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Didn’t I just say Malays are always united against OTHERS?


Hahaha...got caught out n nowhere to hide...just say out of context...your get out of jail free card

Muslim just being muslim. Once prove them wrong they will just blank people. To a extend, they will just ask the cina to go back to china. the uyghur people is minority in china and yet why they cant stand out with the cina? Cina is minority in msia and indon but cina stand out. m&d just dunno how to do business other than selling halal food, islamic clothes and all those islam shit related business. Employee also cant be good employee. Can you all be man enough not to take govt tax money for survival?

To all the m&ds, do u want cina to teach u all how to do business and and able to complete with the world?


Now is year 2019. And u guys are comparing events occurred 1400 years ago? U should ask urself how ur ancestors from China breed those days.:smile:

Back then, China is a superpower nation and is the world biggest economy.

Definitely, a respectable leader would not fuck 6 years old gal even during that ancient times. Most probably, as early as teenage years.



Now u are against the US. Then, u also feel cina is looking down on you and ask cina to go back cina. Why u all keep feeling all the world is against you all? Dun you think that your belief make you alienated to the world? Why not step up and change? Even China president xi also crackdown the uighur people who always create troubles and do car bombing. Please think properly and reflect yourself. Even japan also bei tarhan you all.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Now u are against the US. Then, u also feel cina is looking down on you and ask cina to go back cina. Why u all keep feeling all the world is against you all? Dun you think that your belief make you alienated to the world? Why not step up and change? Even China president xi also crackdown the uighur people who always create troubles and do car bombing. Please think properly and reflect yourself. Even japan also bei tarhan you all.

US lies and thru deceits able to fool the world by invading Iraq killing million of innocents. Wheres the WMD? Since u like US so much...ho sai lah. I hope US deal with ur cheena Xi asap.

As for jiuhukia, i dont hate them. I only have issue when they started demanding this and tat. So rich yet tamak.

Uighur create trouble? U only hear one side of the story. The Han came in large numbers. Stealing their jobs. Now they want to change their culture completely. Forcing them to learn mandarin, speak mandarin. prohibite them from praying etc etc etc.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Definitely, a respectable leader would not fuck 6 years old gal even during that ancient times. Most probably, as early as teenage years.

There are many more write up on why the beloved prophet married to Aisha. But if ur agenda is to bring down Islam, no matter how much explanation given to u also useless. :rolleyes:

The truth about Muhammad and Aisha


'The Qur’an says that marriage is valid only between consenting adults, and that a woman has the right to choose her own spouse.' Photograph: Shah Marai/AFP/Getty Images
Writing about Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, the Orientalist scholar W Montgomery Watt wrote: "Of all the world's great men, none has been so much maligned as Muhammad." His quote seems all the more poignant in light of the Islamophobic film Innocence of Muslims, which has sparked riots from Yemen to Libya and which, among other slanders, depicts Muhammad as a paedophile.
This claim is a recurring one among critics of Islam, so its foundation deserves close scrutiny.
Critics allege that Aisha was just six years old when she was betrothed to Muhammad, himself in his 50s, and only nine when the marriage was consummated. They base this on a saying attributed to Aisha herself (Sahih Bukhari volume 5, book 58, number 234), and the debate on this issue is further complicated by the fact that some Muslims believe this to be a historically accurate account. Although most Muslims would not consider marrying off their nine-year-old daughters, those who accept this saying argue that since the Qur'an states that marriage is void unless entered into by consenting adults, Aisha must have entered puberty early.

They point out that, in seventh-century Arabia, adulthood was defined as the onset of puberty. (This much is true, and was also the case in Europe: five centuries after Muhammad's marriage to Aisha, 33-year-old King John of England married 12-year-old Isabella of Angoulême.) Interestingly, of the many criticisms of Muhammad made at the time by his opponents, none focused on Aisha's age at marriage.

According to this perspective, Aisha may have been young, but she was not younger than was the norm at the time. Other Muslims doubt the very idea that Aisha was six at the time of marriage, referring to historians who have questioned the reliability of Aisha's age as given in the saying. In a society without a birth registry and where people did not celebrate birthdays, most people estimated their own age and that of others. Aisha would have been no different. What's more, Aisha had already been engaged to someone else before she married Muhammad, suggesting she had already been mature enough by the standards of her society to consider marriage for a while. It seems difficult to reconcile this with her being six.

In addition, some modern Muslim scholars have more recently cast doubt on the veracity of the saying, or hadith, used to assert Aisha's young age. In Islam, the hadith literature (sayings of the prophet) is considered secondary to the Qur'an. While the Qur'an is considered to be the verbatim word of God, the hadiths were transmitted over time through a rigorous but not infallible methodology. Taking all known accounts and records of Aisha's age at marriage, estimates of her age range from nine to 19.

Because of this, it is impossible to know with any certainty how old Aisha was. What we do know is what the Qur'an says about marriage: that it is valid only between consenting adults, and that a woman has the right to choose her own spouse. As the living embodiment of Islam, Muhammad's actions reflect the Qur'an's teachings on marriage, even if the actions of some Muslim regimes and individuals do not.

Sadly, in many countries, the imperatives motivating the marriage of young girls are typically economic. In others, they are political. The fact that Iran and Saudi Arabia have both sought to use the saying concerning Aisha's age as a justification for lowering the legal age of marriage tells us a great deal about the patriarchal and oppressive nature of those regimes, and nothing about Muhammad, or the essential nature of Islam. The stridency of those who lend credence to these literalist interpretations by concurring with their warped view of Islam does not help those Muslims who seek to challenge these aberrations.

The Islamophobic depiction of Muhammad's marriage to Aisha as motivated by misplaced desire fits within a broader Orientalist depiction of Muhammad as a philanderer. This idea dates back to the crusades. According to the academic Kecia Ali: "Accusations of lust and sensuality were a regular feature of medieval attacks on the prophet's character and, by extension, on the authenticity of Islam."

Since the early Christians heralded Christ as a model of celibate virtue, Muhammad – who had married several times – was deemed to be driven by sinful lust. This portrayal ignored the fact that before his marriage to Aisha, Muhammad had been married to Khadija, a powerful businesswoman 15 years his senior, for 25 years. When she died, he was devastated and friends encouraged him to remarry. A female acquaintance suggested Aisha, a bright and vivacious character.

Aisha's union would also have cemented Muhammad's longstanding friendship with her father, Abu Bakr. As was the tradition in Arabia (and still is in some parts of the world today), marriage typically served a social and political function – a way of uniting tribes, resolving feuds, caring for widows and orphans, and generally strengthening bonds in a highly unstable and changing political environment. Of the women Muhammad married, the majority were widows. To consider the marriages of the prophet outside of these calculations is profoundly ahistorical.

What the records are clear on is that Muhammad and Aisha had a loving and egalitarian relationship, which set the standard for reciprocity, tenderness and respect enjoined by the Qur'an. Insights into their relationship, such as the fact they liked to drink out of the same cup or race one another, are indicative of a deep connection which belies any misrepresentation of their relationship.

To paint Aisha as a victim is completely at odds with her persona. She was certainly no wallflower. During a controversial battle in Muslim history, she emerged riding a camel to lead the troops. She was known for her assertive temperament and mischievous sense of humour – with Muhammad sometimes bearing the brunt of the jokes. During his lifetime, he established her authority by telling Muslims to consult her in his absence; after his death, she went to be become one of the most prolific and distinguished scholars of her time.

A stateswoman, scholar, mufti, and judge, Aisha combined spirituality, activism and knowledge and remains a role model for many Muslim women today. The gulf between her true legacy and her depiction in Islamophobic materials is not merely historically inaccurate, it is an insult to the memory of a pioneering woman.

Those who manipulate her story to justify the abuse of young girls, and those who manipulate it in order to depict Islam as a religion that legitimises such abuse have more in common than they think. Both demonstrate a disregard for what we know about the times in which Muhammad lived, and for the affirmation of female autonomy which her story illustrates.



US lies and thru deceits able to fool the world by invading Iraq killing million of innocents. Wheres the WMD? Since u like US so much...ho sai lah. I hope US deal with ur cheena Xi asap.

As for jiuhukia, i dont hate them. I only have issue when they started demanding this and tat. So rich yet tamak.

Uighur create trouble? U only hear one side of the story. The Han came in large numbers. Stealing their jobs. Now they want to change their culture completely. Forcing them to learn mandarin, speak mandarin. prohibite them from praying etc etc etc.

Why China xi decided to crackdown uighur? Too man terrorist attack by them. Xi is doing it correctly to prevent futher terroist attack. U see paris attack and many more. You can see the list below and is every year, there will bound to have terrorist attack by jihadist.


Reasons of China decided to crackdown uighr.

Please ask why ppl decided to take actions against u all. Is like principle decided to take action against defiant students.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why China xi decided to crackdown uighur? Too man terrorist attack by them. Xi is doing it correctly to prevent futher terroist attack. U see paris attack and many more. You can see the list below and is every year, there will bound to have terrorist attack by jihadist.


Reasons of China decided to crackdown uighr.

Please ask why ppl decided to take actions against u all. Is like principle decided to take action against defiant students.

Let it be clear i and majority muslims dont condone terrorism. But did u see Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Venezuela,.......last time Vietnam....and many many more lah. Kong bay leow. So why many arabs and muslims doesnt like US those are the reasons lah. No brainer.

Nobody will attack without any reasons. 1 million "terrorist"?

So need to discard all their culture, belief, tradition and follow the han? Ehh....i stop u from worshipping ur god, cannot speak mandarin, cannot celebrate cny or ghost month or worhship ancestors, only learn Malay and culture, boleh?
Last edited:


Nobody will attack without any reasons. 1 million "terrorist"?

So need to discard all their culture, belief, tradition and follow the han? Ehh....i stop u from worshipping ur god, learn Malay and culture, boleh?

Then dun use violence. Dun kill ppl if you are angry. Those jihadist decided to kill innocent people and gives a bad name to your religion. Too bad, human live with impression. Once got bad impression, ppl wont trust u. If you go job interview, once your interviewer has bad impression of u, as he catch you scratching armpits for an example, he wont hire u. Who say your people give bad names until the govt need to take action? Not all terrorist is muslim but muslim conduct terrorist attack almost every year as you can the list that i had paste. Cina dun use violence to solve things so that is why there is no issues in msia and indon or anywhere. Cina is peaceful uprising.

I still see uighur still practicing islam. Those who got caught most had terrorist related or else why they catch them. The vid can prove their innocent but u will nev know the inside story unless u live there. There are ppl who are silent killer and cina cfm catch them with evidence and of cuz their family members will post vid say that they did not do anything wrong.


There are many more write up on why the beloved prophet married to Aisha. But if ur agenda is to bring down Islam, no matter how much explanation given to u also useless. :rolleyes:

The truth about Muhammad and Aisha

View attachment 64907
'The Qur’an says that marriage is valid only between consenting adults, and that a woman has the right to choose her own spouse.' Photograph: Shah Marai/AFP/Getty Images
Writing about Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, the Orientalist scholar W Montgomery Watt wrote: "Of all the world's great men, none has been so much maligned as Muhammad." His quote seems all the more poignant in light of the Islamophobic film Innocence of Muslims, which has sparked riots from Yemen to Libya and which, among other slanders, depicts Muhammad as a paedophile.
This claim is a recurring one among critics of Islam, so its foundation deserves close scrutiny.
Critics allege that Aisha was just six years old when she was betrothed to Muhammad, himself in his 50s, and only nine when the marriage was consummated. They base this on a saying attributed to Aisha herself (Sahih Bukhari volume 5, book 58, number 234), and the debate on this issue is further complicated by the fact that some Muslims believe this to be a historically accurate account. Although most Muslims would not consider marrying off their nine-year-old daughters, those who accept this saying argue that since the Qur'an states that marriage is void unless entered into by consenting adults, Aisha must have entered puberty early.

They point out that, in seventh-century Arabia, adulthood was defined as the onset of puberty. (This much is true, and was also the case in Europe: five centuries after Muhammad's marriage to Aisha, 33-year-old King John of England married 12-year-old Isabella of Angoulême.) Interestingly, of the many criticisms of Muhammad made at the time by his opponents, none focused on Aisha's age at marriage.

According to this perspective, Aisha may have been young, but she was not younger than was the norm at the time. Other Muslims doubt the very idea that Aisha was six at the time of marriage, referring to historians who have questioned the reliability of Aisha's age as given in the saying. In a society without a birth registry and where people did not celebrate birthdays, most people estimated their own age and that of others. Aisha would have been no different. What's more, Aisha had already been engaged to someone else before she married Muhammad, suggesting she had already been mature enough by the standards of her society to consider marriage for a while. It seems difficult to reconcile this with her being six.

In addition, some modern Muslim scholars have more recently cast doubt on the veracity of the saying, or hadith, used to assert Aisha's young age. In Islam, the hadith literature (sayings of the prophet) is considered secondary to the Qur'an. While the Qur'an is considered to be the verbatim word of God, the hadiths were transmitted over time through a rigorous but not infallible methodology. Taking all known accounts and records of Aisha's age at marriage, estimates of her age range from nine to 19.

Because of this, it is impossible to know with any certainty how old Aisha was. What we do know is what the Qur'an says about marriage: that it is valid only between consenting adults, and that a woman has the right to choose her own spouse. As the living embodiment of Islam, Muhammad's actions reflect the Qur'an's teachings on marriage, even if the actions of some Muslim regimes and individuals do not.

Sadly, in many countries, the imperatives motivating the marriage of young girls are typically economic. In others, they are political. The fact that Iran and Saudi Arabia have both sought to use the saying concerning Aisha's age as a justification for lowering the legal age of marriage tells us a great deal about the patriarchal and oppressive nature of those regimes, and nothing about Muhammad, or the essential nature of Islam. The stridency of those who lend credence to these literalist interpretations by concurring with their warped view of Islam does not help those Muslims who seek to challenge these aberrations.

The Islamophobic depiction of Muhammad's marriage to Aisha as motivated by misplaced desire fits within a broader Orientalist depiction of Muhammad as a philanderer. This idea dates back to the crusades. According to the academic Kecia Ali: "Accusations of lust and sensuality were a regular feature of medieval attacks on the prophet's character and, by extension, on the authenticity of Islam."

Since the early Christians heralded Christ as a model of celibate virtue, Muhammad – who had married several times – was deemed to be driven by sinful lust. This portrayal ignored the fact that before his marriage to Aisha, Muhammad had been married to Khadija, a powerful businesswoman 15 years his senior, for 25 years. When she died, he was devastated and friends encouraged him to remarry. A female acquaintance suggested Aisha, a bright and vivacious character.

Aisha's union would also have cemented Muhammad's longstanding friendship with her father, Abu Bakr. As was the tradition in Arabia (and still is in some parts of the world today), marriage typically served a social and political function – a way of uniting tribes, resolving feuds, caring for widows and orphans, and generally strengthening bonds in a highly unstable and changing political environment. Of the women Muhammad married, the majority were widows. To consider the marriages of the prophet outside of these calculations is profoundly ahistorical.

What the records are clear on is that Muhammad and Aisha had a loving and egalitarian relationship, which set the standard for reciprocity, tenderness and respect enjoined by the Qur'an. Insights into their relationship, such as the fact they liked to drink out of the same cup or race one another, are indicative of a deep connection which belies any misrepresentation of their relationship.

To paint Aisha as a victim is completely at odds with her persona. She was certainly no wallflower. During a controversial battle in Muslim history, she emerged riding a camel to lead the troops. She was known for her assertive temperament and mischievous sense of humour – with Muhammad sometimes bearing the brunt of the jokes. During his lifetime, he established her authority by telling Muslims to consult her in his absence; after his death, she went to be become one of the most prolific and distinguished scholars of her time.

A stateswoman, scholar, mufti, and judge, Aisha combined spirituality, activism and knowledge and remains a role model for many Muslim women today. The gulf between her true legacy and her depiction in Islamophobic materials is not merely historically inaccurate, it is an insult to the memory of a pioneering woman.

Those who manipulate her story to justify the abuse of young girls, and those who manipulate it in order to depict Islam as a religion that legitimises such abuse have more in common than they think. Both demonstrate a disregard for what we know about the times in which Muhammad lived, and for the affirmation of female autonomy which her story illustrates.


Blah blah blah.... Stop sending long paragraphs. Nobody is interested in quran unless u are one of the gang. Fuck a 6 years old gal then just admit it. As long u are his followers, whatever he shit, u will just eat it. That is just pure pervert. Cant imagine fucking a 6 years old gal. And you all this ppl followed him!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Then dun use violence. Dun kill ppl if you are angry. Those jihadist decided to kill innocent people and gives a bad name to your religion. Too bad, human live with impression. Once got bad impression, ppl wont trust u. If you go job interview, once your interviewer has bad impression of u, as he catch you scratching armpits for an example, he wont hire u. Who say your people give bad names until the govt need to take action? Not all terrorist is muslim but muslim conduct terrorist attack almost every year as you can the list that i had paste. Cina dun use violence to solve things so that is why there is no issues in msia and indon or anywhere. Cina is peaceful uprising.

I still see uighur still practicing islam. Those who got caught most had terrorist related or else why they catch them. The vid can prove their innocent but u will nev know the inside story unless u live there. There are ppl who are silent killer and cina cfm catch them with evidence and of cuz their family members will post vid say that they did not do anything wrong.

We cant stop human feelings. Wat kind of suffering they had gone thru u never know unless ur in their shoes. Those jihadist are just but a few. If u care to google u will notice the numbers started to climb after sept 11. Is a no brainer! But saud manned the plane and crashed into wtc....into USA territory. Really?

Cheena dont use violence? Everyone know teres no such thing as democracy in china. Xi is a dictator.

Haha....family post vid to show otherwise. Same lah with the CCP lah. When journalist came to inspect, they change every scenario. Want me to download youtube to show u? U go google lah


Alfrescian (Inf)
Blah blah blah.... Stop sending long paragraphs. Nobody is interested in quran unless u are one of the gang. Fuck a 6 years old gal then just admit it. As long u are his followers, whatever he shit, u will just eat it. That is just pure pervert. Cant imagine fucking a 6 years old gal. And you all this ppl followed him!

See wat i mean. I tried and bother to show u the explanation and wat reply i get. So i think useless to waste my time with u. Period!


We cant stop human feelings. Wat kind of suffering they had gone thru u never know unless ur in their shoes. Those jihadist are just but a few. If u care to google u will notice the numbers started to climb after sept 11. Is a no brainer! But saud manned the plane and crashed into wtc....into USA territory. Really?

Cheena dont use violence? Everyone know teres no such thing as democracy in china. Xi is a dictator.

Haha....family post vid to show otherwise. Same lah with the CCP lah. When journalist came to inspect, they change every scenario. Want me to download youtube to show u? U go google lah

There is so many terrorist attack by jihadist within a year and omg, u say a few. How to return those innocent lives? Give them 72 virgin women? At least Xi play politics games to pin the person down. Not like those jihadist kill innocent lives. Of cuz not all cina dont use violence but in general, we dont. Or else why msia and indon need cina minority to keep up the economy and feed the m&d by paying taxes. You all should be thankful that the cina contribute most to the economy or else u all will be still living kampong and dunno the outside world.


There is so many terrorist attack by jihadist within a year and omg, u say a few. How to return those innocent lives? Give them 72 virgin women? At least Xi play politics games to pin the person down. Not like those jihadist kill innocent lives. Of cuz not all cina dont use violence but in general, we dont. Or else why msia and indon need cina minority to keep up the economy and feed the m&d by paying taxes. You all should be thankful that the cina contribute most to the economy or else u all will be still living kampong and dunno the outside world.
Wat about the death toll for those Saddam Hussein killed when he was leader of Iraq? And wat about those his sons killed?


Funny tat mudslimes kpkb about the non mudslimes invading mudslimes land but keep quiet when mudslimes kill mudslimes.

They live in their own world. They will always think they that their religion is the universe. In this world, there would be bound to have dark side group of cockroaches. When they die, they cant be cremated. In future, the land need to save up space for their tomb. Even need to reclaim land for their tomb until the earth has no more sea!
I dun know about their stupid quran so 72 virgin women is not from quran? Anyway, they have full of ideology to come up to fool those poor ppl which is most of them are, to do jihad. I remembered got case that the whole indon family do jihad and kill cina and other non muslim.


They live in their own world. They will always think they that their religion is the universe. In this world, there would be bound to have dark side group of cockroaches. When they die, they cant be cremated. In future, the land need to save up space for their tomb. Even need to reclaim land for their tomb until the earth has no more sea!
I dun know about their stupid quran so 72 virgin women is not from quran? Anyway, they have full of ideology to come up to fool those poor ppl which is most of them are, to do jihad. I remembered got case that the whole indon family do jihad and kill cina and other non muslim.
About the burial n conversion...they are the most selfish religion. Everything revolves around them