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if like this girl who is malay muslim, should continue or 短痛不如长痛?


why? she not wear tudong type and not those that cannot eat here and there. can go anywhere eat as long as she doesn't eat pork. i can eat my pork chop and she eat her wagyu. so not troublesome to me.


If she's a pious Muslim , she will allow you to get 2nd ,3rd or 4th wife. Depending on what type of Muslim you are .

syed putra

that one can cross bridge when reach it. maybe can coexist with each other beliefs
Impossible as malay girl will insist you convert.
Even in former Soviet republics, Muslims will insist you convert. Even though they eat pork and lard as stalin insist they gobble it.


Impossible as malay girl will insist you convert.
Even in former Soviet republics, Muslims will insist you convert. Even though they eat pork and lard as stalin insist they gobble it.
i know one senior friend who marry a muslim gal but never convert. still happily together


I know a couple of cases. All happy marriages.

1. Malay guy married to a Indian Catholic girl. No conversion. He stays Muslim, she stays Catholic. Children will decide which religion to follow when they're old enough. Malay guy's family and relatives didn't attend the wedding.

2. Malay guy married to a Chinese Christian girl. He converted to Christianity and was ostracised by his family. No Muslim friends or family attended the church wedding.

3. Punjabi brahmin guy married to a Malay girl. No conversion. He stopped taking pork out of respect for the wife. He was banished from his family until the first grandchild came along.

4. Chinese guy married to Malay girl. Both professionals. No conversion. Local mufti refused to grant a Muslim marriage here, so got married in a mosque in London. Children baptised as Muslims.


U mean u take too long to piak her until she pain , but piak too short,u jin sayang heart pain?



You mean if your dick is long, you go circumcise it's more painful ? Got such thing meh ? :rolleyes: