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Street Fighter at Orchard Road !!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
A bunch of coward, like our Secondary school brawl, we are heading back to the 1960s racial riot.

The ah pui better learn his lesson, don't action, want to pick a fight? 15 sec max, go for the kill then get out. Not many are train to take on 6, if you can down 2 very impressive already.

I admire this guy for the balls to fight 6 cowards but one thing pisses me off. Why do ppl always seem to side the malays? 6 malays fight 1 chinese and the chinese guy is called stupid. 6 chinese guys fight 1 malay and the 6 chinese are cowards and the malay isn't stupid but brave. Do you agree?


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Please take some video next time :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: might see Raiders there....

It's been a long time since I need to go Geylang to relieve myself. Now I got 2 PRC milf on standby everyday. Even go transit hotel I prefer to go lavender.

But I used to prowl there with my friends on Friday night. Saw a fight once. I think it was one ah Tiong who messed with the gambling stall and he got hantan jialat jialat until his body dropped into those small drain.


He is not brave, he came out brcause he think he is bigger size, or fatter Ang the m&d is alone with a girl.
I only respect him if he knowingly go into a brawl with 6, but then, only a fool will do that.

Never under estimate they are alone
Always check you 6


<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/X9KVvfhtgew" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This russian man resists and even knocks out many dudes during a fight, him vs 5 men.


<iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/scVFM6WTtZo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Guy with Bat takes out 6 drunk guys in Chinatown Brawl


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
I've got a friend's friend in police force previously. That's what he told me.

Your friend is right. Singaporeans are really selfish when it comes to crunch time. If I were to ever fight with a ah Tiong one day, I would be prepared to be seriously injured. That's because no sinkie will bother to help but every ah Tiong nearby will dash to help his countryman. Same for Vietnamese and Thai.


He is not brave, he came out brcause he think he is bigger size, or fatter Ang the m&d is alone with a girl.
I only respect him if he knowingly go into a brawl with 6, but then, only a fool will do that.

Never under estimate they are alone
Always check you 6

Stupid to get into fight with low life mats if you are a sports car driving ah beng.
Will you get into fights with people who are doomed to be courier boys for life?


Alfrescian (Inf)
so do you take any sides? If it's like 6 vs 1 would you think the 6 were fighting unfairly? What about race involved? When m&ds fight you let them off easier right?

If there's a Chinese-Malay brawl, we didn't take sides too. My usual partner in patrol car days was a Malay? What'd you think? We'd still go relax over cuppa coffee and let them sort it out how far they wanted to go first. I'd mull over how silly Chinese bengs were and he'd mull over how silly Malay mats (not m&ds) were and we laughed it over coffee. Then we drove over and clean up the mess. Admittedly, there'd be about 10 minutes delay in our way of attending such a case.

However, we wouldn't do that for calls like rape or robbery etc. That had to be instant reponse and forget the coffee even we were just sipping halfway.


Alfrescian (Inf)
PLEASE LAH GUYS, you guys should see how Ramseth fights in this video, no horse run 1....

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GJxbKjtB5uE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


How come sinkies uncles when fighting like to use the words "lan jiao" very funny lah !!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Useless. Pay all you the money so much, even the ITE policeman make 3k/mth, no standard at all. Useless.

ITE at most can be PNS SC (by some kind of lottery). Regulars must have 4 + 1 O levels at least (plus physical fitness of course). 4 any subject plus English. From the mid 90s onward, all A levels and poly grads not selected for OCT (by some kind of lottery again) pass out as corporals (unlike in earlier years, passed out as constables and work your way up the ranks). Police force structure is quite reverse from army structure familiar to all of you. Police force is manned by about 80:20 regulars to NS ratio while army is manned by about 20:80 regulars to NS ratio.
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Right son, but not too far. If I was in a patrol car and received a radio call like that, me and my partner would go somewhere nearby but not too near to relax over a cuppa coffee first. Not that we were scared. The best would be it developed into grievous hurt, rioting or even murder. Then we got a real case on hand.

jus not worth to get injured, even fatal outcome.....just turned on wailing siren, take a turn 'further' up 'again'...when coast is clear, show up and walk with a limp.....

risking your life ? i think not
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Alfrescian (Inf)
If I were to ever fight one day, I would be prepared to be seriously injured. That's because no sinkie will bother to help but every ah Tiong nearby will dash to help his countryman. Same for Vietnamese and Thai.

because sinkies are not sure whether you are chink, m&d or neh worth helping or not, you see.

this is the peril of multi-racial society