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Is it true that SAF Armour no malays?


So now you are saying, m&ds are discriminated against because they are physically weak? :eek: Where did that come from?
On what yardstick do you based this assumption on?

Are you accusing the govt of behaving like nazi germany, segregate and discriminate people based on physical description, assuming of course that m&ds are inherently physically weak (which is as wild an assumption as anyone can possibly make)

Your arguments are neither rooted in logic or reality.
You only want to use vulgar adjectives on me and make wild assumptions.

The more weird statements you make, the more it makes you your arguments as flimsy as the matter between your ears.

How like that? CMI lah Mr Jah :biggrin:

Nope none what so ever.

No you dumb ass. :rolleyes: I am saying they have their reasons for not allowing malays into certain units that outsiders might not know. Why would you call that discrimination? Most of these units are pretty tough anyway. Better to be in civil defence or police. You see you this want to know if they allow malays into this or that place without caring if such a place is tougher or not just for the sake of it. :rolleyes:


New to this thread. No vested interest whatsoever. Just want to say that Jah_rastafar_I organizes his writings really well.

My views on this matter... I don' t really care if there are Malays in Armour or not. And I suspect, for most Malays, it's a non-issue too. Armour life is tough and NSF pay sucks.


Its not abt whether armour is tough or soft.

If you are a sporean, u confirm got vested interest cos its your cuntry too.

Its about how the govt is racist and discriminates against people.

Eh, you think bro jar organise his writings well? knn wat abt me? :biggrin:

New to this thread. No vested interest whatsoever. Just want to say that Jah_rastafar_I organizes his writings really well.

My views on this matter... I don' t really care if there are Malays in Armour or not. And I suspect, for most Malays, it's a non-issue too. Armour life is tough and NSF pay sucks.


Its not abt whether armour is tough or soft.

If you are a sporean, u confirm got vested interest cos its your cuntry too.

Its about how the govt is racist and discriminates against people.

Eh, you think bro jar organise his writings well? knn wat abt me? :biggrin:

you write well too. But I cannot agree with most of your points.


Alfrescian (Inf)
So now you are saying, m&ds are discriminated against because they are physically weak? :eek: Where did that come from?
On what yardstick do you based this assumption on?

Are you accusing the govt of behaving like nazi germany, segregate and discriminate people based on physical description, assuming of course that m&ds are inherently physically weak (which is as wild an assumption as anyone can possibly make)

Your arguments are neither rooted in logic or reality.
You only want to use vulgar adjectives on me and make wild assumptions.

The more weird statements you make, the more it makes you your arguments as flimsy as the matter between your ears.

How like that? CMI lah Mr Jah :biggrin:

I think you need to learn how to read you dumb ass.

I mentioned that some of these units might have their own personal reasons for not letting m&ds in that outsiders might not know.

The rest of it was my opinion. I just stated it matter of factly like hey these kinds of units are usually xiong chiong sua ones that most nsf ppl don't want to be posted to and it's just ppl like you finding reasons to feel offended. Assholes like you are perpetually offended always trying to find reasons to be offended. Like this post here i didn't say that malays were physically weaker you had to make it up to feel offended and try to put me in a spot.


Alfrescian (Inf)
New to this thread. No vested interest whatsoever. Just want to say that Jah_rastafar_I organizes his writings really well.

My views on this matter... I don' t really care if there are Malays in Armour or not. And I suspect, for most Malays, it's a non-issue too. Armour life is tough and NSF pay sucks.

Thanks for the compliment.

Its not abt whether armour is tough or soft.

If you are a sporean, u confirm got vested interest cos its your cuntry too.

Its about how the govt is racist and discriminates against people.

Eh, you think bro jar organise his writings well? knn wat abt me? :biggrin:

How nobly you put it. :rolleyes: The majority of nsfs just want to have an easy ns life and just ord and get on with their lives.

Btw seems again you don't seem to get it. The thing about armor for example being tough or soft was my opinion and 1nottiboy concured which is these types of places are pretty tough so in a way it's good you don't get posted there. Who knows many chinese yearn to be posted to civil defence or police. Now imagine if i followed thru with your way of complaining and looking at things and started getting offended that if one is a chinese his chances of getting into cd is much much lower and he would more likely end up in armor what would you say then? :rolleyes:

Think you better need to discern how to read between one's opinion and what the official stance on the army unit post their nsfs it might even be on what many ppl think. :rolleyes:

In any case ppl like you are just like ptader forever finding a reason to be offended. If i were like you i would be offended that a chinese has a much much lower chance of being posted to cd or police and going to a tougher unit to chiong sua. I think that's discrimination to chinese.


Alfrescian (Inf)
no sg isn't at war but it still proves my pt especially when you mentioned about japanese american battalion not being allowed to fight in the pacific theater for obvious reasons they might sympathize with the enemy due to the same culture, heritage, might even be related to each other.

It applies the same way to the malaysian context. Many sinkie chinese have relatives across the border needless to say it's the same for the local malays. Local malays have been going to neighbouring countries for opportunities. Aaron aziz for example went to malaysia i think for some acting gigs, fandi is coaching some indon club i think. Let's not kid ourselves that ppl of a different nationality might be closer due to shared religious beliefs and kin. The govt is taking a safe approach to prevent sensitive info from being leaked over should a malay be in such sensitive unit. The govt would rather do away with political correctness than risk national security. That was the same sort of thinking the US had with the japanese americans.

Yes same same with South American footballers enjoy playing in Spanish La Liga more than other european leagues....
Used to be Airforce, Navy, Elite units like Commandos and support units like Armour, Arty, Engineers all got no malays...and malays cannot go far in the army.
But now got malay pilots and general ranks even.......so i think no longer true.....if can fly an F-16 sure can operate tank right?

I went back to read this and see narong agrees with me on this. If you are from another nationality but speak the same language and have the same culture and religion you tend to feel closer. Common fucking sense. You can then see why the govt wouldn't allow malays in certain units but narong went on to add that malays are slowing being let into units they were previously not let into. Isn't that a good thing? If you want to look it from a logicial perspective the govt didn't allow malays in the past cos singapore was a young nation so national identity was not so established. Now with singapore maturing and the younger malays having a concept of national identity that their fathers or grandfathers might not have had yes perhaps the govt is easing restrictions and letting malays into places they were previously not allowed into. That's a good thing.

Yet if you look at assholes like andyfisher how does he look at things? Malays not allowed into certain units= malays are discriminated! Racism!

Later finds out they now let malays into units they were not previously not allowed into? Still angry, still offended still thinks that isn't good enough.

If you look at how he approaches things he's just like ptader always finding reasons to be offended always complaining to the skies over the smallest things. Never satisfied always complaining always asking the chinese to bend over backwards. Thinks it's fine to discriminate chinese ppl and then wants to talk about the concept of nation hood etc etc. :rolleyes:


common knowledge that mats not in amour is cos if war breaks out with malaysia, commandos will chiong into johor followed by guards and armour. u put mats into a tank, he might in theory refuse to fire at his brudders, kill tank commander and drive the tank over to other side. if malaysia was instead india and we had the same breakup history, u wouldnt see mamas in armour and commando too. so its not about racism, its the infamous singaporean pracmatism at work, be it right or wrong.


Alfrescian (Inf)
common knowledge that mats not in amour is cos if war breaks out with malaysia, commandos will chiong into johor followed by guards and armour. u put mats into a tank, he might in theory refuse to fire at his brudders, kill tank commander and drive the tank over to other side. if malaysia was instead india and we had the same breakup history, u wouldnt see mamas in armour and commando too. so its not about racism, its the infamous singaporean pracmatism at work, be it right or wrong.

Yet ppl will andy will actually insist to you the local malays wouldn't do that yet he cannot prove that to you. Then others like maybe whoami would feel offended and ask you don't trust malays is it? It makes sense and let me add if singapore was next to china and had the same situation like singapore and mudland and the chinese were the minorities guess what they also wouldn't be allowed into armor but the difference is that chinese won't complain or aren't even allowed to complain about it.

It's time we put a stop to this perpetual whining and complaining of racism this and that and it's a damn good thing if one isn't posted to armor. Armor is a damn xiong place to be in i am sure some nsfs would feel damn happy they are guaranteed they wouldn't be posted there. Ppl like this andyfisher just wants to find a reason to complain that's all, like he needs to know that malays be allowed in say armor and what happens next when malays are allowed into armor and a large number of them are now forced to chiong sua and work hard to operate the tanks? Yeah complain again.


How about Artillery? Also exclusively non-Malay? Artillery is sometimes more powerful. One ranged shot can destroy a certain house


Alfrescian (Inf)
How about Artillery? Also exclusively non-Malay? Artillery is sometimes more powerful. One ranged shot can destroy a certain house

Arty is known as king of battlefield. No other weapons kill more men than arty.

There a lot of misconception about armour. First, compare to infantry, armour cannot be consider siong. No need to carry fullpack, in fact fullpack are shared due to lack of space to store them. Atmost only dig foxhole, no fire trench no command post. Seldom on foot as ride available, if vehicle role lagi better as vehicle overrun enemy positions and mop backward.

Secondly, unless in delicated tank battlion, then the bulk of ppl in armour are just riflemen. While saf do cross trained, only drivers and commanders know how to drive a tank or apc/ifv. Same thing with gunners, only 1/4 of the riflemen cross trained as gunners together with commanders. The chance of a person taking over a vehicle and shoot own side very very low. Until now, i still dun understand how rambo can drive and shoot in a T55 by himself although the T55 come with an autoloader.

Lastly, saf consider armour to be technical, need an certain amount of education level to operate the weapon systems at its disposal. So all along armour no hokkien pengs, liddat the malays confirm also cannot be consider. Of course saf also evolving as i know armour started raising hokkien peng battlions in the last few years with mixed results.


Arty is known as king of battlefield. No other weapons kill more men than arty.

There a lot of misconception about armour. First, compare to infantry, armour cannot be consider siong. No need to carry fullpack, in fact fullpack are shared due to lack of space to store them. Atmost only dig foxhole, no fire trench no command post. Seldom on foot as ride available, if vehicle role lagi better as vehicle overrun enemy positions and mop backward.

Secondly, unless in delicated tank battlion, then the bulk of ppl in armour are just riflemen. While saf do cross trained, only drivers and commanders know how to drive a tank or apc/ifv. Same thing with gunners, only 1/4 of the riflemen cross trained as gunners together with commanders. The chance of a person taking over a vehicle and shoot own side very very low. Until now, i still dun understand how rambo can drive and shoot in a T55 by himself although the T55 come with an autoloader.

Lastly, saf consider armour to be technical, need an certain amount of education level to operate the weapon systems at its disposal. So all along armour no hokkien pengs, liddat the malays confirm also cannot be consider. Of course saf also evolving as i know armour started raising hokkien peng battlions in the last few years with mixed results.

SAF armour only one battalion is full tanks 48 SAR. Supposedly the one which LKY will call in if there is a freak election result.


Alfrescian (Inf)
SAF armour only one battalion is full tanks 48 SAR. Supposedly the one which LKY will call in if there is a freak election result.

It never work that way. A tank without infantry support is a death trap as the russians found out during the hungrcian uprising in the 50s. Btw, i know saf changed the armour doctrine since i completed my reservist cycle in 2009. The last i heard, 48sar is not operating as a tank battlion but break up to support the other armour infantry.


It never work that way. A tank without infantry support is a death trap as the russians found out during the hungrcian uprising in the 50s. Btw, i know saf changed the armour doctrine since i completed my reservist cycle in 2009. The last i heard, 48sar is not operating as a tank battlion but break up to support the other armour infantry.

48 SAR is not part of any of the divisions. Something is admiss over with it.


Bro, you are ranting, not good and it only proves you cant quite cogently put your ideas across.

The idea of 'he who shouts the loudest is right' is not something I agree with and neither should you or anyone else.

I am not sure where to start with your tantrum, cos its all over the place.

What you can do is maybe put your thoughts in a proper post by itself so I can pick them apart one by one. :biggrin:

My wish is simple, a level playing field for all races in spore, the absence of which only leads me and I guess most people to surmise that spore is a racist cuntry.


Yet ppl will andy will actually insist to you the local malays wouldn't do that yet he cannot prove that to you. Then others like maybe whoami would feel offended and ask you don't trust malays is it? It makes sense and let me add if singapore was next to china and had the same situation like singapore and mudland and the chinese were the minorities guess what they also wouldn't be allowed into armor but the difference is that chinese won't complain or aren't even allowed to complain about it.

It's time we put a stop to this perpetual whining and complaining of racism this and that and it's a damn good thing if one isn't posted to armor. Armor is a damn xiong place to be in i am sure some nsfs would feel damn happy they are guaranteed they wouldn't be posted there. Ppl like this andyfisher just wants to find a reason to complain that's all, like he needs to know that malays be allowed in say armor and what happens next when malays are allowed into armor and a large number of them are now forced to chiong sua and work hard to operate the tanks? Yeah complain again.


You mean, urines dont have brother urines in mudland?
shits dont have brother shits in mudland?

only m&ds have brother m&ds in mudlands?

Why is your thinking so myopic?

It is not abt that, it is abt asserting dominance of one race over another, to keep one race down. Thats all it is.

So lets not be like the rats who just blindly follow the pied piper.

common knowledge that mats not in amour is cos if war breaks out with malaysia, commandos will chiong into johor followed by guards and armour. u put mats into a tank, he might in theory refuse to fire at his brudders, kill tank commander and drive the tank over to other side. if malaysia was instead india and we had the same breakup history, u wouldnt see mamas in armour and commando too. so its not about racism, its the infamous singaporean pracmatism at work, be it right or wrong.


Alfrescian (Inf)
48 SAR is not part of any of the divisions. Something is admiss over with it.

Active nsf units is not the main fighting force in saf but reservists. Reservists, especially those under 25yo are much more experienced than active while most still reasonably fit. Saf ordered 100+ Leo2, in theory enough for a brigade comprising of active and reservist.

U very concern familee using saf to stay in power? It wont happen as nsf and reservist loyalty are suspected. No way that Leo2 will roll down orchard road, there no guarantee the tank commander wont go rouge with a full combat load of ammo. Mostly likely the gurkhas, 2000 strong, will be the backbone of lee loyalists.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Active nsf units is not the main fighting force in saf but reservists. Reservists, especially those under 25yo are much more experienced than active while most still reasonably fit. Saf ordered 100+ Leo2, in theory enough for a brigade comprising of active and reservist.

U very concern familee using saf to stay in power? It wont happen as nsf and reservist loyalty are suspected. No way that Leo2 will roll down orchard road, there no guarantee the tank commander wont go rouge with a full combat load of ammo. Mostly likely the gurkhas, 2000 strong, will be the backbone of lee loyalists.

I agree with you that the Gurkhas (with their British commander) will be the mercenary defenders of the Lee's.