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Didn’t I just say Malays are always united against OTHERS?


Yes bro. They are more accomodative like how the Malays accomodate to PAP. DAP is an extremist group. Very hostile towards the Malay if u care to read their past history. There were once i was at Penang. I was at an event held by UMNO. Guest of honour was Najib. I saw practically all the penang ceena ignoring and some booed at Najib. Very sad. They been brainwashed by DAP. They dont realise how lucky they are as a Msian. Take everything for granted. If they also want special rights like the Bumi...i doubt the silent majority would remain quiet and calm. Its a fact most Msian ceena are well off than the Malays. How many ceena tycoons and how many Malay tycoon are there in Msia? Still asking and demanding for more?
Oh so now cina is bad..and m&ds are allowed to demand entitlements and other racists must be subservient to m&ds. Tat is basically what u are saying. I think u dream of Ang mor land policies whereby the majority pander to the mudslimes.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Another juicy news. See how DAP, just like USA, thru lies and deceits fooled the Msians into believing Najib knew Altantuyaaa.... DAP, tony phua, even lied and said Najib had dinner with Altantuya. See how DAP win the GE thru fake news, lies and deceits. See how tolerant and gentleman Najib is? If this happened in Sinkieland, Tony phua will be sued till his last penny.


February 12, 2017 @ 6:37pm


YESTERDAY, DAP's Tony Pua said Salleh Said Keruak is 'Menteri berita palsu'. This is the same Tony who said that Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim was the best, most honest and most hardworking MB in history and then, soon after that, turned around and called Khalid a crook.

Saifuddin Nasution then published a dossier listing down Khalid's many 'crimes, which they circulated everywhere. Saifuddin then got sued and was forced to settle the case out of court by apologising for all those lies.

DAP then announced that Pakatan Rakyat has been closed down and that PAS has been sacked from the opposition coalition. Later, they turned around and announced that PAS had betrayed the opposition by leaving the coalition.

Tian Chua and PKR then alleged that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak had dinner at the Eiffel Tower with Altantuya Shaariibuu. They even fabricated a photograph using Photoshop as the so-called 'evidence'. A French police investigation later revealed that neither Najib nor Altantuya had ever travelled to France during that period.

Yes, Malaysians are very familiar with this problem of fake news, which the opposition has been circulating for a long time. Tony and his running mate, Rafizi Ramli, are champions of fake news.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Very dangerous to have this type of person like cheena Tian Chua in parliament. Admitted he doctored the photo and yet refused to retract or apologise. Tats how the present garment won in their last GE.:poop::poop::poop:

Action sought over doctored photo


PETALING JAYA: Umno Youth wants the authorities to take action against an opposition party leader for his “irresponsible and rude act” of putting up a doctored photo of Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak with a woman and one of the accused in the Altantuya Shaaribu murder.
The person in question is Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) information chief Tian Chua.

“Tian Chua's action in putting the photo in his blog has elements of defamation and instigation. It clearly reflects the attitude of the other PKR leaders who will stoop low and are willing to do what it takes to twist the truth and justice to suit their narrow political interest,” said Umno Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein in a statement.
He added that Tian Chua had gone too far this time by proudly admitting to the act and refusing to apologise.

In a recent press statement, Tian Chua admitted the photograph, which he had created personally, was merely a fantasy and a work of art, but insisted he would not retract the photograph or say sorry to anyone

Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nat...ought-over-doctored-photo#HYtrYyKTmT5LJ5ik.99

Robert Half

I like her. Pro MCA..Barisan....

The Malays kana main habis by Tun and DAP. Look at the 1MDB case. They still cant pin Najib down. But DAP trying very hard to charge Najib guilty. During last election DAP lied and used dirty tactics to fool the masses. Using social media and lied tat Barisan chartered and flowned in Bangladeshi to Msia to win votes. Many promises in their manifesto...but most unable to fulfil as at todate or even years to come. Promise to create 1 million jobs.....Hahaha....if only causeway no jam.. and if pigs can fly....

View attachment 64755

Bro .. I shared the same sentiment on what you said about the DAP :poop: & that their cheena supporters based in Sinkieland are not good people :thumbsdown:


Create fake news to win votes? Gave public false impression Najib have links to slain Altantuya murder? Good luck to Msian. Definitely i wouldnt want such ex Oppie to be the ruling party

You knew as a fact it was fake? She told you so?


Islam is just a dark side of judaism. Both also same view and particularly is cannot eat babi. Wearing headscarf and cap for praying and etc. Judaism do not do evangelism as they always believe their God will choose their own people by birth which is mainly Jews. I do not have in depth knowledge about Judaism but you all can google it. U will find it that both have some common practice. Tat prophet muhammad who did born to have great influence skill and he twist and tweak Judaism and make it a new religion gang call islam. Why i call it gang because once you enter, u cant quit and can face death penalty. Tat is also one of the reason why this religion keep growing numbers and is not being a true religion. They also always encourage ppl to give birth to alot of babies no matter how poor they are.

This kind of religion once i hear only can in but cant go out. I would die die wont go in. Plus, if i am a gal, and saw this religion still allows husband to have 4 wives and always must wear headscarf, i would not even bother. This is just mad backwards. Say dogs saliva is dirty while cat saliva is clean. Come on man, dogs are very intelligent and can catch thief. even more useful and intelligent than the m&ds and all its gang members.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Islam is just a dark side of judaism. Both also same view and particularly is cannot eat babi. Wearing headscarf and cap for praying and etc. Judaism do not do evangelism as they always believe their God will choose their own people by birth which is mainly Jews. I do not have in depth knowledge about Judaism but you all can google it. U will find it that both have some common practice. Tat prophet muhammad who did born to have great influence skill and he twist and tweak Judaism and make it a new religion gang call islam. Why i call it gang because once you enter, u cant quit and can face death penalty. Tat is also one of the reason why this religion keep growing numbers and is not being a true religion. They also always encourage ppl to give birth to alot of babies no matter how poor they are.

This kind of religion once i hear only can in but cant go out. I would die die wont go in. Plus, if i am a gal, and saw this religion still allows husband to have 4 wives and always must wear headscarf, i would not even bother. This is just mad backwards. Say dogs saliva is dirty while cat saliva is clean. Come on man, dogs are very intelligent and can catch thief. even more useful and intelligent than the m&ds and all its gang members.

I had mentioned many times. Show me a verse fm the Quran tat u cant renounce Islam and punishment is death? Like tat the Muslim Convert Asso of Singapore can close shop ya. Different countries have their own laws. Nothing to do with Islam.

U better not convert to Islam. Is we who need God. Not vice versa.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
You knew as a fact it was fake? She told you so?

SHAH ALAM: A cousin of slain Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu told the High Court that a photo of the deceased together with political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda and a deputy prime minister, which was produced to the court, is fake.
“It is a poor photoshop technique and it is absolutely fake,” said Burmaa Oyunchimeg, 37, when senior federal counsel Jasmee Hameeza Jaafar, who acted for the Malaysian government, referred to her a photo of the trio.

Burmaa, however, said she had seen the real photo of Altantuya sitting together with two men, which was taken in Paris in 2005, and they were smiling at the camera.
“Altantuya had shown the original photo with hundreds of other photos in one album to me, including the photo of her and Abdul Razak in a Ferrari when we (Burmaa and Altantuya) were in Ulan Bataar, Mongolia,” she said at the hearing of a RM100mil suit filed by Altantuya’s family against two former policemen, Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar Umar, Abdul Razak and the Malaysian government.

The sales associate, based in Chicago in the United States, also said the original photo was not in her possession and she did not know what had happened to it.

“What I know, Mr Ang (a private investigator hired by Altantuya) told me that he had seen the photo in Altantuya’s possession,” she said.
Burmaa also told the court that Altantuya had hired Ang to track down Abdul Razak.
The first witness for the plaintiffs said Altantuya had informed her that she had asked Ang to find Abdul Razak after she failed to reach him.
Asked by counsel Manjeet Singh Dhillon, acting for Abdul Razak, whether his client had ever told her anything about not being able to meet Altantuya. Burmaa said, “Yes, Razak Baginda sent me a message and told that he could not meet Altantuya.”
Burmaa also said she had queried Altantuya on the matter and Altantuya had informed her that there was a small problem and told her not to reply to Razak’s message.
On June 4, 2007, the parents of Altantuya, Dr Shaariibuu Setev and wife Altantsetseg Sanjaa and their two grandsons, Mungunshagai Bayarjargal and Altanshagai Munkhtulga, filed a RM100mil suit against two former policemen, Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar Umar, Abdul Razak and the Malaysian government.
However, Altanshagai Munkhtulga’s name was later removed as a plaintiff as he died two years ago.
In the statement of claim, the family alleged that Altantuya’s death had caused them mental shock and psychological trauma.
The trial before Justice Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera continues today with Dr Shaariibuu expected to take the stand. — Bernama

Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nat...technique-high-court-told#Z8grbXSggx5bCoDi.99


I had mentioned many times. Show me a verse fm the Quran tat u cant renounce Islam and punishment is death? Like tat the Muslim Convert Asso of Singapore can close shop ya. Different countries have their own laws. Nothing to do with Islam.

U better not convert to Islam. Is we who need God. Not vice versa.

Definitely would not even consider at all. This is just mad backwards. Out of so many points i wrote, you only pin out saying not all shall face death if leave islam. I quote it as 'can' face death penalty and i nev quote it as 'will' face death penalty. Tat means it is subjective. U need to take some eng grammar lesson. Plus i do not even bother about the quran. Even your dr zakir naik supports death penalty on leaving muslim if i not wrong.

Maybe my my msg can be an enlightenment to those who want to leave islam. Definitely, leaving islam will face huge obstacles like family disown you. Even u prove me right that leaving islam wont face death punishment but there are consequences of leaving islam which make many ppl suck thumb and cant leave.

I had been joining many diff churches. Join and quit. This is the real meaning of freedom of choice, freedom of human rights and is also the real meaning peaceful whereas i would not face any huge consequences of leaving. Not just leaving Christian, Buddhism, Taoism and many more of other religion that u can name of. Even those barbarian religion also can leave with peace.

Just my 2 cents.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Definitely would not even consider at all. This is just mad backwards. Out of so many points i wrote, you only pin out saying not all shall face death if leave islam. I quote it as 'can' face death penalty and i nev quote it as 'will' face death penalty. Tat means it is subjective. U need to take some eng grammar lesson. Plus i do not even bother about the quran. Even your dr zakir naik supports death penalty on leaving muslim if i not wrong.

Maybe my my msg can be an enlightenment to those who want to leave islam. Definitely, leaving islam will face huge obstacles like family disown you. Even u prove me right that leaving islam wont face death punishment but there are consequences of leaving islam which make many ppl suck thumb and cant leave.

I had been joining many diff churches. Join and quit. This is the real meaning of freedom of choice, freedom of human rights and is also the real meaning peaceful whereas i would not face any huge consequences of leaving. Not just leaving Christian, Buddhism, Taoism and many more of other religion that u can name of. Even those barbarian religion also can leave with peace.

Just my 2 cents.

If u really wish to know (which i doubt so) why Quran stipulated the dos and the donts, u just need to google for the answers. Not fm xtian website, of course . Most of wat u stated in ur previous post had already been answered many times in this forum...



If u really wish to know (which i doubt so) why Quran stipulated the dos and the donts, u just need to google for the answers. Not fm xtian website, of course . Most of wat u stated in ur previous post had already been answered many times in this forum...


Hell no. Wont waste time on quran. Totally garbage. I can list out many points out and you all just being radicalize and keep using quran. i had quote so many points and u only can pin out all shall not face death leaving islam. Quran logic is no longer valid of today's world. Dun be dead brain. I had said enough and this argument will keep cont and i will stop here. Dun be mad backwards. Leaving islam will face consequence so u better dun leave, period.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hell no. Wont waste time on quran. Totally garbage. I can list out many points out and you all just being radicalize and keep using quran. i had quote so many points and u only can pin out all shall not face death leaving islam. Quran logic is no longer valid of today's world. Dun be dead brain. I had said enough and this argument will keep cont and i will stop here. Dun be mad backwards. Leaving islam will face consequence so u better dun leave, period.

Hell No. Paradise Yes. I will stick to my religion till my last breath....in sya Allah....:thumbsup:



Crackdown on dr zakir naik

prophet muhammad fuck 6 years old Aisha

This kind of leaders or preacher who will believe. No wonder once join gang and cant leave. Leave and u will have consequence.


Alfrescian (Inf)

Crackdown on dr zakir naik

prophet muhammad fuck 6 years old Aisha

This kind of leaders or preacher who will believe. No wonder once join gang and cant leave. Leave and u will have consequence.

Zakir Naik is less of a preacher and more of a 'motivational speaker' for Muslims. Similar to Anthony Robbins etc. His Islamic scholarship credentials are shoddy.

Imran Hosein is far more legitimate.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Pardon my limited knowledge about a barbaric religion , am just calling a spade a spade hor ( no ill-intent )

It's okay to kill a non-believer who does not believe or insult said religion
It's okay to enslave people ( for sexual pleasures if deem fit )
It's okay to commit incest ( piak stepson's wife )
Sexual grooming ( child bride )
Prove your loyalty by sacrificing your own son ( what kind of sick request is that and what type of father actually did it :FU: )
72 Virgins ( wonder which sexually deprived pevert came up with this fantasy :rolleyes: )

Verdict : It's all about sex , child sex , illicit sex and mindless killings ain't it ? Religion of peace my ass

* Awaiting flamers and correctors on my post :sneaky:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Now is year 2019. And u guys are comparing events occurred 1400 years ago? U should ask urself how ur ancestors from China breed those days.:smile: