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China sends ships to islands disputed with Japan: Xinhua


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Hey son of a bitch. You are not fit to be a moderator. Moderators don't act in this manner. Just look at how Wuqi256 resolve disputes, even within his "Living In JB" threads. You have a lot to learn from him, fucker. Sam must be fucking blind to appoint as a moderator.

He is just a mod in a folder where no one visit.


Japan started first by "Buying" the disputed islands.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Japan is a very sad story. After being an economic superpower in the 80's and 90's, the Japan today has been supplanted by Korea in consumer electronics, lost its domination in the automotive industry and the economy has stagnated for the last decade and more.

Much of the private reserves have been absorbed into the Australian money and capital markets as yen carried trade. When the anomaly of the currency and interest rates normalizes many will lose substantially on their savings. Japan will become just a backwater country in one corner of Asia.

I loved Japanese goods when they dominated the world market. But today they might not even be considered as a second set.

Sir I like your reply.It is very well done - sensible, polite and convincing.How I wish other forumers post like you.Thank you Sir.



You have gravely misjudged their reaction. They were not dubfounded. Indeed, one look at you is enough for them to avoid wasting more time interacting with the likes of you in any intellectual discourse. [For your language improvement: there is no such a word as "dumbfold". See what I mean ? Sheeeeee ...... ]

Jeez, I've just picked up a new word. Sorry for my mistake. But you won't know what they have told me do you? So, don't pretend to act smart.


Wow the Chinese are having their asses kicked! First Clinton kenna whack them, then the pinoys and now Japan. What a bunch of weaklings. We should all just treat China like a giant doormat!

Yes during peace time, Chinese youth may appear materialistic, spending too much time surfing porn and chiong ktv but if war really broke out between China and Japan, you will see young Chinese man throwing away their smart phones, dump their gf & fb .... They will be putting on their army uniform, pick up their rifles and all ready to fight to defend their motherland. If there is war, never underestimate the nationalistic fervour and the devotion of the Chinese people to their country.


Alfrescian (Inf)
While the ships are there, the Chinese should test the radioactivity in the waters of the islands and if found to be high, take the Japanese government to ICJ for polluting the islands while in temporary caretakership by Japan. Also, expose the lies of Japan being an environmentally friendly country and their secret pollution of the seawaters under the failed doctrine of trying to dilute the pollution to safe levels.


Alfrescian (Inf)
both countries govts are having domestic problems and are using the islands to deflected the citizens attention from the fall of exports, inflation etc etc... it especially true for PRC as there will be a change of leadership in the polituro and also the new leader Xi Jinping need the support of the PLA in order to sit on the chair of the military commission as he was not a PLA man. As Mao once say, china can only be rule thru the barrel of a gun, so the support of the PLA is very important to the civil leadership in the CCCP. So this standoff will continue at least till the end of first quarter 2013 unless nippon back off, which is not likely.

If china want to play punk, it can get its thousands of unarmed fishing boats to get into a "shooting" incident with the japan coast guard to further stir up public sentiment. if in 1920s japan can plant explosive on its own manchurian railway as excuse to drive out the chinese, so there no stopping the PRC of using the same tactic against the nihon jins. with its thousands of fishing boat, sure can get one japan coast guard crew to snap and sink just one fishing boat to give lao tiong the excuse they need to blame japan. another way is for the PLA Navy to declare a large exclusion zone in south and east china sea for live fire excerise for an indefinte period. This will cause problems to japan as its need the shipping lane to be open to survive.

but in real sense, nobody want to get into a shooting war becasue those islands. simply not worth it. Once the new polituro leadership settle in, PRC will invite the japan PM for a visit, machiam like tribute mission, and the islands issue will be place on hold again for later generations.


winners? I think you are real time losers. dumbfolded.

Whether I'm a winner or loser, at least I'm living a very comfortable life. I don't know about you, but if you are still working to earn your peasant dollars and having to support your dependents, I feel very sorry for you.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Whether I'm a winner or loser, at least I'm living a very comfortable life. I don't know about you, but if you are still working to earn your peasant dollars and having to support your dependents, I feel very sorry for you.

good post well done! i agreed. we singaporeans are proud of working hard. please don't feel sorry for us. i am quite comfortable with my own country.no need to complain too much. be happy okay . be contented okay. thank you.


[h=1]China: No concession on Diaoyu Islands[/h]

The Japan Broadcasting Corporation says the Japanese government has signed a purchase contract for the Diaoyu Islands with the Kurihara family, who claim to be the current "private owners". China says the Diaoyu Islands are an inalienable part of China’s territory and China will make no concession on issues concerning its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Japan signs purchase contract
The Japanese Cabinet announced on Tuesday that it would disburse reserve funds to purchase part of China’s Diaoyu Islands.
The Japanese government will pay two billion yen or 26 million U.S. dollars to the Kurihara family, which claims to own the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea.
Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura announced on Monday afternoon that the central government had reached a final agreement with the Kurihara family to buy three of the five uninhabited islands. He said the government hopes the purchase will not undermine overall bilateral relations with China.

Meanwhile, according to the Kyodo News Agency, the Japanese Foreign Ministry is sending its Asia Bureau Director-General to China. He’s expected to hold talks with the Chinese government on the Diaoyu issue.
Demonstrating China’s undisputable sovereignty over the islands, two ships of the China Marine Surveillance reached the waters around the Diaoyu Islands on Tuesday morning to assert the country’s sovereignty.
The maritime agency has drafted an action plan to safeguard sovereignty and will take actions pending the development of the situation.

China announces baselines of Diaoyu Islands
The Chinese government has also announced the base points and baselines of the territorial waters of the Diaoyu Islands, in accordance with China’s law on territorial seas and adjacent zones.

China begins weather forecasts for Diaoyu Islands
Meanwhile, China’s National oceanic forecast station will begin weather forecasts for regions near the Diaoyu Islands, beginning on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, Defense Minister Spokesman Geng Yansheng responded to the illegal action. He said the Diaoyu Islands and their affiliated islets have been inherent territory of China since ancient times, backed by historical and legal evidence. He said the Japanese government’s so-called "purchase" of the islands and other unilateral actions are illegal and invalid. The Chinese army firmly opposes and strongly protests Japan’s action.

China’s Foreign Ministry issues statement
Meanwhile, China’s Foreign Ministry issued a strongly worded statement after the Japanese government announced its plan to buy the islands.
At a daily press conference, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the Chinese government will stand firm in defending the sovereignty and integrity of its territory.
Hong Lei, Spokesman of Chinese Foreign Ministry, said, "China’s sovereignty over the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets are historically proved and legally protected. The Chinese government does not tolerate any actions that violate its territorial sovereignty and integrity. We will take necessary measures to defend our territory as the situation develops. We strongly urge the Japanese side to drop the wrong actions and return to talks and negotiations. A healthy and stable China-Japan relationship should be based on efforts from both sides. The Japanese attempts to ’purchase’ the Diaoyu Islands has totally violated that principle."

Chinese President Hu Jintao on Diaoyu Islands
Chinese President Hu Jintao, during his meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on the sidelines of the APEC Leaders’ Meeting, made clear China’s position on relations with Japan and on the Diaoyu Islands issue.
He said any means Japan uses to "purchase the islands" are illegal and invalid and China firmly opposes such moves. The Chinese government stands firm on the issue of safeguarding its territorial sovereignty. And he said Japan must fully recognize the gravity of the situation and should not make wrong decisions.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Diaoyu Islands
Meanwhile, at an inauguration ceremony for statue of late Chinese leaders Zhou Enlai and Chen Yi at the China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing, Premier Wen Jiabao said China will make absolutely no concession on issues concerning its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The Chinese government and its people cherish their country’s hard-won national sovereignty and dignity more than anybody.
Observers say Japan should recognize the severity of the issue, correct its wrong-doings and return to the right track.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Hey son of a bitch. You are not fit to be a moderator. Moderators don't act in this manner. Just look at how Wuqi256 resolves disputes, even within his "Living In JB" threads. You have a lot to learn from him, fucker. Sam must be fucking blind to appoint you as a moderator.

ROFL at you the king of idiots telling me how a mod should act. Have you ever seen someone of higher power up there listening to someone lower down the rung? You would be the last molecule on earth to ever tell me how i should act. Anyway i won't be taking no abuse from the lowly likes of you. The way you're putting it it's like i should be smiling at you while you pile on the abuse on me. Sorry nobody would tolerate this. Sam wouldn't take it nor would most of the mods. I just find it laughable you had to use wuqi as an example. Why not use sam instead? Oh yeah cos sam would fuck you up and ban you in an instant.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
ROFL at you the king of idiots telling me how a mod should act. Have you ever seen someone of higher power up there listening to someone lower down the rung? You would be the last molecule on earth to ever tell me how i should act. Anyway i won't be taking no abuse from the lowly likes of you. The way you're putting it it's like i should be smiling at you while you pile on the abuse on me. Sorry nobody would tolerate this. Sam wouldn't take it nor would most of the mods. I just find it laughable you had to use wuqi as an example. Why not use sam instead? Oh yeah cos sam would fuck you up and ban you in an instant.

Wonderful indeed! This is first class response!! Well done moderator!!! You are an excellent example.!!! Well done and congrats!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)

You have gravely misjudged their reaction. They were not dubfounded. Indeed, one look at you is enough for them to avoid wasting more time interacting with the likes of you in any intellectual discourse. [For your language improvement: there is no such a word as "dumbfold". See what I mean ? Sheeeeee ...... ]

Jesus this megalomaniac goes around talking down to ppl giving his own opinions like they are even worth a dime and tries to teach others how a mod should act again acting like his own opinion even means anything one post after he got told his opinion means zilch and the proceeds to give another opinion on how another forummer should act. Just ridiculous.


[h=1]Japan orders self-defence forces to be ready[/h]

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has ordered the country’s Self-Defense Forces to be fully prepared for any emergency.

Noda made the order during an inspection of the Self Defence Forces on Tuesday morning. He also attended the forces’ senior officials’ meeting in the Defense Ministry. The move has drawn a lot of attention as it coincided with Japan’s illegal signing of a purchase contract for part of the Diaoyu Islands. Noda stressed that the Self Defence Forces should take on unprecedented responsibilities due to the current security environment around Japan.

Meanwhile, the country’s Minister of Defense, Satoshi Morimoto says the US Osprey transport aircraft will be deployed in Okinawa Prefecture. He says it will enhance the defense capability of the US forces stationed in Japan.


[h=1]Fighters conduct live-fire attack training[/h]
An aviation division of the air force under the Guangzhou Military Area Command (MAC) of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has conducted live-fire attack training on the sea recently. It improves the pilots' offshore low altitude offense and defense capability.

An aviation division of the air force under the Guangzhou Military Area Command (MAC) of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has conducted live-fire attack training on the sea recently. It improves the pilots' offshore low altitude offense and defense capability.

An aviation division of the air force under the Guangzhou Military Area Command (MAC) of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has conducted live-fire attack training on the sea recently. It improves the pilots' offshore low altitude offense and defense capability.


An aviation division of the air force under the Guangzhou Military Area Command (MAC) of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has conducted live-fire attack training on the sea recently. It improves the pilots' offshore low altitude offense and defense capability.


High time to flex its new found muscle......... blast Jappon off the face of earth... afterall the millions of Chinese killed for NO good reasons during the World Wars; pilages & rapes have not been settled as we still see the descendants of those perpetrators still worshipping the killer n criminals in Yakusuni Shrine (temple?? what sort izzit which harbour warped souls?).
Teach them a lesson they will never ever forget. USA nuked them & yet they kept their golden silence. Now they want to legitimised the islands stolen from China by buying them from thieves!


Alfrescian (Inf)
is that the J11?

diayudao shd be under the nanjing military district. the islands only 200miles from chinese mainland, well within range of the J11.


[h=1]Japan orders self-defence forces to be ready[/h]

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has ordered the country’s Self-Defense Forces to be fully prepared for any emergency.

Noda made the order during an inspection of the Self Defence Forces on Tuesday morning. He also attended the forces’ senior officials’ meeting in the Defense Ministry. The move has drawn a lot of attention as it coincided with Japan’s illegal signing of a purchase contract for part of the Diaoyu Islands. Noda stressed that the Self Defence Forces should take on unprecedented responsibilities due to the current security environment around Japan.

Meanwhile, the country’s Minister of Defense, Satoshi Morimoto says the US Osprey transport aircraft will be deployed in Okinawa Prefecture. He says it will enhance the defense capability of the US forces stationed in Japan.

What is impotent SDF capable off?
This time they are not dealing with unarmed civilians in Nanjing!!!