• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

President Trump will win again


Trump is a businessman. If he wins, he is more likely to reach a win-win deal with China to avoid conflicts, while biden is a pawn.

This is exactly why I like Trump to win again. Under him less wars, less bombs and less innocents die.

However the Swamp is not that easy to drain. And he is right in wanting his country and his countrymen to prosper within his borders.

Byebye Penis

Pence trashed Harris in VP Debate
MVP of US 2020 Elections - Mike Pence

Summary (of the nine discussion topics):
1. COVID Response - Pence won - a body-blow slamming Kamala on vaccines: "stop playing politics with people's lives."
2. Health Of Candidates - Tie - neither candidate answered but if we had to pick, Pence shaded it as Kamala discussed herself.
3. The Economy - Pence won - the vice-president crushed Harris on Biden taxes (briefly silencing her over Trump tax cut repeal).
4. Climate Change - Pence won - perhaps surprisingly but Harris was unable to recover from being cornered on her sponsorship of the Green New Deal
5. China - Pence won - Harris facts all over the place and Pence closed with Biden's "cheerleading" for China.
6. Foreign Relations - Tie - both candidates parried each other's running mate's performance
7. The Supreme Court - Pence won - Harris refused to answer the question of packing the court and Pence was frank about being "pro-life."
8. Racial Justice - Pence won - again rather stunningly, Pence crushed Harris on misleading quotes and soundbites
9. Transfer Of Power - Pence won - while Harris went "vote now", Pence reminded the audience that Harris party spent the last four years trying to overturn the previous election



Donald Trump will lose election by a landslide, according to almost all US polls
Only four of the dozens of polls looked at by RCP show Mr Trump in the lead, and even those are by small margins.
In simple terms, unless Mr Trump can turn things around in four weeks, he is on track to lose the election by a landslide.
However, Mr Trump’s supporters, and the President himself, have pointed out that there’s a little bit of deja vu happening here.
They say nobody gave Mr Trump a chance in the 2016 election, but the polls ultimately turned out to be wrong.
Here in Australia, we know all too well about how misleading polls can be. Ask a Brit and they’ll tell you the same about Brexit.
The US Presidential Election is now just four weeks away. Picture: AFPSource:AFP
However, the signs for Mr Trump are a lot worse than last time.
Hillary Clinton never had a lead even close to this size over Mr Trump, and the Republican candidate actually overtook her twice.
This year, Mr Trump has not narrowed the gap with Mr Biden to less than 4 points at any time.
In 2016, Mr Trump was also given a boost 10 days before the election by the timing of FBI chief James Comey’s decision to reopen the probe into the Clinton email saga.
Mr Trump has hit back at America’s polls on several occasions, accusing them of being “fake” and masterminded by the “fake news media”.
However, it’s not just dire polling numbers he has to contend with ahead of the November 3 election, as the nation’s economy struggles to recover from COVID shutdowns that have left countless families and businesses struggling.

NED-2208-US Election-In-Article-Banner - 0

He returned to work in the Oval Office Wednesday, six days after testing COVID-19 positive, and he was immediately briefed on economic stimulus negotiations and the progress of Hurricane Delta, which is hurtling towards the US Gulf Coast.
His exit from the hospital, like much of his handling of the pandemic that has killed over 210,000 people in the US, sparked controversy.
Just after stepping off a helicopter at the White House, he climbed the stairs of his residence and pulled off his face mask.
“Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it,” he urged Americans in his homecoming speech, referring to the virus.
By Wednesday, his doctors reported the president had been free of COVID-19 symptoms for 24 hours and had not had a fever in four days.
“Perhaps you recognise me, it’s your favourite President,” he said before praising America’s doctors and nurses. “We have great people, just a great country.”
He said that when he was taken to hospital last week he “wasn’t feeling so hot”, but that quickly changed thanks a new type of treatment.
He said an experimental antibody cocktail produced by biotech company Regeneron, that has rarely been used outside clinical trials, was a “cure” for coronavirus.
Mr Trump has vowed to return to campaigning shortly and to participate in the second presidential debate against opponent Joe Biden in Miami on October 15.


Donald Trump will lose election by a landslide, according to almost all US polls
Only four of the dozens of polls looked at by RCP show Mr Trump in the lead, and even those are by small margins.
In simple terms, unless Mr Trump can turn things around in four weeks, he is on track to lose the election by a landslide.
However, Mr Trump’s supporters, and the President himself, have pointed out that there’s a little bit of deja vu happening here.
They say nobody gave Mr Trump a chance in the 2016 election, but the polls ultimately turned out to be wrong.
Here in Australia, we know all too well about how misleading polls can be. Ask a Brit and they’ll tell you the same about Brexit.
The US Presidential Election is now just four weeks away. Picture: AFPSource:AFP
However, the signs for Mr Trump are a lot worse than last time.
Hillary Clinton never had a lead even close to this size over Mr Trump, and the Republican candidate actually overtook her twice.
This year, Mr Trump has not narrowed the gap with Mr Biden to less than 4 points at any time.
In 2016, Mr Trump was also given a boost 10 days before the election by the timing of FBI chief James Comey’s decision to reopen the probe into the Clinton email saga.
Mr Trump has hit back at America’s polls on several occasions, accusing them of being “fake” and masterminded by the “fake news media”.
However, it’s not just dire polling numbers he has to contend with ahead of the November 3 election, as the nation’s economy struggles to recover from COVID shutdowns that have left countless families and businesses struggling.

NED-2208-US Election-In-Article-Banner - 0

He returned to work in the Oval Office Wednesday, six days after testing COVID-19 positive, and he was immediately briefed on economic stimulus negotiations and the progress of Hurricane Delta, which is hurtling towards the US Gulf Coast.
His exit from the hospital, like much of his handling of the pandemic that has killed over 210,000 people in the US, sparked controversy.
Just after stepping off a helicopter at the White House, he climbed the stairs of his residence and pulled off his face mask.
“Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it,” he urged Americans in his homecoming speech, referring to the virus.
By Wednesday, his doctors reported the president had been free of COVID-19 symptoms for 24 hours and had not had a fever in four days.
“Perhaps you recognise me, it’s your favourite President,” he said before praising America’s doctors and nurses. “We have great people, just a great country.”
He said that when he was taken to hospital last week he “wasn’t feeling so hot”, but that quickly changed thanks a new type of treatment.
He said an experimental antibody cocktail produced by biotech company Regeneron, that has rarely been used outside clinical trials, was a “cure” for coronavirus.
Mr Trump has vowed to return to campaigning shortly and to participate in the second presidential debate against opponent Joe Biden in Miami on October 15.

looks like some of the proudboys got caught. White supremist groups want war. Bioterrorist in Chief Trump said "liberate Michigan". America is on fire, burning......


Exclusive: FBI warned over summer that pandemic was reenergizing militia movement

Jana Winter
Yahoo NewsOctober 8, 2020


Scroll back up to restore default view.
Almost four months before the FBI arrested six men for plotting to kidnap Michigan’s governor, the bureau warned local and state law enforcement about a surge in militia extremists seeking to target government officials, particularly those they blamed for pandemic restrictions, according to an intelligence bulletin obtained by Yahoo News.
“Militia extremists likely pose an increased threat to state and local law enforcement, government personnel and associated facilities due to a perceived resurgence in recent months of activity surrounding state-level gun control legislation, as well as concerns specific to state and local government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic,” the FBI said in an intelligence bulletin dated June 18 and produced jointly with the National Counterterrorism Center.
The FBI announced on Thursday that it had arrested six men who were plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. State authorities also charged seven others in connection with the same alleged plot. The men believed that Whitmer, a Democrat who had faced opposition for shutting down the Michigan economy early in the pandemic, had “uncontrolled power.”
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. (Michigan Office of the Governor via AP)

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. (Michigan Office of the Governor via AP)
Trump has been a fierce critic of Whitmer and her shutdown measures, even tweeting Wednesday about the Michigan Supreme Court revoking her emergency powers.
“We just got a BIG win for the people of Michigan. Open up your Churches and your Schools. Auto companies pouring in and expanding (thank you Mr. President!). Have fun!” tweeted Trump, who tested positive for COVID-19 and is recovering at the White House.
Whitmer on Thursday, commenting on the arrests, blamed Trump for stoking hate groups.
While the bulletin said there are a variety of factors contributing to the rise in militias, the primary ones appear to be “concerns over gun control, calls for civil war or the ‘boogaloo,’ and perceived constitutional violations associated with state and local government responses to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.” It also said that “lawful protests due to the deaths of unarmed African-Americans likely provides an environment to re-energize militia extremists.”

The NCTC referred Yahoo News to the FBI, which did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The existence of militias is not new, but they do appear to be shifting their focus, according to the FBI. Earlier conflicts, such as the 2014 standoff between supporters of Cliven Bundy, a Nevada cattle rancher who was battling the federal government over grazing fees, focused around public land use.

FBI Director Christopher Wray. (Tom Williams/Pool via Reuters)

FBI Director Christopher Wray. (Tom Williams/Pool via Reuters)
While the Department of Homeland Security has faced recent criticism that it is downplaying right-wing threats, such as those from white supremacists, the FBI in its June report made clear the danger it sees from the militia movement. It said that “online conspiracy theories related to perceived motivations behind stay-at-home orders and inconsistent enforcement of, and compliance with, local government orders” are contributing to the threat of extremist militias.

The FBI also warned that even as pandemic restrictions are lifted, the militias could switch their focus to new concerns, such as vaccinations, protests against police brutality or the Nov. 3 elections. The FBI has previously warned that the elections could spark an attack by extremists.

Cover thumbnail photo illustration: Yahoo News; photos: AP, Getty Images

Byebye Penis

Biden agreed to virtual debate but rejects face-to-face debate with Trump.

does it mean that Biden will not debate if he cannot cheat?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Regardless of who you're rooting for, this election will end in a rather unprecedented, and amusing way. It won't be like previous elections.

Let's enjoy the show. :biggrin:

Byebye Penis

Regardless of who you're rooting for, this election will end in a rather unprecedented, and amusing way. It won't be like previous elections.

Let's enjoy the show. :biggrin:

Analysts are warning that if there is no special stimulus, no matter who wins, the stock market is due for a steep correction. When stock market crashes, odds of military conflicts are usually higher.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Analysts are warning that if there is no special stimulus, no matter who wins, the stock market is due for a steep correction. When stock market crashes, odds of military conflicts are usually higher.

Don't worry. War is inevitable, and nothing beats a good ol' war to kickstart a floundering world economy. The war is also necessary to discover the truth of what happened in Wuhan. :cool:

First, the election. And dealing with the domestic traitors e.g. Hillary Clinton.

This is bigger than you think. It's not just a 4-year US election.



If trump lose texas its game over

Trump can't win without Texas. But the Lone Star state may not stand by its man
By North America correspondent Kathryn Diss and Niall Lenihan in Texas
Posted Yesterday at 10:42pm
A woman in a cowboy hat stands in a paddock with cows behind her
"People are moving here from other states and they're bringing their liberal views here," says rancher Kimberley Ratcliffe.(ABC News: Niall Lenihan)
Texas sits deep within our imaginations as the very definition of the Wild West.
The state is famous for its rugged individualism and cowboy mythology, and Texans have long and fiercely defended their way of life and sense of originality.
But over the past decade, the Lone Star state has changed.
It's become a melting pot of racial diversity — no longer just defined by its whiteness, ruralness and conservatism.
The 43-year-old lifelong Democrat is part of a blue wave sweeping the state, and left her New York life to enter the white man's world of ranching 12 years ago.
That's when she took over management of her family's property south of Dallas.
"It's an economy thing here in Texas that's bringing people here," she said.
"I can see more and more minorities coming into agriculture.
"They might be coming from the state or they might be coming from somewhere else."
A woman in jeans, a denim shirt and cowboy hat sitting on a horse
Kimberley Ratcliffe is a Democrat who left New York to run the family ranch a decade ago. (ABC News: Niall Lenihan)Democrats consider Texas a 'battleground state'
Hispanics have far outstripped growth among the white population over the past decade, while the number of African and Asian Americans in the state is also increasing.
In 2018, Texas gained almost nine Hispanic residents for every white citizen. By 2022, the minority is expected to become the state's largest population group.
As this happens, the Republicans' 40-year grip on the state is loosening, and its red hue fading.
A close up shot of a woman's hand holding leather reins
Democrats believe that shifting demographics in Texas mean they'll soon be able to loosen the Republican grip on the state.(ABC News: Niall Lenihan)
"I am hopeful. I'll do my part to try and flip it blue," Ms Ratcliffe said.
But she thinks it's going to take "another election to flip it hard blue".
"I think we're still going to end up in-between, I guess [a] purplish colour for a while," she said.
"It's a generational flip, it's not going to happen overnight. You cannot change people overnight."
Despite Ms Ratcliffe's reservations, some within the Democratic orbit believe the party is within striking distance of the red bastion for the first time since 1976.
Texas carries the nation's second largest number of electoral college seats, second only to California.
Just last month Hillary Clinton labelled it as the "biggest battleground state in our country" during a fundraiser in Texas, while Beto O'Rouke — the sophomore from El Paso who, in 2018, came closer to winning a state-wide office than any Texas Democrat in a generation — has called it a "swing state".
A close up of a cowboy boot
Texas is still known as the Lone Star State, but these days its inhabitants are far more culturally and political diverse.(ABC News: Niall Lenihan)
Mr O'Rourke came within 3 per cent of unseating incumbent Ted Cruz in the 2018 mid-term elections.
It was a voting litmus test for how the state is changing, and raised profound questions over its status as a Republican stronghold.
And now, less than a month out from the poll, Democrats have poured $US6 million into TV advertising in the state, their biggest spend in a quarter of a century.
But could the Republicans' grip on Texas be changing?
Donald Trump carried Texas in 2016, but by the lowest margin since 1996.
Recent polls show Joe Biden has eroded his lead this year, putting himself within spitting distance of victory.
But despite the state's growing diversity, support for Mr Trump among white men and rural conservatives — two traditionally reliable voting blocs — remains strong.
Fourth-generation rancher Brad Henry has benefitted from the President's tax cuts and his moves to relax environmental regulations.
A man in a baseball cap leans against a hay bale
Rancher Brad Henry plans to support Donald Trump in the 2020 election.(ABC News: Niall Lenihan)
"I think he has done a good job these last four years, so I'm going to give him a chance to do four more," he said.
He also strongly believes in Mr Trump's pledge to bring manufacturing jobs back to America.
While that sentiment is resonating out in rural Texas, Mr Henry admits the election could be close if the minority groups in the major cities turn out to vote in large numbers.
But Mr Henry doesn't think Mr Biden's the man to flip the state, pointing to his on-air gaffes as a sign the former vice-president might not be up to the job.
"I think if they had a stronger candidate it might possibly happen, but I don't think Biden is a strong enough candidate to pull that off," he said.
Trump is working hard to win over suburban women
Large swathes of rural Texas remain Trump country.
Donald Trump puts a cowboy hat on his head
The latest polls suggest Texas is now a toss-up state, meaning it could go for either Joe Biden or Donald Trump.(Reuters: Carlos Barria)
Many are deeply conservative, and even if they don't like the President's demeanour, they are unlikely to ever vote Democrat.
It's the state's liberal cities and sprawling suburbs which will most likely have the biggest sway on the result.
An estimated 2.1 million voters have joined the rolls since 2016, a 15 per cent jump, and equivalent to the total number of voters in all of Connecticut.
Most are from ethnic minorities and live within the major Democrat-led cities of Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth and Austin.
The share of eligible white voters has decreased by 12 per cent over the past 20 years. Over that same time, the number of Hispanic, black and Asian voters has increased a combined 11 per cent.
Mr Trump is also losing support he won four years ago.
Monica Rey Haft is among the crucial bloc of suburban women who helped propel Mr Trump to the White House in 2016.
The daughter of Hispanic immigrants, the mother of three from Dallas, cast her ballot for Mr Trump because her son was deploying to Afghanistan. She believed Mr Trump was supportive of the military.
A woman stands behind a giant chess board
"He disgusts me, his views disgust me, everything he stands for is appalling to me," says Monica Rey Haft said of Donald Trump.(ABC News: Niall Lenihan)
And as a life-long Republican voter, Ms Rey Haft said she didn't like Mrs Clinton.
But her views have changed since Mr Trump took power.
"He disgusts me, his views disgust me, everything he stands for is appalling to me.
"I now believe he has zero commitment to my son, or to the troops, or to anyone fighting over there."
In November, Ms Rey Haft will be voting Democrat for the first time.
"I don't feel safer with him as President," she said.
"He is incapable of messaging in a way that comforts and calms the American people — he hasn't done it during COVID, he hasn't done it during the riots, he hasn't done it during the recession."
It's clear Mr Trump has been campaigning hard to win over suburban women this year, while maintaining those he secured in 2016, by running a campaign warning of lawless streets under Mr Biden and a Democrat plan to "abolish the suburbs".
Trump has found some success with his 'law and order' message
But Mr Trump's antics over the past four years have started to disenfranchise many within the Republican camp.
Houston resident Justin Pitcock grew up in rural Texas and is the fourth generation of his family to make a living off oil and gas.
A man in a shirt and slacks stands in a backyard
Justin Pitcock says he can't support the Republican Party under Donald Trump.(ABC News: Niall Lenihan)
But the Afghan marine veteran and man of faith said he can't support the Republican Party with Mr Trump as leader.
So, Mr Pitcock is splitting with his family to vote for Mr Biden.
"We've come to a point in time where the policy implications of a particular candidate matter so much less than the durability of our republic," he said.
Mr Pitcock is particularly scathing of Mr Trump's handling of the pandemic.
"What we saw out of the President was a denial that this was a threat to the country," he said.
"We now know it is [a] failure of leadership. This is the thing I was worried about — when a crisis comes, what are you going to do? And he denied it.
"The only reason he did it was because he thought it would make him look bad and he thought it would hurt the markets."
But the President's messaging on "law and order" has resonated with some Hispanic immigrants, who fled socialist regimes in South America.
A woman holds a 'Latinos for Trump' sign
"Hispanics, the very thing your ancestors ran from is now at the door of your country," says Bianca Gracia.(ABC News: Niall Lenihan)
"Latinos for Trump" formed in 2016, and over the past four years the group has grown in popularity, spurred over fears of socialism under what Mr Trump calls the "radical left Democrats".
At one of their rallies in McAllen, on the border with Mexico, founder Bianca Gracia said she was hoping to turn the Democrat-held Hidalgo county Republican.
"We are no longer going to let the Democrat agenda take advantage of our communities," she said.
"To keep us under their thumb, keep us on welfare, to say, 'Oh, we're going to look after you, but you're never going to prosper.'"
Ms Gracia grew up in the Rio Grande Valley and is targeting Hispanics and minorities in particular.
The rallies are a reminder Mr Biden shouldn't take the Hispanic vote for granted, despite polling indicating he has a majority of their support.
"The very thing your ancestors ran from is now at the door of your country, wake up and do something," Ms Garcia told supporters.
"They'll come after your guns first. That's what they did to us, they took away our guns so we wouldn't be able to fight back.
"Then once they've taken your guns away, they go after your First Amendment right, they keep you silent so you can't say anything."
Whatever happens in this election, it appears as if a shift is underway in Texas, with the potential to reshape America for generations to come.
Posted Yesterday


when the most prestigious peer reviewed medical journal gets involved and says Trump must go................science itself is getting involved.


In Rare Step, Esteemed Medical Journal Urges Voters To Oust Trump

October 8, 20201:19 PM ET

"Our leaders have largely claimed immunity for their actions. But this election gives us the power to render judgment," reads a New England Journal of Medicine editorial signed by some three dozen editors.
Michael Dwyer/AP
The Trump administration has "taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy" in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The New England Journal of Medicine says in a scathing editorial that essentially calls on American voters to throw the president out of office.
It is the first time the prestigious medical journal has taken a stance on a U.S. presidential election since it was founded in 1812.
"When it comes to the response to the largest public health crisis of our time, our current political leaders have demonstrated that they are dangerously incompetent," reads the editorial signed by nearly three dozen of the journal's editors. "We should not abet them and enable the deaths of thousands more Americans by allowing them to keep their jobs."
The editors accuse Trump's government of a massive public health failure — and of worsening the pandemic's effects by prioritizing politics over sound medical guidance.
The piece, titled "Dying in a Leadership Vacuum" and published Wednesday, does not mention President Trump or his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, by name. But it refers to the Trump administration repeatedly, and its footnotes cite news articles about Trump insisting that coronavirus risks are overblown, pressuring federal scientists, and politicizing the search for treatments.
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"Instead of relying on expertise, the administration has turned to uninformed 'opinion leaders' and charlatans who obscure the truth and facilitate the promulgation of outright lies," the editorial states.
The New England Journal of Medicine is at least the third widely respected medical or science journal to call for a change in U.S. leadership. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Eric Rubin says the editorial is rare for two main reasons: It's one of the handful of times an editorial has been signed by all the editors, and it takes an unprecedented political stand.
"There have been many mistakes made that were not only foolish but reckless," Rubin tells CNN, "and I think we want people to realize that there are truths here, not just opinions."
Even though the U.S. has distinct advantages in biomedical research, manufacturing capacity and public health expertise compared with many other countries, the U.S. has recorded more than 212,000 deaths from the coronavirus — the most in the world. Along the way, U.S. leaders have denigrated experts and ceded disease control to the states, the journal's editors say.
"Anyone else who recklessly squandered lives and money in this way would be suffering legal consequences," the editorial states. "Our leaders have largely claimed immunity for their actions. But this election gives us the power to render judgment."
The editorial acknowledges the difficulties that all countries face in coping with the coronavirus. And it notes that some deaths are unavoidable in a pandemic. But in the U.S., the authors say, "we have failed at almost every step," from having adequate protective gear to a problematic approach to testing and contact tracing to a failure to follow basic precautions such as wearing face masks.
"In much of the country, people simply don't wear masks, largely because our leaders have stated outright that masks are political tools rather than effective infection control measures," the editorial states.
Many of the sentiments echo concerns raised in other venerable journals this year.
Scientific American broke with 175 years of tradition by endorsing Biden last month – a decision that was both unanimous and quick, Editor-in-Chief Laura Helmuth told NPR. And The Lancet called on Americans to make Trump a one-term president back in May.
All three journals took stands against Trump without referring to political parties; Helmuth says the Scientific American editorial purposefully avoided doing so in an attempt to be inclusive for its readers.
In a similar vein, the New England Journal of Medicine editorial states, "Truth is neither liberal nor conservative."
The opinion piece notes that the U.S. has performed worse than many other developed nations, such as South Korea that had much higher rates of travel to and from China when the coronavirus initially emerged.
The journal's editors write: "The death rate in this country is more than double that of Canada, exceeds that of Japan, a country with a vulnerable and elderly population, by a factor of almost 50, and even dwarfs the rates in lower-middle-income countries, such as Vietnam, by a factor of almost 2000."


Taliban now endorses Trump. Taliban says Trump and his white supremacists are admired by terrorists worldwide. what leadership. what a shitshow.


We reject their support': Trump campaign strongly declines Taliban endorsement for his 2020 reelection
David Choi
2 hours ago

donald trump coronavirus

President Donald Trump. Getty

A representative of the Taliban said the group supports President Donald Trump's reelection on Friday, according to CBS News.
"We hope he will win the election and wind up US military presence in Afghanistan," Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid told the news organization.
Mujahid reportedly added that it approved of the Trump campaign's "America first" slogan. Trump has mentioned the phrase in numerous speeches throughout his presidency and campaign.
"It is the slogan of Trump from the start that they are not cops for the world and don't want a single flag and anthem for the globe, but their priority is America," Mujahid said to CBS News.

Another senior leader from the group said he grew concerned after the US president tested positive for the coronavirus earlier this month.
"When we heard about Trump being COVID-19 positive, we got worried for his health, but seems he is getting better," the senior leader told CBS News.
A senior Taliban member also reportedly added: "Trump might be ridiculous for the rest of the world, but he is sane and wise man for the Taliban."
Afghan Taliban fighters

Afghan Taliban fighters. AP Photo
Tim Murtaugh, the communications director of Trump's reelection, vehemently rejected the group's statements and ribbed former Vice President Joe Biden's tenure.

"We reject their support and the Taliban should know that the President will always protect American interests by any means necessary, unlike Joe Biden who opposed taking out Osama bin Laden and Qassem Soleimani," Murtaugh said in a statement to Insider.
The statements from the terrorist organization comes as Trump announced on Wednesday that he wanted to completely pull all US troops from Afghanistan by the holiday season.
"We should have the small remaining number of our BRAVE Men and Women serving in Afghanistan home by Christmas," Trump tweeted.
It is unclear exactly how many US forces remain in the country; however, US Central Command, the military command responsible for the region, previously said it expected around 4,500 troops in Afghanistan by November.

Following Trump's tweet, Mujahid described the move as "a very positive step," according to The Washington Post.
US military officials were caught off-guard by Trump's Twitter announcement, which has been a prevailing sentiment throughout his presidency. Republican lawmakers and former military leaders have also expressed frustration at the timeframe of the withdrawal, leading many to speculate that the terrorist group would surge once the US withdraws.
Meanwhile, peace talks between the Afghan government and Taliban remain ongoing. In February, the US signed a peace deal that included steps for it to withdraw all forces from the country in exchange for security assurances. But the efficacy of the peace agreement has been called into question, due to continued violence against Afghan forces by the Taliban.


Unlike my country, his government wants to preserve jobs for their locals. Donald Trump is an absolute patriot, who selfishly love his country.
What's wrong with putting your own people first?

Supporters from Germany


Lee has already said multiple times he has the heart for Singaporean.
He allowed foreigners come in create good jobs for Singaporean.
So ??


Old Fart
Polls are useless.

Published on October 10, 2020 at 8:13 pm by Inan Dogan, PhD in Economy, Macroeconomic Predictions, News, We Disagree

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Who will win the presidency? I love data. I look at it and try to predict the future. You probably don’t know much about me, so let me introduce myself. I am Insider Monkey’s research director. I have a PhD in financial economics and I try to predict the direction of individual stocks and the entire market to make trade recommendations for our subscribers. I usually share 1-2 free trade ideas every year.

I shared this year’s first free trade idea on February 27th in an article titled “Recession Is Imminent: We Need A Travel Ban NOW!“. At the time of the publication of that article the U.S. COVID-19 death toll stood at zero and we had only 1 confirmed COVID-19 case of community transmission. It is an amazing article. I predicted that the S&P 500 Index will decline by 20-30% by the end of the year and told you to short the market (I told our subscribers to short the market a few days before that article was published).

The second time I shared a stock pick this year was in the middle of March when the total U.S. COVID-19 deaths was fewer than 200. In this article I predicted that the U.S. death toll will surpass 20,000 in less than 4 weeks and told our readers to buy hospital stocks, specifically Tenet Healthcare (THC). Those predictions were very accurate.

On March 25th, I told our subscribers to cover their short positions and go long the market. So, our market bottom call was also very accurate. Because of accurate market timing and stock recommendations our subscribers were able to return 112% since March 2017 vs. 54% gain for the S&P 500 Index ETF (SPY). I am really good at analyzing data and not a very humble person.

So, one of the most important questions we have to answer right now is the outcome of the presidential election. Who will win the presidency?

The best tool we have to determine the outcome of elections is polls. Each poll has its own bias and we have get rid of some of the bias in individual polls by combining the results of each individual poll in one giant poll. Fivethirtyeight is a website that does this for us. Its method isn’t fool proof though. We can get rid of some of the bias, but not all of it. Right before the 2016 presidential election, on November 7th, Fivethirtyeight estimated that Hillary Clinton had a 67% chance of winning the election. Yet, Donald Trump crushed Hillary. There are several reasons why this happened. I am not going to waste your time to discuss these. The most important factor was that voters didn’t reveal their true intentions when asked by pollsters. As a result, polls failed to predict the outcome of the 2016 elections. Take a look at this screenshot of Fivethirtyeight’s website from November 7, 2016 (the day before the 2016 election):

Who Will Win The Presidency?

Today, Fivethirtyeight thinks Biden has an 85% chance of winning the election. An almost slam dunk case. I disagree.

In this article I am going to assume that the current polls in each state have the same bias as they had in 2016 and I will adjust the current poll results to estimate the true intentions of the voters. At the end of this article, we will have a better idea about who will win the presidency.
