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if like this girl who is malay muslim, should continue or 短痛不如长痛?


many religious scholars in this forum from all religions. very chim for my young pea size brain ...


Anyway, the entire Malay archipelago (including the Philippines) were Hindu and Buddhist, long before Islam arrived in the 7th century. That must have been a lot of Malays going to hell - all the generations and generations of the ancestors of our Malays today. When I tell my Malay friends, they say: cannot be, if you're Malay must be Muslim. Not Muslim not Malay.:rolleyes:

On another note, I once asked a Christian pastor what happened to all the millions of humans who had lived before Christ? There was no saviour then - did they all go to hell?

His reply: I don't know. That will be one of the first questions I'll ask God when I die.:smile:
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Anyway, the entire Malay archipelago (including the Philippines) were Hindu and Buddhist, long before Islam arrived in the 7th century. That must have been a lot of Malays going to hell - all the generations and generations of the ancestors of our Malays today.

On another note, I once asked a Christian pastor what happened to all the millions of humans who had lived before Christ? There was no saviour then - did they all go to hell?

His reply: I don't know. That will be one of the first questions I'll ask God when I die.:smile:
I tot as long as orang... All should be barkgay for Christ help to redeem our sins?


I tot as long as orang... All should be barkgay for Christ help to redeem our sins?
No leh... If I born in Confucius time, Christ not around, how to accept him as my Savior and ask him to redeem my sins? Sure go to hell one.

This question the pastor can't answer, John Tan also can't answer.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Abraham asked the same question. But the answer was that each will be judged individually.

Got Bible quote? moslem quran quote not counted. Anyway, you already said repeatedly that moslems should not seek guidance from their quran.

syed putra

Can quote the Bible?
It's the Quran

˹Remember˺ when Abraham was tested by his Lord with ˹certain˺ commandments, which he fulfilled. Allah said, “I will certainly make you into a role model for the people.” Abraham asked, “What about my offspring?” Allah replied, “My covenant is not extended to the wrongdoers.”

syed putra

Anyway, the entire Malay archipelago (including the Philippines) were Hindu and Buddhist, long before Islam arrived in the 7th century. That must have been a lot of Malays going to hell - all the generations and generations of the ancestors of our Malays today. When I tell my Malay friends, they say: cannot be, if you're Malay must be Muslim. Not Muslim not Malay.:rolleyes:

On another note, I once asked a Christian pastor what happened to all the millions of humans who had lived before Christ? There was no saviour then - did they all go to hell?

His reply: I don't know. That will be one of the first questions I'll ask God when I die.:smile:
From what I know, you will be judged by your deeds alone.
But Muslims believe that ritual equals merit points. I am not very sure about that.


Depending on how dominant you are. My hindu friend married a Malay girl.
Nothing changed for him. His children are not Muslims too. And they never had to pretend or hide.

syed putra

Thats ok in sinkie as individual rights are protected.
Depending on how dominant you are. My hindu friend married a Malay girl.
Nothing changed for him. His children are not Muslims too. And they never had to pretend or hide.
But not ok in jiu hu where religion are placed above individual rights.
As Dr m emphasised repeatedly as he created this scenario. Agama, bangsa Dan negara. So individuals are not on the list of importance.