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SG chi pussy love ah neh smelly dick. Shock?


Alfrescian (Inf)
1. I believe Singapore would have been a much better place. You can compare yourself to HK somewhat (not to Japan btw).. but even then what is the point of all the material wealth, debt fiananced of course; the glittering skyline, when the average Ah Beng is so hopelessly unhappy and stressed up? It shows in Ah Beng's performance in bed as well as in having lesser and lesser children, not to mention his bad manners and ill temper.. All that only to be replaced by foreigners in the end. What's the point?

2. The Indians are a much smaller community, making up perhaps 7-8% of the population. Naturally they are more apt at assimilating with other cultures. In the same vein, you can also wonder why more and more Chinese gals are marrying non-Chinese. Looking at the survey results in this thread, it should not be a wonder at all. :biggrin:


hahahaah a shit skin like you really knows how to cook the books. If material wealth doesn't mean anything why not you stay in your shitland? Why don't you stay in africa? Btw what's wrong with comparing with Hk and not japan? Ok perhaps in your warped mind japan is better but HK is still miles ahead of any of your shit skinned majority areas. Btw the last time i checked it was you shit skins that beat your wives in public and engage in violence and shouting. You shit skins are the unhappy and stressed up losers and not only that you fail in running your countries.

Really more and more chinese girls marrying non chinese? You mean that actually means anything? What about chinese males marrying shit skinned females? Oh yes that means the shit skinned females were smart to leave their drunken shit skinned male kind correct?


Even if you leave out the correlation of sex satisfaction to fertility levels, which can be disputed (China, HK and Singapore are all low on both counts); that still leaves sex satisfaction survey results which speak for themselves. And if Chinese women are deemed to be materialistic and wanting their mate to have all the material possession, I believe looking at these women's attitude and level of satisfaction they get out of sex; they are hardly to be blamed. :biggrin:

The soccer analogy you have used is incorrect. To score you need to shoot and it has to be on target to at least count. Ah Beng's score-sheet is pathetic, I'm afraid, in this regard. :biggrin:


ah beng score sheet is bad, ok, but what about india? only know how to play cricket, catch ball.. can't even score..

but hey, i know what u will do once i take this example. u will dig out all the info that india's cricket is better than singapore. ok la, very good la.


hahahaah a shit skin like you really knows how to cook the books.

Why don't you or any of the other Ah Beng, put some side-by-side comparison of the survey instead of labelling what i write as "cooking the book" or "twisting". Just include China, HK, Sin and Indian as a minimum. Please make sure the data is all from the same survey. Ok? :biggrin:



The soccer thing is correct you dumb shit skin. Whether you lead by 1 or 200 goals you still win. Shit skin you have always been boasting how huge your dick is when it's been discovered to be just a lie so why are you so shameless to not admit it?

Oh yup you're a snake keling of course you won't admit it. Bad loser with a forked tongue.

Ok. So you won by 0.2 goals. Happy? But you are still lousy in bed.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Why don't you or any of the other Ah Beng, put some side-by-side comparison of the survey instead of labelling what i write as "cooking the book" or "twisting". Just include China, HK, Sin and Indian as a minimum. Please make sure the data is all from the same survey. Ok? :biggrin:


What survey is it? Shit skin write properly and tell me what survey it is so we can see what other tongue twisting rubbish you have written.


Ok. So you won by 0.2 goals. Happy? But you are still lousy in bed.


No la, i think ah nehs win. No way can a Chink have the guts to kill someone over a chess game. lol This one is champion!


Man stabbed cabby for row over chess game
27 Jan 2011

SOURCE: The Straits Times

A MAN who stabbed a cabby in the neck after the victim ticked him off for disturbing his chess game was jailed for 21/2 years yesterday.

Schizophrenia sufferer K. Mohan, 49, left Mr Ngoh Chin Boon, 34, needing speech therapy after knifing him with a 13cm blade.

He had been drinking beer while Mr Ngoh and a retired friend played chess nearby at a void deck in Sin Ming Industrial Sector A in August 2009.

Mr Ngoh heard Mohan talking loudly and shouting vulgarities into the phone.

He told him not to talk too loudly or the police might come. He also wanted to concentrate on his game.

A row broke out, during which Mohan brandished a beer bottle at the victim. Mr Ngoh pushed him, causing him to fall.

Mohan got up and left, only to return minutes later with the knife, said Deputy Public Prosecutor Stella Tan.

The cabby tried to run but tripped and fell. Mohan attacked him with the knife until he was pulled away by a friend, Mr Sundaram Ramiah, 35.

Mohan, who is unemployed, earlier pleaded guilty to causing hurt with a dangerous weapon.

Yesterday, Community Court judge Ng Peng Hong said Mohan should not be caned because of his mental illness.

Mr Suresh Damodara, who acted for Mohan pro bono, said his client had been in and out of the Institute of Mental Health since the 1980s and had had several brushes with the law.

He said Mohan got upset while talking to his girlfriend on the phone after she told him that she had had an abortion.

But DPP Tan said he should not have taken it out on a stranger who was giving him good advice to keep the volume down.

“The accused approached the victim in a sadistic and cruel manner,” she said. “He attacked vulnerable parts of the victim’s body, that being his neck.”

She added that the victim had lost his voice, and urged the court to give a sentence that reflected the abhorrence of the crime.

Mohan could have been jailed for up to five years, fined, caned or any combination of the three.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
we will know sg gals love to jump on ang mo.

how come ah neh smelly dick dey also love?

recently i saw increasing sight of sg chi gals with ah neh dick.
hugging, holding hands.

why? are they degenerating?:eek::eek::eek:

What the fuck? Where have you been? U seen the cheebye face Bala all over the YOG shit, pissing away our $400 million, u dun know he is a chindian mah? bala father is ah neh, and his mother is chinese. That u only recently saw sights of s'pore chinese girls fucking thambi cock proofs u are blind, as bala's mother and other chinese women have been doing that for decades now. Blind cow.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ok. So you won by 0.2 goals. Happy? But you are still lousy in bed.


hahahahhahaha seeing the number of replies you have been spamming in this thread this must have really been a bad blow for you shit skins. Oh yeah chinese now bad in bed? How do you tell? You actually observed a great number of chinese men in bed and then compared that to the kelings? Isn't that how one can accurately measure whether he's good or bad in bed?

I thought you shit skins love to boast how you resemble europeans and hence have european sized dicks? Turns out you losers have even smaller ones than the chinese which shows that it's a myth you shit skins make up lies and boast about it.

Damn a snake is much much safer than you kelings.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Oh pls shit skin she's from china and this asshole is from shitland.

They aren't really true blue sinkies. You're really an idiot typing this out and the media seldom posts successful stories of chinese men with women of other races anyway even though there's so many out there.

I agree, I am born, bred and raised here. only the cocksucker Wong Cunt Stink will used these 2 leeches as shining examples. How fucked up and out of touch can a minister be?


Durex survey: Indians not sexually satisfied

New Delhi: A new global survey on sexual well-being conducted by the condom manufacturer Durex shows that Indians are low on sexual satisfaction.
Achieving an orgasm is a key driver of sexual satisfaction. Just 46 per cent of Indians said that they usually orgasm.
Moreover, the level of sexual satisfaction was half for women as compared to that of men in India. While 55 per cent Indian males achieve orgasm, only 26 per cent Indian women can say the same. :rolleyes:

Please post the comparison between countries or race (breed) instead of quoting statistics in isolation; like I have done and which can be easily verified.



Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
This is one of those articles where the main point of interest is not in the blabbing of that buffon Wong Cunt Stink, but instead on the side information that these 2 leeches were here on scholarships supplied by a GLC and by a Ministry. The thambi came on a SIA Youth scholarship, fuck, I did not even know SIA got these kind of scholarships offered to nationals of other countries. I know 20 year SIA staff that can't even get a schlarship for their own kids. And yet, their employer is giving it to nationals of other countries. Added to this, I am sure this Thambi got scholarship all the way, including in NUS for his medical studies. Did this fuck even do NS? I doubt it. As far as I am concern, there are many capable sinkies youth who can also study medicine were it not for the prohibitive cost of doing so. What hoops do they have to jump thru, what scholarhips are even available, and why is a medical place given to a non singaporean? As for the China whore, yes, scholarship this time supplied by MOH. I know scholarships given to many Malysian nurses during this time period too. However, I also know many singaporean ladies that were not given scholarships. Work Performance wise, there is no difference between a singaporean nurse who did not get a scholarship, and a china nurse who did get one. If that is the case, than what makes these bloody china nurses so special that they can get scholarships, and sinkies cannot? I think the singaporean electorate need to wake up to the fact that the PAP gives special privileges to non sinkies, and if this is not a good enough reason to vote the oppo, I don't know what is.


hahahahhahaha seeing the number of replies you have been spamming in this thread this must have really been a bad blow for you shit skins. Oh yeah chinese now bad in bed? How do you tell? You actually observed a great number of chinese men in bed and then compared that to the kelings? Isn't that how one can accurately measure whether he's good or bad in bed?

You can live in denial but the survey speak for itself. 42% China, 29% HK; 61% India and 35% Singapore. SIN stats were made to look good as the results were no doubt helped by Mats, Indians and Ang Mohs.



Alfrescian (Inf)
You can live in denial but the survey speak for itself. 42% China, 29% HK; 61% India and 35% Singapore. SIN stats were made to look good as the results were no doubt helped by Mats, Indians and Ang Mohs.


The link you gave me is bad shit skin. Don't make up lies.

Btw how's your small dick? How do you find it seeing that it resembles the rest of your shit body?