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scroobal, stop your filthy habit


wow lau ooi..

now got 3 threads talking about use of chinese/dialects..:confused::confused:

is it necessary???:confused:


you cannot even tell whether it rhymes in mandarin becasue you cannot read chinese ...i am waiting for somebody to point out your folly...LOL

ancient poems are meant to rhyme in old chinese but they do not rhyme in mandarin and reading in mandarin means the wit and the nuances are lost.

it is not for you to say old chinese in ancient tongue i.e. your ancestors' language is unclear, muddled or slurred just like you do not chose your own father or mother or blame them for bringing you up in the manner which you turned out to be. these are your roots and mandarin is not the way to connect to this

choosing this alleged lack of clarity as your response only shows that you are not only trying to promote a Mandarin only policy and sucking up to the partyline but you are also debasing chinese culture and advocating a total eradication of our roots and this is betrayed by how you insult li bai and confucius and their language were "unclear, muddled, and slurred".next, you will say they have slanty eyes too and probably did not have enuff hair.,...

the only response you have is to resort to INFRACTIONS to stop me...LOL

again and again, i had said to u, i stand by what i said. the recitation in ancient language sounds terrible as compare to recitation in mandarin. i hope u stop spamming me with this issue.

i couldn't care less about whether it rhyme or not. it doesn't make any sense to learn to recite in a language which sound muddled, and sluured in order to read th read ancient chinese poem.

anyway, this thread is about scroobal is wrong to say that the PAP came up with mandarin policy to cut off Lim Chin Siong and the lot. Lim Chin Siong and the lot are Chinese educated. Speaking mandarin is not a problem for them. I will appreciate if u would leave out this discussion on shijing whether it rhyme or not to other appropriate thread.


sure sign that they are losing and cannot take the heat.... old forum, there is no such unprincipled censorship

it's the obvious master shapeshifter. he can appear in many weirdos and still maintains a fake 'upright' reputation for not posting in his original nick.:rolleyes:


again and again, i had said to u, i stand by what i said. the recitation in ancient language sounds terrible as compare to recitation in mandarin. i hope u stop spamming me with this issue.

i couldn't care less about whether it rhyme or not. it doesn't make any sense to learn to recite in a language which sound muddled, and sluured in order to read th read ancient chinese poem.

anyway, this thread is about scroobal is wrong to say that the PAP came up with mandarin policy to cut off Lim Chin Siong and the lot. Lim Chin Siong and the lot are Chinese educated. Speaking mandarin is not a problem for them. I will appreciate if u would leave out this discussion on shijing whether it rhyme or not to other appropriate thread.

you can stand by your PBM too.... they shld give you one for shamelessness too ....how can they be fine when shcolars have tried for centuries to solve this problem since 400 ADs

漢語發音從《詩經》到南北朝已經發生了重大的變化,南北朝人讀先秦文獻的時候,發現有許多押韻 不和諧的地方 了。當時人對《詩經》的註解反映他們遇到的困難:當《詩經》的韻腳不押韻時,他們牽強的改其中 一個字的音使 其押韻,認為這樣讀起來更加和諧。例如:

-- 《詩經·邶風·燕燕》
在這首詩中的「音」和「南」兩個字押韻。北梁人沈重在《毛詩音》中指出:「南:叶句,宜乃林反 」。他用反切 的方法標註他認為正確的讀音。這個方法叫做「叶韻」。 隋朝人陸德明認為不應該使用叶韻法,因為他認為古代人押韻不嚴謹,沒有必要改正《詩經》的讀音 。他指出:「 沈云叶句宜乃林反,今謂古人韻緩,不煩改字」。"

在宋朝,朱熹等人繼承了南北朝的叶韻法(亦稱「叶音」),並非常系統的用這個方法來改正《詩經 》和《楚辭》 裡所謂「不和諧」的韻腳字的讀音。他們認為,古人對韻腳字可以臨時改讀,他們還沒有發現隨着時 間的推移而變 化的發音原則,他們以為先秦時代的古人的發音和宋朝人一樣。但是,在這個時代,吳棫在《毛詩叶 韻補音》等著 作中發現《詩經》的押韻現象是有規則的,他通過對韻腳字系統的考察,把中古韻類歸納成九個韻部 。雖然吳棫缺 乏明確的歷史概念(他把唐宋和先秦的韻腳字混為一談)他的研究邁出了進入正確的路線的第一步, 為後代的學者 開闢了研究古音的新途徑。除了他以外,鄭庠、項安世、程迥等人進行了古音的研究。


i supposed you gonna siam this too and use the infractions to help you again.... keep it up and let everyone see who is loser here....LOL


you can stand by your PBM too.... they shld give you one for shamelessness too ....how can they be fine when shcolars have tried for centuries to solve this problem since 400 ADs

i supposed you gonna siam this too and use the infractions to help you again.... keep it up and let everyone see who is loser here....LOL

i will keep on giving u infraction if u are out of line. your shijing question, whether it rhyme or not in mandarin, has got nothing to do with the thread.

furthermore, i had answered your question at other thread. your suggestion that in order for a chinese to connect to chinese cultural roots such as shijing or dao de jing, one has gotta learn dialect first, whether that make sense, i let them forum member decide.


i will keep on giving u infraction if u are out of line. your shijing question, whether it rhyme or not in mandarin, has got nothing to do with the thread.

furthermore, i had answered your question at other thread. your suggestion that in order for a chinese to connect to chinese cultural roots such as shijing or dao de jing, one has gotta learn dialect first, whether that make sense, i let them forum member decide.

my little housefly,

let uncle teach you the art of persuasiveness,

Rule No.1 : Never say i will let the forummers decide, it translates to "I surrender, someone pls help me"

Rule No. 2: Never pursue alternative and contradicting courses of action...if you say somebody is out of line in his posts (and therefore you have to resort to infractions), then do not at the same time engage in the substance of the posts because it shows that whether he is out of line does not matter at all and more importantly, it does not matter to you but you ae using it as an excuse to avoid a proper response....

thank you....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: scroobal, stop your filthy habit of telling blatant lies in your message

Scroobal has got this disgusting, filthy habit of telling blatant lies in his messages. Let me show u two example.

"The use of Mandarin was a Political decision to cut out the various clans and dialect based interest group. More importantly to remove Political opponets that had a strong alond dialect lines. Lim Chin Siong is a fiery orator in Hokkein..."


"Not many people are aware that besides introducing Mnadarin to cut the likes of Lim Chin Siong and other dialect based firebrands from the game...."


scroobal should learn to talk straight. Its a disgusting, filthy habit of him to every now and then sneak in lies in his message.

It doesn't make sense for the PAP govt to introduce mandarin to cut off Lim Chin Siong and the lot, 'cause Mandarin is not the forte of the PAP. To introduce mandarin in order to cut off the Opposition such as Lim, they are in fact cutting the PAP themselves off. Lim Chin Siong and the lot, they could handle mandarin well. Therefore, what scroobal said it cannot be true.

Its a mind boggling fabrication, a blatant lie from scroobal. Even though I had pointed it out to him at other thread, he still repeat this lie a second time here in this forum. I suspect he is bias against mandarin language.

What's wrong with learning mandarin?? Let's say they decide not to teach mandarin but the dialects so which dialect should they teach in school? Hokkien? No way it's not my dialect why should i learn it? Just like the indian languages issue.

Btw lim chin siong and his gang were all chinese educated. Hence they could all speak many chinese dialects. Mandarin or hokkien or canto to them they can understand it. To an english educated person now that's tough, although they might understand their dialect better.

Btw even among the dialect speaking not all the words were correct or were different among different households with the same dialect.


my little housefly,

let uncle teach you the art of persuasiveness,

Rule No.1 : Never say i will let the forummers decide, it translates to "I surrender, someone pls help me"

Rule No. 2: Never pursue alternative and contradicting courses of action...if you say somebody is out of line in his posts (and therefore you have to resort to infractions), then do not at the same time engage in the substance of the posts because it shows that whether he is out of line does not matter at all and more importantly, it does not matter to you but you ae using it as an excuse to avoid a proper response....

thank you....

- i disagree. letting the forum member to decide, is because u are beyond reasoning. i don't need them to help me, to come into this thread to engage u. i don't care. i had state my piece.

- why not? why cant i give u infraction and in the same time engage u? i don't find it as an excuse of anything.
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- i disagree. letting the forum member to decide, is because u are beyond reasoning. i don't need them to help me, to come into this thread to engage u. i don't care. i had state my piece.

- why not? why cant i give u infraction and in the same time engage u? i don't find it as an excuse of anything.

oh..i am sorry, were trying to reason with me? i did not notice that ....how were you trying to reason? by saying it is fine when i ask you whether it rhyme? i wonder if that can be said to be reasonable but there is no need to ask the forummers to decide because they have already decided....by asking them to decide, you are conceding that you have lost...like dat oso i must teach you

oh and hor, to be honourable and honest (like me), you cannot be a karma chameleon; black means black, white means white, you cannot be black and white at the same time, you can be grey but never say i am black and oso white....understand anot?


oh..i am sorry, were trying to reason with me? i did not notice that ....how were you trying to reason? by saying it is fine when i ask you whether it rhyme? i wonder if that can be said to be reasonable but there is no need to ask the forummers to decide because they have already decided....by asking them to decide, you are conceding that you have lost...like dat oso i must teach you

oh and hor, to be honourable and honest (like me), you cannot be a karma chameleon; black means black, white means white, you cannot be black and white at the same time, you can be grey but never say i am black and oso white....understand anot?

haha.. wanna talk about reason and honesty with me?

you go look at how 'reasonable' u are, how u turn and twist here in this thread:



haha.. wanna talk about reason and honesty with me?

you go look at how 'reasonable' u are, how u turn and twist here in this thread:


i went to the link and saw my post which is as follows:

"poetic, rhythmic, bombastic or zlatan ibrahamovi but no rhyme leh how?....no rhyme mean no rhyme leh...how?

thread starter oso encourage ppl to learn mandarin leh....how come you never read that part leh?"

i am wodnering what is so unreasonable abt this and where are the twists and the turns? can you tell us where?


Re: scroobal, stop your filthy habit of telling blatant lies in your message

What's wrong with learning mandarin?? Let's say they decide not to teach mandarin but the dialects so which dialect should they teach in school? Hokkien? No way it's not my dialect why should i learn it? Just like the indian languages issue.

Btw lim chin siong and his gang were all chinese educated. Hence they could all speak many chinese dialects. Mandarin or hokkien or canto to them they can understand it. To an english educated person now that's tough, although they might understand their dialect better.

Btw even among the dialect speaking not all the words were correct or were different among different households with the same dialect.

china survived for thousands of years with different dialects until 1700 when the manchus introduce mandarin as the sole lingua....they are no problems as long as you can write in chinese


Mua Chee is a famous teo chew dessert no? its part of teo chew culture no? So why cant i question Low Thia Khiang (a teochew) that how come hougang central, difficult to find that dessert? But then, I got it wrong. Hougang Central is not under LTK. After a forum member point it out, i say no more.

Did scroobal admit he made a mistake? After I had point it out to him, yet, he carry on telling those outrageous lies. harlo? ITS OUTRAGEOUS LIES!! OKAY??? WHY DID HE INSIST IN TELLING IT AGAIN EVEN THOUGH PEOPLE HAD POINTED OUT TO HIM???

And you? who the fuck are u to suggest that I am for the PAP? You will vote for YSL the PAP apologist, no??? so why don't u nominate yourself to get PBM from istana?

YSL voted for PAP against a PAP apologist. Why is Ling a PAP apologist? Because he has a PAP apologist supporter like you.


sure sign that they are losing and cannot take the heat.... old forum, there is no such unprincipled censorship

does this confirm and answer your doubt and validate the cowardice of the master shapeshifter and all his losers clones?

25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:11 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:10 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:10 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:09 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:09 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:08 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:08 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:08 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:07 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:07 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:06 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:06 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:05 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:05 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:59 PM Debonerman
View Message PakLaoPeh is on your ignore list.


does this confirm and answer your doubt and validate the cowardice of the master shapeshifter and all his losers clones?

25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:11 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:10 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:10 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:09 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:09 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:08 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:08 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:08 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:07 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:07 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:06 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:06 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:05 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
05:05 PM Debonerman
25-03-2009 You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee
04:59 PM Debonerman
View Message PakLaoPeh is on your ignore list.

I do not entertain a shred of doubt about Agent Char Jig Kar. his loyalty to the party is unquestionable.


the clarity of the master shapeshifter taking on so many forms and tries to disguise it in different characteristics is truly quite admirable. either he's a very good actor or he's a natural psychopathic schzoid.

whatever he is trying to prove eventually only confuses himself to the extent he is oblivious to what's right and what's wrong.

just like glorifying FREE SPEECHES is right. then again, we witness him trying to ban "FREE SPEECHES". and that's wrong.

as for the nic u mentioned, he could be just another confused chap. whatever it is, he's still entitled to post his thoughts without interferences. unlike the clones from the SDP IB deployed by the self-proclaim human rights/free speeches "activist". the only activity he's good at is replicating and continously sending his nastier and newer breed of clones.:eek:

by the way, i ve also returned some compliments back to those nasty clones:smile:

Porfirio Rubirosa

Very good point. It appears that born and bred pink i/c ethnic minorities are encountering the real effects of such a badly implemented policy on a daily basis while conducting their normal activities of living:rolleyes:
Now that mandarin is perceived as the lingua franca of chinese here, those scums have been shamelessly courting pariah chinese from prc over, as having a nation of mandarin speaking chinese would make it easier for these pariahs from prc to assimilate into our society with the next step been them taking up slavery shitizenshit....

the long term plan of the scums is to get more chinese in so that the malays do not over populate and take over the power based on the chinese...


Let me repeat.

Lim Chin Siong and the lot, they are Chinese educated. So they have no problem speaking mandarin. Its the PAP they have problem dealing with mandarin.

So what scroobal said about PAP introduce of mandarin to cut off Lim Chin Siong and the lot, thats just an outrageous lie.

Why I wanna create this thread? Is to show that scroobal has got credibility issue, if he could come up with outrageous lies such as this.