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Jogger attacked by 9 stray dogs at Punggol


Pity the girl. I'm scared of dogs too. Whenever I see one, I stay far far away. But I don't hate dogs, just let them be. What for kill them and eat them? Eating dogs is yikes!


Should let them attack you so you can get injured and could stay indoors more at the hospice to chat with all these old male virgins.

Pity the girl. I'm scared of dogs too. Whenever I see one, I stay far far away. But I don't hate dogs, just let them be. What for kill them and eat them? Eating dogs is yikes!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I still can't understand something, whether from eastern or western point of view. What's wrong with cooking and eating dogs? We all have been killing, cooking and eating all sorts of animals for thousands of years. What's so special about dogs? Either you're a vegetarian or you're not.


Agree 1000% with Ram. If got time, maybe we should go together and look for the 9 dogs before AVA get them. There goes our free dinners.


Men Should Be Killed By The Millions !


I have seen python and wild boars around this area. :wink::eek::biggrin:

By right, men have to fight for those who can't speak for themselves (the original inhabitants before the arrival of men). But, to think that Sinkies can't even speak or fight for themselves makes me wanna laugh or shake my head. These animals or birds must have a place to go. Yishun residents were reported to have been 'plagued' by migratory birds in the evening. We were the ones that take away their homes.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Agree 1000% with Ram. If got time, maybe we should go together and look for the 9 dogs before AVA get them. There goes our free dinners.

Actually, I know how to kill a dog but don't know how to cook it. My Viet girlfriend was best, better than my uncle who used messy strangling style. She found one by the riverside sayang the dog and brought it back home obediently all the way to kitchen and slit its throat in one clean stroke with a kitchen knife. Then skinned, deboned and stewed it. At the end of the dinner, we wrapped up the head and whatever left over and dumped it into the river by the riverside where she found the dog. I've said women can't read maps in other posts, but surely women can slit throats.

My grandmothers (both of them, paternal and maternal sides), during their times didn't believe in eating chicken or duck in hawker centre or coffeeshop. They bought the chicken and duck alive and sayang and even played with them in the kitchen. When time to cooking dinner came, it was one clean slit across the throat.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Actually, I know how to kill a dog but don't know how to cook it. My Viet girlfriend was best, better than my uncle who used messy strangling style. She found one by the riverside sayang the dog and brought it back home obediently all the way to kitchen and slit its throat in one clean stroke with a kitchen knife. Then skinned, deboned and stewed it. At the end of the dinner, we wrapped up the head and whatever left over and dumped it into the river by the riverside where she found the dog. I've said women can't read maps in other posts, but surely women can slit throats.

My grandmothers (both of them, paternal and maternal sides), during their times didn't believe in eating chicken or duck in hawker centre or coffeeshop. They bought the chicken and duck alive and sayang and even played with them in the kitchen. When time to cooking dinner came, it was one clean slit across the throat.

ooi ..what did you say on the other thread that you wont mention about killing dogs again ...you are craving on dog meat again is it ?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I still can't understand something, whether from eastern or western point of view. What's wrong with cooking and eating dogs? We all have been killing, cooking and eating all sorts of animals for thousands of years. What's so special about dogs? Either you're a vegetarian or you're not.

what so special about dogs ? did you ever see cow , chicken , sheep selling in singapore petshops ?


My oh my, what a piece of news to wake up to. Reminding me and inspiring me into storytelling time again. Some people like to accuse me of boasting. This is a story where I ran like hell and screamed for help. It was when I was Pri. 5 and my brother was Pri. 2. My father and uncle drove a van to bring us to on a debt collection excursion. The last stop was at St. George that was nearest our home. The area now famous for the 24-hour roti prata shop that wasn't there yet then.

Me and my brother waited in van for very long, much longer than at other stops. We got impatient and felt stuffy and decided to get out of the van. There was an old provision shop there. I had some pocket money to spare and thought we'd buy ice cream. For reason unbeknowth to me, as we approached the shop, a pack of six dogs came barking and rushing at us. They didn't manage to bite or scratch us, but I suffered bruises pulling and rushing my brother back into the van when shutting the door.

The pack of mad dogs surrounded the van and we were shivering in fear. Then my father and uncle appeared, they simply shooed them away with a few gestures of threatening to kick. My father and uncle saw my bruises asked what happened? I told them I was only trying to buy ice cream but the dogs from the provision shop attacked us. My uncle got hot. Straightaway returned and killed one of the dogs with his bare hands. As I kid, I was shocked too.

The other dogs didn't dare even whine, much less bark or fight. The provision shop owner came out shouting and threatening to call police. My father said no need to trouble you, he'd call himself. How come could a provision shop keep six dogs and unleashed and attacking kids? My uncle shoved my father aside and said, wait till I beat this fucker up and break his leg then call police and ambulance. My uncle doted on me even more than my father and I understood his fury.

The provision shop owner also got scared and offered my father a S$20 red packet for my medicine fee to settle the matter. My uncle got to keep the carcass of the dog he killed and you all can guess what dinner that night was for us.

My point and moral of the story is still the same as my past stories. Unlike cats, dogs are cowards. In Chinese we say 欺善怕恶。

Hello my clone. One of the best stories I've heard in my life. Yes. 马善被人骑,人善被狗欺。
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Dogs And Pigs


Okay, I suspect that Cantonese do eat turtle or snake soup for strength. But, what about Hokkien people in general ?

Cambodians and Thais eat creepy crawlies.

During the time of Chou Dynasty, the ancient people of Shu and Ba were southern savages that eat such things. It seemed like the true Han don't touch these things which were considered as barbaric.

Raw fish wasn't eaten by Japs.

I heard that dogs and pigs were eaten by ancient Greeks and Romans.


Re: Dogs And Pigs

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KnKSzAaaUes" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A recipe for Ramseth


I still can't understand something, whether from eastern or western point of view. What's wrong with cooking and eating dogs? We all have been killing, cooking and eating all sorts of animals for thousands of years. What's so special about dogs? Either you're a vegetarian or you're not.

Dog is man's best friend.

They walk the blind. They guard our property. They carry out search and rescue. They sniff out things. They provide companionship. They help us hunt. They pull sleds. They help ranchers herd sheep, and cattle. They keep vermin out of farms (with some success), And unlike our fellow humans, they DO NOT bear grudge.

Just try to get a cow to do any of the above.

Under extreme circumstances, it is justified to eat anything, including human flesh. But normally, eating dog is taboo.



Dogs Are Nice

Dog is man's best friend.

Some people do love dogs. I always end up taking care of the two family dogs for my sis.

Every evening, I will have to take them out to walk or jog. I always make sure they get enough exercise and yet not too taxing for their little bodies. I rather let them have more freedom to sniff, pee and poo (scent marking). They are nice dogs - friendly with people around them.