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Online users express anger towards Chan Chun Sing over his remarks of calling people “idiots” and “disgraceful”


Keechiu expresses his heartfelt thanks. :notworthy:

Chan Chun Sing

9 h ·
Here’re some ideas to spend the month of June - visit the stunning nature spots in southern Singapore! Discover the "Bowl of Nature" surrounding Blangah Rise Primary School, introduced to me by their talented Young Photographers.
The Young Photographers’ team produced an artfully curated coffee table book featuring their own photographs and reflections from students and staff. The book features beautiful green spaces in Singapore, such as Telok Blangah Hill Park, Mount Faber Park, Hort Park, Kent Ridge Park, and Labrador Nature Reserve.
The Young Photographers programme not only hones their photography skills but also integrates knowledge from Science, Math, and English. Inspired by their artistic shots that capture the intricacies of nature we often miss in the busyness of life. Perhaps I might do a morning run there, one of the days.

A heartfelt thank you for sharing this beautiful book with me.



Keechiu wishes all teachers and students a restful term break. :wink:

Chan Chun Sing

2 d ·
“What do you do in your free time?”, the students at River Valley High School, Singapore (Official) asked me.
We were at the school’s radio booth, where Sec 4 students Celeste and Swee Ning invited me to go ‘live’ on air on RVFM with them. This is a radio station set up for students to gain experience in broadcasting and sharing current affairs.
My response? “Exercise, spend time with family, and rest to recharge.”
Simple, but restorative for me. What about you?

Wishing all teachers and students a restful term break!




Keechiu congratulates all participants. :smile:

Chan Chun Sing

4 d ·
It was a pleasure joining over 300 students for a dialogue at the NYC Leaders Course, where we discussed stewardship, inspiring young leaders to take action, collaborate, and bring about greater positive change.
It is heartening to hear youth voices on what it means to be Singaporean, and why youths should care about the future of Singapore. We should identify ourselves by our conviction and commitment – as contributors who seek to impact the future in a positive way.
“Dream global but start local”. My advice for aspiring youths is to not try to change the world, but to support and nurture each other such that we distinguish ourselves based on how well we enable the next generation to do better.
Congratulations to all participants for a successful inaugural run of the course.
#nyclc #nycsg
: National Youth Council Singapore



Keechiu tries to show his children the way. :cool:

Chan Chun Sing

12 h ·
In our parenting journey, we often try to show our children the way - sometimes by leading, and other times by walking alongside them. Or just to be there, for them.
Sometimes this applies to life, other times it's simply when we visit Rifle Range Park or when we climb Bukit Timah Hill together.

Happy Father's Day!



Keechiu is very proud of students and their teachers. :tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

9 h ·
For the National Junior College Singapore Junior High Choir, the SG Youth Fest journey goes beyond achievements. It’s about growth, teamwork, and creating lasting memories.
Many of the NJC choir members joined during the Covid-19 pandemic and had to build foundations through online sessions. When restrictions lifted, and we could meet in-person again, Mrs Mandy Keng, Ms Chua Siok Kheng and Ms Ng Yi Ting, the teachers-in-charge, knew that more had to be done to build camaraderie in the choir. For choirs, teamwork is critical, since different groups must work together to blend their voices and stay on rhythm.
So the choir came together, initiated a 'Singing in the Dark' activity, where everyone belts out their favourite tunes in the dark, which helps to boost focus and confidence. A unique solution, but this simple act set a new tradition and created a unifying voice for the choir.
The students shared that their SYF journey was in equal parts bittersweet, enlightening and inspiring. They had to overcome many uncertainties just to get to the stage. Very proud of them, and their teachers, who showed dedication and resilience.
#ourschoolstories #sgyouthfest2023



Keechiu really enjoyed this Character and Citizenship Education lesson with Victoria Junior College students! :biggrin:

Chan Chun Sing

4 h ·
I really enjoyed this Character and Citizenship Education lesson with Victoria Junior College students! There were teachable moments to address misconceptions and help our students learn concepts relating to financial literacy. I started with a question and left them with an even more challenging question

#ourschoolstories #learnwithCCS


Keechiu thanks ITE students. :wink:

Chan Chun Sing

11 h ·
Met student leaders from ITE College Central, East and West at Institute of Technical Education, Singapore recently. We had a frank conversation on topics like national identity, lifelong learning and global politics. ITE is among the world’s best for career and technical education. Students graduate with deep skills, thanks to ITE’s unique education, with industry-relevant curriculum and an environment which simulates the workforce – they are truly extraordinary.
Thank you for spending your evening with me!



Keechiu enjoys different types of zhang. :tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

11 h ·
Cantonese, Hokkien, Nyonya, Teochew. Many different types, but every zhang a tasty zhang!




Keechiu hears you and feels you. :cautious::eek::roflmao:

Chan Chun Sing

8 h ·
Dear #Swifties,
Many of you have requested, encouraged and recommended MOE and I to declare a school holiday on the concert days when Taylor Swift performs in SG

I hear you
I feel you

But I am concerned how fans of Coldplay, Blackpink, BTS, Beyoncé, and others will feel too. I am also concerned that this may further fuel inflation as some overseas reports have suggested

How about this?
If any creative and enterprising fan can invite her (or any other A listers just to be fair) to your school to perform free of charge, we can have your school declare a school holiday?! Then everyone gets to enjoy this inclusive concert!

Oops… If she turns up and your school declares a school holiday, then will you all still turn up that day??

Ok, if you can invite her to your school to perform free of charge, your school will have the next day off?
Better? Try not to have her come on Fri then…?

#TSTheErasTour #TheErasTour #TaylorSwift #Swifties



Keechiu reveals his favourite books. :o-o::confused::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

10 h ·
This is not Netflix, but rather, Bookflix 2.0! I was invited to this talk show that has been produced at the newly launched Sparks Studio at Marsiling Primary School. The studio provides a space for students to showcase their talents in effective communication and nurture confident communicators. I was interviewed by hosts, Eunice and Nasri, in their broadcasting studio. The two students practised active listening while engaging me with the questions they had planned for me. Watch and find out my favourite books!
#learnwithCCS #ourschoolstories #marsilingprimaryschool



Keechiu reveals his favourite books. :o-o::confused::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

10 h ·
This is not Netflix, but rather, Bookflix 2.0! I was invited to this talk show that has been produced at the newly launched Sparks Studio at Marsiling Primary School. The studio provides a space for students to showcase their talents in effective communication and nurture confident communicators. I was interviewed by hosts, Eunice and Nasri, in their broadcasting studio. The two students practised active listening while engaging me with the questions they had planned for me. Watch and find out my favourite books!
#learnwithCCS #ourschoolstories #marsilingprimaryschool

Sound like nOrth Goryeo TV show


from straitstimes.com:

MOE will broaden Edusave Award to recognise students beyond academic performance​


Education Minister Chan Chun Sing spoke of the need to redefine success and meritocracy at the Institute of Policy Studies conference on June 12, 2023. PHOTO: LIANHE ZAOBAO

Amelia Teng
Education Correspondent

13 JUN 2023, 12:31 PM SGT


SINGAPORE – The Edusave Award, which is given to students to motivate them to do well, will be broadened to recognise those who have contributed to their schools and society, said Education Minister Chan Chun Sing on Monday.
The award given out by the Ministry of Education (MOE) has traditionally been awarded to students based on academic excellence, he said. Over time, it has progressed to cover other aspects such as co-curricular activities (CCAs).
Speaking during a panel discussion on meritocracy at the Institute of Policy Studies’ 35th Anniversary Conference, Mr Chan said: “I’d like to see Singapore evolve into a society whereby we can find success not just by our own achievements, but instead by our contributions.

“Regardless of one’s station in life, whether we are rich or poor, whether we are academically inclined or otherwise, we all can make a contribution. And your contributions must be commensurate with your abilities.”
Responding to concerns about the entrenchment of alumni networks, Mr Chan alluded to plans to cluster schools together, to encourage alumni to contribute beyond their own communities.
“I have appealed to some of the alumni of the illustrious schools to go and serve on boards, on school advisory committees beyond your own boards, not just to give them ideas, but to help them to open up new networks and new opportunities,” he said.

“Instead of schools competing against one another, we will pair up schools or have clusters of schools working together on different CCAs for people to build the social networks and to share the social capital.”

Mr Chan was speaking on the need to redefine success and meritocracy, in the context of new challenges for Singapore and concerns about growing disparities in society.
“Success in Singapore must be a team sport. It is not just about each one individually running our own races,” he said.
Rather, he said, meritocracy must be about collective contributions from different members of society to the best of their abilities beyond personal achievements.

In a speech at the event held at Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Mr Chan said: “Meritocracy has helped Singapore succeed in the last 50 years, but unless we consciously keep strengthening the system and avoiding the pitfalls, it may not continue to do so for the next 50 years.
“But just because meritocracy can be flawed, like any other system... does not mean we should give it up altogether.”
The question then is how meritocracy can help Singapore to be even more relevant, competitive and cohesive going forward, he said, by attracting the best people and ideas, finding the best of diverse talents, and respecting and rewarding different abilities.
“Most importantly, meritocracy must be combined with the right values – gratitude for what we have received and compassion towards those who have not had these advantages in life and a collective sense of responsibility for us to uplift everyone together,” he said.

On the panel with Mr Chan were Associate Professor Daniel Goh from the National University of Singapore (NUS), and Associate Professor Jason Tan from the National Institute of Education, who spoke on a range of issues – from the role of parental involvement in educational success, to the need for more inclusive growth.
“The paradox of meritocracy is that perfect equality can lead to growing inequalities, if we do not ensure equitable baselines for everyone to unlock their skills and talents for performance,” said Prof Goh, who is also vice-dean (special programmes) at NUS College.
More can be done to encourage broad-based school admissions and outreach by removing obstacles, including psychological ones, that may hamper students applying to schools, he said, adding that alumni privilege could also be removed during admissions.
Prof Tan added: “We need to think about the ways in which sometimes those who have succeeded as a result of current or past policies are therefore better placed to secure an advantage for their own children.“It’s only natural for many parents to think that they need to try their very best, in order to help their children stay ahead and acquire more merit.”
This points to the uneasy balance between natural tendencies to look out for one’s own interests, and considering the greater public good, he said.
“The issues involved (in meritocracy) are highly emotive issues for any of us. This is obviously because it’s very much about human hopes and dreams,” he said.


Keechiu looks forward to meeting more of our students and teachers and learning from them! :o-o::confused::laugh:

Chan Chun Sing

11 h ·
On to Term 3! I hope you spent some quality time with family and loved ones during the June break. Looking forward to meeting more of our students and teachers and learning from them!



Keechiu wants to celebrate the creativity and talent of our students. :wink:

Chan Chun Sing

9 h ·
Behind the moving artistry by Bakti!, Bukit Batok Secondary School's Malay Dance troupe is sheer hard work, and many, many physical training sessions.
One thing in common that keeps them going: their deep love for the Malay culture, and each other. Syaza faced a setback when she was injured just before this year’s Singapore Youth Festival - SYF Arts Presentation and had to reduce her involvement . But her teammates rallied around her with care and support, and she has since recovered and is looking forward to participating in the next SYF Arts Presentation. Dania is seen as a mentor in the team and guides her juniors every step of the way.
Mark your calendars for June 30 and July 1 and join us for the SYF 2023 Celebrations at the Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay. Our talented students will showcase a diverse range of performances, including traditional arts, choral acts, and engaging dramas.
Let’s celebrate the creativity and talent of our students.
#ourschoolstories #sgyouthfest2023



Keechiu wishes Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha! :smile:

Chan Chun Sing

12 h ·
Today marks the Festival of Sacrifice for Muslims across Singapore, a time for our Muslim friends to reflect on their faith, sacrifices, and blessings.
Umat Islam di Singapura menyambut Idul Adha pada hari ini. Sempena perayaan ini, mereka menghayati perjalanan iman mereka, pengorbanan serta segala nikmat yang telah dikurniakan kepada mereka selama ini.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!
: The Sultan Mosque by National Heritage Board
