• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

China sends ships to islands disputed with Japan: Xinhua


You really do sound like television. Look at you editing your post that has a few sentences in it. Psycho83 aka television used to edit his posts all the time. If you didn't give a damn about pts, power and all that shit then the more you shouldn't be telling me about my mod status. Like i'm supposed to listen to you and mind you you were the one that started it by appearing out of nowhere to flame me. Also don't spam with multiple replies why didn't you edit your last reply but add in a new post you troll.

Cheebye kia!! Don't involve me when i am not around. Deal with winners and don't slot me into your arguments. Pundek
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This bastard Jah_rastafar_I is the greatest fool I've ever encounter. He's given moderator status, but can't do anything much, not even banning me. Don't even know that Sam is just making use of him and yet still carrying his balls. If I'm given a chance, I don't mind spending S$10k and hire someone to finish him off. But I think letting him off like that is too easy. Most likely, I'll either get him blinded or crippled for the rest of his life. Like I said, he's just a working class bastard. Just track those times when he's log-in to this forum.

By the way, I love to edit my posts so that I can add more to provoke this bastard.
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Confrontation will be huge mistake for Japan
Global Times

The Diaoyu dispute is escalating the confrontation between China and Japan. Tokyo has chosen the wrong opponent at the wrong time and the wrong place. Japan inflicted the deepest atrocities on China in its modern history, which was full of humiliation. If China were to pick a target country to wash out the old shame, Japan is the best choice.
The Chinese have restrained their antipathy toward Japan for a few generations. The brief friendly period of the 1970s and 80s helped heal the wounds between the two countries. But it is far from a fundamental change. A series of incidents created by Japan, from politicians visiting the Yasukuni Shrine to the altering of textbooks, have sown the seeds for a frozen bilateral relationship.
The Diaoyu incident is a new turning point in Sino-Japanese ties. The Japanese may believe in their determination to secure control of the islands, but they have to understand that the Chinese can only be more firm in safeguarding their sovereignty over Diaoyu, because Japan owes too great a blood debt to the Chinese. Territorial compromises to Japan mean double the shame for Chinese.
If the two countries become embroiled in an overall confrontation, Japan will have made the biggest mistake of the 21st century. The balance of power between the two is no longer as it was in the last century. Confronting China can play up to the psychology of rightist forces in Japan, but it carries a danger that Japan cannot bear.
The time of Japan being the leading influence in Asia is over. The Meiji Restoration once gave Japan the advantage to become the leading power of East Asia. But that structure has been replaced as China's growing momentum is kindled.
China is the most restrained among Japan's neighbors. All the conflicts between the two have been sparked by its neighbor. Japan seems to have the idea that China will maintain its restrained stance regardless of how Japan behaves.
Chinese patience has finally been worn out by the Diaoyu issue, through which Japan's dirty foreign policies are fully reflected. It makes us believe China's friendly attitude will not bring the same from Japan. Despite the great atrocities Japan inflicted on China, it has never shown regret for it, and is now rubbing salt in China's wounds.
The Diaoyu issue is not a simple territorial dispute. If both let their emotions go unchecked, the conflict may grow into a full confrontation.
China treasures peace. But we are gradually realizing among seemingly endless provocations from neighboring countries that a firm response to the provocateur is also a must for securing a peaceful environment.


[h=1]International reacts to Japan government' "purchase" contract[/h]

The Japanese government on Tuesday signed a contract with the so called "private owner" of the Diaoyu Islands to "purchase" the Diaoyu Islands. The move has triggered a string of strong warnings and opposition by top Chinese leaders as well as many international experts. 
The Japanese right-wing always focus on themselves, and they always neglect the feelings of people from neighbouring countries. At least that’s what a South Korean professor of international studies believes. And PARK Cheol-hee said they are doing it to gain public support for the coming elections.
Park Cheol Hee, associate deam of International Studies, Seoul National University, said,"The conflicts between Japan and its neighbouring countries will be fierce in the short term. It’s likely to weaken after elections. But, in the long-term Japan will be isolated if it continues to be led by the right-wing."
He also believes it will be dangerous for Japan if it continues to take proactive measures and it will need to pay for its actions.
Brian Baker is a US expert on International affairs. He said that Japan is making mistakes. And attempting to "buy" the Diaoyu Islands is ridiculous.
"I thinks it’s illegal. The Japanese government doesn’t have the right to buy the Diaoyu Islands. They don’t belong to a Japanese businessman or Japanese government. Diaoyu island and its affiliated islands is China’s territory since ancient times. It’s ridiculous to buy something that was owned by others. It’s a joke."
Byron also said that the move was encouraged by Japanese allies like the US. He advised Japan to rethink before taking any more proactive measures. It’s the only way to avoid future mistakes.
"They failed to listen to the public. That’s a big mistake for Japan"
Japan is making a big mistake. These experts agree on this point. China has said it is open to dialogue, but it won’t budge when it comes to safeguarding its territorial sovereignty.


[h=1]China's Taiwan on Diaoyu Islands[/h]

Chinese compatriots in Taiwan have expressed strong indignation and opposition against Japan’s so-called "purchase" of the Diaoyu Islands. Meanwhile, Taiwan’s sea patrolling department has sent out two ships to waters around the Diaoyu Islands, protecting fishing activities. 
No conflict, and no concession.
The two patrolling ships set off for the Diaoyu Islands Thursday morning. They aim to safeguard fishing activities within China’s territory.
Shen Ssu-tsun, Taiwan’s representative in Tokyo, has lodged a strong protest with the Japanese government over the issue.
He said Japan’s so-called purchase of China’s Diaoyu Islands is illegal and invalid.
Shen returned to Taipei to give a briefing of the situation.
Shen Ssu-Tsun, Taiwan's representative in Tokyo"We’ve expressed strong opposition to the Japanese government both in Japan and in Taiwan. I hope the Japanese side faces up to the fact that there exists a sovereignty dispute on the Diaoyu Islands."
The activists, including members of the Taiwan Labor Party and the Alliance for the Reunification of China, have gathered to demonstrate in front of the Japan’s Interchange Association in Taipei.
Some of them even hurled eggs onto the windows to express their anger.
The protest lasted for more than half an hour, until the association’s official came out and accepted the activitists’ declaration on the Diaoyu Islands.
Activist on Diaoyu Islands said,"Japan’s purchase of the Diaoyu Islands is illegal. We’ll never agree with that."
Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou said no matter what Japan does with China’s Diaoyu Islands, any activity will be encroachment on China’s territory.
Meanwhile, Taiwan’s military says the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands undoubtedly belongs to China. It has worked out a detailed plan to safeguard China’s territorial integrity, and will closely follow the development of the issue.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
U.S. politicians need to stop counterproductive meddling

By Liu Chang

BEIJING: Designedly turning a blind eye to Japan’s recent reckless and provocative actions of “buying” China’s Diaoyu Islands, some U.S. lawmakers brazenly blamed China for the flaring tensions in the region.

Republican Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehitinen of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday groundlessly rounded upon China, saying China was a “schoolyard bully” towards its maritime neighbors and aspired to dominate the region.

Such remarks would not only do no good to the worsening ties between Beijing and Tokyo, but also embolden the Japanese government and some other countries in the region that have maritime disputes with China to take even more actions that could undermine stability and peace in the Asia-Pacific.

The Philippines has already attempted to fish in the troubled waters. Manila on Wednesday unilaterally renamed as the “West Philippine Sea” a portion of the South China Sea that includes waters around some Chinese islands, a serious breach of China’s sovereign rights.

In fact, it would not be necessary to employ complicated high technology to determine who is both right and reasonable in these territorial disputes in the region. There are plenty of historical texts and records that can effectively prove China’s ownership of these islands and waters.

Therefore, the only reason why a handful of U.S. politicians always stand against China’s legitimate ownership of these islets is that they purposely choose to do so.

In fact, since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Washington has been inclined to pin China on its combat chart and take it as a potential challenger to its so-called strategic interests and self-claimed leadership in the Asia-Pacific area.

However, with misgivings about Beijing’s rapid emergence onto the world stage, the United States still wants to grab a big share of China’s extended and lucrative markets for business profits.

And it would be self-deceiving that China could not see through Washington’s calculations, and such a two-pronged policy of containment and engagement towards China could never possibly underpin a stable and constructive China-U.S. relationship.

Moreover, for generations, there have always been some U.S. politicians trying to make political capital out of China-bashing games. They have also helped to boost America’s half-hearted China policy.

China has demonstrated to the world that it seeks no regional domination. It is dedicated to developing its economy and improving the Chinese people’s livelihood. Therefore, there is no reason for China to undermine the regional stability and thus disrupt its development.

In the meantime, it has been China’s steadfast policy and long-term practice to resolve the maritime disputes in the region through bilateral talks.

Nevertheless, that does not mean that China would allow any alien trespasses over its sovereignty. China has the will and ability to safeguard its territorial integrity.

U.S. politicians should refrain from making irresponsible remarks that would serve nothing but to stoke more tensions. Washington needs to heed China’s call that it play a constructive role in the Asia-Pacific.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

BEIJING (AFP) - Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Japanese embassy in Beijing on Thursday, singing the Chinese national anthem and waving flags, to condemn Tokyo's purchase of a disputed island chain.

The latest demonstration came after the Japanese government this week nationalised three islands in a chain it administers and refers to as Senkaku, but which are claimed by China, where they are known as Diaoyu.

"Japan through illegal methods has forcibly occupied our country's territory... this is the behaviour of a thief," demonstrator Mr Xu Xiaolei told AFP.

Police watched as small groups of demonstrators entered Japanese restaurants to shout that the islands belonged to China.

Protests in China are often swiftly dispersed by authorities, but in some cases they are allowed to proceed.

More than 20 cities have seen anti-Japanese protests in the past month and the car of the Japanese ambassador to China was targeted in Beijing when a man ripped the flag off the vehicle.

China dispatched two patrol ships to the archipelago to "assert its sovereignty" on Tuesday.

The territorial dispute has since dominated Chinese media, with state television and all major dailies highlighting Beijing's condemnation of Tokyo's acquisition.

At least one Chinese travel agency said it was no longer accepting bookings for trips to Japan.

"State sovereignty comes above everything," the Sichuan Kanghui International Tour Company said in a statement posted online on Wednesday announcing the suspension of group bookings.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said on Wednesday that Beijing would "never yield an inch" over the disputed islands, state-run news agency Xinhua reported.

On Thursday it quoted China's commerce vice minister saying the purchase would "inevitably" have a negative impact on trade ties.

"If Chinese consumers, in a reasonable manner, express their positions and views against Japan's violation of China's territorial sovereignty, I think it is within their rights to do so and it is understandable," Mr Jiang Zengwei said.

The islands, which are also claimed by Taiwan, sit near an important shipping lane and nearby waters are believed to harbour valuable mineral resources.
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Look around at taxis. Market was held by Toyota and Nissan. Today you see quite a bit of Hyundai running around. VW is challenging the dominance of Toyota. This is happening all through the world.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
China morning round-up: Military drills Chinese media continue to call for tougher actions against Japan over the islands' dispute

Chinese newspapers report the military has been conducting a series of live-fire drills amid Japan's purchase of disputed islands in the East China Sea.

Japan bought three of the islands - known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China - from their private Japanese owner on Tuesday.

Shanghai Morning Post says the drills are reaching a climax, including a naval exercise in the Yellow Sea, as well as army and air force drills in southwest China's deserts.

Beijing Times reports exercises on retaking islands by force are included.

A senior Chinese foreign ministry official said China "will never acknowledge Japan's illegal grab and so-called actual control of the Diaoyu Islands", China Daily reports on its front page.

A front-page commentary in the People's Daily Overseas Edition says calculation by Japan's politicians "appeared to be smart, but [was] actually stupid".

The domestic edition's commentary says Japan was merely getting smart with China, something that prevents Japan from "becoming a dignified normal country" - a tone that was seen during Japan's detention of a group of activists from Hong Kong who landed on the islands in August.

The Overseas Edition also reports comments from Beijing's Taiwan affairs' officials that the two sides should unite in tackling the islands' dispute. Taipei, which also claims the islands, has condemned Japan's move.

The Global Times' bilingual editorial says: "China treasures peace. But we are gradually realising among seemingly endless provocations from neighbouring countries that a firm response to the provocateur is also a must for securing a peaceful environment."

Meanwhile, Hong Kong's Ming Pao Daily News says the group of activists who were detained by Japan in August could attempt to land on the islands again next week. .....

Looks like things are turning ugly of both sides remain uncompromising......and the Middle East is burning....looks like 2012 is not going to end peacefully.......


Taiwan only wayang only lah.

Ma Ying Jeou already said he will not side with PRC on this dispute.

You look at the 311 donations, Taiwan is the highest donor.

You watch their talkshows, 95% is praise Japan than China.



[h=1]China to conduct routine Diaoyu Islands patrols[/h]
BEIJING, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- China will conduct routine patrols near the Diaoyu Islandsto assert the country's sovereignty and protect fishermen, an official with the Ministry of Agriculture said on Thursday.

The Diaoyu Islands and their affiliated islets have been China's inherent territory since ancient times, and their surrounding waters are China's traditional fishing grounds, according to the ministry.

Data showed that over 1,000 Chinese fishing boats enter the waters of the Diaoyu Islands each year, with their total catch exceeding 150,000 tonnes.
However, increasing harassment from Japanese ships in recent years has severely affected China's fishing activities, triggering widespread protest and condemnation of Japan.

In order to safeguard the interests of China's oceanic fishing industry and ensure safety for Chinese fishermen, the ministry has asked fishery authorities in Zhejiang and Fujian provinces to include areas surrounding the Diaoyu Islands in their regular patrol scopes, the official said.


[h=1]Chinese federations voice Diaoyu Islands indignation[/h]

BEIJING, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- The All-China Federation of Trade Unions and the All-China Women's Federation issued statements on Thursday, expressing strong indignation toward and opposition against Japan's so-called "purchase" of the Diaoyu Islands.

Despite strong warnings and opposition voiced by top Chinese leaders, the Japanese government on Tuesday signed a purchase contract with the Kurihara family, which Japan claims is the "private owner" of the Diaoyu Islands.

The statement of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions reads, "Chinese laborers and employees hereby express our firm opposition to any attempts by Japan to jeopardize China's territorial sovereignty. We will stand firmly behind the government in any necessary measures to safeguard the nation's sovereignty."

The statement of the All-China Women's Federation reads, "Chinese women will rally behind the government in any necessary measures to protect the nation's sovereignty. We strongly demand Japan stop any move that might impair China's territorial sovereignty."


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Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
I find your comments quite humorous. Since the Toyota Corolla is the world's best selling car in 2012
Really, you are quite funny.

Yes very funny. Your denial that is. In 2012, first half of the year Ford Focus sold more than Toyota Corolla. Total vehicle manufactured, in 2011, Japan is lying third by countries overtaken by USA. China is first, more than double USA. Germany is fourth (this is by vehicle number, by $ value should be ahead of Japan). Europe, represented only by Germany and France in my calculation, behind Japan in 2010 has overtaken Japan in 2011. While all major automotive manufacturing countries register some growth, Japan is the only country to show a drop and it is more than a 10% drop. Korea which was only fifth in the world has gained almost 10% in 2011, and is fast catching up with the others. All these figures can be found in Wikipedia under the article automotive industry. If Japan has not lost its domination in automotive production, who has?

Both Sony and Sharp announced major losses in their annual reports with Sharp having to place its property assets as collateral for bank borrowing to clear off their debts. Sony's Consumer Electronics business, by far its largest revenue generator (around 50%), fell 18.5% in revenue in its 2012 report and carried the bulk of its income loss with almost 230 billion yen losses. Toshiba, while maintaining profitability due to better financial management, saw a gradual erosion of its revenue each year since 2007. Sony and Toshiba, bitter rivals in the past, have to join forces in OLED TV development to fight off the seemingly more advanced Koreans suppliers of Samsung and LG.

You have already admitted defeat by Japan in smartphones to the Koreans and I shall not argue that further.

It is extremely funny that you are still in denial with the above facts staring in your face.
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Yes very funny. Your denial that is. In 2012, first half of the year Ford Focus sold more than Toyota Corolla. Total vehicle manufactured, in 2011, Japan is lying third by countries overtaken by USA. China is first, more than double USA. Germany is fourth (this is by vehicle number, by $ value should be ahead of Japan). Europe, represented only by Germany and France in my calculation, behind Japan in 2010 has overtaken Japan in 2011. While all major automotive manufacturing countries register some growth, Japan is the only country to show a drop and it is more than a 10% drop. Korea which was only fifth in the world has gained almost 10% in 2011, and is fast catching up with the others. All these figures can be found in Wikipedia under the article automotive industry. If Japan has not lost its domination in automotive production, who has?

Both Sony and Sharp announced major losses in their annual reports with Sharp having to place its property assets as collateral for bank borrowing to clear off their debts. Sony's Consumer Electronics business, by far its largest revenue generator (around 50%), fell 18.5% in revenue in its 2012 report and carried the bulk of its income loss with almost 230 billion yen losses. Toshiba, while maintaining profitability due to better financial management, saw a gradual erosion of its revenue each year since 2007. Sony and Toshiba, bitter rivals in the past, have to join forces in OLED TV development to fight off the seemingly more advanced Koreans suppliers of Samsung and LG.

You have already admitted defeat by Japan in smartphones to the Koreans and I shall not argue that further.

It is extremely funny that you are still in denial with the above facts staring in your face.

Actually your comments on "Japan Losing Automotive Dominance" has earned a few laughs here in the office. And I see you cannot read too. Still the figures are there, so no Korean Dominance, sorry for you. Apparently no one has explained to you Toyota is the world's largest carmaker.

2012Q1 2011
1 Toyota Corolla 285,352 1,141,709 1
2 Toyota Prius 242,947 367,627 42
3 Ford Focus 236,261 882,551 2
4 VW Jetta 202,804 695,159 10
5 Toyota Camry 196,892 621,679 12
6 Ford Fiesta 193,842 767,465 5
7 VW Golf 191,532 864,452 3
8 Chevrolet Cruze 188,863 704,691 8
9 Nissan Tiida/Versa/Sunny 187,867 568,319 15
10 VW Passat 182,405 628,097 11


Is Ford's Focus really the world's best-selling car this year?

Posted Sep 4th 2012 9:31AM
According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, Toyota says that its Corolla-based models accounted for 603,840 through the same six-month period Ford claims its Focus was the top seller. Breaking the numbers down even further, Toyota says that the Auris and Corolla alone have managed 524,000 sales globally which is still more than Ford's Focus sales.

And your comments on the Japanese Consumer Market once again provide comic relief. Since when did the Japanese ever dominate the handset market? Please, do go on. Apparently you have never heard of the American Consumer, nor what they buy. Maybe the Nitendo Wii never existed! And the Sony Playstation is a figment of our imagination! But tell you what, I'll pass it on. I'll tell Nikon, Canon, Sony etc exactly what your opinion is. And I'll tell Walmart, Target, Best Buy etc to drop all sales of "Japanese Consumer Electronics", which might empty the stores out. You are really a clown.

Now if you ever wish to focus on Japan's faults, you might want to mention its 200+% debt to GDP and the cumaltive efffects of 20 years of deflation,lost decades of growth etc instead of attacking its export machine. That's not its weakness.


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Six China ships near disputed isles: Japan coastguard

AFP - Six Chinese government ships sailed into waters around disputed islands claimed by both Beijing and Tokyo early Friday, the Japanese coastguard said, adding it had issued warnings telling them to leave.
The arrival came just days after the Japanese government completed its planned nationalisation of the islands, which it administers and knows as Senkaku, but which China claims as Diaoyu.
"Our patrol vessels are currently telling them to leave our country's territorial waters," the coastguard said in a statement.
Under international law, territorial waters extend up to 12 nautical miles from the coast of a landmass.
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda vowed to maintain utmost vigilance after the coast guard said that two Chinese maritime survey ships entered Japanese waters around 6:18 am (2118 GMT Thursday).
They were followed by a group of four other ships that sailed into the waters claimed by Japan, shortly after 7:00 am, the coastguard said.
The first two ships left the waters around 7:48 am, the coastguard added.
In a dispatch from Beijing, China's state Xinhua news agency said: "Two Chinese surveillance ship fleets have arrived in waters around Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands Friday and started patrol and law enforcement there."
The disputed archipelago in the East China Sea is around 400 kilometres (250 miles) from Naha, the main city of Okinawa, and 200 kilometres from Taiwan.


Chinese surveillance ships arrive in waters around Diaoyu Islands

BEIJING, Sept. 14 (Xinhuanet) -- Two cruise fleets including 6 China Marine surveillance ships have arrived in the waters around the Diaoyu Islands.
The Chinese patrol ships have been sent to conduct law enforcement duties. It’s the first surveillance patrol task to be carried out after the Chinese government declared its official baselines of the territorial waters around the Diaoyu Islands and their affiliated islets.
The action aims to assert China’s sovereignty claims over the islands and uphold China’s maritime interests in the area.
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