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President Trump will win again


Biden is dragged down by Harris. My friend (gay) in US told me that it is a misconception that gays hate Trump.

No reasonable person with dick will vote for Harris.
There are the Never Trumpers. Crazy Democrats , Millennial etc


After Trump got infected with 病毒 everyone want him to be elected...

1. He won't last 4 years, the virus may come back to kill him.

2. Every country leaders don't go to see him or go near him in G12, G10... meeting.

3. No VVIP for Trump.

4. Herd immunity for US by 2025. So Trump is out by then.

Finally US is isolated and blocked US travellers to their country and vice versa no one want to go to US.

Trump win and MAGA...
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After Trump got infected with 病毒 everyone want him to be elected...

1. He won't last 4 years, the virus may come back to kill him.

2. Every country leaders don't go to see him or go near him in G12, G10... meeting.

3. No VVIP for Trump.

4. Herd immunity for US by 2025. So Trump is out by then.

Finally US is isolated and blocked US travellers to their country and vice versa no one want to go to US.

Trump win and MAGA...

Comrade Tan of the CCP! I see you dislike Donald Trump, is it because Trump likes to screw PRC in its arse?



What a Shitshow.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.</p>&mdash; Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) <a href="">May 3, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Even the devil has his supporters

Its called differential partisan non-response. Trumpidiots are out there, not telling the polls anything, afraid of admitting they are voting Trump after a brutal October for the Trump campaign. If Trump dumps some secret files on Biden/Obama that shows some egregious scandal its a repeat of 2016. Pay no attention to the polls. The only thing you can fathom is Biden is ahead.

Meanwhile the power and prestige of United States is damaged by such a shitshow. Americans abroad ashamed. People worldwide no longer trust Americans. The Republican party in tatters, on fire. They are no longer the leaders and who gains? China. China rises while the USA falls.



Trump Shitshow continues in Iowa Wednesday. Iowa is a Red state but you wont know from Bioterrorist In Chief and his antics. What joke Trump is. Republicans unite to vote him out!



Biden leads Trump by 17 points as election race enters final stage | Democrats
Biden at a campaign stop in Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday. He gained five percentage points among undecided voters since September., andDemocrats also injected momentum into existing supporters.
Joe Biden at a campaign stop in Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday. He gained five percentage points among undecided voters since September, and Democrats also injected momentum into existing supporters. Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images
  • Opinium/Guardian poll finds Biden ahead by 57-40 margin
  • Biden leads on healthcare, the economy and race relations
Wed 14 Oct 2020 07.28 AEDT
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s lead over Donald Trump has surged to a record 17 points as the US election enters its final sprint, an Opinium Research and Guardian opinion poll shows.
Some 57% of likely voters intend to vote for Biden, while just 40% say they will vote for the incumbent president, the survey shows.
The 17-point gap is even bigger than than 57%-41% margin found by CNN earlier this month. It is just short of the lead in the popular vote that Ronald Reagan enjoyed in his second landslide victory in 1984. Four years later, Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis led George HW Bush by 17 points only to suffer defeat, but that poll was taken in July so Bush had ample time to recover.
With election day just three weeks away and millions of votes already cast, some Republicans fear a rout in the races for the presidency, Senate and House of Representatives. Ed Rollins, who advises a pro-Trump super political action committee, told the New York Times: “The president’s political environment is terrible. It’s an uphill battle.”
Asked by the Times if Trump can still turn things around, Rollins replied: “It’s cooked.”
Opinium’s findings for the Guardian suggest that a hectic month that saw the death of the supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Trump’s disastrous debate performance and a White House outbreak of coronavirus that infected the president himself swung the pendulum decisively in Democrats’ favour.
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Joe Biden in Ohio: Trump 'turned his back on you' – video
Biden has gained five percentage points among undecided voters since September. Democrats also injected momentum into existing supporters, with voters for Biden now more likely to turn out, up from 75% in September to 82% this month.
The former vice-president now leads on healthcare, race relations, jobs and even the economy (45% to 43%), usually seen as Trump’s signature issue. His reputation as a successful businessman took a hit from a New York Times investigation into his tax affairs.
The research also exposes some key differences from the 2016 election when Trump edged out Hillary Clinton in the electoral college.
Both Trump and Clinton were historically unpopular. The president again has a negative approval rating of -11%, with two in five (42%) strongly disapproving of how he is handling the presidency. But this time Biden has a strong positive approval rating of +18%. More than half (52%) of voters approve of his handling of his campaign.
Clinton also fared poorly on sexism-charged questions of “likability” and which candidate would voters rather go for a beer with. But in 2020 voters say Biden is more likable than Trump by a 57% to 32% margin.
And whereas Trump’s “Crooked Hillary” label and allegations seemed to stick, his attempts to portray Biden as mentally unstable appear to be falling short. In fact, voters say Biden, 77, has better mental stamina than 74-year-old Trump by a 48% to 44% margin.
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'I'll kiss everyone': Trump claims he has immunity at first rally since Covid diagnosis – video
Opinium surveyed 2,003 US adults aged 18 or over from 8 to 12 October. Interviews were conducted online and sampled and weighted to match the demographics of the US adult population as well as factoring in education level and past vote in recent elections.
Trump with the first lady before the first presidential debate in Cleveland. Only 30% of voters expect to know who the winner is on election night.Photograph: Carlos Barría/Reuters
Trump’s core support is notoriously loyal, and still turning out at his resurrected campaign rallies, but there is evidence of some Americans turning against him, even in battleground states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Nearly two in three (62%) of ex-Trump voters (who voted for him in 2016 but will not do so this year) say his handling of the coronavirus pandemic is the reason they switched their vote. In addition, almost half (47%) of ex-Trump voters say his personality and behaviour contributed to the switch.
Democrats have said a massive victory is the surest way to avoid lengthy legal disputes that could even spill over into street violence. Trump has spent months seeking to undermine the credibility of the election in general and mail-in voting in particular.
Opinium found that Biden’s lead relies on the success of mail-in voting, likely to hit record levels during the pandemic. Some 55% of in-person voters intend to vote for Trump while 42% intend to vote for Biden. But when it comes to mail-in voters, 75% intend to vote for Biden and only 22% intend to vote for Trump.
As a result, America may witness a so-called “red mirage” in which Trump appears to be winning based on the early count of in-person votes, only to be overtaken by Biden’s mail-in ballots hours or day later. Only 30% of voters expect to know who the winner is on election night.
There are fears that Trump will use that time to spread conspiracy theories and declare victory. Half (50%) of voters are worried that if the president loses the election, he will not concede. There is a partisan divide: two-thirds (66%) of Trump voters are worried that the election will be rigged.
In the meantime, Republicans are racing to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the supreme court before election day. More than half (55%) of Americans think the court would become skewed towards a conservative viewpoint if Barrett joined it. A third (32%) think it will become “very conservative”.
Subsequently, two in five (41%) think the new court would vote to overturn Roe v Wade, the landmark ruling that legalised abortion nationwide. This is despite a plurality of support for the ruling (45%).

Porfirio Rubirosa

What a joke Trump bashing his own FOX news. He's yelling at his own mouthpiece and other Republicans, like Paul Ryan. Where is Steven Bannon? Trump needs saving or he needs a mental hospital


Donald Trump Bashes Fox News In Two-Hour Marathon On Rush Limbaugh’s Show

Donald Trump Bashes Fox News In Two-Hour Marathon On Rush Limbaugh’s Show

Donald Trump called into Rush Limbaugh’s radio show on Friday for what was billed as a “rally,” and it turned into a two-hour marathon of media bashing, insistence that there is a Covid-19 cure, and a reversal on where the president stands on another coronavirus relief package.

As he did on previous interviews, Trump called for indictments of political rivals, and chided his attorney general, William Barr, for reports that he would not finish an investigation of the Mueller investigation until after the election.

Trump also bashed Fox News, as he has done before, arguing that the network “is a much different thing that it was four years ago. Somebody said, ‘What is the biggest difference? I said the biggest difference is Fox.”

He singled out Paul Ryan, the former House speaker, who is a member of the board of directors of Fox Corp.

“You watch this Fox, and
There is a difference between FOX News and FOX political shows.

FOX News needs credibility, hence they won't pander to Trump's rubbish and nonsense. Look at people like Chris Wallace and Bill Hemmer. Brett Baier as well.

That said the stink from pro Trump bias reeking from the FOX political shows finally took its toll on highly credible and unbiased Shepard Smith who resigned in disgust after 15years at FOX News to join NBC news.

As for FOX political shows. They are pro Trump to the core and I should add great entertainment but totally lacks any credibility.

Look back to the creator of FOX News channel Roger Ailes and the first 'star' FOX politico Bill O'Reilly. Both left in disgrace eventually but they created this political reality entertainment format which has gone from strength to strength helped no less by the reality show President Trump.

Hannity, Tucker, Judge Jeanine, Jesse, Mark Levin etc. This lot has a symbiotic relationship with Trump, they both feed and live off each other to attain wealth and power. Truth and facts do not matter.

Porfirio Rubirosa

Biden is dragged down by Harris. My friend (gay) in US told me that it is a misconception that gays hate Trump.

No reasonable person with dick will vote for Harris.
Pity Pete Buttigieg was not selected as Biden's #2. He has been doing a great job demolishing Trump on FOX recently.


if you notice that the only media that against Trump are fox news and CNN. i wonder why? any other media that are saying Trump sucks?


I bet Fox news and CNN don't cover this.

