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Street Fighter at Orchard Road !!!


Very true, PAP supporter or cronies, grass looters got wack, they can call police.

The sad thing is we can't identify who is who.

because sinkies are not sure whether you are chink, m&d or neh worth helping or not, you see.

this is the peril of multi-racial society


from the video, i think the driver do not give way or stop too late cos the malay to get irretated. shout at each other than end up in flight. honestly if i can afford such a car i will not step out of the car to get into shouting and maybe fight. as ome one said here, i am so better off why risk so much just to punch someone poorer than u?

anyway if u need to fight, first prepare to die and no regret of any outcome to you and your family. this way u will be able to fight well. if not just walk away and continue with your life.


from the video, i think the driver do not give way or stop too late cos the malay to get irretated. shout at each other than end up in flight. honestly if i can afford such a car i will not step out of the car to get into shouting and maybe fight. as ome one said here, i am so better off why risk so much just to punch someone poorer than u?

anyway if u need to fight, first prepare to die and no regret of any outcome to you and your family. this way u will be able to fight well. if not just walk away and continue with your life.

Absolutely right there bro. These fucking Ferrari driver did not stop at crossing and hit the couple. Instead of saying sorry he shouted and scold them. Of course the guy who got hit shouted as he was angry and this driver thought he can makan the smaller guy and so he started the fight. Those passers-by cannot tahan seeing this bully attacking the smaller guy, so they joined in and hit the driver who I think got hurt quite bad. Serve the fucker right. They are not gangsters or bullies ganging up one one guy. Only racist people will make that conclusion and feel good about it.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Just watched crime watch on tv 5. The DSP host very handsome. Haha. If I got his type of looks, sure go be gigolo. The CID officer inside the show very garang :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Witness say like this leh.

A fight broke out outside Orchard Towers last night when one Singaporean uncle in his 40s was brutally bashed up by a group of youths!

According to a netizen who witnessed the scene, the uncle who appeared to drive a Ferrari almost knocked down a young man when he was running across a zebra posting.

The young man then pointed his middle finger at the uncle and started huring vulgarities at him:

“Lxx Jxxx!! Lxx Jxxx Ferrari!”

The uncle got out of his car, walked towards the young punk and threw a punch at him. What began as a one-to-one fight turned out to be six men against one as others joined in to wallop the uncle.

At least seven young men were seen punching the uncle and kicking him after he fell down till he lied motionlessly on the ground in front of a group of spectators who had gathered to watch the scene.

As the netizen continued filming, one of the men walked up to him and shouted:

“Delete your fxxking phone!”


Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes I agree.
You see the beginning the driver was checking the behind bumper and chasing one of the m&ds around....
Stupid driver should just mow them down....confront with a weapon at least.

No, you watch video again. The criminal boy says 'Oei this one is your car??' beggining, so he already know the driver beforehand.

Likely is the drink beer in pub, the criminal boys pick trouble, the driver drive car out, meet the criminal boys again.

Those not passer-bys you idiot, all can tell his the main boy's friends. Singapore no passer-by hit people like this, you must be crazy!

Boys boys now go jail, like father, grandfather and all their friends. Macondalds dilvery motorcyle driver career. Gang riot has caning, never mind, still can ride motorcyle after backside heal with Macdonlads. :p


Alfrescian (Inf)
lianbeng noted orchard is 1 of the top hot spots for StreetFighter IV.:biggrin:
other pia chwee hot spots include: geylang, bedok, joo chiat, angsua, angmokio, pekkio, changi, etc...:biggrin:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
where is our men in blue?why they never came?


You put too much faith in the poodles.


The Chinese guy drove a Mercedes convertible. From the video, it seems he started punching the mat first.


Alfrescian (Inf)
jus not worth to get injured, even fatal outcome.....just turned on wailing siren, take a turn 'further' up 'again'...when coast is clear, show up and walk with a limp.....

risking your life ? i think not

Contrary to popular misperception, police seldom on siren except in absolute emergency. It'd most likely going to wake up whole streets in the neighborhood to be busybodies and make the situation even worse. We in patrol cars usually on blinker only, part as notice to innocent drivers on the road to keep off and part as searchlight too. Yes, the siren and the blinker have indpendent switches. A vehicle commander switching both on while speeding through the road is one crazy fuck you won't want to meet. But police officers aren't the only crazy fucks. There're crazy fucks who call 999 to complain police siren causing noise pollution!

Police ops room Sgt. also...:*::*::*:
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reminds me of my attachment to ambulance during my active days, i was warned by the crew leader not to turn on the siren as it actually make the patient more nervous.

i actually had headache after coming down the ambulance, those fireman are really mad when it comes to driving.
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Since all this was recorded and posted on youtube, it won't be long before those guys are caught for rioting. The ah beng was stupid, the mats are lagi stupid. Once caught min 7 years.
BTW the mat can't even tell a mercedes from a ferrari. Sibay siasuay.


cannot fight, wait kena jail. Must catch hold the person tight and then keep saying words of wisdom until the person go and commit suicide .


Absolutely right there bro. These fucking Ferrari driver did not stop at crossing and hit the couple. Instead of saying sorry he shouted and scold them. Of course the guy who got hit shouted as he was angry and this driver thought he can makan the smaller guy and so he started the fight. Those passers-by cannot tahan seeing this bully attacking the smaller guy, so they joined in and hit the driver who I think got hurt quite bad. Serve the fucker right. They are not gangsters or bullies ganging up one one guy. Only racist people will make that conclusion and feel good about it.

Can't see if it is a Ferrari.. but you must be out of your mind to think the other mats are passers-by. Definitely their Pizza-hut delivery boy gang.
Having said that, the chao ah beng driver looks like a bully in his normal days.. this is a good lesson for him if he does not lose his memory after kanna wallup till concuss.
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pity that chinese guy. i see the first few punches, i know he cmi liao. that m&d hit him so many times direct while he barely reach him. some more all gang up, gone case.


Alfrescian (Inf)
why bother? juz drive the car away, why confront them? u put urself to their level.:biggrin:
u have the money and enjoy life. wat happen these m&ds accidentally give u a fatal blow? no more meimei for you in future.:biggrin:
summore can see that guy is a uncle, reflex very slow, sure kana humtum.

so this man recover, will he gather ppl and dig this m&d out?


Alfrescian (Inf)
pity that chinese guy. i see the first few punches, i know he cmi liao. that m&d hit him so many times direct while he barely reach him. some more all gang up, gone case.



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Old Fart
I think there's a lesson to be learned here. If you are driving a supercar, don't be ya ya. A lot of people want to beat you up, just don't give them a reason to. That fat ah beng driver deserved it, he got no blain.