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China sends ships to islands disputed with Japan: Xinhua


[h=1]Chinese government issues white paper on Diaoyu Islands[/h] 09-25-2012 15:58 BJT


The Chinese government has issued a white paper on the Diaoyu Dao, or Diaoyu Islands. The document clearly explains the fact that Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands are inherent part of the Chinese territory in all historical, geographical and legal terms and China has indisputable sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands.

The white paper expresses China’s firm opposition to Japan’s violation of China’s sovereignty in any form. China has taken resolute measures to curb any such act. China’s will to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity is firm and its resolve to uphold the outcomes of the World Anti-Fascist War will not be shaken by any force.

Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands are located to the northeast of China’s Taiwan Island. The islands consist of Diaoyu Dao, and other islands and reefs with a total landmass of around 5.69 square kilometers.

Diaoyu Dao, situated in the western tip of the area, covers a landmass of about 3.91 square kilometers and is the largest island in the area. The highest peak on the island stands 362 meters above the sea level.

Ancient ancestors in China first discovered and named Diaoyu Dao through their production and fishery activities on the sea.
The earliest historical record of the islands can be found in the book Voyage with a Tail Wind published in 1403 in the Ming Dynasty.

In 1561, Hu Zongxian, the supreme commander of the southeast coastal defense of the Ming Dynasty incorporated Diaoyu Dao into the jurisdiction of the Ming court’s coastal defense.

In 1650, the first official historical record of the Ryukyu Kingdom confirmed that Diaoyu Dao and Chiwei Yu belonged to China and Kume Island belonged to Ryukyu. The separating line lay in the Okinawa Trough between Chiwei Yu and Kume Island.

The Qing Dynasty continued the Ming Dynasty’s incorporation of the Diaoyu Dao and it affiliated Islands into the scope of China’s coastal defense. It also clearly placed the islands under the jurisdiction of the local government of Taiwan.

Foreign maps also showed that Diaoyu Dao belonged to China.

Illustrated Outline of the Three Countries published in 1785 by Hayashi Shihei is earliest Japanese literature to mention Diaoyu Dao. It put the island as being apart from the 36 islands of Ryukyu and colored it the same as the mainland of China, indicating that Diaoyu Dao was part of China’s territory.

In addition, some maps published by France, Britain, and the United States in early 19th century all marked Diaoyu Dao as part of China’s territory.
Japan accelerated its invasion and external expansion after the Meiji Restoration.

Japan seized Ryukyu in 1879 and changed its name to Okinawa Prefecture.
In 1884, a Japanese man claimed he was the first to land on Diaoyu Dao. The Japanese government then dispatched secret fact-finding missions and attempted to invade and occupy the islands.

The plots triggered China’s alert. The Chinese newspaper Shanghai News reported that Japan intended to occupy the islands. The Japanese government did not dare to take any further action for fear of reaction from China.

In 1885, the governor of Okinawa Prefecture noted China’s existing sovereignty on the islands, and asked for instruction as whether to set up sovereignty markers on it. The Japanese Foreign Minister replied that any open moves were bound to alert the Qing court. He advised not to go beyond field surveys, and not to publicize the missions.

In 1890 and 1893, another two separate requests were made to set up sovereignty markers on the island. The Japanese government did not respond.
In May, 1984, two months before the Sino-Japanese War, the secret fact-finding missions said in a final conclusion that it was difficult to provide any specific reports on the island. The missions said there existed no old records, or folklore and legends demonstrating that the island belonged to Japan.

At the end of 1894, Japanese forces seized the Chinese port of Lushun, virtually securing defeat of the Qing court. Against this backdrop, the Japanese cabinet secretly passed a resolution in January to place Diaoyu Dao under the jurisdiction of Okinawa Prefecture.

From the time of the fact-finding missions in 1885 to the occupation of the islands in 1895, Japan consistently acted in secrecy. This further proves that Japan’s claim of sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao does not have legal effect under international law.

In April, 1895, the Qing court was officially defeated in the war and forced to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki. The Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated Islands, were ceded to Japan together with Taiwan Island. In 1900, Japan changed the name of Diaoyu Dao to "Senkaku Islands".

Diaoyu Dao, being affiliated to Taiwan, was returned to China after the Second World War.

In December 1941, Chinese government officially declared war against Japan with the abrogation of all treaties between China and Japan.
In December 1943, the Cairo Declaration stated that "all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Taiwan and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Repulic of China."

In July 1945, the Potsdam Proclamation stated:"The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out." Japan accepted the Potsdam Proclamation in explicit terms with the Japanese Instrument of Surrender on September 1945.

On October 25, the Chinese government officially recovered Taiwan at the ceremony for accepting Japan’s surrender in Taipei.


What is an aircraft carrier with no operational plane call? A really big sitting duck.

China's first aircraft carrier enters service

China's first aircraft carrier has entered into service, the Defence Ministry says.

The 300m (990ft) Liaoning - named after the province where it was refitted - is a refurbished Soviet ship purchased from Ukraine.

For now the carrier has no operational aircraft and will be used for training.

But China says the vessel, which has undergone extensive sea trials, will increase its capacity to defend state interests.

The delivery of the aircraft comes at a time when Japan and other countries in the region have expressed concern at China's growing naval strength.

China and Japan are embroiled in a row over disputed islands in the East China Sea. Several South East Asian nations are also at odds with China over overlapping territorial claims in the South China Sea.
'Defend interests'

The Liaoning was formally handed over to the navy at ceremony attended by top Chinese leaders at Dalian Port, state-run Xinhua news agency said.

"Having the aircraft carrier enter the ranks will be of important significance in raising the overall fighting capacity of our nation's navy to a modern level," China's Defence Ministry said in a statement.

The vessel will "increase [China's] capacity to defend, develop its capacity to co-operate on the high seas in dealing with non-traditional security threats and will be effective in defending the interests of state sovereignty, security and development", it added.

The official commissioning of the country's first aircraft carrier signals China's status as a rising power, says the BBC's Damian Grammaticas in Beijing.

The country's Communist leaders are spending billions modernising their armed forces so they can project military power far beyond China's borders, our correspondent adds.

The Liaoning, formerly known as the Varyag, was constructed in the 1980s for the Soviet navy but was never completed.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the Varyag sat in Ukraine's dockyards.

A Chinese company with links to China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) bought the ship just as Soviet warships were being cut for scrap.

It said it wanted to turn the Varyag into a floating casino in Macau and in 2001 the ship was towed to China.

The Chinese military confirmed in June 2011 that it was being refitted to serve as the nation's first aircraft carrier.

oh my god
the casino ship morphed into a aircraft carrier ..
the stake must be very high


[h=1]China, Japan hold consultations on Diaoyu Dao[/h] 09-25-2012 17:20 BJT

BEIJING, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- Consultations regarding the Diaoyu Dao were held by Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun and Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Chikao Kawai in Beijing on Tuesday.x The two sides had a candid and in-depth exchange of views during the consultations, according to a statement released by China's Foreign Ministry after their meeting.

Zhang Zhijun pointed out that Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands have been China's sacred territory since ancient times, as historical and legal evidences have shown, said the statement.

The Japanese side, however, has disregarded the repeated and stern representations made by the Chinese side, denied the important understanding and consensus reached between the older generation of leaders of the two countries, and openly took the illegal actions of "nationalizing" Diaoyu Dao in defiance of historical and legal evidences, Zhang was quoted as saying by the statement.

"These acts constitute a gross violation of China' s territory. They are highly offensive to the 1.3 billion Chinese people, and gravely trample on historical facts and international law. It is an outright denial of the outcomes of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and poses a grave challenge to the post-war international order. Historical verdict can never be overturned; consensus must not be rejected; and flouting people's aspiration will not be tolerated," Zhang said.

The Chinese side will absolutely not tolerate any unilateral action taken by the Japanese side that infringes on China's territorial sovereignty. The Japanese side must abandon any illusion, face up to its erroneous actions and correct them with credible steps. It should recommit itself to the consensus and understanding reached between the leaders of the two countries and meet China half way so as to bring China-Japan relations back onto the right track of sound and stable growth at an early date, Zhang said.

The statement said the two sides agreed to maintain consultations on the issue of Diaoyu Dao Islands.


[h=1]UN calls for reaffirmed global commitment to rule of law[/h]
Top UN officials attending a high-level meeting have called on all countries to reaffirm their commitment to the rule of law in their efforts to resolve conflicts and create lasting peace.

The meeting came on the eve of the General Assembly’s annual general debate. Vuk Jeremic, UN General Assembly President, said that the meeting is a "new landmark moment in the global peace process."

UN Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon also told the meeting, the rule of law gives the international community a basis to cooperate and peacefully resolve conflicts and the means to ensure that there is no relapse of fighting."

Both of them urged member states to adopt a draft resolution to show their commitment to the principles of the UN Charter.

Ban Ki-moon says, "Strengthening the Rule of Law is for every country and is in everyone’s interest. It is as essential within countries as it is among the family of nations. Today’s meeting is a milestone but it is not an end in itself. Our challenge is now to follow, generate momentum and continue to give high profile to this essential foundation for a better future."


[h=1]Chinese FM pledges closer cooperation with UN[/h]

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Monday held separate meetings with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moonand Vuk Jeremic, president of the current UN General Assembly, pledging closer cooperation with the world body.

During the meetings, Yang said that under the current world situation, the international community attaches greater importance to the role of the United Nations.

China will continue its support for a greater role of the United Nations in maintaining international peace, promoting common development and sustainable development, and striving toward the targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of eight anti-poverty goals to be realized by 2015, Yang said.
China will continue its active participation in UN work in all fields and lift China-UN cooperation to a higher level, he said.

Ban and Jeremic both thanked China's support for UN work, saying China is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs.

The United Nations is ready to strengthen cooperation with China in promoting the MDGs, in properly settling international and regional issues and in promoting peace and development in general, they said.

Yang is at the UN headquarters to attend the General Debate of the 67th General Assembly, which opens Tuesday morning.


Japan Has The Tech

Now that it is weakening by the day, internationally in its influence, its consumer electronics being usurped by the Korean, its automotive industry being retaken by the European and intruded upon by the Korean and irony upon irony by the Chinese, it should awaken itself from its slumber to appreciate the dire straits it is in, instead of continuing to dream impossible dreams.

I don't think there is a direct relationship with consumer goods, Japan has it's own military might that can be on pars with China except the part about the number. China has far bigger army contingent compared to Japan. Japan is separated by the sea and with diaoyu island that close for comfort, I don't think Japan can stomach that.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Japan Has The Tech

Japan is playing with fire. But when it is economically necessary for its survival, it will take on China - with the tacit support from the USA. The main loser will be China - the fledgling giant will be prematurely aborted.


Re: Japan Has The Tech

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/T3OVlX1GVVg?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Re: Japan Has The Tech

TAIPEI - Taiwan will push ahead with plans to set up a national marine park near disputed islands in the East China Sea also claimed by Japan and China, a top official said Wednesday.

Interior Minister Lee Hong-yuan made the remarks in parliament, one day after dozens of Taiwanese boats entered territorial waters around the disputed islands to press Taipei's claim.

"The Ministry of the Interior will keep working on the establishment of the planned marine national park," Lee told legislators, without giving details.

The planned national park will cover three Taiwan-held islets -- Pengjia, Mianhua and Huaping and surrounding waters, measuring some 750 square kilometres (300 square miles), according to authorities.

Lee said during a recent visit to Pengjia islet, which lies about 140 kilometres (90 miles) west of the disputed islands known as Diaoyu in Chinese and Senkaku in Japanese, that he hoped the park could be set up soon.

His comments came as he reiterated Taipei's claim to the Diaoyu islands and said the government would would step up efforts to protect its fishermen working in the disputed waters.

"We will protect the fishermen more actively to help them fight for their rights in Diaoyu islands. There is no doubt that the (islands') sovereignty is ours," Lee said. "We will also seek consensus with Japan and China."

The uninhabited but strategically positioned archipelago is administered by Japan and has long been at the centre of a bitter territorial row between Japan and China.

Dozens of Taiwanese fishing boats escorted by coastguard vessels traded water cannon fire with Japanese vessels around the disputed islands and returned to Taiwan late Tuesday to a hero's welcome.

Taiwan's coastguard confirmed that nearly 60 boats got close to the islands, some coming within three nautical miles -- well inside the 12-nautical-mile territorial exclusion zone.

- AFP/ir


Re: Japan Has The Tech

To be honest, I think both sides are just putting on a show. You don't see any high-level diplomatic downgrading from both China and Japan. The Taiwanese recalled their ambassador but the Chinese still keep theirs in Tokyo. Speaks much how 'offended' they are.


Re: Japan Has The Tech

[h=1]Japanese ships ordered to leave China's territorial waters[/h]
Chinese surveillance ships are continuing to patrol territorial waters around the Diaoyu Islands. The Chinese fleet are reported to have ordered four Japanese coast guard vessels to leave the area.

The State Oceanic Administration says the fleet of four ships spotted the Japanese ships early on Thursday morning. They radioed them to request they stop interfering in China’s law enforcement activities. China’s Foreign Ministry says the surveillance fleet is safeguarding the country’s sovereignty and jurisdiction over the waters, through routine patrols. The Chinese Fleet returned to the waters around the Diaoyu Islands last Saturday, after two typhoons left the area.