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China sends ships to islands disputed with Japan: Xinhua


Both sides just wayang only lah. Anybody who takes the standoff seriously, is obviously clueless to international politics.

Natural that both will never stand down due to domestic pressure in their respective countries.

syed putra

This is following from your point of the discoverer is the owner. China never claimed Malacca because it was not traditionally a territory they regard as theirs but not so for many islands in the South China Sea. They probably have set foot on these earlier and more often than others. Japan's right was only through conquest. They are incorrigible.
There were probably many others who have set foot on these islands before but did not other to record them. Only solution to resolve the dispute is by ICJ or international maritime law of the sea


Alfrescian (Inf)
This is following from your point of the discoverer is the owner. China never claimed Malacca because it was not traditionally a territory they regard as theirs but not so for many islands in the South China Sea. They probably have set foot on these earlier and more often than others. Japan's right was only through conquest. They are incorrigible.
There were probably many others who have set foot on these islands before but did not other to record them. Only solution to resolve the dispute is by ICJ or international maritime law of the sea

Now you see the part that you highlighted in red and contrast it to some other people that talk about tibet being conquered by china. When it comes to the tibet issue they say that tibet should be free cos it was conquered by china. Ok but when you ask these very same ppl about the islands that japan took from china strangely they change their own standards. The islands still belong to japan according to them even though japan took them forcefully from china.

To them it's like this. If china takes something it has to give it back. If someone takes something from china it's ok if they don't give it back. So far i have never ever seen any of these ppl with no double standards.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Mmm ... interesting. But, it is our culture and history that give rise to differences. Can we stop the hate in practice ?

Very interesting. So Japanese originated from the Koreans in relatively recent times - 250 BC, around the time of Qin Shi Huang. Any connection to Qin Shi Huang's sending a team to Japan to look for the Elixir of Eternal Life? If this was indeed the event that triggered it, then the First Emperor did not send Han Chinese but Koreans instead.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Wow the Chinese are having their asses kicked! First Clinton kenna whack them, then the pinoys and now Japan. What a bunch of weaklings. We should all just treat China like a giant doormat!

You must be dumbfucked. You call that whacked?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Okay lah, let you win. However, in my eyes, you are still a brain of m&d. Don't want to argue with you anymore, otherwise, Raiders will need to come in to intervene again.

Nobody cares about the opinion of the king of idiots. You really take the cake posting your opinion here as if it even means anything. That's like the mentally ill person in the asylum giving his opinion that messi isn't the best football player in the world but a lion's football player is better than him. You think anyone would even care what he thinks? :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Doubt so. PRC chinks and Sinkie chinks both share a common propensity for self-preservation. They'll gladly lose their tails to escape from danger. I have no doubt that chinks would be the only survivors in the event of a nuclear holocaust. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah? And then the filippinos, ang mohs, m&ds etc are all super brave willing to stand in the face of danger and fight to the death not caring about their own personal safety?

Go fuck yourself in reality everyone nowadays in fact it's human nature to strive for self preservation. How about yourself? Are you heroic? Are you willing to become a matyr? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for any cause? The answer is obviously no and assholes like you ignore the double standards and try to pin common human traits negatively unto a certain race.


[h=1]Chinese people, gov't together on Diaoyu Islands[/h]

BEIJING, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) -- Angered by Japan's so-called "purchase" of some of the Diaoyu Islands, a Chinese territory, people in China of various walks of life have expressed support for the Chinese government in introducing countermeasures.

Despite strong warnings and opposition voiced by top Chinese leaders, the Japanese government on Tuesday signed a contract with the Kurihara family, which Japan claims is the "private owner" of the Diaoyu Islands.

"Our tolerance should not be met with cruelty. And we should call stridently for the Diaoyu Islands and must not allow any country to forcibly occupy our territory," said a netizen nicknamed "Dingxinran" in a webpost.

Some people also posted online a Japanese map drawn by the Japanese military in 1876 to prove that the Diaoyu Islands don't belong to Japan.

"As a member of the Chinese nation, I resolutely and unconditionally support the Chinese government's stance and countermeasures that aim to safeguard national dignity and sovereignty," said another netizen.

Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said on Monday that China urges Japan to immediately revoke its wrong decision to "buy" the Diaoyu Islands and stop all actions that undermine China's territorial sovereignty.

Otherwise, all consequences should be borne only by the Japanese side, according to Yang.

On the same day, the Chinese government announced the base points and baselines of the territorial waters of Diaoyu Islands, a move that further demonstrates China's sovereignty.

China's oceanic authority has recently improved its monitoring over far-sea territory including the Diaoyu Islands.
Gao Hong, an expert on Japan studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told Xinhua in an interview on Tuesday that China can use all necessary means to monitor the islands regularly, conduct patrols and offer protection to fishermen.

History proves that Diaoyu Islands belong to China:


Diaoyu Islands: China's inherent territory

The Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islets are "an integral part of Chinese territory". China’s stance on the islands has always been consistent and explicit.
China’s Foreign Ministry says Japan’s remarks that the Diaoyu Islands are part of its territory, sabotages China’s sovereignty. We take a look now at the history of the islands, and their inherent connection with China.

The Japanese government has discussed the terms of a contract of sale with the Kurihara family, who claim to own the Diaoyu Islands. The central government has agreed to pay more than 26 million US dollars for the purchase of part of the chain of the islands in the East China Sea. China’s Foreign Ministry has stressed that the Diaoyu Islands have been an inherent part of China’s territory since ancient times, adding that China holds indisputable sovereignty over the islands.

The Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islets have been the inherent territory of China since ancient times, and were first discovered, named and used by the Chinese. The earliest historical record of the Diaoyu Islands can be dated back to China’s Ming Dynasty about 650 years ago in a book titled "Voyage With a Tail Wind," published in 1403. The book records the first usage of "Diaoyu Islet" and "Chiwei Islet". The names refer to the current Diaoyu Islands and Chiwei Islet.
Hu Zongxian, the Zhejiang governor of the Ming Dynasty, placed the Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islets within China’s maritime defense system. It demonstrates that the islands have been within China’s maritime defense sphere since the Ming Dynasty. Japan claimed sovereignty during the Sino-Japanese War of 1895, seizing the islands by illegal means.

The Cairo Declaration issued after World War II stipulated that all territory taken by Japan illegally, including China’s northeast, Taiwan and Penghu islets, must be returned to China. In August 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender under the terms of the Potsdam Declaration. The declaration laid out that Japan must return Taiwan, the Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islets to China.
On September 18th, 1951, then Chinese Premier and Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai made a solemn statement on behalf of the Chinese government that the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed in San Francisco was illegal and invalid, and would not be recognized without the participation and signing of the People’s Republic of China.

In June 1971, Japan and the United States signed a pact to hand over Okinawa to Japan. The Diaoyu Islands were mapped into the handover area. China’s Foreign Ministry announced on December 30th 1971 that such a move was "totally illegal" and reiterated that the Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islets were "an integral part of the Chinese territory".
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Both sides just wayang only lah. Anybody who takes the standoff seriously, is obviously clueless to international politics.

Natural that both will never stand down due to domestic pressure in their respective countries.

Those who take it seriously are the fucking rightwing politicians in Tokyo who still dream of Greater East Asia Prosperity Sphere (大東亜共栄圏 Dai-tō-a Kyōeiken) and the stupid but corrupted Red Generals from Red army whose fathers established PRC,and believe that China belong to them
All of them will die.


They don't care. If you've spoken to any China Chinese, they'll all tell you the same: that pride is more important than anything else.

In my course of work previously, I've interacted with the people from Japan, Korea, China, Hongkong and Taiwan (and even Myanmar). They range from Directors level down to shopfloor machinists. Koreans and Chinese are very aggressive people and will confront you on the spot. North-Eastern Chinese are the worst. Japanese will put on an act in front of you, but will stab you from behind. Taiwanese are very pretending. Even if things are not in order, they'll tell you everything is okay, but will talk bad behind your back. However, if you are honest and good to them, they'll really appreciate your work in all sincerity.

They all told me that Sinkies can never be truly successful in China, because Sinkies only go "by the book", which can't really work in China, unless Sinkies will change in their mentality.

And that is why my Honkie boss keep on telling me when I was working for him " Don't do what the book tells you to do but do what the book did not tell you you can't do "


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Japan is going to be deeply involved in this messy conflict. This will affect the Asian economy and the USA will just sit tight and laugh all the way to the bank once more. Bloody stupid Japanese, never learn from their Tora Tora Tora. They must have the tacit military and nuclear support from the Americans to go ahead and purchase those disputed islands. Japan never learn from history.

Asians will never go up but down with this constant conflict. Philippines,Vietnam and Japan...and even Asean will play into the mighty hand of the American to go into batt;e with China. Fireworks will be in full display on Asian soil, as always.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The Japanese economy is bad. The only way to boost their home economy is to create conflicts. Whack China with the backing from the Americans. Even the Filipinos are trying to test China too. Big Show coming.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
And that is why my Honkie boss keep on telling me when I was working for him " Don't do what the book tells you to do but do what the book did not tell you you can't do "

Hongkong people are smarter than Singkies in this respect.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Why can't we use the word Singaporean instead of using sinkees ?

You are right Singaporeans should not look down on Singaporeans and Singkie is derogative term but after such a long time of use, a derogative name can be a good name to use even for your buddy.


When I questioned them about going to the ICJ for arbitration (whilst in Hangzhou) about their conflict with the Philippines, they were dumbfold and couldn't give me a satisfactory answer.


You have gravely misjudged their reaction. They were not dubfounded. Indeed, one look at you is enough for them to avoid wasting more time interacting with the likes of you in any intellectual discourse. [For your language improvement: there is no such a word as "dumbfold". See what I mean ? Sheeeeee ...... ]

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
The Japanese economy is bad. The only way to boost their home economy is to create conflicts. Whack China with the backing from the Americans. Even the Filipinos are trying to test China too. Big Show coming.

Japan is a very sad story. After being an economic superpower in the 80's and 90's, the Japan today has been supplanted by Korea in consumer electronics, lost its domination in the automotive industry and the economy has stagnated for the last decade and more.

Much of the private reserves have been absorbed into the Australian money and capital markets as yen carried trade. When the anomaly of the currency and interest rates normalizes many will lose substantially on their savings. Japan will become just a backwater country in one corner of Asia.

I loved Japanese goods when they dominated the world market. But today they might not even be considered as a second set.


Nobody cares about the opinion of the king of idiots. You really take the cake posting your opinion here as if it even means anything. That's like the mentally ill person in the asylum giving his opinion that messi isn't the best football player in the world but a lion's football player is better than him. You think anyone would even care what he thinks? :rolleyes:

Hey son of a bitch. You are not fit to be a moderator. Moderators don't act in this manner. Just look at how Wuqi256 resolves disputes, even within his "Living In JB" threads. You have a lot to learn from him, fucker. Sam must be fucking blind to appoint you as a moderator.
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