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WP at the Crossroads?


The guy who asked for mai hum with his mee Siam is screwed not matter what happens with WP's performance in parliament. He and his party will lose more votes for his behaviour towards the WP. LTK speech spoke about political culture and bullying. The prick did not listen and now he is in hot soup. Obviously the wiser one is LTK.

Er....please bring Papsmearer to a corner for a pep talk.


Let face it this way, WP didn't win their seats for doing nothing as some people claim. If WP is seen as riding on the coattail of other oppositions (since they were the one who agitate the ground), the same can be said about other oppositions while PAP was busy focusing their sight on WP. Didn't that give other parties the breathing space to whack their PAP opponents?

There are constraints for politicians, they can't just be like Roy to pen all his thoughts and just whack. Never mind he might got his some of his data wrong. At most he just invite a refute by the relevant govt agency if he didn't go overboard to defame LHL. But if the same thing were to be written by a political party, then you can be sure PAP will make a mountain out of molehill and counter back by selectively releasing some figures to cast doubt on your credibility. And due to the non transparency in the way CPF was handle, it means critical data needed for compiling report will not be available. Forget about pressing the govt to release the data, if OCT can't do it, it unlike WP with just 7 MP can.

Let recalled what happen to CSJ and his famous 'typo error' during the Select Committee of Healthcare Subsidy. Some people who mentioned about parliamentary immunity don't seem to know that Parliament Privilege Committee can be convened any time against MP who deem to have abuse their parliament privilege. It was used against on JBJ and CSJ a few SDP members over their conduct during the Select Committee of Healthcare Subsidy hearing. There is no such thing as real Parliament Immunity.


He is stating what the people who voted against the PAP want. LTK is the leader of the opposition. He is not the leader of 7 seats. LTK cannot seek a bill where he says that he only represents the 7 seats. It's a huge burden to carry. This is not proportional representation. If it was GMS would be part of the legislature. Then a portion of the burden sits with him.

Firstly not all 40% belongs to protest votes. PEople who voted opposition are NOT homogeneously anti-PAP.

Secondly LTK is not an opposition leader and no opposition party accept him as one. LTK cannot just order NSP to go else where and let his WP team contest.

There are unrealistic expectations on WP but it a delicate balancing act on winning as much middleground voters with minimal lost in your own support base. I think WP could have done a better job communicating to their supporters why certain issues are handle this way.


Many of us are fully aware of what parliamentary privileges are, limitations of an opposition party in parliament, and no one is taking for granted the way they go their seats.

And nobody here suggested they are riding on the coattails of other oppositions parties. How did you come to make this claim? Thats quite ridiculous. Only Wong Wee Nam made the claim and he is the only idiot on record for endorsing all 3 Presidential contenders. No one is making the claim here.

Just criticisms and suggestions to improve and make them more effective. I am sure there is room for improvement.

Let face it this way, WP didn't win their seats for doing nothing as some people claim. If WP is seen as riding on the coattail of other oppositions (since they were the one who agitate the ground), the same can be said about other oppositions while PAP was busy focusing their sight on WP. Didn't that give other parties the breathing space to whack their PAP opponents?


Where did I say that all 40% votes are protest votes? Please let me know.

Firstly not all 40% belongs to protest votes. PEople who voted opposition are NOT homogeneously anti-PAP.

Secondly LTK is not an opposition leader and no opposition party accept him as one. LTK cannot just order NSP to go else where and let his WP team contest.

There are unrealistic expectations on WP but it a delicate balancing act on winning as much middleground voters with minimal lost in your own support base. I think WP could have done a better job communicating to their supporters why certain issues are handle this way.


hahaha....trust the retarded empty vessels, scroobal and his pcc partner (papsmearer) to cum up with this type of thread.....and get away with it..
anybody with half a brain should know that if u have nothing good to say about things you support, don't say anything....
with such threads casting doubts in the mind of the neutrals, u are sabotaging the overall opps cause...
so don't blame the 60.1% and blatantly label others papee IBs ....look at the mirror yourself first....
truly retarded anal-ysts....


Alfrescian (Inf)
hahaha....trust the retarded empty vessels, scroobal and his pcc partner (papsmearer) to cum up with this type of thread.....and get away with it..
anybody with half a brain should know that if u have nothing good to say about things you support, don't say anything....
with such threads casting doubts in the mind of the neutrals, u are sabotaging the overall opps cause...
so don't blame the 60.1% and blatantly label others papee IBs ....look at the mirror yourself first....
truly retarded anal-ysts....

Do you think such a thread was started to actually help the wp?

Honestly what is the point of bashing them?

They are going to do what they are going to do.

There just needs to be a united front to bring down a common enemy. The other issues all can take a backseat.

Perhaps they are suggesting that the wp is pap number 2. Let's assume during ge2016 pap is voted out and say wp now forms the majority of the cabinet so they essentially run the govt of singapore.

Since wp is pap 2. LTK takes his orders from LHL you know like how yingluck is controlled by taksin. Therefore pap is actually still in power controlled via proxy through the wp. Is this the insinuation?


Do you think such a thread was started to actually help the wp?

Honestly what is the point of bashing them?

They are going to do what they are going to do.

There just needs to be a united front to bring down a common enemy. The other issues all can take a backseat.

Perhaps they are suggesting that the wp is pap number 2. Let's assume during ge2016 pap is voted out and say wp now forms the majority of the cabinet so they essentially run the govt of singapore.

Since wp is pap 2. LTK takes his orders from LHL you know like how yingluck is controlled by taksin. Therefore pap is actually still in power controlled via proxy through the wp. Is this the insinuation?
hahaha....scroobal can get away with murder...
he had "directly" accused ltk of being dishonest and a liar....
only those naive impressionable still treat him as demi-god.


The WP is just a bystander. The true fight is the internal PAP Game of Thrones.
Roy did not achieve his success without "help".


Don't mess with me
Generous Asset
what are you talking about? is this forum only for the PAP haters and WP supporter?
this is an open forum and everyone is entitled to pin their opinions.
opinions may differ, but that doesnt make anyone opinion less valuable or wrong. ffs Get a life!

hahaha....trust the retarded empty vessels, scroobal and his pcc partner (papsmearer) to cum up with this type of thread.....and get away with it..
anybody with half a brain should know that if u have nothing good to say about things you support, don't say anything....
with such threads casting doubts in the mind of the neutrals, u are sabotaging the overall opps cause...
so don't blame the 60.1% and blatantly label others papee IBs ....look at the mirror yourself first....
truly retarded anal-ysts....


Alfrescian (Inf)
In the true spirit of democracy, it is NOT THE SALARY that counts.

12% of the eligible population gave their votes for Goh Meng Seng. What had Goh Meng Seng done for these 12% of the people compared to what the WP had done for their 12.8%? He dropped out halfway. Isn't that more deplorable?

In a way, there is an element of truth in what kryonlight said.

You may talk about the $16K for the 7 WP MPs. What about the 2 WP NCMPs? An NCMP pay is a meagre $1,500 per month for an office holder. Gerald Giam and Yee Jen Jong are not cut less slack in terms of parliamentary performance and are measured in the same cloth as the other 7.

And he is right in some sense; for $1,500 more, the 2 are doing more than GMS.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Most of you are just too coined in that little box of PAP.

There are four official languages in Parliament and Chinese is one of them; not Hainanese.

LTK looks very pathetic when he needs to listen to interpretation while PM Lee hoot him while he tried very hard and sometimes LOST when he translated his thoughts from Chinese to English. Just let PM Lee listen to interpretation while trying to understand LTK's rebuttal lah!

LTK has said he doesn't aspire to be to PM and WP not going to be ruling party any sooner. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using Chinese. In fact, if PM Lee or PAP shows any issue with this, LTK would have mocked them for their failure of "Mother Tongue" education!

Between looking like a lost sheep or tongue tied while debating vs making effective strong points during it, I would choose the later. In fact, I will switch in between languages!

Goh Meng Seng

I am speechless at your reply.


Alfrescian (Inf)
WP had been accused to be a "Chinese" party despite having other races in its ranks.

To only speakee chinese only give ammo to those who keep harping on that notion.

gms, u wanna "talk money", wait till u "eRected" first.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
That is rubbish.

LTK does give parliamentary speeches in Chinese all these while, especially during Budget.

WP is viewed as "too Chinese" not because of what language LTK uses in parliament but rather, how it manages its minority members or Malays in particular.

Goh Meng Seng

WP had been accused to be a "Chinese" party despite having other races in its ranks.

To only speakee chinese only give ammo to those who keep harping on that notion.

gms, u wanna "talk money", wait till u "eRected" first.


Alfrescian (Inf)
WP had been accused to be a "Chinese" party despite having other races in its ranks.

I agree with GMS that LTK has always made speeches in Mandarin.

WP being a "Chinese party" has always been a make-believe by some who claim to be opposition supporters but really want to see the strongest opposition party not succeed in contesting more GRCs. It was arguable in the past because of LTK background but never proven true. Gradually it was proven more false after having a vice chairman from PKMS, a Malay youth wing president and more than half of the youth wing being minorities.

This resulted also because many of these people were not taken in by fringe net chatter and chose WP over other parties.


what are you talking about? is this forum only for the PAP haters and WP supporter?
this is an open forum and everyone is entitled to pin their opinions.
opinions may differ, but that doesnt make anyone opinion less valuable or wrong. ffs Get a life!
hahaha...agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.....
my post refer to scroobal.....and i welcome his retorts..

As for you, i have to say you have your agenda....that is to vote wp out.
it is alright as you are entitled to suggest what you want....

but for scroobal, he is too slimey and clearly a serial story teller and bullshitter.....he claimed to be be anti-papee but in the same breath had just about smear all the opps leaders at the same time....
this is not going to help the overall opps cause as casting doubts in the minds of voters about the credibilities of opps leaders is the worst yo can do to sabo the opps cause...
of course WP is not perfect, no party is!
it took them decades to get this position as a brand name for opps....
you bring them down...you set back the opps cause for decades again.