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Voter needs clarification of GMS's Adultery Allegations


I represent my family, neighbors and many friends.

We need more information on Goh Meng Seng's adultery allegation.

Can anyone furnish evidence of his adultery?

Since GMS has not taken any legal action against anyone, is there some truth to it?


I represent my family, neighbors and many friends.

We need more information on Goh Meng Seng's adultery allegation.

Can anyone furnish evidence of his adultery?

Since GMS has not taken any legal action against anyone, is there some truth to it?

Let me guess......... your family, neighbors and friends are all:

1. with the surname Goh, or
2. staying in Tampines

If not, WTF has your family, neighbors and friends got to do with GMS?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I represent all Chinese in Tampines.

We need more information on Goh Meng Seng's suspected allegation that he is related to Ming Dynasty traitor Wu Sangui.

Can anyone furnish evidence of his ancestor family tree?

Since GMS has not deny that, is there some truth to it?


Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

You must have run out of ideas on how to run people down. I've never seen such a lame posting apart from Ramseth's JP ex GF.

If you continue this charade, one day, mark my words, your identity will be exposed too.

I represent my family, neighbors and many friends.

We need more information on Goh Meng Seng's adultery allegation.

Can anyone furnish evidence of his adultery?

Since GMS has not taken any legal action against anyone, is there some truth to it?

Maximilian Chua-Heng

Dear Trolls of GMS,

Here's a gentle reminder to you all. Don't carry things too far, it will backfire.

I am seeing more forummers coming out to defend GMS.

Not a good sign for you guys. :biggrin:


You must have run out of ideas on how to run people down. I've never seen such a lame posting apart from Ramseth's JP ex GF.

If you continue this charade, one day, mark my words, your identity will be exposed too.



You must have run out of ideas on how to run people down. I've never seen such a lame posting apart from Ramseth's JP ex GF.

If you continue this charade, one day, mark my words, your identity will be exposed too.

Is it me or someone or some group of people are trying really desperatly hard to run GMS down to the point they just have to cook every book to do that?

Do these moron realised that instead of turning people against GMS, they are actually giving GMS free publicity....and every rally GMS held, we could see tens of thousands of people just to be there?


I represent my family, neighbors and many friends.

We need more information on Goh Meng Seng's adultery allegation.

Can anyone furnish evidence of his adultery?

Since GMS has not taken any legal action against anyone, is there some truth to it?

Another sinkie moron, ball lickers trying to pull downs political opponents with the usual sinkie way.

That is what happen when a person does not have a mind of their own and needs to follow orders from a master in order to earn a living. They do not know what is right or wrong and just like a robot , act according to orders.

What a primitive human being. Only a sinkie is capable of that.


Election Campaign
1) One thing you can do to win is by hanging plenty of posters on the first few days of the campaign. Don't wait until the last minute to hang them up, or you'll regret it.

2) Don't bribe, but be considerate to what the people want. Give them freely, whether or not you expect the recipient to vote for you. Maybe your kindness will sway them your way.

3) Make your speech go with the flow. It's okay to plan your speech but don't make it sound rehearsed. Use hand gestures frequently and talk with emotion, not a monotone voice. Try to be plain and avoid confusing your target audience. Be honest and open-minded.

4) Don't put yourself or another candidate down, even if it's a joke.

5) Be polite to the other candidates, it looks bad if you put them down. The voters will consider the fact that you may lord your power over them.

6) Be prepared; people might pop random questions at you, so you will need to have a good comeback for every conceivable question.

7) Be nice to people, but don't be plastic. Just be polite and friendly, but don't overdo it - people can tell if you're just faking it.

8) Make sure you memorize your speech in time for any debate you may have. Don't memorize it at the last minute.

9) Make sure you have a good platform, but be careful because if you don't follow through with what you propose people won't elect you next time. Think about what the Singaporean needs, and make sure voters would want to accept your ideas. If the voters are on your side, you have a better chance!

10) Make sure your posters are catchy, diverse, and plentiful. Don't put posters that are obscene up, even if some people would like it.

11) Make sure you stand up straight and make eye contact with everyone.

12) Be calm, cool, and collected.

13) Don't tell people,"Vote for me!" Tell them, "Please consider me as your next Member of Parliament"

14) Make up a catchy phrase for your poster. Here's an example: "Don't be silly, vote for NSP!"

15) Be really enthusiastic about this whole event. You wouldn't want people thinking that you're uncommitted or a lazy candidate.

16) Also maybe during your speech tell them what you will do to make Town Council fun and United Singaporean for better lifestyle. Brainstorming on a sheet of paper helps.

17) Always write a rough draft before you type up your speech. This means that all you have to do is copying on the computer.

18) Remember to have good grades through the election or else people might think you are not responsible enough for the job.

19) Make sure to be friendly to everyone even if they aren't going to vote for you.

20) Make sure you stand out of all the other people running against you.

21) Wear what you're running for. In this meaning if you are going for spirit maybe wear your Singapore Flag colors on the day of the election.

22) Make sure to mention your leadership skills and/or any experience you have with Town Council and Meet the People Sessions.

23) One thing you can do to win is by make more walk about on the first few days of the campaign. Don't wait until the last minute, or you'll regret it.


I represent my family, neighbors and many friends.

We need more information on Goh Meng Seng's adultery allegation.

Can anyone furnish evidence of his adultery?

Since GMS has not taken any legal action against anyone, is there some truth to it?

You are a fucking piece of shit.