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Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck off!


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Hey bro dont forget the gragos and us babas also part of the minority group.:biggrin:

From the way you phrase your sentences goes to show your class irrespective of your race. This is what I am talking about. People like us with an impressive ability to articulate have to bear and witness the hideous ah bengs and their bad England "harlicopter" style driving their blue neon strobe cars. And you wonder, is this the end of society.

One fine day, I have a good talk with my Grago MP and see what he says.:biggrin:

Eurasians, babas, gragos, gays, lesbians and any group that has been disenfranchised are most welcome including you bro. :smile:

We need to send a strong and loud message to put these Ah Bengs on notice. We will not tolerate the majority talking down to us and telling us to upgrade our skills while blaming us and exclude us from our own country. In the meanwhile they continue to whine about the FT problem and jostle for political leverage. We are not going to sell out this country over to a bunch of commie pricks.


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

And as if the truth of our preaching against the hypocritical ah bengs could not have been more resounding, look no further than a few threads away on Mark Lees deeds.

The whole china race should implode. A race where they would kill their own daughters to have a son. But the son how to fuck in the future? I can predict third world war will start in China when 10 cheena men will only have 1 woman to fuck ratio.

I am ashame to have cheena blood in me. But at least I am not racist.


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o


And as if the truth of our preaching against the hypocritical ah bengs could not have been more resounding, look no further than a few threads away on Mark Lees deeds.

The whole china race should implode. A race where they would kill their own daughters to have a son. But the son how to fuck in the future? I can predict third world war will start in China when 10 cheena men will only have 1 woman to fuck ratio.

I am ashame to have cheena blood in me. But at least I am not racist.


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

sori khun but you were asking for it.:biggrin:


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

All hypothetical.

But my dick is not small. that is the comfort of realism.


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o


This thread bitches about Singapore PR Only. Why the fuss?

For many years you can see "Speak Chinese Only. Chinese Speaking Environment." No fuss.

It may jus be a few words to a recruit section. But its condemnation and loss of income opportunity to us minorities.

And worse is there wasnt an economic reason for it. MOst of these companies dont deal with china becos this requirements happened way before china was opening up more.



Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

There are non-Chinese people speaking Mandarin at workplaces.


This thread bitches about Singapore PR Only. Why the fuss?

For many years you can see "Speak Chinese Only. Chinese Speaking Environment." No fuss.

It may jus be a few words to a recruit section. But its condemnation and loss of income opportunity to us minorities.

And worse is there wasnt an economic reason for it. MOst of these companies dont deal with china becos this requirements happened way before china was opening up more.



Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

how many? 2 isit? Ok, you win I concede.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Another excellent example of the work done by the Foreigners Action Party (previously called PAP).

I wonder which clown is going gto come out with the reason that Singaporeans shun the job of a Manager.

i am warming to the Foreigner action party phrase. As Foreigner not Foreigners, i think there is a grave mistake in grammar. I am not sure, because my england not good, but i am sure Foreigner is correct, but i dun know why. Maybe our esteem grammar money collector can come and explain a bit.

Chau Ve Nist

Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

"...For many years you can see "Speak Chinese Only. Chinese Speaking Environment." No fuss....":oIo:

"...He quoted what an Indian woman grassroots leader told him: 'Last
time, they say we older workers are too expensive. They say cut
our pay, so we got pay cut.

'Then, the Government says reduce CPF to keep our jobs, so we
reduce employer CPF.

'Then employer says not good enough, must improve performance,
must retrain. So every night, we go home late because we go for
upgrading and retraining.

'Now we come back, they say, must have Mandarin.' ..."
147th Singapore Prostitute Press 1 March 2006

Full Article

MP calls for study of Mandarin-only job ads

147th Singapore Prostitute Press 1 March 2006

It will determine if firms discriminate or failed job seekers useit as an excuse
DO A proper study to find out once and for all if employers discriminate against non-Mandarin speakers, suggested Mr Ahmad Khalis Abdul Ghani (Hong Kah GRC).

He then shared with the House the results of an experiment by his staff, in which they applied for jobs. They pored over a few days' worth of classified advertisements and found that 30 of 100 job vacancies for O- or N-level holders required the applicant to know Mandarin.

One staff member rang four of the 70 employers who did not require Mandarin, saying he was a male Malay aged 30.

While three confirmed they had no Chinese language requirement, one said someone literate in Mandarin was needed because of its 'Mandarin client base'. Mr Ahmad's staff e-mailed 15 others but have yet to receive replies.

Mr Ahmad's conclusion: 'It seems there are reasonably sufficient jobs that do not require Mandarin compared to those that do.'

But he still wonders if the frustration non-Mandarin-speaking job seekers express has any basis.

The Ministry of Manpower has urged employers not to be so 'blase' about including Mandarin in their job advertisements unless it is really necessary, he noted.

Could it be, he asked, that these job seekers cry foul over the Mandarin requirement every time their application is rejected because they are unwilling to admit their other shortcomings?

He said: 'At present, we can only speculate, which we should not do on an issue such as this. There should be a more honest and more verifiable study on the matter.'

He wanted the issue looked at thoroughly, in the same way the issue of low-wage and older workers has been studied.

Mr Ahmad was the last of 23 speakers during yesterday's debate on the Budget. While he lauded help schemes for low-wage workers, he said unnecessary obstacles exist that prevent workers benefiting from such schemes.

Discrimination against non-Mandarin speakers, he said, is one such possible obstacle that prevents some Singaporeans from getting better jobs.

He quoted what an Indian woman grassroots leader told him: 'Last time, they say we older workers are too expensive. They say cut our pay, so we got pay cut.

'Then, the Government says reduce CPF to keep our jobs, so we reduce employer CPF.

'Then employer says not good enough, must improve performance, must retrain. So every night, we go home late because we go for upgrading and retraining.

'Now we come back, they say, must have Mandarin.'
Calling for a study to ascertain if job applicants face language discrimination, Mr Ahmad said: 'At stake are more than mere economic issues. There are also highly sensitive issues involving language and race. There's an urgent need to prevent the current angst from spreading.'

Chau Ve Nist

Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

"...For many years you can see "Speak Chinese Only. Chinese Speaking Environment." No fuss....":oIo:

Angry, anxious and fearful.
147th Singapore Prostitute Press, 13 October 2002

"...Madam Maimun Rahim, 38, said she quit her job as a travel agent soon after the second round of arrests, after some non-Muslim colleagues lobbied the boss to ban Muslims from praying on the office premises.

They also asked her to remove her headscarf.

'They said I couldn't listen to instructions properly because my tudung covered my ears. They never said such things before, why all these accusations now?'

She couldn't take the heat and left.

Unemployed now for a month, she worries that she will not be able to find a job.

Many job ads ask for 'Chinese females' or 'Mandarin-speaking staff', she noted, and this put a limit on her options. 'When I introduce myself over the phone now to potential employers, I say straightaway that I'm a Muslim and I wear a tudung, and ask them point blank if they will consider me. Often, they say 'No',' she said.

'I'm banking on Muslim companies now. If I still can't get a job, I'll have no choice but to sell curry puffs!'

Miss Juliana Jalil, 22, a business graduate from Nanyang Technological University, also recounted how some interviewers changed tune when they learnt that she was a Malay.

The fair-complexioned woman said: 'They were enthusiastic at first but when they saw that I had a Malay name, they asked if I had Chinese blood. When I said no, they lost interest.' ..."

Chau Ve Nist

Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Warning to firms: Do not use Mandarin to discriminate

147th Singapore Prostitute Press, 16 November 2005

"PRIME Minister Lee Hsien Loong urged employers not to discriminate against non-Chinese by setting Mandarin as a requirement even for jobs that do not need it.

Their hiring decisions should be based purely on merit, he said, and when a job does not require someone to speak Mandarin, employers must not demand it as a prerequisite.

Making it clear that the Government is aware of unhappiness among some over the issue, he also said: 'Sometimes we hear of employers who require job applicants to speak Mandarin, then when a non-Chinese shows up who speaks Mandarin, the employer demands that he read or write the language as well...."

Chau Ve Nist

Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Bosses told: Axe hiring policies that can hurt

147th Singapore Prostitute Press, 9 August 2005

Recruitment based on race or religion will affect harmony, says labour chief

LABOUR chief Lim Boon Heng took issue yesterday with employers who hire workers on the basis of race or religion rather than whether they can do the job.

He said Malay and Indian job-seekers have complained of employers who prefer workers proficient in Chinese and how this can leave them feeling discriminated against.

Some said that job interviewers would ask if they could speak Mandarin.

'The few who responded that they could were then asked if they could write Chinese,' he said. 'Employers should stop such tactics.'

Mr Lim, who is secretary-general of the National Trades Union Congress, was speaking at a National Day observance ceremony organised by the NTUC and the Workforce Development Agency (WDA) at the NTUC Centre for 600 of their staff.

Mr Lim warned that unfair recruitment practices which discriminate against minority-race applicants would lead to tension and affect harmony here..."

Chau Ve Nist

Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Concern over job ads which indicate racial preferences

147th Singapore Prostitute Press, 17 July 1990

"...SOME Singaporeans are concerned over job advertisements which indicate racial preferences, saying this smacks of discrimination....

....The question of perceived discrimination was raised in a recent letter to the Forum Page of The Straits Times.

A reader noted that advertisements with a racial preference are not in line with the Singapore Pledge, which stresses "a united people, regardless of race, language or religion".

She said that it is disconcerting to see advertisements calling for an Indian lorry driver, a Chinese dental assistant, Malay drivers, Chinese general clerks, and Chinese sales assistants.

This is because the colour of a person's skin does not make any difference t o how well he drives a lorry or assists a dentist, she said...."


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

Then may i know what race does the Prezident belong to? Mind u...most important job in the whole of Sinkapore hor! lol

Chau Ve Nist

Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

What some convention participants told Chok Tong

147th Singapore Prostitute Press, 18 October 1990

MALAY/MUSLIMS' GROUSES ----------------------

ON OCT 7, First Deputy Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong held a 3 1/2-hour dialogue session with Malay- Muslim professionals attending a two-day Malay-Muslim convention.

Mr Goh asked them what Malay-Muslims were unhappy about, and 12 participants raised the following issues:

* THE SPEAK MANDARIN CAMPAIGN: Several participants felt that the Government's emphasis on the campaign put Malays at a disadvantage in getting jobs as they did not know Mandarin.

* SPECIAL ASSISTANCE PLAN SCHOOLS: Several participants felt that the SAP schools gave Chinese pupils an unfair advantage over Malay pupils because the schools had better facilities and teachers.

* DISCRIMINATION: Some Malays wanted to know what Mr Goh could do to erase discrimination against Malays in the civil service and the private sector.


Re: Retail Operations Manager wanted - for S'pore PR holders only, S'porean go fuck o

They need to hit 3 million FTs by 2011-2012 .