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"20% of my salary" - M'sian Woman Secretly Hopes Her Mum Dies So She Can Stop Paying for Everything


"20% of my salary" - M'sian Woman Secretly Hopes Her Mum Dies So She Can Stop Paying for Everything

Unspoken anger between family members causes the most damage, mentally and emotionally.

Just recently, a married Malaysian woman ranted about giving money to her mother every month, which took away at least 20% of her monthly income. In a Facebook post by Xuan Play, the woman said the 20% of her income that was given to her mum DOES NOT include other expenses.

“Sometimes, I’ll get her daily necessities, skincare, and even brought her for vacation overseas. My husband cared for me financially, including the expenses for our children.”

It may not be a problem at 1st but day after day, it’s bound to take a toll on us not only financially, but also emotionally when we have no idea how to convey the message properly.

“I secretly wish she doesn’t live long”

The woman, who has a lot of siblings said that it has always been her sister and herself who give money to her mum every month. Life is sometimes unfair, and it turns out that her mum loves the brothers who don’t contribute financially even more.

“I gave my mum RM150 every month when I only made RM1,600. She told me it wasn’t even that much. I will never forget that pain.”

Recently, she brought her mum to the hospital for a checkup after the her mum said she wasn’t feeling well, and that’s when she noticed something.

“I secretly wish she won’t live long so I can stop paying for everything, and get what I’ve always wanted. My car, the places I’ve always wanted to go, my favourite handbag.”

She highlighted that she does not feel a bit of guilt because she knows she has done everything she could to take care of her mum.

“But such is life. The more you do, the more you’re ignored, even by your own mother. My husband recently started to tell me he’s unhappy about my mother, which I don’t blame him.”

We can’t imagine being in her shoes. Only effective communication will solve this issue between both parties but it will not be a pleasant “chit-chat”. What would you do if you were stuck in this situation?


Jihu woman for her test wakeup is good,cb u hv nit married a jiuhu woman took care whole family ,including her sister who is married, cb I divorce ny wife due thus as she even stole ftom my family n worse I never ask her to support family n even gave her allowances,so my advice is Don married foreigners including jiuhu female,all are blood suckers, my cousin married jiuhu kia end up she support the whole family ,lol
  • Wow
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Scrooball (clone)

Jihu woman for her test wakeup is good,cb u hv nit married a jiuhu woman took care whole family ,including her sister who is married, cb I divorce ny wife due thus as she even stole ftom my family n worse I never ask her to support family n even gave her allowances,so my advice is Don married foreigners including jiuhu female,all are blood suckers, my cousin married jiuhu kia end up she support the whole family ,lol
U are lucky u didn’t marry Ah Tiong Bu. They will suck u dry and try to make money from your death!


Woman charged after collecting dead husband’s pension for six years

A woman in Shanghai was recently found to have hidden her husband's death for over six years and continued to collect his pension during that time, leaving the man's body unclaimed in a hospital morgue, KNews reported.

The husband, surnamed Zhong, suffered hemiplegia after passing out at home in December 2009, reports said. He was later abandoned by his family in the hospital and passed away in August 2015.

His death did not come to light until the recent national population census. A staff member from the local residents' committee told media that his widow, surnamed Qian, had refused to sign the census form and claimed her husband was living in a nursing home.

Qian denied the claim, arguing that she had told the committee her husband had gone missing and she had been looking for him all this time.

When asked why she didn't report to local police to write off her husband's residence status after his death, Qian claimed that she did not know she had died.

A staff member from the local hospital told the media that they have been trying to contact Zhong's wife and daughter but failed. Zhong's body has been in the hospital's morgue for over six years.

Qian had been collecting the pension every month after Zhong's death, totaling over 270,000 yuan ($42,336), the police found.

Qian will be charged with fraud and abandonment by the local procuratorate.


First and foremost parents should be self sufficient and cover their ass for Leetirement. In this regard, dun leave to much in the Will or you will repent.

Second, treat all daughters the same as sons! Hello it is the year 2024 now and not 1824. If they give, hopefully you are financially ok to say, "thank you, noted, i return to your children to spend"

Scrooball (clone)

Treating daughters lower than sons who do fuck all? Well the mum is a real piece of shit ain’t she?

It’s not just the money, what about the time? Bring her to hospital and wait! Still get treated like shit compared to sons!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Treating daughters lower than sons who do fuck all? Well the mum is a real piece of shit ain’t she?

It’s not just the money, what about the time? Bring her to hospital and wait! Still get treated like shit compared to sons!
very typical of sinkie and jiuhu chinkie ah mahs and ah pors. they treasure their sons so much that whatever pittance they have saved all their lives they will give it all to sons only and nothing to daughters, not forgetting they are daughters themselves.