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Woman & GM hubby with 3 kids both retrenched need to service >$5k loans..jialat


About two weeks ago, Madam Kristin Goh, 38, served her last day as a guest services executive.

Understandably so. Her company offers corporate housing, and business had dried up entirely as the outbreak hit Singapore in late January.

"Companies started cancelling or postponing business trips when countries began to put in place travel bans. By early March, the financials were really bad," said Madam Goh.

By late March, the grim news hit home. Her company, which was part of a larger group, was shut down and she, along with about 20 colleagues, was retrenched. Gone is her monthly salary of $4,200.

The months ahead will be tough as she and her husband, a former general manager who is also unemployed as he has been unable to find a suitable job, figure out how to pay for the family's expenses and loan instalments amounting to more than $5,000 monthly. They have three children aged between one and 18.

In the past weeks, she has sent out at least 60 job applications, including those for temporary work related to Covid-19 operations like temperature screeners and safe distancing ambassadors. But she has not heard back from anyone yet.

I first read the headline thought. $5k loans what's the big deal... then I read and saw $5k loan payment = :eek::eek::eek:


The majority dead are the old n infirmed n trailer park trash who r better dead anyway. The families will thank the politicians for easing their burdens
thats not how humanity works pal...what you are advocating is the law of the jungle..let the fittest survive or natural selection ,some say...but nature itself counters such destruction of its species naturally ...for eg,a fish spawns thousands of eggs knowing only a selected few survive....but we human incubate for 9 months and care for at least another 21 years ,legally speaking.... not only as caring and loving lot but betting children as a future investment that would bear yields....which tantamounts to not being cost effective if we follow your advise


thats not how humanity works pal...what you are advicating is the law of the jungle..let the fittest survive or natural selection ,some say...but nature itself counters such destruction of its species naturally ...for eg,a fish spawns thousands of eggs knowing only a selected few survive....but we human incubate for 9 months and care for at least another 21 years ,legally speaking....not not only as caring and loving but betting children as a future investment that would bear yields....which tantamounts to not being cost effective we follow your advise
I am advocating common sense n dealing with the virus as it is just a flu. The lockdown is causing more problems than the virus itself


I am advocating common sense n dealing with the virus as it is just a flu. The lockdown is causing more problems than the virus itself
you are over simplifying matters in hand..in a war situation, it make sense to sacrifice a tiny lot for the benefit of the majority ..but in a democracy the same decision will upset the the government in power ..
hence the political price to be paid is rather heavy...because people vote on emotion basis..just like you may give all you have just to save your granny from dying just for the sake of love


good time, collect good rental $$$, tiam 2,..... now cry father , cry mother... :roflmao::roflmao:
I buy expensive private properties with no grant no subsidy and pay high property taxes are entitled to get good rental. Not like you hdb leeches getting obscene rental vs what you paid. And I am only complaining on my property tax which you hdb leeches pay only a fraction and of course have no complaints.


I hope there are many. :biggrin:
You are surely a bad hearted liar son of whore. What did sinkies do to you? Did they steal slander harass you? Of course you are targeting me in your comment but heaven knows I am a virgin impossible to be a whore is a fact. Hope you die a violent death.


I buy expensive private properties with no grant no subsidy and pay high property taxes are entitled to get good rental. Not like you hdb leeches getting obscene rental vs what you paid. And I am only complaining on my property tax which you hdb leeches pay only a fraction and of course have no complaints.

Do people know how much rental return for hdbs? More than 20% from what my friend told me for her three room flat. My expensive private property never even get half of that during good years so again hdb leeches are the ones that benefited ok.


Hope you die a violent death.................... before me. :FU:

You are surely a bad hearted liar son of whore. What did sinkies do to you? Did they steal slander harass you? Of course you are targeting me in your comment but heaven knows I am a virgin impossible to be a whore is a fact. Hope you die a violent death.


Hope you die a violent death.................... before me. :FU:
Pui your filthy whore mother wife daughters phua cb open leg when got debts. This kind of Xia suay thought only come from your Xia suay whore family


My earlier post #68 was not referring to you at all, yet you want to reply like that in post#70. You retract your post and there will be peace................ at least from me. :rolleyes:

Pui your filthy whore mother wife daughters phua cb open leg when got debts. This kind of Xia suay thought only come from your Xia suay whore family


Do people know how much rental return for hdbs? More than 20% from what my friend told me for her three room flat. My expensive private property never even get half of that during good years so again hdb leeches are the ones that benefited ok.
And hdb rental returns should still be very high double digits since costs are so low. No wonder no complaints


My earlier post #68 was not referring to you at all, yet you want to reply like that in post#70. You retract your post and there will be peace................ at least from me. :rolleyes:

Why should I? You are black hearted to wish bad things on sinkies that did not harm you. Not like me I only wish bad things on people and families that did harm to me.


Hoping for more sinkie bus to be FLs is wishing a bad thing? If they choose to be FLs, it's their choice right? Nobody forced them. It's not as if they were forced to be sex slaves. :rolleyes:

Why should I? You are black hearted to wish bad things on sinkies that did not harm you. Not like me I only wish bad things on people and families that did harm to me.


Do people know how much rental return for hdbs? More than 20% from what my friend told me for her three room flat. My expensive private property never even get half of that during good years so again hdb leeches are the ones that benefited ok.
To be precise never even get double digit so hdb sinkies only you are leeches making obscene profit from me taxpayers money ok


Hoping for more sinkie bus to be FLs is wishing a bad thing? If they choose to be FLs, it's their choice right? Nobody forced them. It's not as if they were forced to be sex slaves. :rolleyes:

Ya it’s a fact that everyone knows it’s a bad thing to be a whore