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Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck off!

Chau Ve Nist

Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Are employers practising racial discrimination?

147th Singapore Prostitute Press, 6 February 1999

"...Interviews with the biggest employment agencies here show that although employers who tend to state their job preferences upfront are generally from smaller firms, the practice is not unique to them.Big Singapore companies and even multinationals also ask for job applicants of a particular race, most often - Chinese...

...But eventually is too far on the horizon for the likes of people like Mr A. Hari, 34, or Zarina Muhammad, 17, to fathom. Both say they have been victims of racial job discrimination. And they believe that unless something is done, minorities will be the ones left behind.

Mr Hari, a technical analyst in computing, spent almost a year trying to find a job, but each time, he says, there would be palpable unease the moment they hear over the telephone that he is not Chinese and the line soon goes click...

...Zarina, a convent girl who is waiting for her O level results, wrote to this newspaper to relate how, in a recent search for vacation jobs, a supervisor of a chain of stores told her it hired Chinese only.

Insight tried contacting the owner of the store, which is patronised by all races, but was told she was abroad. Zarina's friend, Melissa Kok, 17, who was with her and offered a job, vouched for her account...

...Other job-seekers who say they have faced similar discrimination point out that they cannot understand why the preference for Chinese has to be made and Mandarin always specified as a requirement...."

Full Article - Part 1

Are employers practising racial discrimination?
Singapore Prostitute Press, 6 February 1999

In recent weeks, letter-writers to The Straits Times have been crying foul over employers who specify race preference in their job advertisements. Does this constitute racial discrimination? Or are bosses just being upfront about their company's needs? ZURAIDAH IBRAHIM finds out.

"ACCOUNTANT - Chinese preferred". "Driver - Malay wanted".

Discrimination? Real or imagined?

The issue of so-called racial discrimination by employers recruiting new staff has been raging recently in The Straits Times Forum Page, with at least nine letters published on it and 18 others unpublished.

Is the practice of seeking employees of a certain race for a particular job a problem? How widespread is this tendency and should Singaporeans be concerned?

Should they worry that it is another sign of how, beneath the unifying plaster of multi-racialism and meritocracy, cracks like race can decide whether one gets by or not?

Interviews with the biggest employment agencies here show that although employers who tend to state their job preferences upfront are generally from smaller firms, the practice is not unique to them. Big Singapore companies and even multinationals also ask for job applicants of a particular race, most often - Chinese.

Manpower, one of the biggest American employment agencies which has five branches here, says that although its parent company in the United States abides by equal opportunity laws and has taken racist clients to court, it accepts a "material number" of requests here from clients insisting on workers of a certain race.

"If we do not take such orders, we might as well close down," says its regional director Christine Raynaud.

At Business Trends, the biggest Singapore agency, group managing director Laletha Dickens says that 70 per cent of its clients specify either race, age or gender, in that order.

"A multinational company may have an equal opportunity stance, but the person doing the hiring brings with him his own prejudices and preferences," she says.

A check with the Classifieds advertisements in this newspaper on Thursday, for example, found that out of 855 jobs being offered, 120 ads, or 14 per cent, asked for people of a specific race, mainly Chinese.

Typically, these positions are mostly in administrative, secretarial work, sales, finance and accounting.

Jobs for cleaners, despatch clerks, drivers and factory hands tend not to stipulate such racial preferences.

According to the employment agencies, discriminatory employers cite reasons ranging from wanting to have staff they are comfortable with, to having no provision for Muslim or vegetarian food in their canteen. Some hold blatant stereotypes, saying, for example, that Malays would not be good at accounting, even if they have the necessary qualifications.

One agency says it has also received requests for lighter-skinned people for positions which involve interaction with the public.

Others are just being upfront - or insensitive, depending on where one stands - as they actually have a legitimate reason for wanting someone of a particular race, for example, to work in China or with a Chinese clientele.

Yet others do not make the skill they actually need crystal-clear. Their actual requirement may be for a Mandarin-speaker, not necessarily a Chinese. The unfortunate effect of both is that it leaves a negative impression on spurned minorities.

Mrs Dickens says that the recent public interest in the issue has had the salutary effect of making her clients more circumspect in making race a job requirement.

Then again, those in the industry say that the recession and the relative scarcity of jobs have given employers the upper hand now.

Human resource managers interviewed point out, however, that employers who discriminate based on race or any criteria other than merit and skill may be doing themselves a disservice.

They may believe that a higher comfort level, for example, is important. But such excuses could be symptoms of more fundamental corporate governance problems in their firm.

In an increasingly globalised business environment, those with antiquated practices will be left behind eventually, say HR managers.

But eventually is too far on the horizon for the likes of people like Mr A. Hari, 34, or Zarina Muhammad, 17, to fathom.

Both say they have been victims of racial job discrimination. And they believe that unless something is done, minorities will be the ones left behind.

Mr Hari, a technical analyst in computing, spent almost a year trying to find a job, but each time, he says, there would be palpable unease the moment they hear over the telephone that he is not Chinese and the line soon goes click.

He now works at an American pharmaceutical company. But the experience has left him so dismayed, he says, that he fears he has no place here and will take steps to live and work abroad as soon as he completes an advanced course in computing.

"If they don't need me here, I might as well work elsewhere," he says....[End of Part 1]
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Chau Ve Nist

Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Part 2...

Zarina, a convent girl who is waiting for her O level results, wrote to this newspaper to relate how, in a recent search for vacation jobs, a supervisor of a chain of stores told her it hired Chinese only.

Insight tried contacting the owner of the store, which is patronised by all races, but was told she was abroad. Zarina's friend, Melissa Kok, 17, who was with her and offered a job, vouched for her account.

Mr Hari despaired, but the two girls have vowed not to patronise the store. Zarina wrote the letter and even a poem, expressing hope that the younger generation would not bow to racial prejudice and not make a myth of the lessons on multi-racialism she learnt in school.

While the likes of these two individuals have been moved to take action in their own way, others take a resigned attitude.

A housewife looking for part-time work, who only gave her name as Ms Sajahah, 35, says: "At least they're being honest. They will be biased anyway, so if they state right from the start that they want Chinese, it saves us time."

Other job-seekers who say they have faced similar discrimination point out that they cannot understand why the preference for Chinese has to be made and Mandarin always specified as a requirement.

"If we can get by in our daily lives with not speaking Mandarin, why do we need to speak it at work?" asks technician W. Haron, 29.

The authorities believe it is a diminishing problem. Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said last weekend that modern firms could not operate by insisting on certain races as they were only depriving themselves of talent.

The Ministry of Manpower, which says it received nine complaints last year on it, compared to four in 1996, also prefers education to legislation to weed out recalcitrants. It is not supportive of calls by letter-writers who have asked, for among other things, an Equal Opportunity Commission a la the US.

Those with experience in navigating through the maze of equal opportunity laws and the resulting legal suits and counter-suits also advise caution.

Says Ms Raynaud of employment service agency Manpower: "It can get rather crazy in the US when every act could be construed as racist."

Prejudicial attitudes also do not change with legislation, they just hide behind another form.

The CEO of Indian self-help group Sinda, Mr S. Vivakanandan, says that to resort to legislation would imply that other means have failed.

"Have we really tried greater awareness-creation and education? Does the situation warrant legislation?" he asks.

But what redress does the alleged victim of job discrimination have?

Article 12 (2) of the Constitution states that no citizen shall be discriminated against on the grounds of religion, race, descent or place of birth.

But it would be hard for a victim to claim discrimination when employers can mount a defence ostensibly on the grounds that they need employees of a certain race, notes Associate Professor Kevin Tan, a constitutional law lecturer.

Singapore has a Presidential Council for Minority Rights, but its brief is narrow: to look at how legislation may impinge on the rights of minorities. It receives a handful of complaints about minority woes a year, but refers them to others as these are not within its purview.

Aside from legal solutions, many countries have watchdog organisations that educate the public about discrimination and blow the whistle against errant employers.

Singapore has community self-help groups whose role it is to help their respective ethnic groups. Could Mendaki, the Association of Muslim Professionals and the Singapore Indian Development Association start looking at discrimination in employment?

When contacted, they revealed that they have indeed received complaints. But they do not investigate, mainly because callers are reluctant to pursue the matter.

These groups also feel that while they may support moves for colour-blind employment practices, they are not the most appropriate bodies to mobilise public opinion on the issue. Their job focuses mainly on education and training.

MP Inderjit Singh, who co-chairs the Singapore 21 Committee on internationalisation, says that his team spent some time discussing race and job discrimination.

While he is not ready to support legislation, he is willing to highlight cases of clear discrimination if these are brought to him, and would support some sort of watchdog mechanism.

"It is a sensitive subject, we need to be careful but if there are real cases, I will take them up."

On its part, the Singapore National Employers' Federation (SNEF) says that it has decided to conduct meetings with members and send out circulars letting them know that it does not condone such acts, and that neither should they.

SNEF president Stephen Lee adds: "We would be supportive of something less than legislation.

"This is an employers' problem. We would like to take some steps but we will want to discuss it with our tripartite partners first."

Whatever action is taken will hinge on whether it is perceived as a big and persistent problem or a small and disappearing one.

Even if it is not very extensive, the next question is: isn't it still so fundamentally against what Singapore stands for as a multi-racial nation?

If yes, then inaction is not an option.

While they wait and see if bigger groups would take the lead, individuals on their own are not powerless.

Labour leader Lim Swee Say, for example, says they could upgrade into jobs in growth sectors, as these companies are more likely to value manpower as a key asset, with no racial strings attached.

They can also organise themselves, act individually or in groups to highlight such cases, blacklist the companies, bring the matter up to their MP, and educate their friends and family that such forms of discrimination strike at the two fundamental principles of the Singapore story - multi-racialism and meritocracy.

The two go together and the denial of one is a subversion of the other.

Ultimately, society's response - whether as individuals or as groups - may help determine which attitude carries the day: Mr Hari's disillusionment with his home and his decision to uproot himself?

Or Zarina's idealistic sense that multi-racialism is still worth striving for?


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Sometimes I think that those racist posts are started by PAP supporters to sidetrack on the issues. Sure, SG may not have handled race issues as well as it could have but whose fault was it? It still points to the PAP government not acting on its nation building duty it keeps bragging about.

The way I see it, due to pragmatism by old man, there wasn't really much progress in terms of race relations (in fact, it may even have regressed). It was certainly useful to the incumbent government to keep the tension simmering below the surface as people would be fearful that any change would cause it to boil over.

Those who keep bringing up their grievances should be asking what has the government been doing over the last few decades to address them. They are certainly entitled to scrutinise the oppostion parties as everyone is doing the same anyway. To simply attack the Chinese for their bias is pointless as everyone is a racist to some degree. If they have any sense, they would be aiming their hatchets at policies (whether implemented or not) that did not bring about a cohesive society. It is more a case of inaction/failure/impotence on the part of the government (due to worshipping of $$$ and self-serving interests) rather than simply racism that those shouting racism need to address.


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Sometimes I think that those racist posts are started by PAP supporters to sidetrack on the issues. Sure, SG may not have handled race issues as well as it could have but whose fault was it? It still points to the PAP government not acting on its nation building duty it keeps bragging about.

The way I see it, due to pragmatism by old man, there wasn't really much progress in terms of race relations (in fact, it may even have regressed). It was certainly useful to the incumbent government to keep the tension simmering below the surface as people would be fearful that any change would cause it to boil over.

Those who keep bringing up their grievances should be asking what has the government been doing over the last few decades to address them. They are certainly entitled to scrutinise the oppostion parties as everyone is doing the same anyway. To simply attack the Chinese for their bias is pointless as everyone is a racist to some degree. If they have any sense, they would be aiming their hatchets at policies (whether implemented or not) that did not bring about a cohesive society. It is more a case of inaction/failure/impotence on the part of the government (due to worshipping of $$$ and self-serving interests) rather than simply racism that those shouting racism need to address.

You could just be right ! All the race here are pretty well integrated !

What's left is the haves and haves not !



Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

That would be the ethnic Chinese not the Malay. Remember Old Autocrat's policies would not have succeeded if not for the 75% Chinese majority..... need I say more?

is it...:confused:

haha... see what race got the most people in jail in terms of proportion can liao..:biggrin:


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

And as if the truth of our preaching against the hypocritical ah bengs could not have been more resounding, look no further than a few threads away on Mark Lees deeds.

The whole china race should implode. A race where they would kill their own daughters to have a son. But the son how to fuck in the future? I can predict third world war will start in China when 10 cheena men will only have 1 woman to fuck ratio.

I am ashame to have cheena blood in me. But at least I am not racist.[/QUOTE]

its ok to be ashame of your parentage.. i am sure many 杂种 (malay n chinese mixed vege rice) would have similarly felt ashame like you.

btw i am not racist too..:biggrin:


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Hi all,

Stop bring up the past! Let's talk about the future!

If we are not going to stand united, soon every Singaporean Malays, Indians and Chinese will be replaced by Malaysian/Indonesia Malays, India Indians and China Chinese! (Even worse, Burmese, Filipinos, etc etc)!!!!

Is that what you want??


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Hi all,

Stop bring up the past! Let's talk about the future!

If we are not going to stand united, soon every Singaporean Malays, Indians and Chinese will be replaced by Malaysian/Indonesia Malays, India Indians and China Chinese! (Even worse, Burmese, Filipinos, etc etc)!!!!

Is that what you want??

Give it a few months . I won't be able to segregate like how you do it .


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Hi all,

Stop bring up the past! Let's talk about the future!

If we are not going to stand united, soon every Singaporean Malays, Indians and Chinese will be replaced by Malaysian/Indonesia Malays, India Indians and China Chinese! (Even worse, Burmese, Filipinos, etc etc)!!!!

Is that what you want??

This is coming from someone who wrote this only a week ago. Can you trust him when he tells you to unite?


Link: http://www.singsupplies.com/showpost.php?p=396469&postcount=52

Minorities should pay careful attention to what is being said here. If you think the PAP are bad, let me assure you; you ain't seen nothing yet.


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

I think you fucking idiots going on and on about racism are actually the SCUMS IB people.
Stop using the SCUM's tactics to side track the issue here.

The issue is FTs and the SCUMS failed FT policy where FTs are now BULLYING S'poreans and the SCUMS IN WHITE are allowing this.

Like I said if in Malaysia or Indon or Manila or India or China or Thailand or Mynmar or Vietnam, store sure kenna riot.




Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

is it...:confused:

haha... see what race got the most people in jail in terms of proportion can liao..:biggrin:

When you disenfranchise the minority community rather than examine the root cause of the problem and exclude them from mainstream politics thereby marginalizing them, you can expect to see more members of the minority community becoming disillusioned. Add to that the practice of ethnic self help group (Mendaki, CDAC, SINDA, etc) and you now have the resources skewed to the dominant community. Add the hurdle of discrimination and the results should not be surprising. So then you end up with the Malay student doing poorly in studies and is told by his form teacher that he is not predisposed to Mathematics as he was born a Malay and that the right education for him would be ITE. Should it surprise anyone to see that Malay youth in a drug rehab or in prison for petty crimes?

What is the opposition parties view on ethnic self help groups? I have not once heard them say anything about this/

75% Chinese takes care of their basket cases; while the 15% Malay will have to deal with a significantly higher percentage of basket cases in their community. Is this how self help is supposed to work?


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

I think you fucking idiots going on and on about racism are actually the SCUMS IB people.
Stop using the SCUM's tactics to side track the issue here.

The issue is FTs and the SCUMS failed FT policy where FTs are now BULLYING S'poreans and the SCUMS IN WHITE are allowing this.

Like I said if in Malaysia or Indon or Manila, store sure kenna riot.

But here you are going on and on about the FT problem. About how the bloody cheap FT is taking away your job. Are we only allowed to discuss the problems affecting the majority race?

By the way, you wrote this in this very thread - "If you dont upgrade dont blame the majority."


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

but here you are going on and on about the ft problem. About how the bloody cheap ft is taking away your job. Are we only allowed to discuss the problems affecting the majority race?

By the way, you wrote this in this very thread - "if you dont upgrade dont blame the majority."

fuck your mother's chee bye u racist pig.

if you fail your gp and cannot grasp the issue here, fuck off.


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Sometimes I think that those racist posts are started by PAP supporters to sidetrack on the issues.

I can assure you I am 100% not with the establishment.

Sure, SG may not have handled race issues as well as it could have but whose fault was it? It still points to the PAP government not acting on its nation building duty it keeps bragging about.

True. The PAP is to be blamed. But what about the opposition parties? What exactly have the WP, NSP, etc done for the minority community, apart from the annual festive makan fest in Hougang or Potong Pasir? Perhaps you would care to elaborate? If anything these parties are looking dangerously like Chinese parties.

The way I see it, due to pragmatism by old man, there wasn't really much progress in terms of race relations (in fact, it may even have regressed). It was certainly useful to the incumbent government to keep the tension simmering below the surface as people would be fearful that any change would cause it to boil over.

Change for the better or change for the worse? The opposition parties have amply demonstrated they have no intention to discuss the issues facing the minority. The minority member representation in GRCs is at most an inconvenience to parties like the WP and NSP.

Ask Sideswipe who is all for his version of proportion representation in parliament. The Chinese elect their leaders and the Indians and Malay theirs. A system that would virtually ensure that the minority are completely sidelined from mainstream politics. This is even before the majority has control. Only God knows what they will do once they are in charge. At least the PAP govt knows where to draw the line. Sometimes its better the devil you know, then the one you don't.

Those who keep bringing up their grievances should be asking what has the government been doing over the last few decades to address them. They are certainly entitled to scrutinise the opposition parties as everyone is doing the same anyway. To simply attack the Chinese for their bias is pointless as everyone is a racist to some degree. If they have any sense, they would be aiming their hatchets at policies (whether implemented or not) that did not bring about a cohesive society. It is more a case of inaction/failure/impotence on the part of the government (due to worshipping of $$$ and self-serving interests) rather than simply racism that those shouting racism need to address.

So according to you everyone is a racist.

Look at it this way, the minority Singaporean does not trust the system, yet he has to be discerning as his Singaporean identity is at stake. Leaving it to blind trust and faith that the opposition parties will address their grievances is living in a fool's paradise. There is no evidence that the opposition parties have any indication to address the issues facing the minority. For all we know the minority may just as well be worse off.

Till the majority is willing to engage in participatory politics by actively seeking out and engaging the minority, my sincere advice to the minority is this - do not participate in the electoral process and tell that minority candidate not to stand on a party platform that does not seek to actively address minority issues.

Let's leave it as status quo until the Ah Beng is ready to listen.


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

fuck your mother's chee bye u racist pig.

if you fail your gp and cannot grasp the issue here, fuck off.

You are not even prepared to listen today. How can we trust the majority to do the right thing when they are in charge?


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Then may i know what race does the Prezident belong to? Mind u...most important job in the whole of Sinkapore hor! lol

You are utterly daft. Prataman's privilege to hold the keys to the treasure has everything to do with his complete reliability to do right by Old Autocrat. That the latter's Kempeitai comrade so happened to be an Indian is but an added bonus.


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

You are utterly daft. Prataman's privilege to hold the keys to the treasure has everything to do with his complete reliability to do right by Old Autocrat. That the latter's Kempeitai comrade so happened to be an Indian is but an added bonus.

Fancy that...you calling him Prataman? Looks like we have found out who is the most racist forumner in here (criticize own race!) :p


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

standing ovation for Chau Ve Nist... I do pity the muslims plight.

As you can see from the cheenas here not one gave a sympathy vote. As a baba I mingled with chiense friends easily and I know that MOST are complete cunts when it comes to malays or Indians culture. It has no respect and reasoning but just pure hatred.

For malays, the stumbling block has always been the religion to a certain extent their siege mentality of Islam way of lawful life (Not as complete as Judaism I must add) smacks of certain pretensions and is quite obtuse to the less practical but spiritual way of Buddhism, Taoism way and non openness do contribute to the tension.

Things that stick out - Friday prayer disrupt work time. This is a Islam vs Roman catholic (Sunday off) issue. Where is buddhism taoism off day? lol Even Judaism (Shabat Saturday is sidelined)

Tudong is not practical in terms of front line and that is all.

Other than that is pure racism.

PAP has intentionally not got involved in the MAnpower legislating side for obvious reasons. A country where defamation suit has become an artform, racism is not even bothered?

An Advice - divide and conquer strategies will only bring destruction to everyone including those encouraging it. The ah bengs should stop playing those PC Strategy games. Fucking hitler wannabe losers. :biggrin:


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Actually to all races concern - the govt has to admit they are lucky to have different races and religion here. It has helped the economy alot.

In fact if you all hold your hatred and think about it. ONE LONG OWING DEBT TO OUR COUNTRY MEN for this coming GE should have been this legislation -

4 working day week work life across all jobs!!!

Think about it!! its only logical because we are a multi religion hence all must be fair. The lie about foreigners not wanting to invest if it happens is bullshit. Singapore location is fucking solid in terms of trading. This propaganda of us not able to be prodictive is pure slavery.


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o


"However, recent studies[4][5] supporting a Four-day week have shown that reduced work hours not only increases consumption and dynamizes the economy, but it also improves worker's level of education (due to usage of the extra time to take classes and courses), worker's health (less work-related stress and usage of the extra time for exercise), plus it saves money on daycare costs and transportation, which in turn helps the environment with less carbon-related emissions. The aggregate of all these extra benefits, actually improves overall productivity, since workers can be more productive on a per-hour basis, due to improved health, reduced stress and better overall quality of life."

Fight for our rights and not being hoodwink to face against each other. Someone up there is already laughing.

Lets strive to be the best in this below for once.:biggrin:
