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Mas Selamat's relatives aided escape


SINGAPORE: The niece of terrorist Mas Selamat Kastari, who is in jail for her role in his escape, will be facing disciplinary proceedings by the Ministry of Education (MOE).

MOE said in a statement that it will initiate the proceedings against Nur Aini Asmom, who is a Malay language teacher, with a view to dismiss her from service.

MOE said it takes "disciplinary action, including dismissal" against teachers who have been charged and convicted in court for a criminal offence.

It was revealed on Monday that Nur Aini was sentenced to 18 months' jail for harbouring a prisoner of the State.

Home Affairs and Law Minister K Shanmugam revealed in Parliament that Nur Aini helped Mas Selamat following his escape from the Whitley Road Detention Centre in late February 2008.

It was Nur Aini who persuaded her mother Aisah to allow Mas Selamat into their flat in Tampines.

Nur Aini also helped Mas Selamat to destroy material evidence -- such as his Whitley Road Detention Centre-issued attire.

The next day Mas Selamat left the flat, but not before Nur Aini applied make-up on him and secured a tudung or headscarf over his head to disguise him as a woman.

She also gave him supplies, and a map of Singapore.

Nur Aini's mother and father were also jailed for their roles in harbouring Mas Selamat.


You will never gain their trust or can they ever be loyal to you.

1st, you're not their relative.
2nd, you're not of the same race.
3rd, you're not Muslim.

End of the day, they see you as a Kafir, a non-believer. You will never be a part of them as you're not Muslim. As far as they're concern, they are going to heaven and you're going to hell.

You can try to hire the brother. If one day, MSK escape again and look for them. They will hide him in your office. See if you'll still admire them for their courage or stupidity then, whatever you call it.

Why you say that? :confused:


Looking at the way the report was revealed... Its more like a case of our police epic fail again... much akin to the super epic fail botch hostage rescue by the Philippine police...
Its like our police aren't trained at all for such an operation. Afterall, when was the last time we ever had a prisoner doing a prison break... (once in sub-court, when its a matter of chasing down the bugger). Though if they consider the hide-and-seek at tekong by the illegal immigrants as another case...
So most prob, when the shit happens, the joker planning the whole ops must have planned the ops based on what he might have been taught in police academy... So had the whole kampong of police, SAF lining the whole bukit timah road, hunting for MSK in the forest, hoping he would pitched a tent and relac under some fruit trees.
Furthermore, with the 'un-intention' news blacked out... MSK would have limped to somewhere far from Whitley Road and hid in somewhere safe before limping his way to Tampines where he seek sheltered from his brother...
So if anyone were to be blame, I think the joker that was heading the ops ought to be blame as well.. For such a failed operation....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Nur Aini also helped Mas Selamat to destroy material evidence -- such as his Whitley Road Detention Centre-issued attire.

Were they honestly expecting Nur Aini to wash, dry, iron and deliver the WRDC-issued attire back to WRC? This is not only silly, it is crazy.

Are they going to charge MSK for theft of that attire? His niece for abetting the commission of the offence?

My respect for Shanmugam for his brains just went down the longkang. Was he forced to defend whatever findings the authorities came out with? If all these statements were tagged to a nameless chap, never in my wildest nightmare would I had guessed Shanmugam made those statements. I would have guessed it was WKS who is capable of such statements.


I don't believe MSK limped all the way to Tampiness and avoided detection from all the police and public eye. Some one must have helped him to get there, but MSK will not reveal the truth for obvious reasons (don't want to implicate the other helper).


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't believe MSK limped all the way to Tampiness and avoided detection from all the police and public eye. Some one must have helped him to get there, but MSK will not reveal the truth for obvious reasons (don't want to implicate the other helper).

The agency involved in ascertaining the facts surrounding MSK's escape has no clue what happened. They have to wait till their world famous detainee decides to tell them. It is now a waiting game.

Perhaps MSK don't want to embarrass them further by disclosing the full details which would completely ruin whatever reputation they have left. Part 1 was done when MSK disclosed he hid in his brother's flat, left the said flat to escape to JB and all these without being spotted despite the most massive manhunt in S'pore's history.

If MSK add more salt to the wound, he just needs to say, 'I am a limping terrorist and yet the thousands of able-bodied policemen and SAF personnel missed me.'


Alfrescian (Inf)
Detainees are not allowed to carry personal belongings, notably wallet, cash and cards. Therefore unless proven otherwise, it cannot be discounted that MSK has an accomplice around Onraet-Whitley area waiting to assist him. Following that line, the escape should be pre-planned and an appointment made with the accomplice.

On the Malaysia side, even if MSK could wad across the Johor Straits in a raft, what could he do after landing as a lone fugitive without means? Wander around the streets and jungles of Johor? However, that's on the Malaysia side of the investigation. How much they know and how much they told the Singapore side when they arrested and handed MSK over, we know not all would be told to the public.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Detainees are not allowed to carry personal belongings, notably wallet, cash and cards. Therefore unless proven otherwise, it cannot be discounted that MSK has an accomplice around Onraet-Whitley area waiting to assist him. Following that line, the escape should be pre-planned and an appointment made with the accomplice.

On the Malaysia side, even if MSK could wad across the Johor Straits in a raft, what could he do after landing as a lone fugitive without means? Wander around the streets and jungles of Johor? However, that's on the Malaysia side of the investigation. How much they know and how much they told the Singapore side when they arrested and handed MSK over, we know not all would be told to the public.

All visits are physically monitored. So, it is not that possible for MSK to communicate his escape plan to visiting relatives. I am sure a Malay officer would be present, within hearing distance, to note what was communicated between MSK and his visitors.

Are you suggesting an inside job? One that involves someone always in contact with MSK? His case officer(s)? I trust the integrity of the officers working at WRC.

To me, I just have no idea - how MSK managed his escape from WRDC and how he found his way in JB.
But I supect M'sia SB is au fait with the full details but chose not to allow us the luxury of being served with their findings. No intel outfit wants to make another look good.

Honestly, what is there for them to gain by telling us everything their investigations ascertained. Indirectly, they are testing us to see how capable we are. The longer this drags on, the more victorious they feel. Looks like it's M'sia boleh and S'pore tak boleh, which isn't a total shock at all.


Alfrescian (Inf)
All visits are physically monitored. So, it is not that possible for MSK to communicate his escape plan to visiting relatives. I am sure a Malay officer would be present, within hearing distance, to note what was communicated between MSK and his visitors.

Are you suggesting an inside job? One that involves someone always in contact with MSK? His case officer(s)? I trust the integrity of the officers working at WRC.

To me, I just have no idea - how MSK managed his escape from WRDC and how he found his way in JB.

Inside job? Highly unlikely but can't be discounted too. I have no theory on solid grounding too. However, it's not unknown that criminals and terrorists have ways to beat the police to get their communications across.

What was known. MSK escaped during visitation hours. His family was at the waiting room. He was allowed to clean himself to meet his family. However, he ended up disappeared from the toilet instead.

But I supect M'sia SB is au fait with the full details but chose not to allow us the luxury of being served with their findings. No intel outfit wants to make another look good.

Honestly, what is there for them to gain by telling us everything their investigations ascertained. Indirectly, they are testing us to see how capable we are. The longer this drags on, the more victorious they feel. Looks like it's M'sia boleh and S'pore tak boleh, which isn't a total shock at all.

Yes, Malaysia police could have known everything from MSK landing to arrest, but they could choose to tell Singapore police only about the arrest, e.g. positive identification and location secured, arrested, that's all.


What the talented Minister was trying to say in parliament is that, had MSK's family members not hidden him, his famous Home Team of capable people would have caught him long ago.


Were they honestly expecting Nur Aini to wash, dry, iron and deliver the WRDC-issued attire back to WRC? This is not only silly, it is crazy.

Are they going to charge MSK for theft of that attire? His niece for abetting the commission of the offence?

My respect for Shanmugam for his brains just went down the longkang. Was he forced to defend whatever findings the authorities came out with? If all these statements were tagged to a nameless chap, never in my wildest nightmare would I had guessed Shanmugam made those statements. I would have guessed it was WKS who is capable of such statements.
I suppose this top legal brain fr PAP needed to fill up the volume


What the talented Minister was trying to say in parliament is that, had MSK's family members not hidden him, his famous Home Team of capable people would have caught him long ago.
More like the human side,most of Sinkies would probably latch on this for a while and forge the other important details which they should be given and they are not.

Con job is on!
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All visits are physically monitored. So, it is not that possible for MSK to communicate his escape plan to visiting relatives. I am sure a Malay officer would be present, within hearing distance, to note what was communicated between MSK and his visitors.

Are you suggesting an inside job? One that involves someone always in contact with MSK? His case officer(s)? I trust the integrity of the officers working at WRC.

To me, I just have no idea - how MSK managed his escape from WRDC and how he found his way in JB.
But I supect M'sia SB is au fait with the full details but chose not to allow us the luxury of being served with their findings. No intel outfit wants to make another look good.

Honestly, what is there for them to gain by telling us everything their investigations ascertained. Indirectly, they are testing us to see how capable we are. The longer this drags on, the more victorious they feel. Looks like it's M'sia boleh and S'pore tak boleh, which isn't a total shock at all.
It is to the great ceredit of this brillaint PAP's legal brian that he did not make an attempt to being in another top seller,"BLACK MAGIC",which would surely make the folks to be in euphoric and forget about the whole thing

What is it about?


Alfrescian (Inf)
My best conjecture is that it wasn't an escape. It was a pre-planned co-ordinated rescue attempt succeeded. A trained fellow terrorist successfully passed the message and appointed time to MSK through his kins, not the other way around that MSK made request and appointment for assistance to escape. The rescue artist could have started at outside the window instead of outside the road awaiting MSK. It's not that hard to breach WRDC security. They need cleaners and maintenance contractors too.


To be fair to PAP and ourselves,the citizens of Singapore,there may hide a real danger

That is,if Msk was indeed covered by many of his fellow country men,there is indeed the big question of whether Singapiore is still a safe place?

But I would not contemplate such possibility simply because I have been conditioned to begin always with the quesion:

what is it that the papies are try hard to von this time round.


My best conjecture is that it wasn't an escape. It was a pre-planned co-ordinated rescue attempt succeeded. A trained fellow terrorist successfully passed the message and appointed time to MSK through his kins, not the other way around that MSK made request and appointment for assistance to escape. The rescue artist could have started at outside the window instead of outside the road awaiting MSK. It's not that hard to breach WRDC security. They need cleaners and maintenance contractors too.

I think this is entirely believable. I don't think a limping person could have climbed over the exterior fence and then continue on to Tampiness all on foot when hundreds of soldiers and the entire nation was keeping an eye out for him.


I'll tell you what exactly is the back story, and why Shammulligan can't give a coinvincing story to the Singaporeans.

truth is, MSK did not escape. The govt opened the bird cage door, looked the other way, and the bird flew the coop! That's it!

Why they let him flee without exonerating him? Because the PAP govt could nt get any solid evidence on him to keep him in. So the prison auths left the toilet door and the main door ajar and unwatched. Even stocked more toilet paper rolls in the toilet to cushion his fall.

But the stupid Mat injured his foot neverthless. Outside Whitly Rd, there were no shortage of people to give him lifts, even waving to him, from buses, cars, trains, except planes, because he only wanted to go to tampines first.
It was also not inconceivable that he had outriders from LTA to accompany him to Tampines.

However, he was nabbed in Johore, and it was an embarrassment for the Singapore govt. But cant be helped, must wayang lah, and demanded KL release him to Singapore.

After KL was shioked with the tales MSK would regale them with, he was collected by Singapore police. They actually didnt want to see him again but boh bian, the public already knew he was out. so die die Singapore must appear to do soemthing.

But die die MSK didnt want to admit he escaped, and the govt die die didnt wan tto admit they let him out. Both sides cant settle on a good story. That is why Shammulligan had to try a fast one on Sinkies, rounded up MSK's family to create a diversion, hoping that Sinkies would forget to pursue the real truth.


What was he doing for the 2 days after prison escape before reachig his brother's house ? He was wearing prison clothes, no money in his pocket, hungry, thirsty, very tired and stressed ?