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Sinkies Speak Bad English & Bad Chinese. I Agree With Jim Rogers.


The follies of dead old fart Harry Lee coming to the fore.

For all the undue praises heaped on him, his brainchild stinkypore is falling apart and all its limitations getting exposed to the whole world.

We know chinks are copycats anyway. Nothing new or surprising.

Did u see Jim saying century of china? Do u understand? China has become superpower again. What abt those m&d land?

U need to study history. B4 usa or even uk become superpower, they all copied china things and improve in the past. Now, china turn, copy and improve. What abt those m&d? just copied paste blindly and nev use brain. Lepak. Complain others are racist towards them.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
ah meng , u write singerish beri well leh :roflmao::biggrin:
I am a eavesdropper in office, train, hawker centre, kopishop, shopping malls etc etc. Always laff and try to note down how others speak. :biggrin:

In addition, when sinkies do presentations, I always arm chio at them. For example, phrases like these spew out of their mouths:

"Actually hor..." (hor your ranjiao!)
"I think..." (Honestly, I don't give a fuck what you think!)


US billionaire Jim Rogers surprised by S’poreans’ poor command of English & Chinese when he moved here
He was half kidding.
Matthias Ang |
September 18, 2018 @ 06:26 pm


You might have heard of the Rogers family.

They are an extremely rich American expat family living in Singapore.
Jim Rogers is a prominent billionaire investor who started Quantum Fund — a well-known hedge fund — together with George Soros, another well-known investor.
The Rogers family have made headlines with the insistence on the young ones learning Chinese.

So much so that one of Rogers’ daughters is able to speak better Mandarin than most Chinese Singaporeans.

The Rogers family have been living in Singapore since 2007.

Why did they move to Singapore?

According to a Aug. 27 talk Rogers gave in San Francisco titled, “Where Are The Opportunities Today?”, he said his main reason for moving to Singapore was to give his children the chance to learn Mandarin:

It would not be a stretch to see that part of this move stems from Rogers’ view that the global economy’s future will be driven by Asia.
Notably, he has even called the 21st century the “century of China“.

Finding out the reality of standards

However, much to the amusement of his audience, Rogers said he found the reality in Singapore to be something else:

He proceeded to qualify his statement with some tongue-in-cheek observation.
“Now there are some people who speak good English and some people who speak good Mandarin,” he said.

And then he joked: “I’m sure I’m going to be arrested as soon as I get back to Singapore.”
Want learn Chinese should go taiwan or china why come here


Why do you hate chinks so much? :thumbsdown:

Inferior race.

Ugly looks

Pathetic physique

Chink females look like school girls
Faces look like flat pan
Chests look like airports
Characteristics those of whores

What's not to dislike?

Chinks and other chopstick races are the very antithesis of humanity.

You can't look into the eyes of these chinks, as they say in the civilized world, and make your point. They have slit eyes.

Chinks have no moral compunctions. They eat anything, drink anything, lying, cheating, deception, fraudulence, there's nothing they would not do to achieve their temporal goals on this planet.

A most cursed race.

Only defeated by the even more deceptive, fraudulent, smelly dark Ah Nehs.


Did u see Jim saying century of china? Do u understand? China has become superpower again. What abt those m&d land?

U need to study history. B4 usa or even uk become superpower, they all copied china things and improve in the past. Now, china turn, copy and improve. What abt those m&d? just copied paste blindly and nev use brain. Lepak. Complain others are racist towards them.

Jim Rogers also praised North Korea and Burma.

For crying out loud. He chose stinkypore to settle in.

He seems to have a hard on for flat chink girls' a$$es.

And moreso, if those girls come from dictatorial authoritarian closed one party states like tiongkok north korea burma or stinkypore.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Inferior race.

Ugly looks

Pathetic physique

Chink females look like school girls
Faces look like flat pan
Chests look like airports
Characteristics those of whores

What's not to dislike?

Chinks and other chopstick races are the very antithesis of humanity.

You can't look into the eyes of these chinks, as they say in the civilized world, and make your point. They have slit eyes.

Chinks have no moral compunctions. They eat anything, drink anything, lying, cheating, deception, fraudulence, there's nothing they would not do to achieve their temporal goals on this planet.

A most cursed race.

Only defeated by the even more deceptive, fraudulent, smelly dark Ah Nehs.
All humans are despicable lah.

Look deep into our hearts. We are fundamentally self destructive


Want learn Chinese should go taiwan or china why come here

Taiwan don't speak English well. Not multicultural enough.

Tiongkok even worse. A commie despotic regime.

No google, facebook, twitter, youtube or most other sites. Must use VPN. Big brother surveillance state. Not much different from yank CIA FBI NSA etc. Still in commy tiongkok got no such thing as protest and accountability. Or independent media. at least you can criticize the figurehead they put in as president like trump bush or obama.

the real kingmakers - the jews - are offlimits for all criticisms though.

in that sense, CCP tiongkok is no different.


All humans are despicable lah.

Look deep into our hearts. We are fundamentally self destructive

it's just the chinks and ah nehs.

ask @Leongsam

he despises the ah nehs and chinks and been doing so loooooong before i joined this forum or first visited this forum

if you nuke tiongkok and ceca virus today, literally, you would get rid of 2.7 billion pests from the planet. overnight.

the two most cursed races on the planet.

And the good, generous, jovial, simpleton Malayans were burdened with these two most noxious subhuman subspecies.

I can't imagine how the ever so friendly, jovial, tolerant, righteous, lovable Malayans put up with those subhuman scammers scumbags.


Super Moderator
Staff member
it's just the chinks and ah nehs.

ask @Leongsam

he despises the ah nehs and chinks and been doing so loooooong before i joined this forum or first visited this forum

if you nuke tiongkok and ceca virus today, literally, you would get rid of 2.7 billion pests from the planet. overnight.

the two most cursed races on the planet.

And the good, generous, jovial, simpleton Malayans were burdened with these two most noxious subhuman subspecies.

I can't imagine how the ever so friendly, jovial, tolerant, righteous, lovable Malayans put up with those subhuman scammers scumbags.
Every race will have people who say other races are bad.

But the variations between individuals even within the same race is far greater than the variations between races.

Same with gender.

Fundamentally we are all of the same species.

You can choose to see the good or the bad. I am guilty of this myself. Today is one of my better days because I dont have to work and deal with humans.



Every race will have people who say other races are bad.

But the variations between individuals even within the same race is far greater than the variations between races.

Same with gender.

Fundamentally we are all of the same species.

You can choose to see the good or the bad. I am guilty of this myself. Today is one of my better days because I dont have to work and deal with humans.



chinks and nehs are the worst of the lot. by far.

You don't see other races sh*tting in the open. Literally.

Chink tourists have earned a name for themselves for shitting in the open.

Only ah Nehs are worse.

Because their entire country is like an open toilet, maybe worse.



Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
"Later go where eat lunch? Then after lunch, 我们去 NTUC ok. I need to buy tissue paper for office lor" :biggrin:


"Later go where eat lunch? Then after lunch, 我们去 NTUC ok. I need to buy tissue paper for office lor" :biggrin:

Actually, let's be air even though I have not travelled extensively to many countries.

In my own limited travels, depending on the environment, in my opinion, the level of English in SG compared to other countries in the region is not too bad. 还是算不错吧!
Last edited:


Alfrescian (Inf)
british english: “oh dear! it is highly likely that i have committed an error!”
american english: “oh no! i screw up!”
hollywood english: “f*ck!”
singlish: “aiyah! cock up liao!”


I want to know....when it's said that Singkies speak bad mandarin. bad in wat sense? They don't speak like northern ah tiongs? Northern ah tiongs mandarin should be the world standard?


Super Moderator
Staff member
I want to know....when it's said that Singkies speak bad mandarin. bad in wat sense? They don't speak like northern ah tiongs? Northern ah tiongs mandarin should be the world standard?

Bad as in Sinkies level of vocabulary in the Chinese language SUCKS!

They cannot speak FULLY in Mandarin because they dont know the Chinese words to many daily things not to mention technical jargon in specific fields.

And EVEN if the KNOW the words, they often like to replace the chinese word with the english word if it is easier to say.

So you end up having sentences with BOTH Chinese and English in ONE sentence!


"你想 order 什么? 我在想 popcorn and nachos."

"Later go where eat lunch? Then after lunch, 我们去 NTUC ok. I need to buy tissue paper for office lor"

Even some forumers here do that when writing!

The PRC Chinese don't appreciate that. And they wont understand this mix of different languages in each sentence.

The English speakers will not understand either with the mix of Chinese words.

So you are neither here nor there.

Further more, the GRAMMAR used by sinkies is CHINESE MANDARIN grammar. The sentence structure spoken follows that of a mandarin sentence. Broken grammar.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I will share with you guys that my Mandarin is truly FUCKED up!

I thought I could speak Mandarin and Cantonese and serve the Chinese population in Calgary.

After 3 years I gave up. Constantly ridiculed by the China and Hongkie patients for not knowing words.

Sorry man I don't speak those languages apart from at work. And my vocabulary sucks.

You see in Chinese classes in Sinkieland they love to make us learn all those fucking idioms!!!!! FOR FUCKING WHAT MAN?

Instead of having us learn words to improve vocabulary. We learn all these fucking flowery crap phrases called CHENG YU which is FUCK SAKE NO USE unless you want to be some MING DYNASTY SCHOLAR OR POET!

Anyway fuck the chinese lah! Come to Canada, refuse to learn English expect the Canadians to learn Chinese!