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KFC staff wanna whack customer !!! GUESS WHICH RACE ???


Now suppose we change the races around. Same situation but just different races and the staff are all chinese while the customer is a malay can we now say the malay is at fault? Of course not. The malay guy wouldn't be seen as provoking them and now it's the chinese that overreacted and even worse behave like cowards attacking the malay customer 10 to 1.

Therefore remember this again. Customer is chinese it's customer's fault. Customer is malay it's the staff's fault and staff are cowards when they attack 10 to 1. If the staff are malays it magically changes and the customer is a coward despite being attacked 10 to 1.

You are right. It's always like dat one. The Chinese balls will shrink to the all time smallest when they engage with m&ds. m&ds, in most cases, do not play fair. And remember, they were savages during Cheng Ho's time. Cheng Ho also said 'forget it' mah. What to do ? Emperor didn't like it also lun lun. The "Let's forgive !" crap at play again.

You have to remember this by hard : Confusionism will stiffer you. The Chinese, in general, are not united. Chinese in majority are not training themselves to be strong, keep reading books to pass imperial exams.

You also another type. Lion dance should be our Chinese pride. So, it falls into the hands of the m&ds is considered okay ? I dono what to say.

What's more, you even have Chinese who don't want to be a Chinese but a fake angmoh. I dono what to say.


Re: Chinese Just Have No Balls In General


knn babi mats

I like you, man !

Ip Man was strong but I like the other character who tried to attack the Jap officer cum karate expert from behind and got killed - he's got the guts, not like some of you. I don't like his way (attacking from behind). But, m&ds don't follow this kind of rule. Remember this by hard.

Honour is never in m&ds' way. I told you, guys before about m&ds. m&ds in M'sia is worse ? No, in Sing-n-tell island also like dat one. This is true. You need yo watch your back from m&ds. m&ds are cowardly ? Even if they are, you still lose because the majority of the Chinese are weak.

Very sad, indeed.


They Were All Savages

This is no good. This is unacceptable.But if this is the trend, it's getting dangerous.

Very disturbing!!!! Violence violence and more violence.....


A Chinese politician was killed by m&d police in the police station, right ? The racial riot in Singapore too. How can this be a thing that is happening only now ? Cheng Ho's men were killed by these savages in mudland too. The Ming emperor and officials were angry but he played down the whole atrocity.

syed putra

Re: Chinese Just Have No Balls In General

"Understand you are upset over this and so am I in d fact dat others stood idly by watching when they cld have prevented situation from escalating. if it's any consolation to u..incident took pace in Matlaysia.."

Maybe good reason why nobody bothered to help this guy who was beaten up was because he probably deserved it.

syed putra

Re: Chinese Just Have No Balls In General

please note that there are mat salleh and other races also in the crowd, but nobody bothered to assist this guy. Anyway, it was the managers fault for not controlling the situation. He should have alerted the crowd that there are no more chickens and close the shop instead of making them wait endlessly.
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syed putra

Re: Chinese Just Have No Balls In General

I like you, man !

Ip Man was strong but I like the other character who tried to attack the Jap officer cum karate expert from behind and got killed - he's got the guts, not like some of you. I don't like his way (attacking from behind). But, m&ds don't follow this kind of rule. Remember this by hard.

Honour is never in m&ds' way. I told you, guys before about m&ds. m&ds in M'sia is worse ? No, in Sing-n-tell island also like dat one. This is true. You need yo watch your back from m&ds. m&ds are cowardly ? Even if they are, you still lose because the majority of the Chinese are weak.

Very sad, indeed.

During a battle, the m&ds in the SAF will be in the frontline as sacrificial goats and made to absorb as many bullets as possible. All Mats know this. So please spare the mats from the National service and the SAF. Its a humanitarian gesture.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
You are right. It's always like dat one. The Chinese balls will shrink to the all time smallest when they engage with m&ds. m&ds, in most cases, do not play fair. And remember, they were savages during Cheng Ho's time. Cheng Ho also said 'forget it' mah. What to do ? Emperor didn't like it also lun lun. The "Let's forgive !" crap at play again.

You have to remember this by hard : Confusionism will stiffer you. The Chinese, in general, are not united. Chinese in majority are not training themselves to be strong, keep reading books to pass imperial exams.

You also another type. Lion dance should be our Chinese pride. So, it falls into the hands of the m&ds is considered okay ? I dono what to say.

What's more, you even have Chinese who don't want to be a Chinese but a fake angmoh. I dono what to say.

To be fair there are many m&ds that want to be ang mohs. Also spg is sarong party gals not cheongsam party gal. There's very few pure malays in singapore too. Most malays are mixed with indian and some other races like arab. Look at taufik. He looks like a typical m&d but he's actually mixed with indian.

Yes m&ds are savages but what pisses me off is that nobody ever says that here anymore. Ppl keep on saying oh malays are such nice ppl. In fact chinese are the ones seen as savages. If they aren't savages they are seen as wimps. Damn if you do damn if you don't situation. The m&ds are mixed with negritoes and some other type of mixture and some m&ds look like blacks. They are also mixed with austroloids and their language is classfied under austroloid family. The aboriginals whom are even dumber than the africans are also classified as austroloids. Therefore m&ds have more or less that type of violent behavior but as usual few chinese will say that when it's so apparent some of them do look like wild animals.

I don't know why are the chinese so disunited they end up kissing the ass of other races. I don't really see that with other races and the chinese aren't the only disunited race around.

Btw i want to chide you. What do you mean i'm another type? What does malays doing lion dance have to do with me? Some lion dance troupes have gang connections and they must have hired these m&d gang members to do it. The pt of the matter is if i'm running a business and i wish to employ a lion dance troupe you can rest assured i won't hired a m&d troupe. I don't know about anyone else. Anyway it's good to see chinese culture spread to other races. I'm always wanting to see other races take up chinese culture but i hate seeing chinese ppl fawn over non chinese ppl. It should be the way just like how ang mohs get non ang mohs to celebrate x-mas and speak english and so on.

Fake ang moh other races also have lah. Kelings are the kings of it. Btw do you have someone in mind?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese Just Have No Balls In General

I like you, man !

Ip Man was strong but I like the other character who tried to attack the Jap officer cum karate expert from behind and got killed - he's got the guts, not like some of you. I don't like his way (attacking from behind). But, m&ds don't follow this kind of rule. Remember this by hard.

Honour is never in m&ds' way. I told you, guys before about m&ds. m&ds in M'sia is worse ? No, in Sing-n-tell island also like dat one. This is true. You need yo watch your back from m&ds. m&ds are cowardly ? Even if they are, you still lose because the majority of the Chinese are weak.

Very sad, indeed.

You better be careful on saying that m&ds have no honor. There are tons of chinese dogs around that will be praising m&ds to the skies even if they have no honor and change black to white and say m&ds have the greatest honor.

Lots of ass kissing chinese dogs around. Oh yes and as usual these m&ds will be complaining of racism racism.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese Just Have No Balls In General

I like you, man !

Ip Man was strong but I like the other character who tried to attack the Jap officer cum karate expert from behind and got killed - he's got the guts, not like some of you. I don't like his way (attacking from behind). But, m&ds don't follow this kind of rule. Remember this by hard.

Honour is never in m&ds' way. I told you, guys before about m&ds. m&ds in M'sia is worse ? No, in Sing-n-tell island also like dat one. This is true. You need yo watch your back from m&ds. m&ds are cowardly ? Even if they are, you still lose because the majority of the Chinese are weak.

Very sad, indeed.

During a battle, the m&ds in the SAF will be in the frontline as sacrificial goats and made to absorb as many bullets as possible. All Mats know this. So please spare the mats from the National service and the SAF. Its a humanitarian gesture.

eh don't talk cock lah. what sacrifical goats? Most m&ds are in civil defence and police and from what i know police or firemen don't go to the frontlines to fight.

You display a typical m&d mentality. Refusal to look at the truth. Most of your ppl are back stabbers and liars and racists that hide behind their smiles. There was a thread in the old sammyboy about this.

Super sensitive and slow to critisize your own race but quick to blame chinese ppl for everything. Rude, disrespectful to others but somehow expect others to be nice to you.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: They Were All Savages

A Chinese politician was killed by m&d police in the police station, right ? The racial riot in Singapore too. How can this be a thing that is happening only now ? Cheng Ho's men were killed by these savages in mudland too. The Ming emperor and officials were angry but he played down the whole atrocity.

why did the fucking ming emperor play it down? If that were really the case i would think those m&ds were thinking the ming emperor is weak.

Nasi Lemak

The truth from one of the witness ...
MAT oh MAT...
Mat manager standing behind and watching...
All Mats working so slow and chatting away...

Boikot Mudland Kenfucky Fuck Customers !

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Mat manager standing behind and watching...
All Mats working so slow and chatting away...
kfc msia shud b totally revamped ...

dose kfc big shots said their training ok ... datz rubbish! ... there's probs there n dey cunt c dem! ... dey r letting ze probs continue n another day another incident wil happen! ... management tim iz totally rotten! ...doze burgers shud b sacked! ... :mad:

another ting, me saw oni staff of 1 race @ dat outlet from dat video ... tis oso a cos of ze prob ... if dey haf staffs of diff races @ ze same outlet, tis mite not haf happen ... start ur project msia1 wif kfc, ah najib! ... :rolleyes:
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Nasi Lemak

Mat will always be Mat ...
what a disgrace to the Malays...




看看这些KFC的员工,打了人态度却是那么的嚣张! 被人认出涉嫌打人的肯德基员工后,他们和友人步出警局 后,戴著头盔对摄影记者还摆出“难看”的甫士任拍,至上 摩哆离去。


录下I-City肯德基快餐店员工殴打食客短片的目击者今日 挺身而出, 力证当天的事件并没有涉及种族言论。

该名要求以Jes6366称号见报的目击者指出, 这起事件是由“饥饿”所引发,与种族无关。

Jes6366表示: “我准备打电话,发现情况不对劲,立即将它拍下,隔天 制成短片,以Jess6366的匿名上载网络,不料顿间在网络 传开。”

“没有人在这起事件中口出种族性言论,但是伍先生当时 的语气却实是大了些,这可能惹怒了肯德基的员工。”

她说,在一轮争执后,伍先生和太太离开了快餐店,但心 有不愤的伍先生去而复返,要求员工道歉,并因此而引发 了争吵。

“当时有约40人在等待购买炸鸡,但店里却没有炸鸡了, 当时的时间只是晚上9时30分,一些顾问也因此而投诉, 厨房里也传出不满的声音,突然间,有几名员工手持铁条 的冲了出来,而当时在场的餐厅经理却无动于衷。”

最后,警方调查KFC员工殴人案调查工作已近尾声,预料 下周将调查报告呈交总检察署,由后者决定是否提控相关 人士。


警方已向相关人士录取口供,其中10人是来自肯德基快餐 店管理层和职员。
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Mat will always be Mat ...
what a disgrace to the Malays...



malays: We will always support another malay no matter what.

Chinese dogs: Must be the chinese customer's fault remember we must always bow down to malays and let them get away. I know it myself i become superman when i'm fighting other chinese but become meek like a mouse when fighting against malays.


Alfrescian (Inf)

Retarded video.

Of course not all kfc staff are like this and btw the incident recently occured of course the staff would be extra nice. It's the same with anyone. Let's say a gangster or a thief has recently been released from prison. Would he start stealing or beating ppl the minute he's been released? of course not.