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KFC staff wanna whack customer !!! GUESS WHICH RACE ???


Alfrescian (Inf)
From what I had gathered from the clip and the press conference, this Danny was playing with fire. He was with his wife and with another lady. He was actually putting all their lives in grave danger when the situation got worse. The initial exchanges when the word "BABI" was uttered should alert him that danger was imminent. He and his lady friends should just walk out of the KFC and then lodge a complaint when he was safely out of danger.

But he chose to stay and continue to complain. After being escorted out, he RE-ENTERED. That was a grave mistake!!! He was inviting danger, if not death!!!
And the biggest mistake is he don't even know he is outnumbered and handicapped with his zha boh friends.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese Just Have No Balls In General

Oh yes and if you say anything bad about the m&ds you're a racist and yup it's ok for like 10 of them to whack up one lone guy who looks chinese and yes they are very garang cos 10 vs 1 is brave.

That is why foreigners once entered malaysia, they were bullied by them. In Singapore, it is the other way round, we were bullied. As such, Singaporeans need to be cohesive against foreign invasions and who cares what PAP think.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese Just Have No Balls In General

That is why foreigners once entered malaysia, they were bullied by them. In Singapore, it is the other way round, we were bullied. As such, Singaporeans need to be cohesive against foreign invasions and who cares what PAP think.

That's not even part of the discussion. This is clearly among malaysians. That danny person should be a chinese malaysian vs m&d malaysians. I don't see why he should be bullied.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'm not considering any race here. It's an hypothetical situation you've painted for me - if the staff were Chinese, would I side the staff. I don't know.It depends on what actually happened.

You know very well what would happen if the victim is a Malay.You know in your heart what will happen. The venue would have been destroyed in no time.You know it and I'm sure you would also realised the danger of provoking " race" in such a situation. I don't see any racism being played here except for the word " BAbi" being uttered by the staff. The word can hurt both the Chinese and the Malays and also we have to consider the context when the word is used. The staff were very up-tight and I believe they were rushing through to meet the demands and the over-subscribed order. They were already on edge....

And then a customer came and wanted to complain....that is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

It does not really matter whether the staff are Chinese, Malays or Indians or for that matter Ang Mohs or Europeans or even China Nationals. I would not be surprised if the staff of any other race ,if sufficiently provoked, would resort to mindless violence. We have seen it HERE in Singapore where a Chinese cook stabbed and killed his fellow worker in cold blood !!!

I don't think RACE play any part here. It's simply human weakness. Some of the Malay staff were trying to avoid any clashes and they were trying to stop the exchanges. So NOT ALL of them were bent to hamtum the customer.

No race lah Bro....You know as well as I do if I want to twist the story and put racism into the discussion, it will be biased....The fact that the whole episode has been politicised is really bad - and potentially dangerous too. Hope the situation calm down and settle with a hand-shake.

Right or wrong does not depend on race, I believe. You agree?

Let's be honest. There are ppl out there that side the malays, most likely other malays. If the staff were malays they side the staff. If the victim was a malay of course they side the malay. Yet you wouldn't know. I don't know why are you hesitant to admit it. I described the situation perfectly to you. It's the exact same thing just that the staff are chinese and the victim is a malay and you don't know whom to side? Why is this so?

I don't think for a second that the venue would be destroyed. I doubt it and if that were going to some sort of friction it's better to fight it out to fight injustice. Look at the blacks in the US. They are outnumbered by whites, They make like 10% of the US population or even smaller yet they got their civil rights and all of that. Do you think they magically got their civil rights out of the blue or did they fight for them?

The chinese should be more brave and fight for their rights. It's not likely the place would be burned down if the chinese were staff. Malaysia isn't like papua new guinea for eg.

Sure i agree that race doesn't really matter BUT i have seen so many examples of chinese being discriminated cos of their race and NOT for any other reason. I have also noticed that when i call out someone that's biased based on race they will try all ways and means to avoid showing their biasness.

It's also this sickening want to avoid conflict and siding other races that i observe on the chinese that i know other races see as a weakness. Now why are chinese or perhaps chinese sinkies specifically stereotyped as being meek? You don't see ppl stereotyping indians for being meek. It is the chinese. Why? cos of reasons why this. That's why chinese sinkies see tiongs as uncivilized but i admire them for their balls to fight for their right. Did you see the report on some tiongs getting mudland hotel staff to apologise to them for calling them pigs. The mudland staff apologised to them. I'll start a new thread on that.

The fact of the matter is that other races seem to think chinese are weak cos of ppl like you. A malay will look at the above situation and ONLY side the malays.

Playing fair is only applicable if the other side plays fair.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I respect your views. And I know what you are trying to say to me. Thank you.

I'm sure you and I ...and many other bros here...have gone through our racial riots. Race is not a simple thing....You and I know what is black and what is white. Sometimes, you have to balance out to avoid conflicts. To be humble and to behave meek is NOT a sign of weakness.It requires strength of character and much fortitude to exercise restraint and tolerance. If my opponent shy away from a fight and confrontation, I will respect him and I will not pursue him.It does not mean that he is a coward and has no balls.

In fact the one who is confrontational and adversarial...and demanding and argumentative..might be the weak one with no balls.He is simply being reckless inviting death.

So being meek does not mean that you have no balls. Sometimes, we have to run and avoid any danger to preserve our balls to fight another day. Right?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Brave chinese: Bloody m&ds need to behave properly instead of always trying to be unreasonable.

m&ds: It's the chinese fault!!! If the m&ds beat up the customer it's cos the customer provoked them. If the customer happened to be a malay and the staff were chinese i will side the malay fella and i will change my reasoning. Remember malays must help malays, It's not who is right or wrong malays must help malays.

Chinese dogs: Aiyoh it's the chinese fault (i need to write some BS to hide my biasness) You want to see racial riots ah? Remember we chinese must always bend over backwards to the malays cos i don't want to see racial riots. I also think chinese are cowards and nerds and idiot while malays are brave and easy going in short i stereotype everything good about malays and everything bad about chinese but i like to hide my biasness behind BS like racial harmony and crap which just basically means chinese being discriminated.

*Later chinese dog queues up and finds that there's no food left at a fast food restaurant manned by chinese staff.*

Chinese dog: Wah i'm now a super saiyan and bruce lee combined together come lah let me whack you bastards up!!! I comprain to your boss and the head in the US and even your parents.

*Next time chinese dog is a fast food place manned by malay staff*

Chinese dog: Opps sorry abang it's ok. It's my fault and i on behalf of all chinese blame only chinese ppl for not having enough food. Sorry, let me kiss your ass. We chinese are born to kiss other ppls ass.

Let me go find some other chinese person to bully after i kiss your malay ass.

Remember we chinese are the lowest race of all we need to kiss other ppls ass.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I respect your views. And I know what you are trying to say to me. Thank you.

I'm sure you and I ...and many other bros here...have gone through our racial riots. Race is not a simple thing....You and I know what is black and what is white. Sometimes, you have to balance out to avoid conflicts. To be humble and to behave meek is NOT a sign of weakness.It requires strength of character and much fortitude to exercise restraint and tolerance. If my opponent shy away from a fight and confrontation, I will respect him and I will not pursue him.It does not mean that he is a coward and has no balls.

In fact the one who is confrontational and adversarial...and demanding and argumentative..might be the weak one with no balls.He is simply being reckless inviting death.

So being meek does not mean that you have no balls. Sometimes, we have to run and avoid any danger to preserve our balls to fight another day. Right?

Go tell that to the malay ppl or what ever pp that stereotype chinese ppl as weak.


Alfrescian (Inf)
From what I had gathered from the clip and the press conference, this Danny was playing with fire. He was with his wife and with another lady. He was actually putting all their lives in grave danger when the situation got worse. The initial exchanges when the word "BABI" was uttered should alert him that danger was imminent. He and his lady friends should just walk out of the KFC and then lodge a complaint when he was safely out of danger.

But he chose to stay and continue to complain. After being escorted out, he RE-ENTERED. That was a grave mistake!!! He was inviting danger, if not death!!!

I'm proud of him for that.

Those m&d babis deserve to be scolded.


I'm not considering any race here. ....... I don't think RACE play any part here. It's simply human weakness........Right or wrong does not depend on race, I believe. You agree?

It is understandable for you to adopt such a stance - notwithstanding the racial nuances attached to "babi". You are seeing it from a Singaporean perspective. The Singapore government has done a very good job to take the race equation out of such a situation if it happens in Singapore. It is very sensitive to social problem or issue that hints of a racial skewing - be they drug addictions or under-performances in education.

In Malaysia, they make sure that race is a dominant factor - and that one race will be treated very differently from the other races. The Malay slogan for this is "Ketuanan Melayu" which means "Malay supremacy" or "Malay dominance".

Just take a look at a current article taken from The Star:

Permodalan Nasional Berhad and Khazanah Nasional (equivalent of Temasek & GLCs) will sell or outsource 10 non-core businesses to suitable bumiputra companies to increase Bumiputra equity. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the bumiputra companies would be selected from among the 80 high-performing companies through an open tender process.
(9 February 2012)

You cannot but understand why their opposition parties will label this as yet another "cronyism" project because these "80 bumiputra companies" are invariably owned by UMNO members or their families who will have previously benefitted from another bumiputra-based handout.

Where is 1Malaysia? Mana? The 1Malaysia is obviously an election gimmick by Barisan National to win votes from the non-Malays (it lost lots of non-Malays votes to the opposition in the last election - who even abandon the non-Malay components in BN).

Race does play a part here. And it runs deep-rooted. That's the reality.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
It is understandable for you to adopt such a stance - notwithstanding the racial nuances attached to "babi". You are seeing it from a Singaporean perspective. The Singapore government has done a very good job to take the race equation out of such a situation if it happens in Singapore. It is very sensitive to social problem or issue that hints of a racial skewing - be they drug addictions or under-performances in education.

In Malaysia, they make sure that race is a dominant factor - and that one race will be treated very differently from the other races. The Malay slogan for this is "Ketuanan Melayu" which means "Malay supremacy" or "Malay dominance".

Just take a look at a current article taken from The Star:

Permodalan Nasional Berhad and Khazanah Nasional (equivalent of Temasek & GLCs) will sell or outsource 10 non-core businesses to suitable bumiputra companies to increase Bumiputra equity. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the bumiputra companies would be selected from among the 80 high-performing companies through an open tender process.
(9 February 2012)

You cannot but understand why their opposition parties will label this as yet another "cronyism" project because these "80 bumiputra companies" are invariably owned by UMNO members or their families who will have previously benefitted from another bumiputra-based handout.

Where is 1Malaysia? Mana? The 1Malaysia is obviously an election gimmick by Barisan National to win votes from the non-Malays (it lost lots of non-Malays votes to the opposition in the last election - who even abandon the non-Malay components in BN).

Race does play a part here. And it runs deep-rooted. That's the reality.

What angers me is that some ppl don't call a spade a spade. I see chinese ppl being discriminated and somehow his race isn't the sole factor in him being discriminated.

The chinese in mudland own much of their economy or at least quite a large percentage of their economy why not fuck them up and to prevent this type of shit from happening.

The reason is cos of the large number of chinese dogs that kiss malay or any non chinese ass around.


So being meek does not mean that you have no balls..... Right?

I agree with you on that.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.Matthew 5:5

You see, all those detractors here who always accused the 60 per cent or more Singaporeans who support the government as "meek" will now understand why they choose to be "meek", while they - the "brave" ones - will be walloped (figuratively)!


.... The chinese in mudland own much of their economy or at least quite a large percentage of their economy why not fuck them up and to prevent this type of shit from happening.

The reason is cos of the large number of chinese dogs that kiss malay or any non chinese ass around.

Aren't you racist to call the Chinese "dogs"? Reminds me of Bruce Lee; he would have hammered you with his fist!

The Chinese are survivors! They can toil day and night as railroad workers in early hostile America, or in sweat shops and backyard laundry in Britain; even their women work as samsui workers carrying bricks in construction sites with their small but sturdy body. They may work and live like "dogs", but they never complained.

Understandably to survive in Malaysia, they have to learn to gosok-gosok the right people. It's ok to be the Ah Lee in the tales of "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves".

Those who are not sure of the fable, refer to : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Baba
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Aren't you racist to call the Chinese "dogs"? Reminds me of Bruce Lee; he would have hammered you with his fist!

The Chinese are survivors! They can toil day and night as railroad workers in early hostile America, or in sweat shops and backyard laundry in Britain; even their women work as samsui workers carrying bricks in construction sites with their small but sturdy body. They may work and live like "dogs", but they never complained.

Understandably to survive in Malaysia, they have to learn to gosok-gosok the right people. It's ok to be the Ah Lee in the tales of "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves".

Those who are not sure of the fable, refer to : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Baba

Nope bruce lee wouldn't hammer me and i only call those chinese dogs that kiss up to other ppl like whites or m&ds and so on. Pls learn to discern.

keling is shit

Re: KFC staffs wanna whack customer woh !!! GUESS WHICH RACE ???

the papers purposely put the kfc news together with the kfc advert? lol


Re: KFC staffs wanna whack customer woh !!! GUESS WHICH RACE ???

violence is THEIR answer ! Najib's SatuMalaysia derailed...
"non-bumi said a bumi worker then uttered derogatory remarks, following which non-bumi asked to see the manager to complain. non-bumi claimed that the bumi manager refused to attend to him.

At this time, non-bumi's wife claimed that she saw several bumi workers brandishing steel bars from inside the kitchen and quickly pulled her non-bumi husband out of the restaurant."

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Nasi Lemak

Before the whacking ...


(You don't be no manners)

(Can you apologize? apologize to me? KFC Ah i-City Ah?)

KFC STAFF: OKAY FINE! (Staff behind: Relax la)

other CUSTOMER: KITA tunggu atau apa? ( We should wait or what?)


Other Chinese Customer(In hokkien+mandarin): gia gia ta lai liao.
(They gonna begin to fight already)


Alfrescian (Inf)
guys guys in this case we first must establish the race of the ones attacking and the victim. Take note this is of utmost importance. Why? you might ask.

we'll see in this instance. Now the victim in this case is a chinese, therefore it's only correct to say that it's the chinese person that provoked the staff and hence it's correct for them to attack him violently even though they outnumber him like 10 to 1. That's perfectly fine. I'm sure many of you here will agree to this. Malay readers if there are any will 100% agree that it's the chinese guy's fault.

Now suppose we change the races around. Same situation but just different races and the staff are all chinese while the customer is a malay can we now say the malay is at fault? Of course not. The malay guy wouldn't be seen as provoking them and now it's the chinese that overreacted and even worse behave like cowards attacking the malay customer 10 to 1.

Therefore remember this again. Customer is chinese it's customer's fault. Customer is malay it's the staff's fault and staff are cowards when they attack 10 to 1. If the staff are malays it magically changes and the customer is a coward despite being attacked 10 to 1.

Now here's something else i need to show. Any malays reading this will agree 100% with me and be 100% behind the malays regardless of whether the malay is a staff or a customer but surprisingly or rather not surprisingly not the chinese.

I think the number might be shocking but perhaps lord knows 60% of more of the chinese will actually side the malays saying you want a racial war? We don't want one therefore we're just going to bow our heads down and bend over backwards and let the malays take advantage of us. These type of chinese are called chinese dogs cos it's so appropriate.

One last thing that's out of topic from this thread but i need to elaborate on.

What are chinese dogs? These are the chinese that either hate their own race or are so cowardly they only dare mess with ppl of their own race. When faced with ppl from other races become meek little cowards. Therefore they obviously side the malays while like i mentioned earlier that the malays will almost 100% side their own race no matter if they are right or wrong. Anyway these chinese dogs have this amazing ability of transformation. When faced with other chinese they become super heroes and are like bruce lee and chuck norris combined together. They are invincible. Yet if the other party happens to be a non chinese their balls will suddenly shrink and they become even more meek than a mouse.

So you see this sums up this thread.


Re: KFC staffs wanna whack customer woh !!! GUESS WHICH RACE ???

The guy must have pushed his luck to receive this amount of venom from more than one person. I have seen customers treat service staff so badly that I have to step in. I have done it on SIA flights as our Singaporeans tend to meek. I have done it at a post office. The worst is Indian FT females lecturing Singapore aunties who are working as cashiers or shop assistants. Their tone and mannerism can drive you mad, not to mention their kids running around with no supervision.

Sometimes dignity is more important than a job.

You are right. Sometimes, the customers really push the shop employees around. These kwai-lan customers really deserve to be told off.