I remember an incident during my jobless day. I bought my family out for a meal at the hawker centre. I order a whole plate of chicken rice for each of my kids. Knowing that they had snacked two hours ago, they probably couldn't finish the whole plate, so I intended to let them have the meat and some rice while i could eat their remaining rice so that I could save on buying a plate for myself.
I took over a piece of meat and most of the rice from my eldest as he was indeed a little full, back then.
When my younger child couldn't finish his portion, i began to scoop the rice from his plate to eat and he burst in tears. He cried and said that I was naughty to take his food. He was so sad that I stole his food. He actually went on to finish his whole plate. I felt very ashamed of my cheapskatness and sitting besides me was a tiong family who was observing my family. I still remember the child from the tiong family made remarks like "又哭了" about my younger child although these tiong idiots were damn loud throughout the meal.
hahaa, sorry, say liao also feel sad.