• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Zap me anonymous ....No balls...Chao Ah Gua...Hairless Gay


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
kopiuncle, I am very sure if I did not have a premium account, you would have used all your clones to zap me till kingdom come. Lets not be coy about this, if you could do it to me without my detecting you, you would have.

I don't remember zapping you...if i have please display for everyone to see. Frankly I am disgusted with your theory about me and my clones playing a game.In fact you wrote that those attacking me are MY CLONES!!!. This is utter rubbish. You and your theory about sociopaths is disgusting to say the least. But I did not pursue the matter.

But the next thing that disgusted me was your intellectual arrogance. Yes, you may be an intellectual giant ( like Jw5 ) you can still be humble enough to listen to a poor man's story. But you talked down and you shrugged away. Again , I did not pursue the matter and let it rest. But it speaks volumes of your character here.

Most intellectuals are real arrogant pricks. Their ego is sky high and they think very highly of their "theories" and their " clone hunting abilities".:smile:

I normally don't zap people....but sometimes,in a moment of anger and frustration, I clicked!!! I would prefer to UP forummers and encourage them to hold on /stay on instead of zaPPINg them....I know what it is like to be zapped...So I try Not to do it...:smile:

Talking about your premium account, how big is yours compared to Joetys ? You want to take him on ???


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
And do you know how many ZAPS i received previously ?? All those fuckers or cowards NEVER leave down their username too.

Anyway i am NOT angry with the zap received. :wink:

This is my first reply after so many comments from others.

Huat Ah - your reply is no different from the other cowards I exposed, I am not surprised.

Huat Ah can you answer my question? Yes that question "So does this means you are also a No Balls, Chao Ah Gua and Hairless Gay anonymous zapper with this zap?"

So now you had been exposed you want to retire? You cannot face the truth? You could shrug jw5 off as he is not directly involve however you cannot simply shrug me off as I had been victimized by you. So please answer for everyone to know instead of sending PM to me.

Huat Ah I have come into your thread to ask you this question. You need to answer to everyone in your own turf.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Hi Brothers All,

If this public display of PM messages and Reputation System continue, this forum will see more conflicts and more battles.

Those who can view the Reputation System have an advantage over those who cannot view those who left lewd and vulgar messages with their zappings.

I humbly suggest we respect PM confidentiality and if possible Reputation System too. Thank You.


This is my first reply after so many comments from others.

Huat Ah - your reply is no different from the other cowards I exposed, I am not surprised.

Huat Ah can you answer my question? Yes that question "So does this means you are also a No Balls, Chao Ah Gua and Hairless Gay anonymous zapper with this zap?"

So now you had been exposed you want to retire? You cannot face the truth? You could shrug jw5 off as he is not directly involve however you cannot simply shrug me off as I had been victimized by you. So please answer for everyone to know instead of sending PM to me.

Huat Ah I have come into your thread to ask you this question. You need to answer to everyone in your own turf.

I remember now. I zap you that time leaving a LONG LONG Comment ( The pic you posted just now. )

I did NOT put down my name simply becoz LAZY to do so.

Exposed what ? My Ass ? Give me a break boy.

You spent NEAR $200 Fucking Bucks on this forum and it shows you are STUPID. That amount of money can be put to other stuff or good use.

You can call me Chao Ah Gua or Gay. No problem. Don't forget how about others who have ZAP me ?

Why are you so upset ? I pity you seriously spending $200 on this forum! You can get a good decent meal for a week ! LOL

Oh, i am NOT retire. I am moving on instead of wasting time explaining myself further especially a IGNORANT Kid like you.

If i were you, i would rather donate the money to CHARITY. It is a BIG SHAME you have waste the money.

That's all. You get your answers. Not satisfy ? Just do a CHARGE BACK of your credit card company . I doubt Leongsam will refund you.

** Pls this is NOT my turf. This is Leongsam forum. Get your FACTS right. This my FINAL REPLY in here SAMMYBOY FORUM. I WILL CHOP my own KKJ if i reply ! )
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I am so sad. Take care Ah Huat.:(...Please take care Brother Huat...Please do not take things too hard. Take care....:(


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes, warlord. You most powderful here. Zap you so many times also points never go down but increase. Knn, only warlord can like that. Limpeh tolong, song boh?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Yes, warlord. You most powderful here. Zap you so many times also points never go down but increase. Knn, only warlord can like that. Limpeh tolong, song boh?

my wish for you
turn into a new leaf
be happy here
stop behaving like a thief....


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Huat Ah, Huat Ah,

have to agree with kopi please take care and please do not take things too hard. Why you so serious?

1. I came into this tread that you started because I found it amusing that you called anonymous zappers bad names

2. I only came in here once to ask you a question and when you did not reply I reminded you to reply why you so serious want to chop your KKJ?

3. I only curious about you called your anonymous zappers name so when you zapped me anonymously I thought why you also call yourself names thats all.

4. Since you now touched on the subject about how I spent my US$199.00 please no need to pity me because at that time I just got bonus and anyway I no need US$199.00 for a week's meal because I live in third world country so food here very cheap, no need to pity me la. Thank you for your concern about my money anyway really appreciate a caring forummer here.

5. Oh you said you were lazy when you did not put your name when you zapped me. Its ok la now that you had clarified this point I wish to say I am sorry for calling you a coward and hypocrite. You see you only need to clarify and everyone in SBF will know you not coward and hypocrite already.

6. Oh I will not do or request for a charge back on the US$199.00 from Leongsam, this is money well spent and not wasted like you said. This social experiment had indeed benefited many people in this forum I believe in terms of increase in knowledge and experience. I believe the knowledge I gain is priceless.

Once again don't be so serious hor I hate to see forummers here snap.

I remember now. I zap you that time leaving a LONG LONG Comment ( The pic you posted just now. )

I did NOT put down my name simply becoz LAZY to do so.

Exposed what ? My Ass ? Give me a break boy.

You spent NEAR $200 Fucking Bucks on this forum and it shows you are STUPID. That amount of money can be put to other stuff or good use.

You can call me Chao Ah Gua or Gay. No problem. Don't forget how about others who have ZAP me ?

Why are you so upset ? I pity you seriously spending $200 on this forum! You can get a good decent meal for a week ! LOL

Oh, i am NOT retire. I am moving on instead of wasting time explaining myself further especially a IGNORANT Kid like you.

If i were you, i would rather donate the money to CHARITY. It is a BIG SHAME you have waste the money.

That's all. You get your answers. Not satisfy ? Just do a CHARGE BACK of your credit card company . I doubt Leongsam will refund you.

** Pls this is NOT my turf. This is Leongsam forum. Get your FACTS right. This my FINAL REPLY in here SAMMYBOY FORUM. I WILL CHOP my own KKJ if i reply ! )
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How to get Bro Huat-Ah back? He's more angry with boss, don't know why. :confused:
I read no head no tail, something like he's banned by don't know who and zapped anonymously
so no outlet to vent, so he vent on boss, but of course lah....who else can he vent on when he
does not even know who zap him....very cham scenario here.

How arh, bros? :*:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Huat-Ah, your rep pts increase by many. Come back with a new nick also can, otherwise Kinana will miss you. :smile:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

I did NOT put down my name simply becoz LAZY to do so.

This guy is full of shit.. lazy my ass. I went through ten whole pages of his reputation activity. Every single time he added points, he diligently included his nick. EVERY SINGLE TIME he zapped someone, he suddenly became lazy or forgetful.

This is a typical example of the sort of bullshitting scum that gives Singapore a bad name.

He's not just a coward and a hypocrite. He's also a big fat liar.

I'm glad he's fucked off for good. That's one less loser to deal with.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes, warlord. You most powderful here. Zap you so many times also points never go down but increase. Knn, only warlord can like that. Limpeh tolong, song boh?

KopiSAI machiam the pappies.....make everyone tak boleh tahan but end up still not voted out. I believe all his sympathy threads get him a lot of points.....machiam pappies crying game.....


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
My two cents here.Please don't exterminate me okay.

Me humbly submit that PRIVILEGED KNOWLEDGE ( only accessible to infractors, moderators and owners ) should not be PUBLICLY DISPLAYED.

Otherwise there will be more conflicts, more discord and more misunderstandings. There are many ways you can convey your PRIVILEGED KNOWLEDGE without prejudicing any forummer here.

Thank you.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
KopiSAI machiam the pappies.....make everyone tak boleh tahan but end up still not voted out. I believe all his sympathy threads get him a lot of points.....machiam pappies crying game.....

Please don't flatter me lah Narong. I'm trying to level down and be a good forummer now.....