkies conform to the new Manchu's culture - invisible queues ( 辫子 ) for Sinkies.

The Old National Library Building was a historical building at Stamford Road in the Museum Planning Area of Singapore. Originally completed in 1960, it housed the National Library and was a national icon for many Singaporeans. Despite a huge groundswell of public dissent, the library was closed on 31 March 2004, and was demolished to make way for the construction of the Fort Canning Tunnel to ease road traffic to the city. The controversy surrounding the building's demise has been credited for sparking greater awareness of local cultural roots and an unprecedented wave in favour of heritage conservation among Singaporeans.

So, our heritage is less important than that bloody road ? Lame lah !

The new Sinkies will not be aware of all these changes. Like what Tin Tin said ... Singaporeans must bear with it LONG enough to see the RESULT. Do read between the line. The brainwashing job ( 洗脑 ) for these kids continues. These new Sinkie kids will think that FTs are the part of nation building. They won't think they are a part of a national division or nation destroying or demolishing.

A systematic culture destroying is part of the Manchurian's plan to make the Ching period Chinese complying to their new masters' culture and standards. Mandarin being the next in line ?



I am one who loves reminiscing the past, the good old simple ways, but time and tide waits for no one. You can preserve certain pockets to depict the past, but for the most part, things will have to move on to, change with the times. This isn't the case just for Peesai but everywhere throughout the world. How many hawkers wish their children to grow up doing what they did? How many start up businesses wish to remain small? Corporatising, franchising, expansion, diversifying, all these are part of business. Yes, some maintain quality by staying and keeping on what they do well, but how many? Things will change. Get used to it.


You made some good points there for which by and large I agree. But the crucial question we must ask is why is it NTUC, a government linked company that has been engaged to run the new 9 hawker centers? In S'pore, every move that the govt makes is to benefit one of its GLCs, and at times a few of them together. Likewise the $900m cash provision by the govt to buy new buses etc, it's really to allow SBS and SMRT profit more. In all that the PAP does, there is but one motive - to fatten its GLCs.


A Rothschild Wannabes Conspiracy

You made some good points there for which by and large I agree. But the crucial question we must ask is why is it NTUC, a government linked company that has been engaged to run the new 9 hawker centers? In S'pore, every move that the govt makes is to benefit one of its GLCs, and at times a few of them together. Likewise the $900m cash provision by the govt to buy new buses etc, it's really to allow SBS and SMRT profit more. In all that the PAP does, there is but one motive - to fatten its GLCs.

Rothschild wannabes conspiracy ? :biggrin:


Re: A Rothschild Wannabes Conspiracy

Rothschild wannabes conspiracy ? :biggrin:

It is not a conspiracy because conspiracies are stuff that is done covertly BUT with these NTUC moves to monopolise the hawker trade, sheng siong to monopolise the wet markets and the SBS/SMRT moves..........,these are moves that are done openly and even audaciously......as if the bloody people of Singapore are blind and dumb.

This style is just downright Fascist in nature and if you bother to even find the origin of the PAP's party symbol you will notice a stark similarity to this one....


sheer coincidence?



Re: A Rothschild Wannabes Conspiracy

Both copied from hitler's SS stormtroopers

You mean all intending to derive some powers from the ancient magik of the runes?? Go dwelve a little deeper and you will understand why a lot of things about Singapore are also coupled with a lot of symbolism,....

Hitler's Nazi (national socialist party) symbolism and the fascist driven Third Reich are all fraught with the occult and black magic...


go get some awareness started.... all these damm sinkie 60.1 dunno wtf are they really in for...


You made some good points there for which by and large I agree. But the crucial question we must ask is why is it NTUC, a government linked company that has been engaged to run the new 9 hawker centers? In S'pore, every move that the govt makes is to benefit one of its GLCs, and at times a few of them together. Likewise the $900m cash provision by the govt to buy new buses etc, it's really to allow SBS and SMRT profit more. In all that the PAP does, there is but one motive - to fatten its GLCs.

Let's go back thirty, forty, years to track back how we ended here and who the nation sings praise to. Independence, progress, etc. Sg was on a solid path (which I attribute to the formation of ASEAN - thanks to Suharto), and partly thanks to the Vietnam war, ASEAN was seen as a centre of stability and Peesai was smack right in the centre of it - its hub. With a capitalistic (er, pro-west) soul, she attracted foreign investments, resting on her strategic position, trade grew, by leaps and bounds as the neighbours' infrastructure was still way behind, thanks to the Brits for building her "Gilbraltar of the East." For the mostly simpleton minded descendnts of coolies, they all were easily convinced that Peesai's stunning success was because of their local born Oxford graduate thatr brought these successes to Peesai and allowed him his will and wish to do whatever he desired which due to his good fortune would last till the neighbouring countries settled their internal post-war problems and modernise, which happend between one and two decades ago. Now the globalized playing field is almost level, and Sg's Golden Years may be over as she no longer has a great competitive advantage. Encumbered by limited land, there is a limit to growth.

NTUC? To me, that's one of the instituitions that has failed. What sort of a union is it? It is more a business entreprise with state-favored privileges. But who I am to say anything? Let the private sector be the private sector? If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em. Same goes for all the other GLCs.
