• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

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Online users express anger towards Chan Chun Sing over his remarks of calling people “idiots” and “disgraceful”


Keechiu thanks students. :smile:

Chan Chun Sing

1 h ·
Today, I joined 66 recipients of the Public Service Commission Scholarship, along with their families and loved ones, to celebrate their academic achievements and their upcoming journey into the Public Service.
These students will enter the service of our nation in challenging times. I thank them for stepping forward to serve. I hope just like those who came before them, they will also have the gumption to see us through to SG100. I look forward to their contributions in the future.



Keechiu wants to keep pushing boundaries. :o-o::confused::biggrin:

Chan Chun Sing

6 h ·
Innovation is essential for a small nation like Singapore to stay ahead of the curve, which is why it is heartening that our schools and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) are continuously working to deliver better learning experiences.
Singapore Institute of Technology’s launch of the SIT Teaching and Learning Academy (STLA) will credit learners for their prior learning, including the knowledge and skills they gained at work. This pioneering initiative goes a long way towards encouraging lifelong learning, and reducing the emphasis on formal qualifications.
SIT will also partner PSA International and Siemens Mobility to strengthen its offerings for adult learners.
Keep pushing boundaries!



Keechiu joined Corporation Primary School students. :wink:

Chan Chun Sing

5 h ·
Is diversity our strength or Achilles heel?
Singapore is one of the most diverse nations in the world. These differences make us strong, but we are also deeply aware that it can make us fragile.
So, we do not leave social harmony to chance, and we work hard to protect it. As a nation, we make sure that the interests of our minority communities are taken care of. As individuals, we take care to show mutual respect and graciousness to those around us, whether family, friend, neighbour or colleague.
In our schools, teachers engage our students early on, on such issues. Skin colour, microaggressions, prejudice - many of these can be spiky topics but it is important for us to take the bull by its horns, and have productive dialogue - if we hope to build a better Singapore across racial and religious differences.
I joined Corporation Primary School students today and we talked about the realities of racism, what makes each of us special as individuals, and how we can overcome stereotypes.
Our cultural mosaic is a tapestry that weaves together tradition, customs and beliefs – all of which enrich the fabric of our society. Today, as we commemorate Racial Harmony Day, let us always treasure and celebrate the racial and religious diversity that colour us Singaporean.
May we one day be a Singaporean Tribe where we have all gone beyond race.



Keechiu joined proud family members, lecturers and friends. :wink:

Chan Chun Sing

22 h ·
It's Graduation Season for many of our Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) students, always a happy time of the year.
This afternoon, I joined proud family members, lecturers and friends of Institute of Technical Education, Singapore's Class of 2023 as they celebrated the graduation of their loved ones.
Happy to also announce that we will be extending the polytechnic progression guarantee to the top 10% of all Higher Nitec students, from AY2027. This means that ITE upgraders will have a place in a polytechnic based on their efforts in ITE, regardless of past performance or entry point to ITE. I hope that this will increase porosity in our systems and broaden choices for our ITE students to chart their own paths and chase their dreams.
To our ITE students, we are proud of you. You will be busy growing up, but remember to give back in time to come, and open up new opportunities for those around you.
Well done, Class of 2023!



Keechiu wishes NTUC Fairprice Happy 50th birthday. :smile:

Chan Chun Sing

8 h ·
Happy 50th birthday, NTUC FairPrice!
FairPrice Group’s good work is grounded on its social mission to stabilise prices and prevent excess profiteering. It is a unique organisation. It is run like a commercial outfit with capitalist discipline to ensure proper stewardship of resources, yet its mission at heart is to serve Singaporeans from all walks of life.
True to its namesake, FairPrice Group has kept its products at fair and competitive prices, while ensuring an extensive and stable supply of products worldwide. They played a vital role in reassuring Singaporeans during the COVID-19 pandemic period that there were enough essential supplies and food to go around, in a time when many countries grappled with supply chain challenges.
Happy to have attended their 50th anniversary celebrations with PM Lee Hsien Loong, ESM MParader, Seah Kian Peng and other Parliamentary colleagues yesterday. FairPrice Group is marking its golden jubilee this year with its ‘The Price of Being Fair: The FairPrice Group Story’ publication, which details its journey over the past 50 years touching the lives of Singaporeans everywhere.



Keechiu welcomed recipients of the 2023 Teaching Scholarship and Awards to the teaching fraternity. :smile:

Chan Chun Sing

6 m ·
Some say that teachers are like gardeners.
Like gardeners, teachers plant and nurture young seedlings. Difficult storms may come, but many of them hold onto patience and watch over them as they grow and bloom.
This afternoon, we welcomed recipients of the 2023 Teaching Scholarship and Awards to the teaching fraternity. The education system is transforming, to keep pace with a complex world and to give our students their best shot out there. As educators shaping the minds of our future leaders, our teaching fraternity will be leading the way.
At @moesingspore, we have this saying: we cannot pour from an empty cup. To our incoming teachers, even as you take care of our students, remember to take care of yourselves and each other. Make your own personal growth a priority, and expand your experiences, interests, and knowledge of the world.
Thank you for taking up the mantle to serve the nation. The journey ahead will not always be filled with sunshine and rainbows, and it is human to feel discouraged sometimes. But I am rooting for you: keep going and remember your calling.
Welcome to the MOE family!



Keechiu is grateful again. :rolleyes::o-o::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

1 d ·
Meet Jarius Ting and Charlene See, JC1 students from Jurong Pioneer Junior College and Temasek Junior College respectively.
Jarius loves tinkering with electronic devices. He demonstrated his resourcefulness when he fixed his mother’s hairdryer with blueprints he found online (just in time for Mother’s Day!). Charlene, despite suffering from brittle bone disease, remained undeterred in pursuing her passion in STEM. She aspires to use her engineering skills in future to help others suffering from disabilities and improve their quality of life.
Jarius and Charlene are two of 200 recipients for the inaugural Engineering and Tech Programme Scholarship (ETPS) awarded by Ministry of Education, Singapore. The recipients distinguished themselves not by their academic results, but their sharp sense of innovation, a dare to try spirit, and most importantly, the heart to make Singapore better.
This scholarship signals MOE’s strong ambition to groom the next generation of movers and change-makers in the field of engineering. We will require their talents to turn existential challenges like land scarcity and energy sustainability into opportunities, to forge our place in an unpredictable, competitive global arena.
Grateful for the support of our educators, parents, universities, public agencies, and private STEM-industry partners, without whom the ETPS would not have come to fruition. Thank you for journeying with us in moulding the future of our nation.



Keechiu is happy again. :laugh:

Chan Chun Sing

4 h ·
Happy to announce the launch of the Singapore-China Youth Interns Exchange Scheme (YES)! This is a joint initiative by Ministry of Education, Singapore and the Chinese Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, which will create a platform for cross-cultural exchange and learning in the long term, and allow youths from both countries to work in different cultures and environments, make friends and learn from one another.
Under the Scheme, about 500 full-time students and recent graduates from our Autonomous Universities and polytechnics can apply for internships with China-based companies each year, for a period of up to six months. If you are keen, you can register at https://www.yes.org.sg.
Such platforms foster stronger cooperation between both countries and enrich the working experiences of our young talents. Grateful to our implementation partners Business China and the National Centre of Human Resources Mobility who will be part of this journey and supporting the interns in their respective roles.



Keechiu praises LKY and his team. :rolleyes::eek::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

2 h ·
"Will Singapore exist another 100 years?”
We discussed this topic at the book launch of《100年后新加坡还存在吗?》, produced in commemoration of Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s 100th anniversary.
Over the past 58 years, Singapore has been able to enjoy peace, progress and stability. This was in large part due to Mr Lee Kuan Yew and his team, who established the very foundations of our country with sound principles of governance. As we commemorate LKY100 this year, let us continue to uphold and live by their values. May we have the wisdom to adapt these principles in times of change or uncertainty, and always aspire to keep the Singapore spirit alive. If we can do that, I am confident that we will leave behind a better Singapore for our future generations, never divided by racial or religious differences. It will be a place we are proud to call home, when we celebrate SG100 and beyond.
With Heng Swee Keat and Tan See Leng



Keechiu is grateful again. :o-o::confused::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

13 h ·
August is almost upon us. And we have been dressing up our neighbourhood with
National Day decorations.

This year, we featured 22 Our Tanjong Pagar residents in our street banners. Grateful for their participation as we mark Singapore’s upcoming 58th birthday! Say
if you spot your neighbours!



Keechiu adds a starfish to the wall. :o-o::confused::biggrin:

Chan Chun Sing

7 h ·
“Minister, would you like to add a starfish to our wall?"
Ai Tong School has its own special feature wall, with unique tilework. Amelia shared with me that its tiles are made of pressed plastic. The ‘starfishes’ are made of bottle caps, and add a colourful touch to the underwater-themed mural.
This is part of the sustainability in art programme at Ai Tong School, where students learn about reducing waste and promoting sustainability. They learn about the types of plastic (such as type 2 high-density polyethylene) that can be melted.
Thank you for the chance to be part of your beautiful masterpiece!



Keechiu says that anything can be a teachable moment. :o-o::confused::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

6 h ·
We were feeling the heat in July, and no wonder. It was the hottest month on record for the world, with global average temperatures at their highest.
Students from Bedok View Secondary School shared this as part of a news bulletin ‘BV News Bites’. It is part of the school’s Applied Learning Programme, which aims to develop global awareness for the 21st Century, by sensitising students to national and global developments.
Besides training students to package news points, the segment also includes reflection questions which students can debate further in class. For example, during the sale of Coldplay and Taylor Swift tickets, students discussed Singapore’s position as an entertainment hub in Asia and how it can boost our tourism sector.
Anything can be a teachable moment. Continue to have fun while learning and keep thinking deeply!



Keechiu wants to know whether you caught the Supermoon. :o-o::confused::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

1 d ·
Did you catch the Supermoon - the Sturgeon Moon?
Someone sent me this photo taken this evening …
The clouds will pass, but the moon will always be around ….



Someone sent this to Keechiu. :speechless::alien::roflmao:

Chan Chun Sing

10 h ·
Someone sent this to me ... What I would look like, Barbie-fied. Ken or not?

A for effort / Digital Art Category
Would have been A++ if:
Casio on left hand and not both

Education Minister must lead by example, cannot unbutton top button to show chest

(Image from Bairbie.me)



Keechiu hopes that all Singaporeans will join in the celebrations. :tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

6 h ·
As many of our National Day songs go, Singapore is our home and where we belong. Living away from home and family is never easy, and the move back can be equally challenging.
Earlier on at Singapore Global Network's Singapore @ Home 2023, I learnt how some of our overseas Singaporeans continued to maintain their connections with Singapore and other Singaporeans while overseas, their career transitions and their children’s transition back to Singapore and our education system.
I was also happy to share one local dish I could have forever and my favourite part of National Day with hosts Annette Lee and Das DD. Any home cooked meal with my family is a good one!
We celebrate Singapore’s 58th birthday next week, and I hope that all Singaporeans will join in the celebrations, no matter where you are in the world.



Keechiu wished Fairfield Happy 135th Founder's Day! :thumbsup:

Chan Chun Sing

2 d ·
‘Flourishing as One Fairfield’
This is the theme for the 135th Founder’s Day Celebrations at Fairfield Methodist School (Primary) and Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary).
We celebrated the rich heritage of both schools and enjoyed a wonderful showcase of diverse talents through the performances by the Fairfield Schools Combined Choir, National Cadet Corps Precision Drill Squad and the Fairfield Methodist School (Primary) Handbells Ensemble.
May both schools continue their good work of providing a quality Fairfield education, nurturing the potential of every Fairsian who walks through the school halls, and the confidence to make a difference in time to come.
Happy 135th Founder's Day to Fairfield!



Keechiu thanks everyone. :smile:

Chan Chun Sing

4 h ·
Happy National Day
from all of us in My Buona Vista!
We have left Covid-19 behind us, but there is much to do to further strengthen our community relations after almost three years of the pandemic.
Thank you to all our residents, partners, colleagues, grassroots leaders and volunteers for your trust and hard work as one community!



Keechiu enjoyed catching up with everyone. :wink:

Chan Chun Sing

3 d ·
This or That - The Treasury National Day Edition.
We held our
National Day Observance Ceremony today with colleagues from various ministries and agencies. Enjoyed catching up with everyone!



Keechiu asks whether you need a plan B. :o-o::confused::laugh:

Chan Chun Sing

1 d ·
Ok, students, do we need a Plan B now that Teachers’ Day holiday 2023 has shifted to 11 September in Term 4?
I know many of you have planned nice appreciation gestures and surprises for our teachers in the last week of Term 3 for Teachers’ Day 2023.
No need to postpone.
You can still execute your plans and better still have one celebration in the last week of Term 3 AND another in the first week of Term 4
… or for that matter, we should be really nice and show our appreciation to our teachers everyday as our best Teachers’ Day appreciation ever

: Horizon Primary School)
May be an image of 5 people and text