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My Life (Malay) True Story.


Abang, I was born in Singapore, and therefore, not a native speaker of English. However, please allow me to correct your English, in green, for your consideration. Good luck.

Thanks for your correctness, Perhaps my brain was too tired while typing whatever I can think of in the middle of the night.

Maybe I should re-take my Degree examination again for such carelessness mistake is very embarrasing indeed.

I think at that time, I just finished my office work.

Appreciates alot with your kind effort.

Thank you very much.


Hahaha.... thanks lot for the nice chat, at least my mind can relax for now.

How I wish more singaporean can be friends rather than foe, be it in real life or in cyberspace.

Thanks again...... :wink:

banyak orang jiahat ke-sini. dia orang machiam rasaksa. lagi banyak hypocrite suka bully kechil dengan orang baik. dapat tak?:wink:


Thanks for your correctness [corrections or suggestions], Perhaps my brain was too tired while typing whatever I can think of in the middle of the night.

Maybe I should re-take my Degree examination again for such carelessness mistake is very embarrasing indeed.

I think at that time, I just finished my office work.

Appreciates alot with your kind effort. [Sincerely appreciate your effort and suggestions.]

Thank you very much.

Abang, I am trying not to be judgmental, but regardless whether or not an individual is a university graduate, trying to speak and write grammatically correct English is important in order to make oneself understood in other English speaking countries, and to demonstrate one's continuing command of the English language. Unfortunately, there are too many graduates whose command of the English language is poor.

It has very little to do with whatever your course of study at the university, unless your major was English. If that is the case, I regret that your professors and/or the university allowed you to pass (based strictly on my assessment of your English reflected in your post(s).

Life is continuing learning process.


Re: Sometime I really feel sorry for the kids who born in a Muslim family..


It is most saddening to read murder cases like this in our newspaper , we live in a well developed country with great success in many fields . We are proud of the peoples contributing to our Nation's growth and progress yet we have gruesome murder cases which are likely to happen in third world countries.

how can a grown up man be so cruel to kill a little girl , his own daughter over a cigarette? Why is the irresponsible mother not checking out on the girl when she was wailing under barbaric punishment from the father ? Where is the responsibility? If I am poor , I rather not have too many children or even none at all . We must be responsible for their well being if we bring them into this world , we must protect them , give them the best and help them acquire survival skills for adulthood. Providing them a good environment , decent food , education etc so that they will be fully prepared to face the harsh world when they grow up. Your responsibility as parent slows down once they are able to fend for themselves , at least you dont have to worry about their livelihood once they are properly raised . And you can also rely on them to support you when you grow old , BUT if you do not give them a foundation in early live , they are likely to end up as drop outs and if they cant even have decent jobs , how can they look after you ?

Simple logic like this has to be understood before young couples without steady income jump into early marriages and start families . They must have better planning before having children , if not ready better stay as singles ,why bring misery to the innocent child? It is a sin to produce children when they cant even provide for them.

When I was interviewing candidates for delivery drivers , some of them have 4 to 6 young children and thye are without jobs ! That was the reason I decided to emply them because of a desire to help the kids .It is so pitiful to note that they are without food when their parents are not working. If we help you by giving you jobs , you got to help yourself by keeping the job , not to take it too lightly and lose the job eventually. If their mentality changes , like many newer generation families where they are children that fare very well in studies and became professionals , they can get out of the poverty syndrome. If they refused to change their attitude towards life but instead keep thinking that GOD will provide automatically or the government will do something for them because they are sons of the soil , they will suffer.The future is in our own hands , unless you have lucky stars all over you , no need to work hard money fall from the skies.


.... .... ... .

Race is always sensitive and I think it is good that you raise the issue for discussion. Even if some disagree with you now, at least when something happens in future, they will look at it from a different perspective.

Frankly, I do think that there are discrimination and both parties are to blame. I have worked in a few companies before I went solo and I had always noted that there were not many Malays in executive positions.

Surprisingly (to me then), was my awareness that most of the Malays working in white collar positions are female. This could be tied to the fact that more female Malays excelled in school but the imbalance was still too much for me to appreciate.

Having said that, I think it is changing. I knew of well educated Chinese girls married to Malays or Indians. I am sure they made their choices out of love and awareness.

The collective resentment of the SG Malays need to be resolved and such dialogues are important. Unfortunately I do not have the chance professionally to work with Malays and I remembered in a previous job when I advertised for a mid level position, I got many applications from Chinese, Indians, PRs (tons of Filipinos and Indians) but no Malays.

So the Malays have to play their part as well, to step forward with confidence and also with more patience.

Having said that, there are perception, amongst Chinese, that Malays are more "difficult" to handle compared to Indians. This is mostly due to the fact that most Malays are highly religious but are (in my humble opinion) behaving too radically.

Take the example of diet. Eating meals with Malays usually end up in halal restaurant. I have gone to Middle East where I entertain Muslims in restaurants serving pork and beer. When I asked them why they were so comfortable, they were very polite about it and said that they did not think that the pork and beer will jump onto their plates. Even if that happens, they can still choose not to eat them.

I know about the halal way of food preparation but this insistence creates barriers in the mind of others. Let me put it this way so that it might be easier for you to understand.

I am a vegetarian and if every time you go for meals with me, I insist on only vegetarian restaurants, will you be eating with me less often? What if I am your colleague? Lunch time is an important time for colleagues to bitch and bond. Will my diet reduce the chance for us to interact?


Abang, I am trying not to be judgmental, but regardless whether or not an individual is a university graduate, trying to speak and write grammatically correct English is important in order to make oneself understood in other English speaking countries, and to demonstrate one's continuing command of the English language. Unfortunately, there are too many graduates whose command of the English language is poor.

It has very little to do with whatever your course of study at the university, unless your major was English. If that is the case, I regret that your professors and/or the university allowed you to pass (based strictly on my assessment of your English reflected in your post(s).

Life is continuing learning process.

Thanks for the effort. I’ll take note.:smile:


I've read your message, I felt relieved to receive sincere opinion.
I can’t deny that there are some who takes life too hard, almost everything is prohibited.

Of course there are some who are not so particular to lunch with different races, as long as they have halal food stall.

Frankly, I always had a lunch with my Chinese and/or Indian colleagues; we make it to a point to take turn to drive for lunch.

Each year (except for this year), I organized open house for Hari Raya gathering with colleagues and friends to get together, hoping that we can create stronger bonds amongst us.

Hope more like you can come forward to share their thoughts and sincere exchanges.

It also helps people like me to understand self –weaknesses and to improve for better.

Thank you very much.

Last edited:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thanks for your correctness, Perhaps my brain was too tired while typing whatever I can think of in the middle of the night.

Maybe I should re-take my Degree examination again for such carelessness mistake is very embarrasing indeed.

I think at that time, I just finished my office work.

Appreciates alot with your kind effort.

Thank you very much.

ah bung,can you interpret this for me?What the song is about?thanks!:biggrin:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/sJN1n8OifPA&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/sJN1n8OifPA&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Oh... I thought you wanted me to interpret the entire lyrics.
Not bad.....

Perhaps I can learn some chinese mandarin from you someday.

Wonder if any kind soul willing to teach bodoh like me. :rolleyes:

ungu is ze band ...

kekasih gelapku ... means my dim lover ... :biggrin:

if u want yahoo answer, click here ...


Dont give up. Put up your points across. Let it get a profile and eventually people will recognise there is a problem and there is discontent.

So far many in this forum have painted one side of the story. We need to get the other side asw well.

I can also assure you that are many within Chinese segment that share similar sentiments when it comes to the Malays.

But what do we get in return, no thank you is fine, but job descrimination which started as early as in 1990's, soon the trend keeps continue is what we get in return. (not during the foreigners job invasion)

Tell me where is our loyalty lies?


banyak orang jiahat ke-sini. dia orang machiam rasaksa. lagi banyak hypocrite suka bully kechil dengan orang baik. dapat tak?:wink:

Jangan cakap jahat, tak baik.
Tapi boleh cakap nakal better. :biggrin:

In my observation, there are more younger kids than mature adult in this forum.

Seriously, their ignorant can put Singapore racial harmony and future in danger if no one educates them.


Jangan cakap jahat, tak baik.
Tapi boleh cakap nakal better. :biggrin:

In my observation, there are more younger kids than mature adult in this forum.

Seriously, their ignorant can put Singapore racial harmony and future in danger if no one educates them.

u r not very observant.:cool:

the younger kids are at fuckwarezone..


I would be grateful if more people to come forward with positive exchanges.

At the same time, I get to understand our differences between the Chinese and Malay community.

I also can pass it down any valuable information from these trailing messages to my face book contacts, hoping that they too can learn from their past mistakes.

Afterall, nobody is perfect.

Dont give up. Put up your points across. Let it get a profile and eventually people will recognise there is a problem and there is discontent.

So far many in this forum have painted one side of the story. We need to get the other side asw well.

I can also assure you that are many within Chinese segment that share similar sentiments when it comes to the Malays.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think that Malay-Chinese relationship has been generally been very friendly and mutually accommodating all the while except the blip in the mid 60s, which in hindsight looked politically motivated and incited, not a case of built-up hatred as was the case between Caucasians and African-Americans in the US.

To be fair, Malay jobseekers' experience of rejection because of Chinese literacy requirement is mostly business orientated, not discrimination motivated. The company may have most of their business dealings with China. Another probability is that the job requires the person to work with or supervise many PRC staff. This reason is harder to swallow but a hard fact of life nevertheless.


Thank you for your input.

One example, what if India takes over China economy success someday, do Singaporean need to learn Tamil to accommodate company business direction?

Let’s have your view on this.

Thank you.

I think that Malay-Chinese relationship has been generally been very friendly and mutually accommodating all the while except the blip in the mid 60s, which in hindsight looked politically motivated and incited, not a case of built-up hatred as was the case between Caucasians and African-Americans in the US.

To be fair, Malay jobseekers' experience of rejection because of Chinese literacy requirement is mostly business orientated, not discrimination motivated. The company may have most of their business dealings with China. Another probability is that the job requires the person to work with or supervise many PRC staff. This reason is harder to swallow but a hard fact of life nevertheless.