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China sends ships to islands disputed with Japan: Xinhua


[h=1]S. Korean officials to visit disputed island with Japan[/h] 09-14-2012 05:12 BJT

Friction heats up between South Korea and Japan around the disputed Dokdo Islands, also known as Takeshima in Japan.
According to the National Defense Commission in South Korea’s parliament, the Commission Members have decided to visit Dokdo on October 23 for monitoring activities.
According to Yonhap news agency, the national defense committee members plan to send flowers to deceased police officers, listen to a report by the Dokdo Guard, and encourage the team to stick to their posts.
Japanese media said it’s still unknown how many will visit the island. The National Defense Commission have visited Dokdo twice in 2005 and 2008. On August 10, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak also visited Dokdo, which triggered tensions between South Korea and Japan.
The two countries are still set to launch a propaganda war over the disputed islands.


[h=1]Japan must stop playing with fire[/h]

</center>The Japanese government's illegal "purchase" of the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islets has greatly hurt the feelings of 1.3 billion Chinese people.

The Japanese government signed a "purchasing" contract with the so-called "owner" on the morning of Sept. 11. The senior government officials of Japan constantly threw out absurd speeches to embolden themselves, such as "purchasing the islands is just for smooth and steady management of them" and "purchasing islands just means that the ownership of some Japanese lands is transferred from a private owner to the country so it should not cause conflict with other countries."

The statement that the Diaoyu Islands is Japanese territory and there is not a territorial dispute between China and Japan completely ignored the historical facts and legal principles and violated the consensus reached by the older generation of Chinese and Japanese leaders on the Diaoyu Islands. It was a misjudgment to the will and executive power of Chinese government and people to safeguard their sovereignty and territorial integrity and even a blatant challenge to the fruits of the world's anti-fascist war and post-war international order. The despicable act of stealing Chinese territory in the name of "purchase" exposed Japan's sinister plot.

Japan infringed China's territorial sovereignty while brazenly announcing that "it hopes that the Diaoyu Islands issue would not affect the overall China-Japan relations." The behavior of duplicity cannot deceive anyone.


[h=1]Beijing holds meeting on safeguarding China's Diaoyu Islands[/h]

A special meeting on safeguarding China’s Diaoyu Islands has been held at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Delegates came from various sectors of society.
Ai Yang, Beijing, said, “The symposium on the Diaoyu Islands issue has invited a wide range of delegates, academics, military experts, student representatives and foreign media correspondents. Participants voiced their thoughts in strong terms.”
Le Yucheng, Chinese Asst. Foreign minister, said, "Japan’s illegal purchase of the islands is a result of the country’s changing political climate. There’s a sinister tendency inside Japan that is taking it and our bilateral relationship down an extremely dangerous road. Today China’s international status is rising fast, and the days when our nation was bullied by others at will are gone."


A special meeting on safeguarding China’s Diaoyu Islands has been held at the Diaoyutai
State Guesthouse in Beijing. Delegates came from various sectors of society.

Academics and history scholars gave solid facts of China’s sovereignty over the islands, and questioned Japan’s motive in nationalizing them.
Liu Jiangyong, Vice Director of Inst. of Modern Int’L Relations, Tsinghua Univ., said, "Japan came across the Diaoyu Islands in 1884 when it was trying to expand its territory along China’s coastal area. Their discovery of the Diaoyu Islands is 4 centuries later than China’s. The Japanese then carried out three secretive investigations of the Islands in 1895 and found out they had been already named by China’s Qing Dynasty government. They hesitated to mark them because they knew Chinese newspapers had carried out reports about them trying to land on the islands. They seized the islands through illegal means. "
Ruan Zongze, Deputy Director of China Institute of Int’L Studies, said, "Japan’s attitude right now is an outright denial of the outcomes of the victory of the World War Two and continues a direct challenge to the post-war international order. On the other hand, the US, is also responsible for transferring the administrative rights of the Diaoyu Islands to the Japanese government without China’s consent in 1951 in San Francisco. China has never recognized the San Francisco Treaty."
Participants say China will take further action if Japan does not correct its mistakes.
Su Hao, Founding Director of Center for Strategic and Conflict Mgmt., said, "We have a tit-for-tat strategy. Although we want to maintain peace in the region and consider the long-term development of Sino-Japanese relationship, if Japan continues to provoke us, China will surely employ more measures to safeguard our sovereignty. I believe our patrol ships will soon enter the waters within the 12 nautical miles of the Diaoyu Islands."
This month marks the 40th anniversary of the normalization of ties between China and Japan. But participants say China-Japan relations cannot grow by Chinese efforts alone.

A special meeting on safeguarding China’s Diaoyu Islands has been held at the
Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Delegates came from various sectors
of society.


A special meeting on safeguarding China’s Diaoyu Islands has been held at the
Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Delegates came from various sectors
of society.



[h=1]Anti-Japanese protests erupt in Beijing[/h] 09-14-2012 19:24 BJT

Japan’s recent announcement that it would "purchase" the Diaoyu Islands from a self-proclaimed private owner has provoked fierce opposition in China. Protesters gathered on Friday in front of the Japanese embassy in Beijing, to voice their opposition.
"Diaoyu islands belong to China"-- that’s the cry from this group of protesters who gathered in front of the Japanese embassy. Hundreds of protesters holding national flags rallied, shouted, and demanded the Japanese government retract its move.
"Diaoyu Islands belong to China!"
"Diaoyu Islands are an inseparable part of China, we must take action!"

Protesters gather in front of the Japanese embassy in Beijing to voice
their opposition.

China has carried out a series of countermeasures to reaffirm its sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands after Japan signed a contract to "purchase" them. They include a government declaration of territorial sea baselines, six China Marine Surveillance patrol ships sailing near the islands, and weather forecasts for the Diaoyu Islands being included in its domestic broadcast.
Hong Lei, Spokesman of Chinese Foreign Ministry, said, "China strongly opposes Japan’s illegal "purchase" of the Diaoyu Islands. The Chinese government has adopted a series of effective countermeasures to deal with this issue. We urge Japan to reverse its decision and restart negotiations with China to resolve the Diaoyu Islands dispute."
Chinese citizens, however, have been demanding a lot more.
Li Qiuyuan, Beijing, said, "Japan’s recent move of "purchasing" the Diaoyu Islands has provoked fierce opposition in China, some have cancelled their travel plans to Japan and refused to buy Japanese-made products. Protests also broke out in other major cities."
What impact these protests will have on the Diaoyu Islands dispute remains to be seen, but as Chinese citizens begin to organize at the grass roots level to voice their deep opposition, it’s very likely that more protests like this will break out if Japan continues with its provocative actions that offend the Chinese nation.


If you ask these brainwashed chinks where Senkaku Island is, I doubt many of them would be able to answer you. Chinks are born followers. Look at these protesters. They rage on cue. Very efficient robots. :rolleyes:
Last edited:


[h=1]Books show China's historic links to Diaoyu Islands[/h]

The National Library of China has released a series of documents and historic books, which contain evidence the Diaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times.
This book is written by Chen Kan, a formal Chinese envoy to the Ryukyu Islands in the Ming Dynasty, in 1534. In the book, Chen describes his journey to the islands. He stated clearly he passed through the Diaoyu Islands.
Huang Runhua, Liberarian of National Library of China, said, "I saw the Diaoyu Islands,’ said Chen Kan in his book. This sentence clearly states that China marked these places on the map as early as 1534."


The book is written by Chen Kan, a formal Chinese envoy to the Ryukyu Islands
in the Ming Dynasty, in 1534. In the book, Chen describes his journey to the
islands. He stated clearly he passed through the Diaoyu Islands.

Besides, the Diaoyu Islands have been included on China’s maritime defense system since the Ming Dynasty, some 450 years ago. And that’s supported by a book written by geographer Zheng Ruozeng and General Hu Zongxian, who was the commander in chief of Southeast China’s Maritime Defense System.
Li Zhizhong, Chief of Ancient Books Revision Committee, said, "Diaoyu Islands are included in our maritime defense system. There is no need to argue who owns the Diaoyu Islands. They’re obviously Chinese territory."
The details in these books prove that China located Diaoyu Islands and named them at the beginning of the 15th century. Japan’s claim to the territory is groundless.

The Diaoyu Islands have been included on China’s maritime defense system since
the Ming Dynasty, some 450 years ago. And that’s supported by a book written by
geographer Zheng Ruozeng and General Hu Zongxian, who was the commander in chief
of Southeast China’s Maritime Defense System.


History proves that Diaoyu Islands belong to China:


Alfrescian (Inf)
[h=1]Books show China's historic links to Diaoyu Islands[/h]

The National Library of China has released a series of documents and historic books, which contain evidence the Diaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times.
This book is written by Chen Kan, a formal Chinese envoy to the Ryukyu Islands in the Ming Dynasty, in 1534. In the book, Chen describes his journey to the islands. He stated clearly he passed through the Diaoyu Islands.
Huang Runhua, Liberarian of National Library of China, said, "I saw the Diaoyu Islands,’ said Chen Kan in his book. This sentence clearly states that China marked these places on the map as early as 1534."


The book is written by Chen Kan, a formal Chinese envoy to the Ryukyu Islands
in the Ming Dynasty, in 1534. In the book, Chen describes his journey to the
islands. He stated clearly he passed through the Diaoyu Islands.

Besides, the Diaoyu Islands have been included on China’s maritime defense system since the Ming Dynasty, some 450 years ago. And that’s supported by a book written by geographer Zheng Ruozeng and General Hu Zongxian, who was the commander in chief of Southeast China’s Maritime Defense System.
Li Zhizhong, Chief of Ancient Books Revision Committee, said, "Diaoyu Islands are included in our maritime defense system. There is no need to argue who owns the Diaoyu Islands. They’re obviously Chinese territory."
The details in these books prove that China located Diaoyu Islands and named them at the beginning of the 15th century. Japan’s claim to the territory is groundless.

The Diaoyu Islands have been included on China’s maritime defense system since
the Ming Dynasty, some 450 years ago. And that’s supported by a book written by
geographer Zheng Ruozeng and General Hu Zongxian, who was the commander in chief
of Southeast China’s Maritime Defense System.


History proves that Diaoyu Islands belong to China:
Jipun say all your stuff is fake but their 1970 story book is real. All Cheena fake but Jipun real. So goes this development. There is only one solution to this, and I think it may necessary for the neohawks to feel the reality which they have been masturbating for years.


it seems our por lumpar media seems to side with the japanese. these stupid cunts have no idea that japanese are very sly in nature, again the stupid cunts are all taken in by their so call polite appearance.

to me, the ones who provoke china are the japanese. heard from a friend in china that the situation is quite tense in some cities, the protests going on is like pre war times. but i doubt that, most chinese just don't care. and btw, the money the jap want to use to buy up the island is peanuts, china can do the same to buy maybe the whole of japan!

another thing, if china really want to go to war with japan, it's not war, it's invasion, noting japan only have their troops for defence purpose. if china really invade japan, USA and the European allies will step in to fight china. probably, japan and its allies, who are fearing the rise of china, will find this a good excuse to bring china down. see the trick setup by the japanese and knowing currently and future down the road, china is it's greatest threat. 2 cents of what i think of the situation, i may be wrong!


[h=1]Documents: Japan knew Diaoyu Islands belong to China[/h] 09-16-2012 13:43 BJT

A Chinese scholar has published 19th century Japanese government official documents related to the islands. They suggest Japan clearly knew the Diaoyu Islands were China’s when the Japanese staked claim to them in 1895.
Zhao Yingjun downloaded the documents from the Japanese National Archives website.
One of the documents was submitted by an Okinawa magistrate to the Japanese Interior Minister in 1885. The investigation paper clearly suggests the Diaoyu Islands belonged to China’s Qing Dynasty government.
Another document from the same year shows some Japanese officials warning the government not to stake claim on the Diaoyu Islands for fear of the Qing Government.
Dr. Zhao Yingjun, Beijing Normal University Law School, said, "These two Japanese documents clearly indicate that before 1895, the Japanese government recognized that the Diaoyu Islands belonged to China. "
However, 10 years later, after the 1894 China-Japan War, Japan made the decision to stake its claim to the Islands.
The Japanese government argued that they were no man’s land before January 14, 1895. Anyone who occupied them first could claim sovereignty over them.
Dr. Zhao said, "It’s because at that time, after the war, China didn’t have the strength to fight Japan. So when Japan made the Islands its territory, it was theft. "
Dr. Zhao adds that, this evidence shows that, Japan’s claim that the Diaoyu Islands were no man’s land is untenable.
Therefore, its claim of sovereignty over the islands through occupation has always been illegal.


[h=1]Geographic coordinates of Diaoyu Islands released[/h] 09-16-2012 08:52 BJT

The State Oceanic Administration on Saturday released a string of geographic information of Diaoyu Island and some of its affiliated islets, to reaffirm China’s sovereignty. Meanwhile, the National Library of China has released a series of documents and historic books, which contain evidence the Diaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times.

Reaffirming China’s sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.
The State Oceanic Administration announcement details the exact geographic coordinates of Diaoyu Island and 70 of its affiliated islets while publishing location maps, three-dimension graphs and sketch maps for the Diaoyu Islands.

<img title="The State Oceanic Administration announcement details the exact geographic coordinates of Diaoyu Island and 70 of its affiliated islets while publishing location maps, three-dimension graphs and sketch maps for the Diaoyu Islands.

" src="http://p4.img.cctvpic.com/program/china24/20120916/images/1347759132519_1347759132519_r.jpg" border="0" width="400">
The State Oceanic Administration announcement details
the exact geographic coordinates of Diaoyu Island and
70 of its affiliated islets while publishing location
maps, three-dimension graphs and sketch maps for the
Diaoyu Islands.

The announcement aims to help the public understand information concerning Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets.

<img title="The State Oceanic Administration announcement details
the exact geographic coordinates of Diaoyu Island and
70 of its affiliated islets while publishing location
maps, three-dimension graphs and sketch maps for the
Diaoyu Islands." src="http://p4.img.cctvpic.com/program/china24/20120916/images/1347759206600_1347759206600_r.jpg" border="0" width="550">
The State Oceanic Administration announcement details the exact geographic coordinates
of Diaoyu Island and 70 of its affiliated islets while publishing location maps, three-
dimension graphs and sketch maps for the Diaoyu Islands.

It came after China published the base points and baselines of the islands' territorial waters on Monday.
In a separate move, more than one thousand Chinese fishing boats will sail to waters off the islands to begin fishing and the Ministry of Agriculture has asked relevant authorities to protect the fishermen’s rights and safety.

Despite Japan’s so called claim, historical evidence proves that Diaoy
u Island and its surrounding islets have been the inherent territory of China since ancient times, and were first discovered, named and used by the Chinese.

This book was written by Chen Kan(陈侃), a formal Chinese envoy to the Islands in the Ming Dynasty, in 1534. In the book, Chen describes his journey to the islands. He stated clearly he passed through the Diaoyu Islands.

Huang Ruihua, Librarian of National Library of China, said, " ’I saw the Diaoyu Islands,’ said Chen Kan in his book. This sentence clearly states that China marked these places on the map as early as 1534. The Diaoyu Islands have been on the Chinese map since a long time ago. Its name has not been changed and are still used today."

The book, called "Chou hai tu bian" (筹海图编) published in 1561, shows that the Diaoyu Islands had been placed within China’s maritime defense system in the Ming Dynasty.

The book, called "Chou hai tu bian" (筹海图编) published in 1561, shows that the Diaoyu Islands had been placed within China’s maritime defense system in the Ming Dynasty.


The book, called "Chou hai tu bian" (筹海图编) published in 1561, shows that the Diaoyu Islands had been placed within China’s maritime defense system in the Ming Dynasty.


The book, called "Chou hai tu bian" (筹海图编) published in 1561, shows that the Diaoyu Islands had been placed within China’s maritime defense system in the Ming Dynasty.


The book, called "Chou hai tu bian" (筹海图编) published in 1561, shows that the Diaoyu Islands had been placed within China’s maritime defense system in the Ming Dynasty.


The book, called "Chou hai tu bian" (筹海图编) published in 1561, shows that the Diaoyu Islands had been placed within China’s maritime defense system in the Ming Dynasty.

Li Zhizhong, Chief of Ancient Books Revision Committee, said, "Diaoyu Islands are included in our maritime defense system. There is no need to argue who owns the Diaoyu Islands. They’re obviously Chinese territory."

However, books and maps published by Japan during that period shows no mention that that Diaoyu Islands are their territory.
Backed by historical evidence, the Diaoyu Islands are, beyond all doubt, Chinese territory. Japan’s claim to the territory is groundless.


[h=1]Chinese Americans rally against Japan´s provocations over Diaoyu Islands[/h]

China has sent a detailed map to the United Nations, clearly outlining the nautical border, which China says it has sovereignty over. But, Japan isn’t backing down. As CCTV’s Emily Drew reports, that’s leading to widespread anger.

A Chinese American protests against the US siding with Japan.(Source: Cankaoxiaoxi.com)

Chinese Americans protest in front of the Japanese embassy in New York. (Source: Cankaoxiaoxi.com)


"Protect the Diaoyu Islands." 200 Chinese-American protesters rallied at the Japanese Embassy in Washington, DC, on Sunday. Their message was clear. "We believe the Diaoyu Islands belong to China, and we're here to support the Chinese people," one protestor said.
The argument over the Diaoyu Islands re-ignited this summer. First in August, Japanese police arrested 14 Chinese citizens on the islands. Then in September, the Japanese government announced it had "nationalized" and "purchased" three islands.
Wu Huiqiu, the protest leader said, "This is unilaterally, aggressively, a provocation to the Chinese government."
Speakers at the protest said China’s rule of the islands began in the 15th Century. That’s 400 years before Japan claimed the area.
Wu Huiqiu said, "I think the Diaoyu Islands are very clearly part of China, no matter historically or geographically."
Treaties in 1951 and 1971 between Japan and the US put the islands under Japanese control. China strongly opposed and never acknowledged either agreement. Some protestors said they want the U.S. government to step out of the argument.
"We are protesting because the State Department is siding with the Japanese. I am very outraged, I am angry. That is how I feel," another protestor said.
The Chinese-Americans chose a significant date for their gathering: at this time in 1931, Japan invaded China. For some protestors, including a few World War II veterans, emotions were raw.
Protestors offered the Japanese embassy an official letter with the first demand being to, quote, "respect Chinese sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands." They also asked for a peaceful solution between China and Japan, just as other protestors throughout the United States have recently. Other protests have taken places in San Francisco, Austin, Houston, Chicago, and several other cities.


[h=1]U.S. defense secretary arrives in Beijing[/h]

BEIJING, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta arrived in Beijing Monday evening, kicking off his first visit to China as the Pentagon chief.
During his four-day stay, Panetta will hold talks with his Chinese counterpart Liang Guanglie. He is also slated to deliver a speech at the Armed Force Engineering Institute in Beijing and visit a naval facility in east China's city of Qingdao.
Last month, the Ministry of Defense said Panetta's visit is part of this year's bilateral military-to-military exchanges. The ministry said that the two militaries will conduct exchanges regarding their bilateral contact mechanism and military academies, as well as hold joint anti-piracy maritime exercises.
Panetta is in the Asia-Pacific region for a week-long trip. He completed a two-day visit to Japan on Monday and will go to New Zealand.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Thank you brother for the very scholastic and historical treatise. Japan is openly provocative ....just like the September 18 incident.


[h=1]Chinese fishing boats to set off for fishing in Diaoyu Islands[/h]

The three-month summer fishing ban in the East China Sea ended on September 16. Over 10,000 fishing boats set off for fishing from Zhejiang province and Fujian province. According to incomplete statistics, over 1,000 Chinese fishing boats from Zhejiang and Fujian enter waters around Diaoyu Islands for fishing every year. A Chinese Marine surveillance official said they will continue the patrol and law enforcement in waters near Diaoyu Islands.


[h=1]Can mainland, Taiwan jointly defend Diaoyu Islands?[/h]

Taiwanese groups gathered in Taipei on August 15, urging the Japanese government to apologize for atrocities committed by its aggressors and to stop moves intended to encroach on the Diaoyu Islands.(People's Daily Online/ Wu Yaming) Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are all angry over Japan’s recent farce of “buying the Diaoyu Islands,” said the spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office under the State Council of China Fan Liqing at a press conference on Sept. 12.

Taiwan Authorities' stance on defending the Diaoyu Islands has changed

The “practical action of defending the Diaoyu Islands” by the leader of Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou deserves to be recognized by both sides of the Taiwan Strait. On the morning of Sept. 12, organizations for unification, including the Labor Party of Taiwan, Alliance for the Reunification of China and the Cross-Strait Peaceful Development Forum, sent delegations to the Japan Communication Association in Taipei to protest Japan's action of “buying the Islands.” The organizers of the activity said that both sides of the strait will jointly defend the Diaoyu Islands and they hope the two sides will defend the sovereignty of China hand in hand.

In a “Cross-Strait Dialogue,” it was implied for the first time that the two sides should join hands to deal with Japan because it accords with the common expectations of the Chinese people on both sides of the strait. If it is feasible, it will without doubt be a great breakthrough in the political contact between the two sides.


Japan is most afraid of the two sides joining hands

Regarding the issue of defending the Diaoyu Islands, not all people are willing to see the contact between the two sides of the strait. Before Ma departed for his island-landing, the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party Su Tseng-chang had criticized Ma by saying “he is going to an irrelevant island for a vacation” and “his only wish is to stand on the Mainland’s side.”

In response, the media in Taiwan commented that it is an unavoidable historical fact that Taiwan's operation of defending the Diaoyu Islands cannot move forward without “one China.” The chairman of the New Party Yok Mu-ming published a written statement which said that since a trilateral negotiation between Chinese mainland, Japan and Taiwan cannot be realized at the time, the Taiwan authorities should hold a dialogue with the mainland so the two sides could jointly discuss issues related to defending China’s inherent territory.

A former “legislator” Qiu Yi said regarding the Diaoyu Islands dispute, Japan is most afraid that the two sides of the strait will come together. Therefore, he suggests that Ma's first step should cooperate with the mainland in escorting fishing vessels and developing oil and gas resources. He added that whether the two sides will continue to work together would depend on how the situation unfolds in the future.


[h=1]Chinese navy drill in E. China Sea[/h]

China’s Navy has conducted a live ammunition drill in the East China Sea. Naval ships, submarines and aircrafts held exercises with live fire.

The drill employed the main forces of the East China Sea Fleet of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, including dozens of warships, and carried out 16 combat training programs.

The whole drill was conducted in a simulated battle situation. Over a hundred battle platforms were organized, and more than 40 missiles were launched. A dozen military strategies were tested out.


Stop Them In Their Path !


Stop them in their path to victory. :mad: