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Online users express anger towards Chan Chun Sing over his remarks of calling people “idiots” and “disgraceful”


Keechiu honours NSmen and SAF regulars. :notworthy:

Chan Chun Sing

6 h ·
I once hosted a foreign dignitary as Chief of Army. I showed him the best of what I thought we had to offer - tanks, vehicles, ships and planes. He was unimpressed. As I was getting discouraged, we pulled into Maju Camp, our final stop, where he saw many NSmen walking in and asked who they were. I sheepishly told him that these were our NSmen, returning for remedial training because they had failed their IPPT…
He was pensive. He said, “You have a credible defence force. Not because you have the best armoured vehicles, planes or ships. The spirit that I saw in Maju Camp, where even the least fit NSmen are prepared to come in and train seriously, the fact that behind the NSmen there are employers who will support them regardless, that is the strongest deterrence.”
No amount of money or resources can buy spirit, or dedication.
So I was honoured to join the SAF Day Combined Re-Dedication Ceremony at National University Hospital - NUH , where we re-affirmed our pledge of commitment to Singapore and the SAF. We reflected on the trying times of COVID-19, which demonstrated the tight nexus between SAF, our healthcare workers, and the whole of Singapore. In a time of deep uncertainty, we showed the world our ability to adapt and persevere.
We also paid tribute to organisations who have taken special effort to encourage and support our NSmen’s NS-related commitments.
This SAF Day, let us not take the commitment of our NSmen and SAF regulars for granted. We honour them, and thank them and their families for their duty and sacrifice.
Long may we safeguard peace for Singapore and our people.
Happy SAF Day. Salute!
Ministry of Defence, Singapore (MINDEF)



Keechiu poses with talented student performers. :tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

2 h ·
With our talented student performers at the Singapore Youth Festival - SYF Celebrations, who have practised countless hours for this day! Well done, all!
#sgyouthfest #syfcelebrations #syf2023 #moe #syf #celebrations



Keechiu congratulates all performers and participants of SYF 2023. :notworthy:

Chan Chun Sing

8 h ·
Happy Youth Day!
After a three year hiatus, our talented Arts students returned to the stage at this year’s Singapore Youth Festival - SYF Celebrations!
Once known as the Festival of Music and Dance, the Singapore Youth Festival is now more than just a showcase of talent. It symbolises the special role the arts plays, and adds colour to our students' education.
Through this experience, our young artists explore their creativity, gain confidence, and develop essential skills that go beyond the classroom. Most importantly, they build friendships with their teammates and make good memories in their growing up years.
Congratulations all performers and participants of SYF 2023 for your amazing performances!

#sgyouthfest #syfcelebrations #syf2023 #moe #syf #celebrations



Keechiu had the honour of attending the swearing-in ceremony for the new Management and Supervisory Committee for the Singapore Kwong Wai Siew Peck San Theng 新加坡廣惠肇碧山亭 (KWSPST) organisation. :notworthy:

Chan Chun Sing

1 h ·
I had the honour of attending the swearing-in ceremony for the new Management and Supervisory Committee for the Singapore Kwong Wai Siew Peck San Theng 新加坡廣惠肇碧山亭 (KWSPST) organisation.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the outgoing committee members for their tireless efforts and invaluable contributions. To the incoming Management and Supervisory Committee, I offer my warmest congratulations. I am confident that under your guidance, this organisation will flourish even further, fostering cultural understanding and unity among our diverse community.



Keechiu congratulates award winners. :thumbsup:

Chan Chun Sing

14 m ·
Remember our purpose, forget boundaries, grow yourself.
As part of Public Service Week, I shared this with about 1,000 public officers at One Punggol and over 8,000 more online as we celebrated the achievements of Public Sector Transformation Award winners today.
In an ever-changing world fraught with uncertainties, our public officers need to continually grow and diversify their skills, to serve Singapore and Singaporeans better, as One Public Service.
Congratulations once again to the award winners, and a big thank you to all officers for the hard work over the past year.



Keechiu visited Concord Primary School. :thumbsup:

Chan Chun Sing

2 h ·
At Concord Primary School, students might begin the day tending to plants at the school’s garden as part of their Young Farmers programme.
Bouldering at the Outdoor Education Hub could be next. During recess, they can pick up and strum a ukulele, or freely doodle on a whiteboard in the Artspression Lodge. Back to class, and it's time for learning via Virtual Reality (VR) scenarios. Jayna taught me how to use their simulator, and walked me through the school's virtual grounds.
These activities add colour to our students' education and experiences. Along the way, they learn concepts like sustainability and develop outdoor education skills in an exciting way.
Happy Learning, happy Growing Up!



Keechiu glad to welcome Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an 蔣萬安, who is on a study visit to Singapore. :cool:

Chan Chun Sing

4 h ·
Glad to welcome Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an 蔣萬安, who is on a study visit to Singapore.
Our two highly urbanised and densely populated cities face many similar challenges, and we have much to learn from each other's experiences in areas such as sustainable development, transportation, public housing, and smart cities.
Mayor Chiang, Mayor Alex Yam and I had a good discussion on a wide range of issues, such as promoting bilingualism in schools, digitalisation, and urban development.
I wish Mayor Chiang and his delegation a productive and fruitful visit here!



Keechiu laughed, learned, and bonded. :wink::eek::biggrin:

Chan Chun Sing

3 h ·
Almost 700 residents from Our Tanjong Pagar and Radin Mas Constituency embarked today on a one-day durian tour to Johor.
We laughed, learned, and bonded over our love for durians, strengthening our community's camaraderie.

This tour would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of our organisers and dedicated residents. Their unwavering support and energy made this experience truly remarkable.



Keechiu had good conversations with many residents. :wink:

Chan Chun Sing

2 h ·
Joined People's Action Party Team Sengkang and their dedicated volunteers this morning at Kopitiam Square in Sengkang.
Met and had good conversations with many residents on national issues as well as on municipal matters affecting Sengkang.



Keechiu is very grateful. :cautious::devilish::roflmao:

Chan Chun Sing

9 h ·
Full Subject-Based Banding experience, or what we call Full SBB, has been a complex, system-wide endeavour. A long journey over many years, and it took much work by our education fraternity to carry it out on the ground.
But it is a big, worthy step in our efforts to recognise that everyone is unique, with different strengths, interests and learning needs, everyone has potential that can be tapped on. We might be better at one thing, but need more time to grow for another – and that is okay.
Since 2020, schools have progressively come on board Full SBB, fine-tuning various aspects such as mixed form classes, timetabling, and guidelines for subject offerings. From 2024, the first cohort of Secondary 1 students will be able to benefit from the complete Full SBB experience.
It will be a new secondary school experience. More customisation and flexibility in their curriculum, more space to truly enjoy learning. I am grateful to our educators, students and parents for their support.
CNA Insider will have a special feature, ‘A New School of Thought: Full SBB’ on Thursday, 13 Jul, 7pm. If you would like to see Full SBB in action in the classrooms, or want to hear from the schools, parents, and students about this, do watch it.



Keechiu wishes Happy Birthday. :tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

2 d ·
Happy birthday, Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报!
You have grown together with Singapore, chronicled history, captured impactful news and stories, and are a cornerstone in our efforts to preserve and promote Chinese language and culture amongst our people.
Like many print publications, you have had to evolve yourself in this fast-changing media industry and present news in new, diverse formats. But it is your unwavering commitment to the stories that matter, and your sharp, insightful analysis that keeps you connected with your readers.
Very happy to have attended the ‘Centennial Sing-along – when Xinyao Meets Taiwanese Folk Songs’ concert yesterday, to celebrate this milestone. We were graced by the performances of Taiwan’s campus folk song representatives Chyi Yu and Shi Xiaorong, local singers Mavis Hee (许美静) and Roy Li 黎沸揮, vocal group MICappella, 10-year-old street performer Lyla Ng, the 'Silver Combo' duo -- consisting silver senior performers Davidson Teo and Gillian Goh.
To all Lianhe Zaobao journalists, editors, photographers and everyone else in the Lianhe Zaobao newsroom, congratulations! May you continue to pursue new heights of excellence.
在此,我谨向所有早报记者,编辑,摄影师,以及在新闻室的的各位致以衷心的祝贺! 愿早报继续精益求精,再攀高峰。



Keechiu thanks YCKSS. :notworthy:

Chan Chun Sing

1 h ·
“Minister, can I ask you an informal and personal question?”
“Minister, are you a Swiftie?”
“Minister, before you go, can we take a selfie?”
These were some of the questions that students asked me during my visit to Yio Chu Kang Secondary School
I appreciate them taking the effort to do this, as nervous as they seemed to be

It takes courage and effort to get to know others and make new friends, especially if they are different from you. YCKSS is doing much to support students in doing so. An impressive eight metres tall mosaic-tiled tree in the school is testament to that
The mosaic was laid, tile by tile, by students from both YCKSS and Pathlight School.
Every day, YCKSS hosts students from Pathlight for a variety of educational and enrichment programmes. The two schools came together in partnership to create sustained and regular opportunities for students of different learning abilities to interact. By regularly meeting in person, learning and socialising together, this Gen Ed-SPED school partnership aims to nurture inclusivity.
The students told me the reward is getting a much deeper understanding of one another. That makes it all worth it

Thank you YCKSS for letting me get to know you



Keechiu plants rice. :confused::o-o::roflmao:

Chan Chun Sing

10 h ·
Many of us would know of the nursery rhyme that goes "Planting rice is never fun...", but the P5 students at Yu Neng Primary School told me otherwise

Joined them for one part of their rice planting and harvesting process - threshing! - to separate the grains from harvested rice plants.
The growing of rice is part of a 6-month long interdisplinary project for all their P5 students, where they learned about topics across different subjects like English, Math and Social Studies.
Glad to try one of the various meaningful projects our students get to experience!
#learnwithCCS #ourschoolstories



Keechiu plants trees. :confused::o-o::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

3 h ·
Plant A Tree at Our Tanjong Pagar is another step forward in our green journey in Tanjong Pagar Town, where we are targeting to plant 1,000 trees
with residents in 2023.
Happy to join our residents to create a greener home together. Let’s do our part to leave behind an even more sustainable Singapore for our future generations.



Keechiu had a delightful conversation. :tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

4 d ·
Had a delightful conversation with Gabriel when I visited Saint Andrew’s Mission School. He shared that his favourite subject is Art, and he loves drawing and origami.
Gabriel also enjoys jumping on the trampoline during recess at the indoor playground.
The space is specially designed to help students relax and ready themselves for more learning.
Glad to see our students enjoying their school experience with the support, dedication and care of their teachers and allied professionals!



Keechiu tosses the mace. :confused::o-o::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

11 h ·
Said hi
to our student performers and Uniformed Groups before the NE show last Saturday. They've been practicing and rehearsing for the
National Day Parade since February.
Lots of effort, commitment and hard work on their part to contribute to our nation's birthday celebrations.
Spot my second attempt ever at tossing the drum major mace
(yes, it's with Deyi Secondary School again!)
Victoria Junior College Bedok View Secondary School East Spring Secondary School Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School Yio Chu Kang Secondary School Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中 Yuhua Secondary School National Cadet Corps - Singapore National Cadet Corps - Sea National Police Cadet Corps The Girls' Brigade Singapore Girl Guides Singapore The Boys' Brigade in Singapore St John Singapore The Singapore Scout Association Red Cross Youth Singapore
#ourschoolstories #ndp2023



Keechiu visited West Spring Secondary School. :smile:

Chan Chun Sing

13 h ·
What will you advocate for and what difference do you want to make in our society?
Irfan and Wei Jun are passionate advocates for water conservation in Singapore. After learning about our country's water stress, they are determined to make a difference. For Atiqah and Ashton, they want to help their peers who experience anxiety.
In West Spring Secondary School, students like Irfan, Wei Jun, Atiqah and Ashton are guided on transforming these passions into societal impact. They go through training on communicating clearly, from writing speeches to designing infographics. With these skills, they begin to experience what is needed to help make an impact on others.
The school's Applied Learning Programme in Media Literacy also gives them the opportunity to learn creative media production and hone their skills in communicating information responsibly and confidently. Thank you for sharing your joy of learning with me!
