• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

My letter to ST forum was not published. So I am now publishing it in this forum


She is right this time. So give her credit
Wise and kind humans are like that giving people credit when due like how i give credit to pap when due unlike the despicable opposition dogs here taking every opportunity to hit out at pap.


If it was done by Malaysians you'd be having a royal orgasm
My other thread that day already proved YouTuber with Malaysian husband were among the crowds queuing up and the newspaper also reported jb having many so called Singaporean shoppers in jb shopping for groceries the next day, judged by the Spore plated cars when we know many Spore plated cars driving in JB are Malaysian SPR. So Malaysians are already involved but once again they are camouflaged as all shit are blamed on sinkies as usual by government and all.


Her book will be titled Sex Lies & Virginity.
Tsk tsk tsk proud evil Malaysian dog way to win is to repeatedly accuse me telling lies based on nothing but their filthy mouth and filthy finger pointing. Pui your xia suay mslaysian whore family phua cb!


Spot on bro :thumbsup:

There are quite a number old single female finance managers and account executives like @ginfreely this group are very excellent in office politics (backstabbing) to keep their rice bowls but these sway women never experience true love and sex before :frown:
Excellent office politics (backstabbing) to keep rice bowl? Obviously I don’t qualify.


If I am not wrong, you as private property owner in both Sinkieland and Johor is likely to receive nothing in this Budget 2020 :biggrin:

Only $500 skillfuture for you to upgrade your lowly skill :roflmao:
As landlord, I always receive nothing in budget. Government helps all businesses except landlord.


KNN facts have to be proven KNN show us your jibye to proof you are a virgin KNN
Xia suay Cantonese son of whore criminal bully repeating shit again when I have said many times before all my facts can withstand court police medical scrutiny. That’s why I can say as a human in my name and not like you as xia suay rat snake criminal bully hiding in rat hole hurling abuse at me and repeating filthy lies of me.




Ginfreely please date me.

I pak tor with you and you agree I never say bad things of your cheebye or tits like Valium or Sweetiepie.
How can I say bad things when I admire them so much and so eager to do this to them.

Yes Emoji GIFs | Tenor

Instead of flowers, I will bring with me ten baskets of pineapple


I no need to buy her book.

I am sure ginfreely will send me a copy with her autograph inside to me.
In return, she will get a fu and pineapple from me.


You've Been Picking Your Pineapples All Wrong! - Women.com've Been Picking Your Pineapples All Wrong! - Women.com

And then we will pak tor and walk off arm in arm into the sunset.

Pui your xia suay Malaysian whore mother wife daughters phua cb!


Lost job to you was a big issue because you everyday ranting in this forum cursing your former boss and cake leng woman. That why we suggested you can publish a book exposing all these workplace conspiracy that made you lost job and you can also write about office bullying culture in this society.

Old gin, I knew that your English is much better than those lowly educated smelly jiuhu ccb and evil sinkie old women if you dare to publish a book exposing all these workplace :poop:

I will support you and tell all my friends to buy your books :sneaky:
You are sure a ferocious Malaysian dog following me everywhere repeating same lies to attack me. No my message history is best proof you are telling lies that I everyday rant about losing job when I didn’t mention at in the five or six years after joining this forum. I came to this forum because of living in jb thread and then I only talked about anti pap stuff.


U saw those Q for rice, oil, toiletrolls, etc etc at NTUC, Mustapha just to name a couple. I dont think its minority. I dont see Malaysians or even Indons behaving like sinkies. Even CCS said sinkies a disgrace. Kiasi! :cautious:
I was replying to your comment on the sinkie woman buying four boxes of face mask few weeks ago being the minority, not those people panic buying groceries.

My few friends and I didn’t manage to buy face masks and by the time I think of buying it’s sold out. Most of masks are bought by PRCs in Spore lah proven by other countries like Germany don’t wear masks also almost run out of masks. I think majority of Singaporeans don’t have habit of wearing masks and didn’t buy masks before sold out and that’s why the government got to give out four masks to appease people.

Actually I think the panic buying of groceries got something to do with face masks being sold out. Government was assuring people there were enough masks but end up sold out everywhere and so when the orange alert was set off people want to make sure they will not be on wrong footing again, especially when the foreigners take the lead to start the rush for groceries. Useless sinkies are like that lah easily led by foreigners to do bad things from stealing to slandering to whistling to hoarding.


Tsk tsk tsk proud evil Malaysian dog way to win is to repeatedly accuse me telling lies based on nothing but their filthy mouth and filthy finger pointing. Pui your xia suay mslaysian whore family phua cb!

You dirty slut want to sleep your way up the corporate ladder, nobody want to fuck you that's why you are out!


You dirty slut want to sleep your way up the corporate ladder, nobody want to fuck you that's why you are out!
More evil lies from xia suay malaysia dogs that think they are entitled to abuse me in my country should be kicked out of Spore indeed. Get lost from Spore! 给我滚回马来西亚!


More evil lies from xia suay malaysia dogs that think they are entitled to abuse me in my country should be kicked out of Spore indeed. Get lost from Spore! 给我滚回马来西亚!
I am very suay to be born in Spore that treat Malaysians as friends only to be harmed in return by Malaysian sluts and sons of sluts like kt latha @Valium @sweetiepie.