prostitution is not illegal here if got licence .but is online prostitution illegal ? is being a pimp illegal in singapore ? singapore law very confusing .
Here's a summary of the law concerning prostitution in Singapore:
A. Online prostitution is illegal for the pimps because they don't have the required licences to operate legal brothels. They are considered to be earning from the proceeds of prostitutes which is illegal.
B. It's legal for clients to have sex with prostitutes from online prostitution websites provided that the girls are 18 years or over.
C. It's illegal for clients to have sex with prostitutes who are below 18 years of age regardless of whether they are from legal brothels in Geylang or from online prostitution.
D. It's legal for the pimps in licenced brothels in Geylang to operate their businesses provided that the girls are 18 years or older and have regularly undergone health checks.
E. It's illegal for Health Centres, KTVs, and Tui Nas to provide prostitution services to their clients as they don't have the required licences to operate legal brothels.
F. It's legal for clients to have sex with prostitutes from HCs, KTVs, and TNs provided that the girls are 18 years or older.
G. It's legal for Singaporean and SG PR girls under 18 years old to provide prostitution services to their clients. However, it's illegal for their clients to pay them for sex.
H. It's illegal for non-singaporean and non-PR foreign women to engage in prostitution if they don't have the necessary work permits because they are in violation of immigration law regardless of their age. The exception are those foreign women who work at the legal brothels in Geylang because they have the necessary work permits to work as sex workers.
I. It's legal for Singaporean and SG PR women of all ages to work as sex workers provided that they don't openly solicit their services. It becomes illegal when they openly solicit their services. However, it is illegal for men to pay them for sex if they are under 18.
J. It's illegal for men to have sex with girls under 16 years of age according to statutory rape law regardless of whether it's paid sex or not.
K. It's illegal for women to have sex with boys under 16 years of age according to statutory rape law regardless of whether it's paid sex or not.
L. Oral sex is illegal if it's not followed by vaginal intercourse as part of a foreplay even if both parties are 18 years or older.
M. It's illegal for SG and SG PR men to have paid sex with girls under 18 years of age overseas.
DISCLAIMER: The above is only a guideline concerning commercial sex law in Singapore and shall not be construed as legal advice. StinkiePeasants, his business partners, their employees, and/or their agents make no warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy and completeness of the aforesaid guidelines. In no event shall we be liable for any incidental/consequential damages to any persons, organizations, or entities deciding to engage in commercial sexual activities by utilizing the aforementioned guidelines. Before any natural persons, organizations, or legal entities decide to engage in any commercial sexual activities in Singapore or any other jurisdictions, professional legal advice must be sought.