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Tan Kin Lian's Pre-Defeat Interview: Low point is Tan Jee Say getting COE

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Why don't you just keep your mouth (or your itchy typing fingers) shut?

You mess up your chances in GE2011 and now you want to mess up others?

You think by writing stuff here to sabo TJS, you will help TKL?

I think you have done enough to convince everyone that you are not only an idiot but also a liability.

Only those who cannot face their own doings will ask others to keep their mouth shut about it.

Sometimes, it is really stupid to assume that the voters are stupid and cannot see all these things. We must learn to be truthful to ourselves. Nobody will believe that someone like TJS who have stood as an opposition candidate in GE2011 is "non-partisan". Once you decide to contest against PAP, you are standing right opposite of PAP, no ifs and buts. You are definitely partisan, regardless of how long you join the opposition party. The irony is, such utterance of ill logic truly betray and contradict the initial claim that his participation is to up the profile of opposition. I hope Jee Say doesn't have an identity crisis after this PE.

Goh Meng Seng


Only those who cannot face their own doings will ask others to keep their mouth shut about it.

Sometimes, it is really stupid to assume that the voters are stupid and cannot see all these things. We must learn to be truthful to ourselves. Nobody will believe that someone like TJS who have stood as an opposition candidate in GE2011 is "non-partisan". Once you decide to contest against PAP, you are standing right opposite of PAP, no ifs and buts. You are definitely partisan, regardless of how long you join the opposition party. The irony is, such utterance of ill logic truly betray and contradict the initial claim that his participation is to up the profile of opposition. I hope Jee Say doesn't have an identity crisis after this PE.

Goh Meng Seng

You are indeed the undisputed idiot you have proven yourself to be!

The more you write, the more you sabo the candidate you support - TKL.

You don't get it, do you?

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
You are indeed the undisputed idiot you have proven yourself to be!

The more you write, the more you sabo the candidate you support - TKL.

You don't get it, do you?

Actually, I am greatly influenced by the way TKL holds true to his values. Honesty, Fairness, Courage, Positive Attitude and Public Service.

Before the campaign starts, TKL was saying things "politically incorrect" BUT he explained to me, he will say honestly what's in his mind with all fairness. And sometimes, it will take courage to say what is right rather than saying what is good to hear. When there are potential damage done, he will say, be more positive. There will always be people who will disagree with you but there will always be people who will be rational enough to truly understand what you really mean.

Goh Meng Seng


Come on lah, betting with an unknown, faceless person on the forum? You sure or not? :wink:

It is not a matter of who will get higher or lower vote at the end of the day. I am happy that I have learned quite a lot of things on everything through this Presidential Contest. I also learn more about each individuals' characters and perspectives more by observing and sometimes, through having some privileged insider knowledge on what happened in the background.

The world is never fair but whatever the outcome, I will have to respect the will of the majority. However, it will not change my view that Tan Kian Lian IS the best candidate to perform the role of a truly independent President.

Goh Meng Seng

talk is cheap. alamak i know your words not even worth $50.

thank you for confirming this.


Only those who cannot face their own doings will ask others to keep their mouth shut about it.

Sometimes, it is really stupid to assume that the voters are stupid and cannot see all these things. We must learn to be truthful to ourselves. Nobody will believe that someone like TJS who have stood as an opposition candidate in GE2011 is "non-partisan". Once you decide to contest against PAP, you are standing right opposite of PAP, no ifs and buts. You are definitely partisan, regardless of how long you join the opposition party. The irony is, such utterance of ill logic truly betray and contradict the initial claim that his participation is to up the profile of opposition. I hope Jee Say doesn't have an identity crisis after this PE.

Goh Meng Seng

so the voters that voted for NSP in GE 2011 stupid or not?


Actually, I am greatly influenced by the way TKL holds true to his values. Honesty, Fairness, Courage, Positive Attitude and Public Service.

Before the campaign starts, TKL was saying things "politically incorrect" BUT he explained to me, he will say honestly what's in his mind with all fairness. And sometimes, it will take courage to say what is right rather than saying what is good to hear. When there are potential damage done, he will say, be more positive. There will always be people who will disagree with you but there will always be people who will be rational enough to truly understand what you really mean.

Goh Meng Seng

It is you that is moronic, crude and lack political savvy. You have generously provided more than enough evidence of this in your postings.

No need to blame TKL for influencing you.


It is clear voters of similar background support TJS and TKL, with more from this block supporting TJS. Obvious from rally, facebook. Loosing opposition members support and speak for both of them. In any case, TKL's statement is unlikely to shift much votes to his side from TJS. Maybe the opposite. At this point it is clear TKL will not get more than TJS, let alone even think of winning.

If he or his advisors are clever, they should think how to improve this situation. Convince the shrinking base to back another possible winner? Come out with reputation enhanced, dignified, smart, with goodwill from the winner. Question is who is this winner in such a tight race? Could TKL be the "king-maker"? Or loose deposit in humiliation?

Porfirio Rubirosa

sad to say GMS but u really r a daft buffoon albeit wif gd intentions...TKL is nothing but an OPPORTUNIST who looks after #1(himself n his self inflateded ego) first n foremost...these sour grape childish comments just add another nail in TKL's political coffin...oh yes n TKL's appearance at Jing Quee's memorial in his stupid polo t shirt went beyond the pale, TKL is shameless, crass, delusional n idiotic all rolled in one...if i were the organisers i wld hv booted TKL n his motely gang out of the hall...really hope TKL loses his deposit...gd riddance to bad rubbish...
I was utterly disappointed then because the official reason he gave was "his contest could raise the profile of opposition".

Goh Meng Seng

Porfirio Rubirosa

"true honesty" my ass GMS...TKL was just acting like a bitter twisted brat who was crying over spilt milk...merely telling part of the "true story"...worse still TKL even had the audacity to question the PEC!!...

and now you GMS r just sadly showing yr own partisan colours by also merely telling part of the "true story" which surprise surprise supports TKL...more like self serving if u ask me...

and please stop talking abt "most independent" candidate...becoz TKL has shown that he is an out n out OPPORTUNIST who is only interested in promoting himself n his big fat self inflated ego...

Tan Kin Lian was asked a question and answered it, with true honesty.

I do know more about this event because both TJS and TKL are my friends. TKL has stood up on both my rally stage as well as TJS SDP rally stage to lend his support during GE2011. Naturally, in true spirit of Asian Values which I believe all of us hold so dearly, I will help him out as and when it is necessary.

When TJS told me he may go and get the forms for PE, I have a bit of reservations and I told him this will affect TKL's campaign if both of them contest. TJS reasoned that he is afraid that BOTH TCB and TKL may be disqualified and his application will force the PAP not to do that. He said if all of them got the certificates, he will negotiate with both TCB and TKL to come up with a consensus on who is the best candidate to stand for PE.

But when TJS gets his certificate and I called him from HK, he said that he is definitely going to stand for PE because he is the "most independent". I told him, he is NOT independent because he will always be viewed as opposition member. Anyway, since he insists on contesting and not going along what was initially thought of negotiation, there is nothing much I can do.

These are true facts. Nothing more nothing less.

Goh Meng Seng

Porfirio Rubirosa

talk abt sour grapes!!!...
TKL has used the slogan Voice of the People but look, TJS campaign started to add that Voice of the People right at the back of his initial slogan! Even slogan they want to grab!

Thus, with all objectivity, I really think that it is TJS campaign which is going all out to micmick TKL and trying to undermine TKL's campaign. I am really truly puzzled by it.

Goh Meng Seng

Porfirio Rubirosa

aiyah pls go pontificate to TKL n spare us yr drivel GMS...
Only those who cannot face their own doings will ask others to keep their mouth shut about it.

Sometimes, it is really stupid to assume that the voters are stupid and cannot see all these things. We must learn to be truthful to ourselves.

Goh Meng Seng

Porfirio Rubirosa

all TKL's so called values only point to his OPPORTUNISTIC ways if u go by TKL's actions n deeds these last 30yrs...TKL keeps talking abt the mini bonds affair...i mean in all honesty what was so courageous abt this episode n what did TKL truly achieve?...more imptly why did TKL only choose to leave PAP until after he left ntuc income??...why did TKL choose to run in this PE when his bo liao 100Kpetition cld only garner 1K plus signatures...

In a nutshell what "public service" has TKL done showing true "honesty, fairness, courage, positive attitude" apart fm his trumped role in the min bonds affair..."public service" wifout any opportunistic agenda for TKL???....

Actually, I am greatly influenced by the way TKL holds true to his values. Honesty, Fairness, Courage, Positive Attitude and Public Service.

Before the campaign starts, TKL was saying things "politically incorrect" BUT he explained to me, he will say honestly what's in his mind with all fairness. And sometimes, it will take courage to say what is right rather than saying what is good to hear. When there are potential damage done, he will say, be more positive. There will always be people who will disagree with you but there will always be people who will be rational enough to truly understand what you really mean.

Goh Meng Seng


I would have more respect for TKL if he had said this not now at the end of his campaign, but right at the start. To do so now only shows what a sour loser he is. The very fact is for all to see, even if TJS didn't run, TKL will not be popular. TKL never ever got popular on social media, even having spent time on the net since 2008. And TKL kept saying he is relying heavily on social media as his platform.

The truth is TKL has been used by GMS. You see how much ego is in both of them. GMS when interviewed and during his rally speech, emphasized that he is the one who asked TKL to run "we will not be here today if not for me".

GMS has destroyed TKL's political career. If TKL had withdrawn from the race, he would have been seen as being very gracious, and could run for the next elections. But now, TKL is going to be recorded in history as the most sour political loser in Singapore.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Talking about being "opportunistic", I will leave to other people to decide about who is the opportunistic one.

As I have said here before, the shifting of positions IS opportunistic way but TKL doesn't need it because he is already at the centre. TKL didn't need to copy cat other people's idea or even slogan because he is not opportunistic about it.

I bet if TKL said all these right from the start, the same people who criticise him here would say bad things about him as well, like kiasu... etc. Head you win, Tail I lose?

As it is obvious that TKL only said this when asked by the reporters.

Goh Meng Seng

Porfirio Rubirosa

"centre" of what?...more like centre of TKL's own tiny little universe...the fact that TKL had the gall n audacity to question the PEC speaks for itself...TKL being the sour grapes spoilt brat crying over his spilt milk...boohoohoo...next change pls TKL more crying when u lose yr deposit!!...

As I have said here before, the shifting of positions IS opportunistic way but TKL doesn't need it because he is already at the centre.

As it is obvious that TKL only said this when asked by the reporters.

Goh Meng Seng


Did you mean you didn't want to raise the profile of opposition? What kind of opposition are you?

GMS, what is wrong with trying to raise the profile of the opposition?

Don't you agree that Singapore needs more opposition? Don't you agree that it is for the benefit of the country in the long run to have more opposition?

SDP's strategy since the GE has been to position the opposition as an "alternative elite", thus they are slowly removing Dr Chee from the public eye while allowing Dr Vincent, TJS, Dr Ang, Michelle, and more recently Dr Paul Tambyah to take on more active roles. Now, by contesting the PE, TJS has shown people that an opposition person can also give the PAP a good fight. And that opposition is not just about rhetoric and all-out attack.

If you think that TJS has gone overboard into "all guns blazing" opposition attack mode, I disagree. He has already toned down alot since GE. The truth is that there are problems with PAP overdominance. What do you expect him to do? Play within the PAP rules? As it is, he has already toned down A LOT. Please watch his rally speeches during GE and compare them with his rally speeches during PE. Even if his supporters are mostly SDP-linked, they are not using their SDP profile but their civilian/private profile as professionals, doctors, bankers etc.

It is not as though Tony Tan supporters are not PAP-linked. The only way to fight fire is with fire.