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WWW.Japanese F3 vs Chinese J20


of course the japs better, PRC design product? I afraid it will crash by itself, not even able to get close to japs fighter.

Yaya, you think even the US planes won't crash?

If you want people to respect your posting, you need to boast your thinking level.

20 odd years ago, the Japanese are known for their inferior products. 20 years ago, it is not. Moreoever, the J3 will only be ready after 2033. That is some 20 years from now. You can bet that the Japanese are going to buy the F-22s instead of developing the F3.

15 years ago, the taiwanese already built their own fighters but they actually abandoned it after some time as it is not practicable. Now the taiwanese intend to purchase the F16/C series from the US.

You can bet that by 2030, the F3 will be long obsolete and it will be the F4+++ series.
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not sure how good the mitsubishi fighter is but if it is good, then why japan still in the F35 program?

Cos it is still the most advance fighter planes (5th generation), better in 2012 than you know, you dont know what happens in 2033.

By developing the F3, the Japs can bypass the quotas set by the US Congress.
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The Philistine


to China’s J20 stealth fighter but is not expected to be fielded until 2033.

Many people are missing the whole picture. By 2033, the Chinese would have improved their J20 stealth fighters or even come up with newer models. We are looking at two decades and in the meantime lots of things can happen.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It is undeniable that the US been supplying raw materials against Chinese for many years. The US isn't always the good guys. They have imperial ambitions and want to keep China weak.

That's correct as I've said earlier. US didn't want China to lose the war but neither become too strong.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Cos it is still the most advance fighter planes (5th generation), better in 2012 than you know, you dont know what happens in 2033.

By developing the F3, the Japs can bypass the quotas set by the US Congress.

2033? I tot I saw 2015 somewhere.

Anyway it dumb to throw $ into the sheath fighter as a drone can also carry air to air missiles.


Indians and Arabs have the worst fighter piloting records in world air battle history. None of them won anything with some of them losing everything. Their best achievement was 9/11.

LOL!!!!! Point!

Why do the Chinese, who obviously didn't invent motorized vehicles and airplanes, make good drivers and pilots? It's a strange phenomena to me too. I'm just speaking from fact and history.

Could be the Chinese race's intellectual affinity with mathematics and numbers. To fly a plane during that era, they needed to do lots of fast mental calculations in the head.

Although there are no Chinese F1 drivers as yet (Alex Yoong not counted cos he is chap cheng and a Malaysian Boleh to boot) everyone knows that driving an F1 car requires not only razor sharp skills but also a razor sharp mind. The drivers have to calculate everything in split seconds- fuel, weight, g force, wind shear, air resistance, tyre temperature, brake temperature, atmospheric temperature, etc.. Because F1 cars are enginered so precisely, so finely balanced, every additional drop of fuel slows the car down by 1/8ths of a second, and you got do the calculation in your head. It is not as if they could whip out a calculator and start pressing buttons.


Alfrescian (Inf)
LOL!!!!! Point!

Could be the Chinese race's intellectual affinity with mathematics and numbers. To fly a plane during that era, they needed to do lots of fast mental calculations in the head.

Although there are no Chinese F1 drivers as yet (Alex Yoong not counted cos he is chap cheng and a Malaysian Boleh to boot) everyone knows that driving an F1 car requires not only razor sharp skills but also a razor sharp mind. The drivers have to calculate everything in split seconds- fuel, weight, g force, wind shear, air resistance, tyre temperature, brake temperature, atmospheric temperature, etc.. Because F1 cars are enginered so precisely, so finely balanced, every additional drop of fuel slows the car down by 1/8ths of a second, and you got do the calculation in your head. It is not as if they could whip out a calculator and start pressing buttons.

I am F1 fan remember this Alex Malaysian FI driver making me laugh. Half of the race he didn't qualify to the race because below the qualify time to take part. He just a package deal as a driver since Malaysian invest the money need to boost some ego to have Malaysian driver just like SU-30 deal Malaysia sent a man to space station.
But Alex did manage to get his name in A1 race.
F1 is for pro driver. KIMI is one of the best driver even better then MS just that he to heavy. If KIMI is same size like Montoya sure beat MS.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
It is undeniable that the US been supplying raw materials against Chinese for many years. The US isn't always the good guys. They have imperial ambitions and want to keep China weak.

That's true. Do you know many south american countries are in shambles cos of the US involvement. CIA sabotaged many of those countries governments. They used to be frens with saddam hussein and the taliban when the taliban was fighting against the ussr but later all of it changed.

It's funny that there are ppl out there that still see the US as the good guys when they are just looking after their interests like anyone else. China looks after her interests china is the bad girl, US does it us is the good gal. Shit like this. Free tibet but yet it is ok for them to take so much land from the native indians.


In terms of design, the only weakness o J20 are the canard and engine jet nozzle which tend to give a higher RCS signature at the side and rear. F22 don't need canard to achieve high maneuverability due to the 2D TVC engine. Personally I find J20 design better than the Russian T-50



Alfrescian (Inf)
usaf pilots hate the f-22. it's a reliability and maintenance nightmare. many are afraid for their careers and lives, so they give all sorts of excuses not to fly it. the usaf needs to move rapidly to one relying on powerful interceptor drones or remotely piloted fighters.


Alfrescian (Inf)
usaf pilots hate the f-22. it's a reliability and maintenance nightmare. many are afraid for their careers and lives, so they give all sorts of excuses not to fly it. the usaf needs to move rapidly to one relying on powerful interceptor drones or remotely piloted fighters.

F22 is a useless piece of shit metal (pun intended as in sheet metal). The whole NATO refused to buy it. It's only good for computer simulator games.


Alfrescian (Inf)
F22 is a useless piece of shit metal (pun intended as in sheet metal). The whole NATO refused to buy it. It's only good for computer simulator games.

some think anything from the u.s. military is always the best or superb, which is far from truth and reality of course. some are good, some are junk. examples: humvee, apache, f-22, etc. i wanted to include the osprey but it's becoming more stable as a twin rotary transport. it was a murderous beast when the program was fleld tested. it murdered marines by entire platoons.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
some think anything from the u.s. military is always the best or superb, which is far from truth and reality of course. some are good, some are junk. examples: humvee, apache, f-22, etc.

There;s someone here by the nick of singhveld that thinks everything from the US is good and same for the japs and he doesn't need any reason or show any proof at all. How about that huh. How do you beat that?


Alfrescian (Inf)
There;s someone here by the nick of singhveld that thinks everything from the US is good and same for the japs and he doesn't need any reason or show any proof at all. How about that huh. How do you beat that?

in iraq, it took a robert gates to replace all combat humvees with mraps with v-hulls. the change saved thousands of american lives and limbs. origin of mraps: south africa. marines are still using the cobra (super cobra now) for attack heli. they know apaches are pieces of sophisticated shit with too much ground time, parts, maintenance, and a bloated tech support organization.


Alfrescian (Inf)
There;s someone here by the nick of singhveld that thinks everything from the US is good and same for the japs and he doesn't need any reason or show any proof at all. How about that huh. How do you beat that?

The best US fighter aircraft were the F4 Phantom and F5 Eagle. The rest are mostly junk designed to milk money out of treasury and other clueless countries. US pilots in peacetime training crashed more times than Israelis in wartime. US WW2 aircraft were about the worst amongst the early air powers. Nothing legendary like British Spitfire, German ME109 or Japanese Zero. All were craps. Couldn't take off at moment's notice, couldn't dogfight. US won only because of numerical superiority by attrition and the two-ocean flanking of their location preventing themselves from being invaded and kept production going on.

After WW2, the best fighter pilots in the world we've seen are Israelis and British. Chinese in WW2 showed that you give them a piece of junk, they could make it fly and shoot others down. But there's not much notable Chinese aerial combat action after WW2. American pilots have shown as in Vietnam War, you give them a piece of gold loaded with bombs, they anyhow bomb as if diarhoea shittiing and press eject button at the first sign of trouble.

British pilots have shown what's precision bombing in Germany and Iraq, zooming at about 6-storey high and dropping the bomb at the precise moment and zooming off up and safely. Which fucking pilot with a pilot license doesn't know how to cruise an aircraft at 20 to 30,000 feet. Try flying between buildings and hills. What was the aircraft British used in Desert Storm low level sorties that Americans couldn't carry out? 1950s model Buccaneer.

American pilots had dropped more tonnage of bombs in Vietnam than the entire WW2 combined all countries involved inclusive. And they failed to beat Vietcong. The Japanese were giggling, you nuked us and we surrendered already, not our problem. The British were giggling, now you big brother, your problem!
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Alfrescian (Inf)
imo, f-16. best bang for the buck. can produce in quantity like mass producing sports cars. highly reliable and easily deliverable too. can ups or fedex one. :p


Alfrescian (Inf)
The best US fighter aircraft were the F4 Phantom and F5 Eagle. The rest are mostly junk designed to milk money out of treasury and other clueless countries. US pilots in peacetime training crashed more times than Israelis in wartime. US WW2 aircraft were about the worst amongst the early air powers. Nothing legendary like British Spitfire, German ME109 or Japanese Zero. All were craps. Couldn't take off at moment's notice, couldn't dogfight. US won only because of numerical superiority by attrition and the two-ocean flanking of their location preventing themselves from being invaded and kept production going on.

After WW2, the best fighter pilots in the world we've seen are Israelis and British. Chinese in WW2 showed that you give them a piece of junk, they could make it fly and shoot others down. But there's not much notable Chinese aerial combat action after WW2. American pilots have shown as in Vietnam War, you give them a piece of gold loaded with bombs, they anyhow bomb as if diarhoea shittiing and press eject button at the first sign of trouble.

British pilots have shown what's precision bombing in Germany and Iraq, zooming at about 6-storey high and dropping the bomb at the precise moment and zooming off up and safely. Which fucking pilot with a pilot license doesn't know how to cruise an aircraft at 20 to 30,000 feet. Try flying between buildings and hills. What was the aircraft British used in Desert Storm low level sorties that Americans couldn't carry out? 1950s model Buccaneer.

Bro u need to go into a forum where lots of americans are at. I suggest bodybuilding.com go to the misc section which is their talk cock section and they have ppl all over the world and debate with those americans over this.

The thing about americans is they always think they are the best especially when it comes to war. When you post this confirm lots of americans will be pissed off with you. There's nothing wrong with thinking you're the best cos it's human nature but it's even worse if you're not american and somehow think americans are the best and don't have a legitimate reason or means to prove it. This is the phenomenon that i'm talking about wearing the butt skin of others on your face thinking you're one of them when you're not. Lots of non americans think that way.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bro u need to go into a forum where lots of americans are at. I suggest bodybuilding.com go to the misc section which is their talk cock section and they have ppl all over the world and debate with those americans over this.

Don't worry. When I have free time and spare change on my hands, I go to US to piss them off face to face. But to be fair, there're many nice Americans worthy friends too. Chinese pilots no good? No Chinese pilots, all US FTs? Ask the Japanese air force veterans whom they met and what happened to them.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't worry. When I have free time and spare change on my hands, I go to US to piss them off face to face. But to be fair, there're many nice Americans worthy friends too.

yes many americans are nice decent ppl if you know them personally but still on forums where they are around they still have that mentality like they are just the best especially when it comes to war.