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Some martial arts myths


Re: Jah rastafar, You are next.

Hi bro,

I thought I was in the first queue?
Nevermind, I can take another forummer, he is ILOVEPORK.

This guy also trying to stir racist shit and I have been watching their posting right from beginning.

Should you receive reply from him, if you dont mind to PM me.



Re: Jah rastafar, You are next.

All these names mentioned here cannot compare to the chinatown hakka fighter nicknamed "black fist" (1893-1968)..... originally from Ipoh and was undefeated.... banished to singapore by the british special branch under the ISA..... one MIW was smart enough to borrow his talent to win the election in the chinatown area..... sorry i cannot recall his name...... hopefully my memory can come back when the files are declassified in maybe another 20 years time :wink:


Re: Jah rastafar, You are next.


This asshole huh? From his nick and most of his posting related to religion, a racist no doubt. We did cross path once. Asked him which religion he embrace, no reply. Coward rite? :rolleyes:

Sure thing. I will PM you should I recd a reply fm ILOVEPIGS. But I doubt he has the guts. :biggrin:

Talking about martial arts, I do have high respect for the late Bruce Lee. Was my favourite idol. Never missed all his show especially "The Green Hornet". His self created art of defence "Jit KunDo" simply fantastic! :eek:


Re: Jah rastafar, You are next.

This asshole huh? From his nick and most of his posting related to religion, a racist no doubt. We did cross path once. Asked him which religion he embrace, no reply. Coward rite? :rolleyes:

Sure thing. I will PM you should I recd a reply fm ILOVEPIGS. But I doubt he has the guts. :biggrin:

Talking about martial arts, I do have high respect for the late Bruce Lee. Was my favourite idol. Never missed all his show especially "The Green Hornet". His self created art of defence "Jit KunDo" simply fantastic! :eek:

Hi bro,

You are right, both Jah rastafar & ILOVEPORK are racist shit. Their intention is to create sparks towards the malay (I dont know why) all the times.

News posted by them are unfair, all about malay bad deed. I told them before to be more careful posting such favoristm in their action.

I have numbers of friend, colleague and neigbour comes from different group of races, I have no problem with them neither they have towrds me.

So long we respect and treat them fairly, they will in return treat you even nicer, really surprise me.

And yes, there are some who are bad, well... which race is not bad? every races are the same, there's good and bad. Even I myself sometimes not that good but I try not to over-doing, if people feel hurt, they will hurt as in return, perhaps it is my selfishness at times.

Lets keep in touch, I hope to join you if they (Jah rastafar & ILOVEPORK ) have responded the call to defend themselves.



I happen to know many people who jumped ship from Sim Poh Huat's Nam Wah Pai to Sim Poh Ho's school. They tell me their years in Poh Huat's school is a waste of time and money-stealer. Their new training is far superior.

I also know that the china government actually gave sim poh ho a big tract of land in china, to situate his training school. The rationale was, as a disciple of Wu Tunan, china didn't want Wu's skill to 'leave china'. I don't think Sim himself can afford so much land, so if the china government gave it to him, it's good proof that he's a real disciple of Wu Tunan?

I like to hear what this den cuckoo got to say about above :biggrin::smile:


As far as I know, SPH can even be Singapore Press Holdings. Stop being lazy if you don't want mis-understanding rather than blaming others for your own errors.

Anyone following this drift will know SPH stands for Sim Poh Huat the fraudster. Looks like you are one too first linking SPH to Sim Pooh Ho & later claims it can be Singapore Press Holding - speaks volume of your unscrupulous underhand tactics. No wonder you see fit to defend SPH the cheat,:p


Well, I just finished reading what's on the paper on thursday. As what you have claimed he declared Qi Gong can cure cancer. Let me quote what is actually written:

No doubt a lazy reader of SPH news:mad:

..and you claimed that he is telling the world Qi Gong can curee cancer?

Do you expect the way the fraudster to word them to mean his qigong cannot cure cancer? Why on earth would he waste money to advertise that his qigong cannot cure cancer? Isn't it clear to all except twit like you what he is claiming? Let's see how he handle HSA. SPH is truly cunning to put up this sort of advert & for you to poo poo it means you are part of his fraudster syndicate or a plain nincompoop. I am truly disappointed with having to waste my efforts in a twit.

I can fine thousand and one organization asking the same question and giving testimonies. My favourite is Lapis Lazuli Light and here's the web.

Search the world n you will find something to support your attempt to defend any ludicrous claim :oIo:

Have you gone and listen to the students testimonies before making judgement?

That many have been cured of cancer? None died from cancer after taking up NWP qigong??? Students or paid actors n actresses? Dare you say they are not paid or coached what to say, how to say? Boy you are naive

Obviously you are not a beliver of what you have learned and you have never bother to finsd out how you can use Qi Gong as a support role. to improve health.

So Mr Holier-than-thou you are now attacking me contrary to your implied position. Let me state categorically for the benefit of all following this thread that I have the learnt qigong the proper way and without paying $1000 for the basic course which Sim Poh Huat is charging those poor aunties n uncles plus systematic ripoff in enticing them on to learn Taiji 24 n 108 n zhaobao each time another $600. Ancestral taiji sages will be kicking in their graves knowing how SPH fleeces his students. Why do you say "support role " when it is so powerful as to cure cancer? Why sofar you dare not acknowledge the fraudster as your sifu?

For all I know, Mr Tan still can contract cancer for many reasons.

You can deny, you can postulate but Khe Hock was someone close to me and I have seen him died a painful death after months in a hospice. And before that like many financially poor aunties n uncles who attended Sim Poh Huat's talk about his qigong can cure cancer - he paid a total of $1500 and still had to die of cancer . His family will assist HSA in its investigation in any eventuality.You will understand by now why I feel so strongly about this thread n must speak out not only to get redress for Khe Hock but also to let the folks know that qigong does not cure cancer at all. And I doubt it can cure diabetes

And there are reasons why people get sick or even contracted cancer and it is mainly due to their way of life. You can practise Qi Gong and you do not change your lifestyle, don't expect miracles.

Sure, sure! BUT you know nuts about this case n speak from your anus :mad: Poor Khe Hock got stage 2 before taking up Sim Poh Huat qigong and developed into stage 4 after months of diligent qigong exercises before dying looking like a man of bones and skin only. Do I need to sympathise with the man who gave him false security? Do I keep quiet about it?:oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo:

Just because you aim to smear someone's reputation, you just twist the

Smear? Was there such a person? You need his IC number? Have you checked with your hero??

words to suit your needs, again using unfurnished information. By the way,

Unfurnished info?? Khe Hock may be a bunch of sorry ash but he is real n hardly a figment of anybody's imagination except a twit's

you really want me to start on Sim Pooh Ho and Sim Poh Huat's relationship?

[B]My agenda is to get justice for Khe Hock. Both siblings at each other throats does not concern me albeit Pooh Ho was my sifu. I am sure he can take care of himself even if SPH shows up at Nam Wah Villa in Kunming. But I do believe SPH will pee in his pants when Pooh Ho knocks at his door LOL.

even know why Sim Pooh ho has been hiding in China all the time.

With a wife as pretty as she is, I too will be hiding in the mountain resort exchanging qi with her daily if not hourly :smile:
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No, you did not mention Wu Tu Nan, and since you brought up Sim Pooh Ho, who claimed his relationship with Wu Tu Nan to market his association using. I come to question the legitimacy of his claim which is relevant to the topic.

NWP Anniversary magazine you said? If I question the legitimacy of their relationship, then even the article come into question. Sim Pooh Ho can show all the photos he has taken with Wu Tu Nan, bear in mind that Jet Li did the same thing to improve his status in the Martial Art Arena. For all I know Sim Pooh Ho could have written the article himself.

Little did you know that the book joint published by Wu Tu Nan and Ma You Qing was release after the death of Wu Tu Nan. Ma You Qing help to compile and published the series in memory of his teacher and he wanted to help fulfill Wu Tu Nan's wishes to spread Tai Chi. In fact most of the stuffs in the series are work of Wu Tu Nan and Ma You Qing have not tried to take any credit from it.

It is a fact that Ma You Qing is a close door disciple of Wu Tu Nan, and the fact that Ma never recognised Sim Pooh Ho speaks volume.

Hi liar: read the website below


Obviously you will n can claim the cut-out is fake. If you are a gentleman, you should retract the absurd claims you have made. I doubt you will as you are a liar and a twit. Also go read Li Lian's book on yong jia (if you understand Chinese!). It is clearly stated there that Pooh Ho being a diciple of Wu Tunan. So you have been reading pornographic book not qigong/taiji. :oIo:
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denzuko1 You sure you want him to teach you TaiChi? I will have second thought about going there.[/QUOTE said:
What makes you think I need to learn from him? If you think you are better than him, why not challenge for a duel - kind of Poh Huat vs Pooh Ho
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Re: Jah rastafar, You are next.

Lets keep in touch, I hope to join you if they (Jah rastafar & ILOVEPORK ) have responded the call to defend themselves.


No problem.

All i can say is both these two punks have nothing to defend or offer. Except their ass!



Nobody is putting down chinese martial art, all martial art have their merits. It is whether you have the discpline to be one. Your sentences very interesting indeed.:confused:

By the way, I wish to take on forummer who is racist.
Wonder if someone would to counter-offer.:wink:

Jeetkundo is the best... no form wins over form...:biggrin::biggrin:


Some famous Chinese Martial Artists

Wong Fei Hung 黃飛鴻 (1847–1924)


Style: Hung Gar Kuen 洪家拳

Huo Yuanjia 霍元甲 (1868-1910)


Style: Lost Track Skill 迷蹤藝

Dong Haichuan 董海川 (1797-1882)


Ba Gua Zhang 八卦掌
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bunch of garbage just to prove SPH isn't a fraudster. go ahead re-write history as you see fit whilst others are laffing their toes off.

a guy whose initials is SPH cannot be anything other than a fraudster.. simple as that..:biggrin:


Qi Gong CANNOT cure cancer and anyone who claims so is lying.

BUT, in theory qi gong can PREVENT cancer and all major diseases, if you train hard. The reason is that qi renews all your cells. Cancer is caused by dead cells forming a lump. So qi gong prevents that.

But no one can prove this is true. All those strong and healthy qi gong experts cannot prove it since they never get cancer before, and cannot prove they were destined to get cancer before their training.


Qi Gong CANNOT cure cancer and anyone who claims so is lying.

BUT, in theory qi gong can PREVENT cancer and all major diseases, if you train hard. The reason is that qi renews all your cells. Cancer is caused by dead cells forming a lump. So qi gong prevents that.

But no one can prove this is true. All those strong and healthy qi gong experts cannot prove it since they never get cancer before, and cannot prove they were destined to get cancer before their training.

Hi Brother Anger: I thot cancer is due to mutation of normal cell - kind of growth gone out of control?? No? Sure or not that qigong cannot cure cancer???? :confused::confused: